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1 Summary This report highlights the devices and methodology involved to generate stochastic distributions and the chaotic waveforms data to be used as input in any compatible non-linear dynamic response experiment and to propose an example of experiment setup that utilizes the methodology derived to run a shaker corresponding with the input via the arbitrary waveform generator. The vibrations produced by the shaker will then be investigated and verified to be the complete accordance as the discrete stochastic distributions and chaotic waveforms generated earlier in programming tool. The proposed mechanism is to generate the stochastic distribution time series and the chaotic waveform using a numerical computing tool, Matlab (Matrix Laboratory). The generated data will be then exported to an arbitrary waveform generator to be stored and recalled as the input for the experiment. Mathematical models have been derived and established to describe the Gaussian distribution and the chaotic waveform, and proper data sets are made based on the models. Data and results acquired from the experiment were discussed and analyzed. Discussions on results obtained and an experiment setup is proposed to describe the practical application of the methodology.


SUMMARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES 1.0 2.0 3.0 Introduction Aims and Objective Literature Review 3.1 Gaussian Distribution 3.2 Chaotic Theory Mathematical models 4.1 Gaussian Distribution Mathematical Model 4.2 Chaotic Waveform Mathematical Model Description of Work Future Work


5.0 6.0

Acknowledgement First and foremost, I am very thankful to God The All Mighty for giving me the opportunity to complete my undergraduate studies Final Year Project. Alhamdulillah thummalhamdulillah. Special thanks to my supervisor, Dr Woo Ko Choong for his constant supervision and support to ensure the project flows and the necessary initiative are correctly done. Thank you for the advices, suggestions, trainings and guidance throughout the project. I would also express my gratitude to Mr Azman and all the staffs in the Mechanical Engineering Department for their sincere assistance. Last but not least, I thank to my parents, family and friends for their continuous moral support that I needed throughout the hectic final year.

List of Figures Figures Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Descriptions Page

Aims and objectives This project seeks to establish a procedure to operate an arbitrary waveform generator such that discrete data pertaining to a stochastic distribution as well as chaotic waveforms can be input to that, so that this is output in a separate experiment. The data will be used to make experimental observations of non-linear dynamic response of complex pipe. This could act as an input for experiments relating nonlinear dynamics. A practical methodology is expected to be [TBC] Introduction Vibrations of structures due to natural phenomena such as earthquakes, winds and waves are often lacking any definite patterns and stochastic, hence the sample magnitudes are given by a probability distribution rather than being deterministic. Random vibration methods have been used extensively in engineering applications to model the structural vibrations of such conditions. In order to quantify such uncertainties of forces, sophisticated load models are tailored based on the theory of probability and stochastic processes. Chaotic theory is a developing scientific discipline which is focused on the study of nonlinear systems. Chaotic theory does not referring to the implication of total disorder or randomness, as it will not contribute any beneficial findings to the community. However, the term chaos means something that appears to be random and disordered but is actually deterministic in nature, or in other words, can be precisely controlled by natural laws[1].


Report Outline This section briefly outlines the contents in every chapter of the report. Chapter 1 : This chapter confers an introductory to the readers on what the project is basically about, its objectives, time planning and also includes the brief descriptions of every chapter listed out in this experiment. Chapter 2 : This chapter discusses some literature studies which are very helpful when making the project. Chapter 3 : This segment briefly indicates how the experimental and non experimental procedure were carried out in order to obtain the valuable data to be analyzed and discussed in the following chapter. Chapter 4 : This part consists of the results obtain from the methodology. Chapter 5 : The final chapter summaries the project as a whole before come to conclusions whether the objectives have been met or if the not, several possible suggestions are to be listed for future improvements.

3. 0 Literature Review

3.1 Gaussian Distribution **** defines stochastic as

Non-stationary random vibration is that characterized by time-dependent characteristics[343]. It is frequently applied in practice, with examples including vibration of surface vehicles, airborne structures, robotic devices, rotating machinery and so on. From a physical standpoint, random vibrations are due to time-dependent and/or inherently non-linear dynamics. In considering the vibrations of a continuous structure excited by random vibrations, Powell [55] has shown that total response can be written mathematically and this form of analysis could be applied directly if the normal modes of vibrations of the structure were known. Spilios
D. Fassois et al [21] have done an experiment to provide a brief snapshot on parametric methods and

three application case studies involving dynamics of a laboratory bridge-like structure, earthquake ground motion signal and output identification of wind turbine dynamics under normal operating conditions. One of the method was using the stochastic parameter evolution of Time-dependent AutoRegressive Moving Average (TARMA) model, which provides the estimations based on the Extended Least Square (ELS) with forward, backward and forward passes over the signals with additional smoothing. Chen Zhang-wei et al (2012) [666]have studied the super-Gaussian random vibration test which utilised the signals generated Poisson process and filter theory. They claimed that high control accuracy of output power spectrum and kurtosis can be realized by applying the super-Gaussian random vibration control, and was verified by applying and comparing the methodology with the traditional Gaussian distribution random vibration test to the accelerated life testing (HALT) for an incandescent lamp. Their methodology was proven to markedly quicken the fatigue failure process.

3.2 Chaotic Theory Definition of chaos

Poincare [32] was the first person to glance the possibility of chaos, in which a deterministic system exhibits aperiodic behavior that depends sensitively on the initial conditions, thereby rendering long-term prediction impossible. Modern discussions of chaos are almost always based on the work of Edward N. Lorenz. Lorenz expended considerable effort in explaining deterministic chaos to the layman [88]. He defines a deterministic sequence as one in which only one thing can happen next, before defining randomness as being identical to the absence of determinism. In biology, chaotic theory had been applied to identify new artificial life simulations, evolutionary processes leading to understand the genetic algorithm and establish modern methodologies and systems and resolve complex problems. This includes the quantification of nervous system, which utilizes the point correlation dimensions (P2D) that have an advantage in that it does not presume stationary of the data like the correlation dimension (D2) does, thus can track the transient non-stationarities that occur when the systems changes state.[2] Applying stochastic analysis and normal functioning in this case might lead to sensitivity reduc tion and specifity that fundamentally depends on the standard deviation and power spectrum. Chaos theory in organizational development refers to a division of chaos theory which incorporates principles of quantum mechanics and presents them in a complex systems situations. A new model based on the chaotic theory was formulated for organizational forecasting. Organisations must acknowledge the uncertainties and forecast what the future could be [89] instead of just predicting what the future will be. Organizational planning and forecasting is constantly and incrementally updated.

Chaos is also applied in physics and thermodynamics in particular, where the study of turbulence leading to the understanding of selforganizing systems and system states which include equilibrium, near equilibrium, the edge of chaos and chaos. [3] Chaos theory is also producing an enormous implications on quantum physics and attempts to reconcile the chaos of quantum physics with the predictability of Newton's universe. Several papers have reported regarding the studies generally on chaotic theory. Silvio de Souza et al. (2005) [645] for example have numerically studied the dynamical behavior of a non-ideal mechanical system for controlling high-amplitude vibrations and chaotic motion. The system was represented by a vibrating cart containing a particle oscillating back and forth inside the wall of the cart. Meanwhile, Iber L. Calcas et al (2007) [45] claimed that their method of feedback control technique to suppress chaotic behavior in dissipative mechanical systems by using a small-amplitude damping signal is effective even for high levels of noisy pertubations. The applied small-amplitude signal that they used to achieve this suppression is mathematically described by a piecewise-linear absolute value function instead of a smooth sigmoid function.

4.0 Mathematical models

4.1 Gaussian Distribution The normal variable X is continuous and its probability function is given as

( )




is the mean and

is the standard deviation.

The distribution is describe as




is the variance.

4.2 Chaotic Theory For this particular project, a mathematical model describing the realistic application of chaotic theory had been derived based on a previously well-conducted experiment which studies the equilibria of differentiable dynamical system. The experiment was conducted by Moon and Holmes in 1979[5] and basically utilised a magneto-elastic mechanical system to depict the phenomena that arise in a particular forced oscillator, the driven double-well oscillator. Strogatz [6] describes this experiment to be a representative of a wide class of driven bistable systems and an example of a forced double-well oscillator. The setup of the experiment was as the figure below.

periodic forcing beam


x rigid frame

Figure 1 : The magneto-elastic mechanical system by Moon and Holmes

There are three equilibrium positions, one with the beam centered, and one with it near each magnet. A slender steel beam is clamped in a rigid framework which supports the magnet. Their attractive forces overcome the elastic forces which would be otherwise keep the beam straight and, in the absence of external loading, the beam settles with its tip close to one or the other of the magnets. Moon and Holmes (1979) modeled their system with the dimensionless equation


which is also reffered to as one of the form of Duffings equation [54]. Where is the damping constant, F is the forcing strength, and is the forcing frequency. Equation (1) can also be regard as Newtons law for a particle in a double-well potential of the form

( )


The force is an inertial force that arises from the oscillation of the coordinate system in both of the cases. X is defined as the displacement relative to the moving frame. The force acting on the beam is governed by the gradient of V *+, and thus, using Newtons second law, a simple model of the beam is provided by Or An example is set where the objective is to compute a specific function, x(t). The velocity function is given by

( )

( )


) ( ). Some of the values are fixed i.e and the initial conditions are set to be ( and while the value of forcing strength F is varied. For this example, the value of F is set to be 0.40.

1.2.0 Modeling a realistic wave vibration This project introduces a simple yet sensible methodology in order to model a realistic wave vibration due to natural or man-made phenomena implemented on relevant structures.

1.3.0 Methodology The generation of stochastic signals and chaotic waveforms is generally divided into two parts: i) The application of Matlab to produce random distribution and chaotic waveform data. ii) The exportation of data to be stored in the arbitrary waveform generator and to be displayed in the oscilloscope. Numerical data input will be channeled to the arbitrary waveform generator, creating load vibrations patterns. Once the required data are obtained, the arbitrary wave generator can input the time series to the power amplifier, thus producing desired vibrations to be implemented on the experimental pipe.

1.3.1 Generation of stochastic and chaotic input This experiment introduces an interactive high-performance programming software that is used in the generation of the sample data, Matlab (Matrix Laboratory). Matlab is a numerical computing environment and fourth-generation programming language that is able to perform integrations of numerical analysis, matrix computation, signal processing and graphics in an easy-to-use environment where problems and solutions are expressed just as they are written mathematically. Matlab programming Due to its wide compatibility range and ease of operation, Matlab is the best numerical computing tool to create the stochastic data samples. Matlab also offers large coverage of database regarding the applications of distributions and non linear dynamics, which will assist in the investigation of the generated vibration imposed to the pipe later on. An example of the output from the m-file containing random values of loads for a period of time is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 : Stochastic distribution timeseries generated in Matlab

Referring to the Figure 3, the random data samples are created and are plotted as voltage versus time, covering a period of 100 seconds with 1 second interval for each value of data. The points are marked by the cross indicators.It can be observed that the data distribution is completely random but in the range of -400 to 300. Figure 3 shows the Matlab script composed and saved as a .m file.

Figure 3 : Matlab script to produce random timeseries

It can be noted that at the first line of the Matlab script, the time series (x - axis) is determined to be in a range of 0 to 100 with 1 unit interval. The x-axis in the timeseries generated is set to represent the time in seconds (s). Matlab initializes the random number generator at startup, at which the generator creates a sequence of random numbers called the global stream.[90] Every time the rand function is runned, it will draw a new set of numbers to create the output. This means that the output produced will be different in every execution of script. The three functions that are used to draw the global stream are :

rand which returns pseudorandom numbers from a uniform distribution. randn which returns pseudorandom numbers from a normal distribution. randi which returns pseudorandom numbers from a uniform discrete distribution.

In this project, the randn command was used since it returns a n-by-n matrix containing pseudorandom values drawn from the standard normal distribution. As far as the project is concern, it generates a pseudorandom value matrix satisfying the size of the predetermined set of time interval t. The variable data produced is a set of random integers with a standard deviation of 100 with the size of 1 x 101 matrix.

The plot command at the following line will then plot the resulting output against time in a graphical record. The syntax bx- creates a blue coloured solid line with a cross point marker to represent the data. The title command in the fourth line creates the title for the graph, while the command xlabel and ylabel create the title for the x-axis and the y-axis respectively. In the following line, the command legend is used to create a legend indicating the graph. The syntax Location is used to input the desired position for the legend, and NorthEastOutside is written to establish the particular position. The next line establish fopen, the command to open file or to obtain information about the files. The variable fid is created to generate a separate file which displays these random values in ASCII format. This ASCII format values are important, as they are the input that will be read by the arbitrary waveform generator to produce the corresponding Gaussian distribution timeseries as produced in Matlab. The values generated is in a .txt file, which can be easily opened by any wordpad of text editor. The fprintf command in the next line is to write information from data variable to the text file generated earlier. The syntax L%6.3f indicates that a letter L is pre-assigned before each single value generated showing the random value at the instance of the time interval and the values are generated such that is has a field width (significant figures) of 6 and has the precision of 3 digits. Lastly, at the last line, fclose is used to close the program and indicates the end of the script. For the chaotic waveform, two scripts are required to perform the required functions. Matlab uses ordinary differential equations (ODE) solvers to generate the chaotic response. The list of ode solvers available are ode45, ode23, ode113, ode15s, ode23s, ode23t and ode23tb which can be used if the respective conditions are met. In this case, the ODE solver used was the ode15s which is the best solver for problems involving stiff structure with low to medium degree of accuracy. The first script composed, named rigid.m, contains a list of function command s to be established based on the previously constructed mathematical models. The script also declared 3 global variables that can be referred and used by any distinct script given that the command global is recalled.

Figure 4 : The rigid.m file script.

A separate file rigidrun.m is also composed to recall and execute the function in rigid.m file. The script basically assigned any values to the global variables and thus running the commands. Figure 5 shows the rigidrun.m script composed.

Figure 5 : the rigidrun.m file script. ASCII codes .txt file The execution of the Matlab script will simultaneously produce a .txt file containing the data samples in the form of ASCII codes that can be used as input to the arbitrary waveform generator. The values are representing the data variable from the Matlab script composed earlier.

Figure 4 : ASCII codes .txt file

The values produced were divided into several lines to ease the management of data exportation and to assist the monitoring of the points transfer. Points generated are divided into 5 units per line. For every line, a value is assigned preceded by the letter k which represents the x-position of the first point of the line. The values following it will be used to generate the corresponding points with the first point will be located with respect with the value of x-position determined earlier. The values generated in the .txt file, which can be easily opened by any word pad of text editor, are then be exported into the arbitrary waveform generator using the software that comes with the GPIB-USB-HS cable.


The exportation of data to the arbitrary waveform generator

There are several ways to plot standard and arbitrary waveforms using the arbitrary waveform generator. The methods available includes the predetermined setup for standard waveforms, the waveform individual point editing using a pair of points called thumbtacks which are placed at each end of the portion of the waveform to be edited when the appropriate editing value is invoked, and the exportation of ASCII numerical data from an external source through the IEEE-488 Communication Port. The last method was chosen in this project due to its high accuracy and applicability when being implemented in an experiment. General Purpose Interface Bus to Universal Serial Bus (GPIB-USB-HS) cable To transfer the ASCII data from the .txt file to the arbitrary waveform generator, a device is used to channel the input. The GPIB-USB-HS is the implementation of the IEEE specification 488.2 to USB port which allows the communication between a computer and GPIB - enabled instrument. Any computer with a USB port can be transformed into a full function, plug-andplay IEEE 488.2 controller for up to 14 programmable GPIB instruments with the NI GPIB-USBHS. The GPIB-USB-HS takes advantage of Hi-Speed USB to provide superior performance of up to 1.8 MB/s with the standard IEEE 488 handshake and 7.7 MB/s with the high-speed IEEE 488 handshake (HS488). [7]

Figure 5 : General Purpose Interface Bus to Universal Serial Bus (GPIB-USB-HS)

Using a TNT family talker/listener/controller IEEE 488.2 ASIC, the GPIB-USB-HS can provide normal and extended talker and listener and pass/receive control functions. In the talk function, the cable will allow data transfer to the instrument, while the listen function will enable the instrument to acquire data over the bus. In this case, the GPIB-USB-HS will act as the talker, and the arbitrary wave generator will be the listener. The USB hub is connected to the USB port at the computer that will be powered by specific drivers, while the GPIB end will be connected to the back of the arbitrary waveform generator. Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Arbitrary waveform generator is a device that is able to generate almost every type of electrical waveforms. Being more advanced than a function generator, the arbitrary waveform generator offers the facility to produce any arbitrarily defined waveform as the output. The waveforms generated can be either single shot or repetitive and can be can be channeled into compatible devices to be tested and analysed. Waveforms are usually defined as a series of specific voltage targets occurring at specific times along the waveform. Arbitrary waveform generators also offer a variety of method to input point specification for data interpolations. The arbitrary waveform generator used in the experiment is Wavetek Model 75 manufactured by Wavetek.

Figure 4 : Wavetek Model 75 arbitrary waveform generator

Some arbitrary waveform generator also provides the conventional standard and additional built-in waveforms such as sinx/x, exponential function etc. Figure 5 shows an example of custom wave that is generated from the arbitrary wave generator to be displayed on the oscilloscope. Other custom functions can be seen in the appendix.

Figure 5 : A custom waveform generated using the arbitrary wave generator

The stochastic data is channeled to the arbitrary wave generator after all the required equipment is in place. Plugging in the GPIB-USB-HS cable will prompt a window to browse the specific .txt file and the cable will start talking with the generator. After the connection has been established, some extra soft key menu will appear in the arbitrary wave generator. The waveform data will be sent by sending the letter K with the initial number of the first address, representing the x-coordinate of the initial point of the time series. Then, the letter L has to be input to the generator followed by the y-coordinate of the first point. These steps have to be repeated until all the data are stored in the arbitrary wave generator. The arbitrary waveform generator provides non- volatile battery backed up memory that can store three waveforms with its particular parameter settings to be recalled and deleted anytime. However, this feature is only available with horizontal resolutions of 2048 points or less. Wavetek Model 75 also provides rubber band editing, which is needed to expand the time span for the waveform of random loads. A cursor is placed between the thumbtacks and it can be moved to increase the length of X axis, Y axis, or both. This is essential to make sure that the waveforms can cover the course of the required time span.

1.4.0 Methodology of transferring the waveform

A matlab script was composed to simulate the random loading and simultaneously produce a corresponding .txt file containing the ASCII numerical data. The data from the .txt file was then transferred to the arbitrary waveform generator using the General Purpose Interface Bus to Universal Serial Bus (GPIB-USB-HS) cable. Each of the points must be exported by sending the letter K which represents the arbitrary address followed by the X location of the first point. The letter L will then be sent preceding every successive data values until the end of the waveform. The waveform will only increment every time the letter K is sent followed by the specific Y location value for the point. This procedure will be repeated until it reaches a certain length. The waveform will be afterwards stretched using the thumbtacks function using the digital cursor until the waveform is sufficient to cover the required period for the experiment. The waveform, with all of its parameter values preserved, will be later stored into the arbitrary waveform generators nonvolatile internal memory. The waveform can now be recalled, exchange with another active waveform or be channeled into any compatible applications. The schematic drawing of the experiment is as shown in the figure below.

Figure 6 : Schematic Diagram of the Methodology

Methodology Outcome

There are two time series produced for every sample of stochastic waveform generation, the time series created in Matlab from the script composed earlier (Figure 7) and the time series that have been exported and stored in the arbitrary waveform generator, which is depicted in the oscilloscope (Figure 8).

Figure 7 : Time series created in Matlab

Figure 8 : The time series stored in the arbitrary waveform generator

Both generated time series are then superimposed over each other in order to verify the synchronization of the two time series. The product of the two time series is then examined to confirm that the timeseries from the arbitrary waveform generator is the exact reproduction of the one made in Matlab. The final superimposed time series is as the Figure 9.

Figure 9 : The Superimposed Time Series

From Figure 9, it can be seen that the

By a rough visual inspection, it can be seen that chaotic waveforms appear to be irregular and posses no definite pattern.

The waveform can further be confirmed by the inspection of the phase planes, Fourier series and The chaotic behavior can be explained through analysis of a chaotic mathematical model, or through analytical techniques such as recurrence plots and Poincare maps.

6.0 Future works The methodology that has been established up is very useful and practical. In order to show its practicality, an experiment setup is proposed to provide a brief and simple view of the application. 6.1 Experiment setup An experiment was proposed to verify the efficiency of the discovered methodology. The experiment is basically intended to make an experimental observation of complex non-linear dynamics of a complex pipe. Generally, the experiment can be viewed as a depiction of response pattern on man-made structure under the implementation of vibration due to natural phenomena, which is basically represented by the random loading simulations. Figure 10 shows the setup of the experiment.

Figure 10 : The schematic diagram for the methodology testing experiment

6.2.1 Power amplifier Power amplifier is a device for increasing the power of a signal by use of an external energy source[9], which in this case is the signal from the arbitrary waveform generator. Ideally, an amplifier increases the power of a signal without contributing any alteration to it. Practical amplifiers have finite distortion and noise which they invariably add to the signal. This amplifier is a high quality, low distortion type and produces low noise units that can be used for any radio frequency application that requires high output current capability. The power amplifier is designed to tolerate highly reactive loads and will recover automatically from short circuit and over-temperature conditions. The combinations of features such as high heat rejection, high output current, DC output availability, power-on interlock, wide variety of sources (voltage or current) is the main criteria that make the amplifier suitable to be used in this experiment.

Figure 11 : Power Amplifier

Stochastic voltage signals stored inside the arbitrary waveform generator will be recalled and channeled to the power amplifier to be amplified. The weak signals magnitude produced by the arbitrary waveform generator are not sufficient to drive the shaker, thus the power amplifier is needed to primarily to amplify the signals until they reaches the minimum magnitude of operating requirement. During the process of inputting the signal into the power amplifier, the

constant voltage mode is selected to ensure the voltage variation generated is solely from the signal from the arbitrary waveform generator. The shaker will be then able to detect the signals thus implementing the corresponding vibrations to the complex pipe. When operating the power amplifier, it is essential to monitor the range of voltage produced. A certain voltage limit is predetermined to prevent the shaker from being damaged.

6.2.2 Shaker

Figure 12 : The vibrating system connected to the pipe Figure 12 above shows the shaker system that is used to replicate the corresponding variations based on the data signals. A complex pipe is attached to the shaker and a data acquisition system is also attached to obtain the response from the pipe after undergoing the vibration phase.

The chaotic theory can also be investigated to be realistically applied in real situations. The physical realizations of the twin-well Duffing oscillator for example, included a roller coaster type mechanical system whereby a small cart rolling on a double-well potential energy shaped track was contrived to mimic the behavior of the equation [17]


Conclusion A simple and practical methodology has been identified as the outcome of the project. Though the project is often viewed as a very basic undertaking and being describe not as a sophisticated project, the outcome of the project has actually provide very valuable essence for future work and development. The methodology produced in this project might be very valuable and beneficial in the sense that it can be the best alternative to be considered when planning and executing a poor or moderately funded experiment, since no high-end devices and equipment are needed. The procedure also can be implemented in learning modules for higher-education institutions as a hands-on program or an early exposure to the students to undergo more advance undertakings.

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Arbitrary waveform generator


Figure 6 : Schematic Diagram of the Methodology

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