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Indian gov't seeks review of 'non-performing' officials News Desk The Statesman Publication Date : 02-07-2012 In an apparent bid

to ensure a high standard of efficiency in governance, the In dian government has asked all states to review the working of all-India service officers so that non-performing officials can be retired from government service . The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), in a missive, has asked for a p erformance review of Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Forest Service officers, who have completed at least 15 years o f service. "A member of the all-India service who has completed 15 years of qualifying serv ice or has completed 25 years of qualifying service or attained the age of 50 ye ars will, invariably, be found to occupy a senior administrative post. It would not be acceptable to find that such a member has become a mere passenger in the senior level in which he or she is placed. One must always guard against the ope ration of the 'Peter Principle', Dr S K Sarkar, additional secretary in the DoPT, said. The "Peter Principle", coined by psychologist Laurence J Peter and Raymond Hull in 1969, is a belief that in an organisation where promotion is based on achieve ment, success, and merit, the employees there will eventually be promoted beyond their level of ability. The principle is also phrased as employees tend to rise to their level of incompe tence . In January, the central government had amended Rule 16 (3) of the All-India Serv ices Rules which allowed a performance review only after completion of 30 years of qualifying service. The new rules gives powers to the government to give retirement to these officer s in public interest after at least 15 years in the job. The government can again carry out such review after the officer completes 25 years of service or attains the age of 50 years. The DoPT also raised doubts about the efficiency of officers where the overall g rade or assessment were mentioned as average in the Annual Confidential Report or Performance Appraisal Report. To describe a member of an all-India service as average is not complimentary. Whi le it may not be an adverse remark, it is nevertheless a reflection upon his wor k or conduct and should be taken to indicate output, which is ordinary and routi ne, the DoPT said in its circular issued to all chief secretaries of the states a nd Union Territories. It said that remarks like "Adequate" and "Satisfactory" over a period of 5-7 yea rs, without mention of any notable achievement, would also indicate that the mem ber has reached a plateau. Similarly, it is found that in some cases, a member of an all-India service receives a lukewarm or equivocal certificate of integrity. Such an entry would indicate that there is some doubt in the mind of the report ing or reviewing authority about the integrity of the member. "In all such cases, it would be quite appropriate for the government to examine the matter thoroughly in order to decide whether action under Rule 16(3) of AIS

Rules, 1958 would be warranted, it said. Meanwhile, in a fresh circular sent to all state home secretaries, the Union hom e ministry has issued a fresh deadline of July 15 for IPS officers to submit the ir annual immovable property returns (IPRs), failing which they will not be pro moted and given other benefits which include posting at the central government. The IPS officers who have not submitted their IPRs for the year 2011 will be deni ed vigilance clearance for promotion, empanelment, other nominations for trainin g and awards, the circular said. Home minister P Chidambaram had on Friday expres sed unhappiness over non-filing of IPRs by IPS officers.

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