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what to read next in independent publishing

Photo: Sean Ivester, A golden idol marks the end of an indoor temples archway.





pigments of imagination a 24-pack of color classics

DEPARTMENTS 4 14 22 28 30 32 39 60 62 65 67 68 69 a note from the publisher translations novel thinking kid lit design photo essay bookshelf indie spotlight poetry staff picks small press reviews last words contributors

6 the interviews Kevin Powers, Elissa Schappell, and Adam Levin swatches a sampling of hues to colorize your reading list to be red high-saturation fiction for your TBR stack going green Green Girl by Kate Zambreno kinds of blue Cubop City Blues and more 12


16 18 20

what to read next in independent publishing

a word from the


espite the grey tones dominating the New York Times bestseller list, theres a whole reading rainbow of fantastic fiction worthy of your attention. We hope youll find a new favorite color in these pages, which feature 50 shades of current and classic fiction as charted below in order of appearance. You will see one gray on the list, but ours, dear readers, is Dorian.
Margaret Brown publisher The Yellow Birds Blueprints for Building Better Girls Hot Pink Sand Queen Purple Black T-Shirt Collection Peach The Emerald Storm The Coffee Story The Devil in the Flesh Mister Blue How Should a Person Be? (red cover) 15 Seconds (red cover) He Died with His Eyes Open (red cover) HHhH (red cover) How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (red cover) The Sisters Brothers (red cover) Green Girl Cubop City Blues The Blue Light Project The Blue Book The Blue Hour Blueprints of the Afterlife Half-Blood Blues The Blood Poetry The Red Badge of Courage Soylent Green The Scarlet Letter The Orange Suitcase Black Hole Blue Movie Gravitys Rainbow White Jacket Bluebeard A Clockwork Orange White Noise Black Beauty The Gold Bug Variations The Color Purple The Bluest Eye The Golden Bowl The Broken Blue Line The Red Tent Goldfinger The Woman in White The Scarlet Pimpernel Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective Green Eggs and Ham The Picture of Dorian Gray Red, Right, Return





Chanel, Astaire, Lindbergh,
and other Twenties somethings





what to read next in independent publishing



what to read next in independent publishing






Vivian Maier

Street Photographer


The Enlightened
Laura Dern
Essays on Madonna Portlandias Indie Bookstore


what to read next in independent publishing



what to read next in independent publishing



what to read next in independent publishing





how they were found






create dangerously

Ed Ruscha The L Life


Novel ties
Literary Tattoos
Suitcase Books
Poetry After 9/11

Orange Prize Finalist Kathleen Winter

what to read next in independent publishing what to read next in independent publishing

what to read next in independent publishing



what to read next in independent publishing










Detroit Disassembled

sharon pomerantz

Canal House Cooking

portland, oregon
slut lulla bies

Kael Alford

speed vegan

the end of baseball


blows to the head

what to read next in independent publishing

what to read next in independent publishing

what to read next in independent publishing



what to read next in independent publishing



what to read next in independent publishing

Proudly celebrating our second anniversary!

The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers

yellow pages

Little, Brown and Company

he war tried to kill us in the spring, begins this gorgeously written debut novel by Kevin Powers, a veteran of the war in Iraq. The Yellow Birds is at once a searing portrayal of the unremitting hell experienced by two soldiers and a work of such accomplishment that Great American Novel seems a warranted accolade. More please, Kevin Powers.
Shelf Unbound: The Yellow Birds succeeds as both an evocative, poetic novel and a high-impact documentary of the horrors of war. Were these aspects equally important to you? Kevin Powers: Yes. And I would even say that I found it impossible to separate the two. I chose to emphasize the language as a way of highlighting what it was, exactly, that I was trying to document. Instead of simply creating a record of fictional events in time, a catalogue of circumstances if you will, I wanted to use the language as a kind of parallel to the experience of being in a war. I hoped that if the language in the book was strange and immediate and dynamic, but also clear, then a reader would have access to the full spectrum of emotional and sensory confusion that becomes Bartles everyday interior life. Many writers have very capably shown us the kinds of things that happen in war. I expect others yet to come will look at the war and illuminate that terrain with even brighter lights. I wanted to create the portrait of one person looking out from it, and to see what light, if any, would escape. Shelf Unbound: How soon after returning from serving in Iraq did you start writing the book, and what was your starting pointa character, or a scene, or a specific memory?


Powers: I started writing it about a year or so after I got back. I began by attempting to answer the question, What was it like over there? I was asked that question quite regularly and I became fixated on the idea of likeness and its function in the way we understand the world. It seems to me that analogy, comparison, simile, metaphor, whatever, are all inherent in our process of perceiving reality and our constant testing of our perceptions. Whether these relationships fit the patterns we are accustomed to, and so on. I wanted to explore the difficulty of trying to order the world as those relationships broke down. What would you test reality against after all previously held assumptions about the world had proved unreliable? In the face of our most extreme of human experiences, what kind of worldview would you have to cobble together from what remained? Shelf Unbound: I read that you completely scrapped the first draft of the novel. How come? Powers: I mostly completely scrapped it. The ideas I mention in response to your previous questions occurred to me as a result of that first draft. I realized that I wanted to make them the focus of the book and that I would have to start over to have any chance of doing so effectively. Shelf Unbound: Was writing the book cathartic? Powers: It never occurred to me until this very moment, but that may have been why I needed that first draft. It wasnt until I started over that I felt like I was writing (however briefly) with the kind of clarity I wanted. Shelf Unbound: What are you working on now? Powers: I have a book of poems in a state of relative completion and Ive started thinking with some determination about my second novel.



blue lines

Blueprints for Building Better Girls by Elissa Schappell Simon and Schuster

n eight interconnected stories, Elissa Schappell explores post-feminist revolution female angst with precision, brilliance, humor, and heart. I love this book. Margaret Brown

Shelf Unbound: As the writer of the Hot Type book column for Vanity Fair, cofounder of Tin House magazine, and former senior editor of The Paris Review, youve probably read as much contemporary fiction as anyone. So with Blueprints for Building Better Girls, was there a particular literary territory you wanted to stake out as your own? Elissa Schappell: Since the time I was a little girl, writing has been the one thing I have always done and it is the only thing I have ever been good at. Growing up I very much wanted to please my parentswho were good parentsand be a good daughter. And certainly in the culture I was growing up in, girls were supposed to be nice. But I was a depressed kid from about the time I was 10, and nobody wanted to hear about that. So I would actually write swear words in water on the wall of my closet. I would write fuck there and in the pages of my diary. I wrote terrible poetry and terrible limericks. Writing was the one place where I could unload my anger. When I was an editor at The Paris Review, there was constantly brilliant stuff in front of me. Wow, we have another story by Alice Munro! We published the beginning of The Virgin Suicides. I was constantly thinking, Why do I even try? This is crazy. But you also see that good writers write bad stories, and I discovered that if I typed one of Raymond Carvers stories into the computer I could see what he was doing. For me writing was life saving. It was the way that I solved the problem of being alive.


Shelf: Your female characters struggle with anorexia, infertility, motherhood, jobs, rape, narcissistic partners, etc. The commonality, and what compelled me to relate to each of them, strikes me as the struggle with identity. Do you see your characters as suffering a collective identity crisis? Schappell: Blueprints has a chorus of female voices that, while different, are singing the same song: This is what its like to be a woman in America. My idea was to write about very recognizable female characters and to tell the story you dont know about themthe story they want you to know. We didnt get blueprints. We got an entire booka whole bunch of ideas that you should be a mother and a perfect wife and have a job and have great girlfriends and that you must volunteer. In etiquette books they tell you how to behave as a well-mannered person. In this book I wanted to show how these rules passed down from generation to generation hurt and separate and alienate women and how ultimately they force us to adopt these personas that dont reflect who we are as a way to protect ourselves. When I think about identity, we are all burdened with an identity of our own making but also one projected onto us, and theres no way that cant be complicated. For me that is where the drama is. Shelf: You are known for your brilliant concision; The New York Times Book Review calls you a diva of the encapsulating phrase. What is your process for constructing a spectacularly descriptive and evocative brief sentence like Roger had noticed the scar on the inside of my arm the third time we had sex.? Schappell: I write a lot and then I cut it in half. It takes me a long time to figure out what I want to say. I work really, really hard at it. It is work and it should be work and it should hurt a little bit. For me personally, it should hurt. It takes a long time to write something truthful.


Hot Pink by Adam Levin

pink ink


dam Levin delivers non-stop dazzle in the short story collection Hot Pink: The fifty-third day in a row we hung out, me and Franco got all these grilled cheese sandwiches at Theos BaconBurgerDog from Jin-Woo Kim, who people call Gino because were not in Korea or are in Chicago or people are lazy or two of those reasons. But its not just spectacle; Levin also writes with affecting poignancy. Hot Pink is my new favorite color. Ben Minton
Shelf Unbound: Your award-winning debut novel The Instructions weighed in a 1,030 pages; Hot Pink is a collection of 10 short stories. Which is more challengingdeveloping and sustaining a long story or encapsulating a short one? Adam Levin: Its a tie. Im desperately afraid of boredom, so whenever I sit down to write fiction, I attempt the most challenging thing I can. Shelf: Whats the starting point for you in concocting characters like Susan Fells, a precocious 15-year-old lesbian double-amputee with denial and mother issues, or Jane Tell, an art school dropout who entices strangers to injure her? Levin: The starting point is almost always the sentences. Ill write a bunch of sentences til I get to one that I like, then delete the others. Of the one I like, Ill ask myself one of the following questions: What kind of person would say what was just said? What kind of person would think what was just thought? What kind of person would care to make the observation just made? Ill get some vague answer (e.g., An angry young woman would say this.), then write another sentence I like that follows the first, and Ill ask one of the aforementioned questions again, but with a more specific subject, (e.g.,What kind of angry young woman



would say what was just said?) or, if the second sentence seems to be a bit dissonant with the first, which is often the case when things are going well (at some point, fairly early on, some dissonance will definitely need to arise if Im going to stay interested in what Im working on), Ill ask the question more argumentatively (e.g., How could the angry young woman from the first sentence possibly be the same speaker/thinker/observer as the speaker/thinker/observer in this second sentence?). And so on, til the the third or fourth or twentieth sentence til whenever the dissonance threatens to become nonsense -- at which point Ill address the dissonance more directly, which gives rise to plot, which itself helps further determine who the character is. Other times, I just get bored, so I cut some awkward young geniuss legs off or something, and then have to figure out how to justify that narratively. Shelf: You write quirky characters who relentlessly fail each other and themselves, and yet you portray them with what ultimately seems like affection. Do you assess real people with the same generosity? Levin: When I find them entertaining, yes. Shelf: What are you working on now? Levin: A novel, I think.

COLLECT ALL THREE | Turns out Hot Pink also comes in blue or grey so you can pick one to go with your couch. Cover illustration by Walter Greensee more of his cover designs at




new hues

Sand Queen offers the rare and compelling story of two women on opposite sides of the Iraq War, one a soldier, one a citizen, in a novel that has been called the female version of Tim OBriens The Things They Carried. Helen Benedict After a Purple storm sweeps around Planet Earth stealing millions of people, four orphaned teenagers and a feisty bunch of pensioners join forces to discover the truth and rescue the missing. Graham Sharpe

Sand Queen by Helen Benedict Soho Press

Purple by Graham Sharpe Graham Sharpe



Black T-Shirt Collection is an epic, powerful short story of how global politics, religion and money affect the lives of two t-shirt entrepreneurs, two foster brothers, two close friends. Inua Ellams

On Prom Night 1969in the middle of the sexual revolution with a stuttering cousin for a date looking cool is an impossible dream for our fierce narrator, Peach, who tries, somehow, to be herself. Joanne Green

Black T-Shirt Collection by Inua Ellams Oberon Books

Peach by Joanne Green Open Door

A stolen emerald and a ruthless kidnapping embroils American adventurer Ethan Gage and his wife Astiza in a desperate hunt for Aztec treasure, ancient secrets of flight, and their missing son during the 1803 slave revolt in Haiti. William Dietrich

Set in 1930s Ethiopia, as powerful as a double espresso and chosen by Toby Litt in The New Statesman as his book of the year, The Coffee Story is a funny, exhilarating and ultimately tragic story of the death of a coffee baron, and the loss of the woman he loved at 10 and lost at 14. Peter Salmon

The Emerald Storm by William Dietrich Harper Collins

The Coffee Story by Peter Salmon Sceptre




aymond Radiguet was born in 1903 in Saint-Maur, a small town outside Paris. He was the son of a cartoonist, but little else is known about his childhood until, at age 16, he dropped out of school after an affair with the wife of a soldier off fighting in the first World War, to go to Paris. Once there he quickly began writing for the magazine Sic, alongside writers such as Louis Aragon and Andre Breton, and he befriended many notable Modernists, including Pablo Picasso and Jean Cocteau. Despite his age, he also quickly developed a reputation for fast living; Ernest The Devil in the Flesh Hemingway would later accuse him By Raymond Radiguet of sleeping with Cocteau, among Translated by Christopher Moncrieff others, to advance his career. At the age of 18, after writing a collecMelville House Publishing tion of poems that would only be published posthumously, Les joues en feu, Radiguet moved to a fishing village near Toulon to work on the novel that would become his masterpiece, The Devil in the Flesh, which was based on his high school affair. Cocteau would later claim that hed had to lock Radiguet in his hotel room to keep him from drinking binges rather than writing. The authors youth and the scandalous story made the book a sensation, but Radiguet did not have long to enjoy his fame. Less than a year later, shortly after taking a trip with Cocteau to the country to finish a second novel, Le Bal du comte dOrgel, Radiguet died of typhoid fever at age 20. Composer Francis Poulenc said of his death, For two days I was unable to do anything, I was so stunned. Christopher Moncrieff




et me begin with the title, which is not a translation from the French, Le vieux Chagrin. Literally, the old sorrow or grief or sadness. Memories perhaps of a lost love. Reading the novel we discover that Le vieux Chagrin is also the name of the narrators cat. The names of French cats often contain the sound of the word chat. A pun, untranslatable, into English at any rate. I needed to find, or to make a new image. As it happened, a novelist friend was visiting and he and my husband and I Mister Blue settled down for a brainstorming ses- by Jacques Poulin sion. All three of us were familiar with translated by by Sheila Fischman Poulins novels, his imagery and even some of his literary passions: a cat, Archipelago Books theres always a cat in those novels; a prevailing atmosphere marked by an underlying melancholy, nostalgia, regret. Everything is tender, mild, outwardly calm. I went over the titles of his other novels, which include The Heart of the Blue Whale, My Sisters Blue Eyes, Volkswagen Blues and there it was, the beginning of an image that could characterize both the mood and the feline character in the novel. Blue. A novel entitled Blue? I dont think so. As the name of a cat? Familiar, forgettable. If we gave the cat a name that would contain the word blue though, a word that would put us automatically into a particular emotional state and that we could imagine calling out from the doorstep to encourage the cat to come home for lunch Lets try a title, an honorific. The cat is male, we know that from the French pronouns. Its an easy leap then to a title for a male cat living in a world of nostalgia, longing, regret and to a title for my translation. And that is how Mister Blue was born. Sheila Fischman




red letters

To Be Red

High-saturation fiction for your TBR stack

A gorgeous, wise, riveting work of, among other things, cowboy noir. David Wroblewski Ecco 2011,

A gripping study in obsession and absolute, awful evil. Sunday Times Melville House Publishing 2011,

A brainy reverie of sexbots, rayguns, time travel, and Buddhist zombie mothers. The Economist Vintage 2011,

A total white knuckle, stay-up-all-night thrill ride. Harold Coben William Morrow 2012,

A really amazing metafiction-meets-nonfiction novel thats so funny and strange. Lena Dunham Henry Holt 2012,

A gripping novel that brings us closer to history as it really happened. Alan Riding Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2012,



going green

Green Girl By Kate Zambreno

Emergency Press

Oh these green girls do they have reverence for anything except the fragility of their own pendulum of mood? asks the narrator of lost girl Ruth and her bad girl friend Agnes. Kate Zambreno has crafted an absorbing novel of self-absorption, a novel that has you marveling at its sentences. Next from Zambreno? Heroines, which she describes as a critical memoir revolving around my obsession with the wives and myths of modernism. Look for Heroines this fall from Semiotext(e).



The establishing shot. Train about to depart. Mind the gap. The doors shut like a silencer. Shooosssh. Crowded car. Bodies, bodies, bodies. Ruth remains standing, gripping the metal pole to steady herself. Maybe itll miss the tracks next time, she thinks. She images her face smashed, unrecognizable. Gone in pieces like a porcelain doll. The tube jerks about on the tracks, like teeth grating. She jerks with it automatically, seeing through into the next car coiling like a snake. More bodies, bodies, bodies. She gasps a violent inhale. Eyes warm her. She relaxes her face blank. She leans forward to check the watch of the man reading a Metro. The silver timepiece rests on a thatch of black. She is going to be late. Eyes will swivel to regard her as she hurries in to work. Eyes will swivel. Eyes will roll. The terrible girls with their bloodless faces. She will not fall into the pits of their cruel eyes. She gazes at four blonde women, their gold wedding rings clicking against the pole, which they clutch as if drowning. They are wearing sandals and knee-length shorts despite the chill. She pretends to ignore them. She basks in feelings of superiority. She is sure they are going to Horrids. She images them ooh and aah at the impressive store towering like a giant stone wedding cake, at the doormen in regal green, scurrying through the revolving doors to become ants in the teem and buzz. The train suddenly lurches. The four women swan and fall forward. All together. Blonde, blonde, blonde, blonde. Ruth allows the shocks to jolt through her. They get off with her to transfer to Piccadilly, Ruths face still a cool Noh mask, them chirping, flustered, as they plop gingerly onto the platform. She follows their fat white calves, flaky with dry skin, up the escalator. From Green Girl by Kate Zambreno, Emergency Press 2011, Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.




kinds of blue

Grove/Atlantic ubop City Blues is structured the way a jazz composition often is, where the melodic line leads to harmonic riffs. In jazz (both American and Afro-Cuban) the harmony is as important as the melody, and in some cases more so. The base melodic line is the Story-Tellers, from which other stories move. In the end things always go back to displacement and exile. Those are the themes that predominate in the book and inform not only the Story-Tellers life but his stories as well. The title of the novel is taken from the tune Cubop City, composed by Mario Bauz and made famous by the big band Machito and His Afro-Cubans in 1948. Cubop, a blend of Afro-Cuban music and Bebop, was the precursor to Latin jazz. It was developed by Dizzy Gillespie, the Cuban conga player Chano Pozo, and other musicians in Dizzys band, back in the 1940s. Beat on those tomtoms, Dizzy told Chano, and Chano did, with great abandon and intelligence. My Cubop City is New York in musical disguise, the Cuban, the Afro, and the American told in point/counterpoint. Pablo Medina

Photo: Courtesy Library of Congress

Pablo Medinas Cubop City Blues Playlist

Machito and His Afro Cubans: Cubop City | YOUTUBE LINK Chano Pozo: Rumba Rumbero | YOUTUBE LINK Dizzy Gillespie: Manteca Theme | YOUTUBE LINK Ignacio Cervantes: Three Cuban Danzas | YOUTUBE LINK Jelly Roll Morton: Classic Jazz Piano | YOU TUBE LINK

More Blue Ribbon Books

The Blue Light Project by Timothy Taylor, Soft Skull Press 2011, CBC Bookie Award Finalist for 2012. The Blue Book by A.L. Kennedy, House of Anansi 2012, Longlisted for the 2012 Orange Prize for Fiction. The Blue Hour by Alonso Cueto, William Heinemann 2012, Winner of the Premio Herralde de Novela award for best novel in Spanish. Blueprints of the Afterlife by Ryan Boudinot, Grove/Atlantic 2012, Boudinot is a previous PEN/USA literary award finalist.

came to Cubop City as a boy, brought here by my parents, who fled one Half-Blood Blues by Esi Edugyan, Picador 2012, Sodom and entered another and Winner of the 2011 Scotianever looked back. My father was a soap bank Giller Prize. maker, my mother was a housewife. Before I was born, shed been an aspiring torch singer. After I was born she gave up the torch and tried to be a torch but motherhood wasnt in her. She did everything in her power to keep me from coming into being, but she failed. Here I am. Growing up I heard her singing in the shower, her voice silky and seductive. Dry, she wrung her hands and became illmoans and wails coming out of the bedroom. A burning in her womb. My grandmother took care of me, my grandmother who was all power and love, bountiful love and meaning, and when she could no longer, a bevy of aunts fawned over me. There was Leonora, who bathed and dressed me; Alba, who woke me and powdered me with talcum; Minerva, who tried to teach me the ways of the world, and Carlota de Los Angeles, who made me kiss the Virgin every day, though I never learned what that brought or why it was better than eating a banana or listening to rain splattering on the roof. Finally there was Marina, who took me to the beach and told me that all great things come from depth. She put wreaths of seaweed on my head and made me stand at the waters edge so that I could feel the tongue of the sea at my feet. I couldnt take a step without their knowing; I couldnt say a word without their leaping with excitement in exultant dances, quick flighty steps into the light of the future. I woke up at night clawing at the mosquito net, thinking my mothers illness was my fault. Years later, I found out it was.
CUBOP CITY BLUES 2012 by Pablo Medina; reprinted with the permission of the publisher, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.


novel thinking

The Blood Poetry by Leland Pitts-Gonzalez Raw Dog Screaming Press

The Blood Poetry is a brilliant, brutal assault of a novel raw, twisted, and compulsively readable. We asked author Leland PittsGonzalez to explain himself.

didnt start The Blood Poetry with any story in mind. About three years ago, I began stitching together some rants, snippets, and sketches and transformed them into the life-story of one victimEpstein Dorian. Hes the father of a rambunctious teenager, Sylvia, who mysteriously dies but comes back, only to develop autism and an ability to sense the footsteps of peoples thoughts. Its the disease which daughters contract from ceasing to exist. Epstein is, at first, tenuously anchored in our world. From the outset, I portray his combustibility through sentence-structure, cadence, and surreal imagery. As he fragments, objective reality morphs as wellfar less recognizable, yet a world that is plausible if our inner selves could shatter universes. Epstein painfully describes himself in the following way: I am weak. If I hadnt been destroyed during my early years and turned manchild, perhaps I would tell the truth. But Im not that man. Im the ridiculous Dark King of my inner world, a big fish in a small pond, but not really, wait, Im actually a massive fish inside a tiny fish and my weight will rupture it right in two. Epstein wants so much to reveal his lineages debauched history as the excuse for being a pathetic father and man. He comes to realize that he may simply be another simpleton morphing into a fiend. Why write a literary horror novel anyway? Im not particularly interested in the supernatural or monsters, etc. I admit that the novel is inhabited by characters like Epsteins mother, Olivia, who is undead and buys blood from a heroin addict; the ancient, conjoined twins who date back to the Civil War and head a Pentecostal church after abandoning their own murderous past; and Professor Applebauma biological anthropologist and Olivias boyfriend during Epsteins childhoodwho is the active source of Epsteins unraveling and subsequent fixation on Sylvia. The plot, of course, isnt based on any facts. Its rooted, perhaps, in experiences that I cant quite verbalize, but which irradiate me silly and reconstitute happenings into some personal occult mythology. I horrify by doing things to pages which I would never dream of doing to my children. Leland Pitts-Gonzalez The Blood Poetry by Leland Pitts-Gonzalez, Raw Dog Screaming Press 2012,



other is sniffing at my bedroom door. I dont care at first because the stories of stabbings have calmed and amused me. But I get worried. She smells the air around the door jam. The sun is up. There is dust everywhere and I wonder what The Two Brothers are thinking. I wonder if they simply imagine the color red deeply. I stand up and address my mother. What are you doing? Jessica is trying to sleep. She doesnt break her stride and says, I smell something delicious.



color classics


by Marc Schuster

From The Red Badge of Courage to The Picture of Dorian Gray, heres a 24-pack of color classics (built-in sharpener not included).

The Red Badge of Courage

(Stephen Crane) Stephen Crane was born six years after the Civil War ended, but The Red Badge of Courage is widely regarded as one of the most realistic portrayals of that conflict. Crane drew on his experience of playing football

to form the emotional core of the narrative.

Soylent Green
(Harry Harrison) Originally titled Make Room, Make Room, this dystopian science fiction novel served as the basis for the oftenparodied film starring Charlton

Heston. The movie is probably best known for Hestons famous line, Soylent Green is people! In the book, however, soylent is simply a combination of soy and lentils.

The Scarlet Letter

(Nathaniel Hawthorne) Perhaps Nathaniel Hawthornes

best-known work of fiction, The Scarlet Letter tells the story of Hester Prynne, whose punishment for having a child out of wedlock is to wear a scarlet letter A on her chest as a mark of shame for the crime of adultery.

vaunted directors struggle to wed high and low culture as he shoots a big-budget porn film. Fittingly, Southern is best known for his work on the screenplays for Dr. Strangelove and Easy Rider.

The Orange Suitcase

(Joseph Riippi) This volume of ultra-short somethings, as the author calls them, touches on topics like aging, death, and the passage of time. Riippis writing offers a healthy balance of exuberance and sincerity, demonstrating that the two qualities arent mutually exclusive.

Gravitys Rainbow
(Thomas Pynchon) A mind-bending take on the development of the V-2 rocket at the height of World War ll, Gravitys Rainbow pushes the envelope in terms of storytelling and twisted humor. When the novel won the National Book Award in 1974, Pynchon sent a comedian to accept the honor in his place, and a streaker ran across the stage.

autobiography of Rabo Karabekian, an Abstract Expressionist painter best known for curating a locked potato barn thats rumored to hold a massive cache of rare art. Coincidentally, Vonnegut wrote the novel in a converted potato barn, so the novel may serve as an allegory for the authors assessment of his own work.

A Clockwork Orange
(Anthony Burgess) Dark and violent, A Clockwork Orange was eventually dismissed by its author as a jeu desprit knocked off for money in three weeks. Complicating matters was the fact that the American edition did not include the final chapter in which the hero decides to give up his violent ways. Nonetheless, Stanley Kubricks film adaptation is widely regarded as a classic.

Black Hole
(Charles Burns) Ostensibly about a handful of teens who contract a sexually transmitted disease that causes wild mutations, this haunting graphic novel also serves as an allegory for the transition from adolescence into adulthood. A disturbing yet beautifully wrought masterpiece. (Herman Melville) Before he wrote about his famous white whale, Melville penned this tale of the high seas. Based upon the authors experience as a seaman aboard the USS United States, the novels graphic depiction of flogging led the US Navy to ban the practice.

Blue Movie
(Terry Southern) Wildly satirical and racy for its time, Blue Movie depicts a

(Kurt Vonnegut) Loosely based on the fairy tale of the same name, Bluebeard is the fictional



color classics

(Don DeLillo) Endless shopping trips, clouds of toxic gas, and the bizarre side effects of his wifes antianxiety medication are just some of the obstacles that protagonist Jack Gladney must overcome in this eerily prescient take on life in postmodern America. DeLillo originally wanted to call the novel Panasonic, but the Panasonic Corporation wouldnt allow it.

DNA molecule have in common with Johann Sebastian Bachs Goldberg Variations? The only way to find out is to readand re-readthis complex tome. As dense as it is engrossing, The Gold Bug Variations was named Book of the Year by Time magazine in 1991.

have led to many attempts to ban the novel from schools and libraries.

The Golden Bowl

(Henry James) Published in 1904, The Golden Bowl offers an intense meditation on marriage and infidelity. The title comes from Ecclesiastes: Remember your Creator while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken.

The Color Purple

(Alice Walker) Winner of both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1983, The Color Purple presents the uplifting tale of a young African American womans journey toward self-discovery in the American South of the 1930s. The film adaptation was nominated for eleven Academy Awards but did not win in any category.

Black Beauty
(Anna Sewell) Written to induce kindness, sympathy, and an understanding treatment of horses, Black Beauty has sold more than fifty million copies since its publication in 1877. The novel has also spawned five film adaptations as well as a TV series.

The Broken Blue Line

(Connie Dial) A gripping page-turner, The Broken Blue Line follows the efforts of a streetwise cop to weed out corruption within the Los Angeles police force while struggling to keep his personal life on an even keel.

The Bluest Eye

(Toni Morrison) Toni Morrisons first novel depicts a year in the life of a young African American girl who longs for lighter skin and blue eyes. Its unflinching depictions of racism and incest

The Red Tent

(Anita Diamant) A longtime book club favorite, The Red Tent presents the story of Dinah, the daughter of the Biblical Jacob and the sister of Joseph, and offers commentary on the challenges women faced in the ancient world. The title refers to the tent to which female members of Jacobs tribe were restricted while menstruating or in labor.

The Gold Bug Variations

(Richard Powers) What does the structure of a



(Ian Fleming) Its James Bond to the rescue as the villainous Auric Goldfinger attempts to rob Fort Knox of its gold. Fleming wrote the novel in two months at his Goldeneye estate in Jamaica.

(Wilkie Collins) Initially serialized in 1859 and published as a book the following year, The Woman in White was among the worlds first mystery novels. Wide availability as a free e-book has contributed to a resurgence in the novels popularity.

Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective

(Donald J. Sobol) This collection of short mysteries introduced the world to the boy detective dubbed a complete library walking around in sneakers. Young readers everywhere loved to help Brown solve his cases so much so that the series earned its author an Edgar Award in 1976.

The Scarlet Pimpernel

(Baroness Emmuska Orczy) As the Reign of Terror rages in France, a small circle of Englishmen led by the mysterious Scarlet Pimpernel set out to rescue their continental counterparts from the guillotine. Originally a play, The Scarlet Pimpernel set the stage for masked heroes like the Lone Ranger, Zorro, and Batman. Orczy penned a number of sequels featuring Sir Percy.

down and try green eggs and ham? Probably notbut then again, anything is possible in the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss. Published in 1960, Green Eggs and Ham is one of the best-selling childrens books of all time.

The Picture of Dorian Gray

(Oscar Wilde) In Oscar Wildes only published novel, a portrait of the title character ages while Gray himself indulges in a hedonistic life of debauchery. Rumors of a contemporary reboot titled 50 Shades of Dorian Gray are completely unfounded.

Green Eggs and Ham

(Dr. Seuss) Will Sam I Am ever convince his beleaguered friend to break


kid lit

Red, Right, Return By June Keating Sherwin

hen 11-year-old Chad and his older sister happen upon men taking rocks embedded with pieces of treasure out of a protected coral reef, they suddenly find themselves in a very dangerousand excitingsituation. Eager to determine if the activity is illegal, the kids go on an adventure through the Florida Keys spying on the looters. When they get caught, the siblings must rely on each other to stay alive. Winner of the 2012 Kids Fiction Indie Reader Discovery Award. Kelly Bergh

Shelf Unbound: Why write a childrens book rather than an adult novel? June Keating Sherwin: For years, the bulk of my writing was for business. Then I got the chance to teach fifth-grade language arts at a small Florida school, and I began writing for kids. Aiming for a fun adventure that even reluctant readers couldnt resist, I wrote Red, Right, Return with three things in mind: 1) exciting boat days with my family out on the water in the Florida Keys, 2) prickly brothersister relations, and 3) ancient Spanish treasure. Shelf Unbound: What drew you to the idea of a story about illegal treasure hunting? Sherwin: Some of the ideas I incorporated into the story came from actual news articles about relatively recent events that happened near Key West and the lower Florida Keys. But what really got the story going was my obsession with treasure. Ive been fascinated by treasure ever since I saw the incredible jewels, coins and artifacts on display at the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum in Key West. These exceptional pieces survived (surprisingly intact for the most part) under the ocean for over three hundred years; even more intriguing to me is the bit of the puzzle revealed by each artifactwho was traveling on the ships? Why did they take that course? And why was there was such fabulous cargo (much of which was not included in the ships log)? Red, Right, Return takes readers on an exciting ride as a young boy (and his reluctant sister) track treasure thieves, but I hope it will also spark young readers curiosity about the sea today, and the fascinating stories we can learn by studying ancient shipwrecks.



Sips Card puts short fiction and poetry into local coffee shop venues around the country. We are a publication run by artists, for artists. Each card contains a QR code, loaded with a short story, or set of poems, from an independent writer, meant to last as long as a cup of coffee. Our passion is to share the work of other artists with likely readers. Visit
for more information.

Call for submissions: We are accepting short fiction and poetry submissions for our October 2012 issue from August 1st through August 31st. Guidelines can be found at



coloring books
The Color Revolution by Regina Lee Blaszczyk The MIT Press

ust three months after the stock market crash of 1929, the business magazine Fortune published an effusive celebration of American enterprise that included an article titled Color in Industry. The editors marveled over the suddenly kaleidoscopic world in which color served as a master salesman, a distributor extraordinary. In the 1920s, manufacturers had flooded the market with apricot autos, blue beds, and mauve mops. Color was now seen as a tool for tapping into human emotions and improving daily life. Fortune gave this phenomenon a name: the color revolution. What was revolutionary about this sudden

burst of color? In 1923, when Ford was still making its somber Model T, General Motors introduced the two-tone Oakland. A year later, the Curtis Publishing Company introduced the first four-color advertisements, a visual watershed in the magazine world. The American home was also dipped in the paint pot. In 1926, the New York retailer R.H. Macy & Company launched a Color in the Kitchen promotion, offering brilliantly colored housewares. Who were the insurgents in this war for the liberation of taste? The command posts were buried deep in American industry, and the officers wore the insignia of the color corps. The nations first professional colorists were master strategists who helped corporations understand the art of illusion and the psychology of color. Their tools were the color wheel and the shade card. Among the important design practices they introduced were visual streamlining, color forecasting, and the enduring merchandising concept of the ensemble. The Color Revolution is their story. From The Color Revolution by Regina Lee Blaszczyk, The MIT Press 2012, www.mitpress. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Pantone: The 20th Century in Color By Leatrice Eiseman and Keith Recker Chronicle Books

e see color with everything we are. What starts as a signal passing along the optic nerve quickly develops into an emotional, social, and spiritual phenomenon that carries many layers of vivid meaning. Light with a wavelength of 650 nanometers or so is seen as red. But it is experienced as warmth or danger, romance or revolution, heroism or evil, depending on the cultural and personal matrix in which it appears. Crimson, scarlet, and cerise suggest nuances of feeling and reaction that nanometers cannot quantify. And what red can express is different from the symbolic potential of greens and blues. Or yellows and oranges. The resonance of any shade across the spectrum shifts and develops according to the context in which it appears. The last century was a remarkably significant time for color. Revolutionary changes occurred in every visual discipline, with rules being broken and new ones set in their place at every turn. New materials became available as new technologies transformed (or indeed invented) everything from paints to plastics to powder coatings, and changed the nature of making with new manufacturing processes. The nearalchemy of Louis Comfort Tiffanys iridescent

glazes, Bakelites emulation of expensive natural materials, and the Day-Glo fluorescents of the latter part of the century all point to technologys role in propelling twentieth-century arts and design into new creative territory. From Pantone: The 20th Century in Color by Leatrice Eiseman and Keith Recker, Chronicle Books 2011, Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.



photo essay
National Geographic Books



Our world is a kaleido and grays of early m reds of sunset, a pr minute of every day. C nations as well, an in meaning. So woven choice and circumst we rarely stop to pay invites us to notice. H compares with the green dapples and dr leaves of wildflowers a canopy of trees. H times whispered, like bug; sometimes flaun sometimes sung in ch pies stretching to the

Colors evoke differe world and speak to ways, influenced in p in part by our own un the crimson red bicyc you grew too tall to vertible you relished warmed upand a l enrich our everyday


Foreword by Jonathan Adler

Curated by Annie Griffiths

Award-winning phot piled a selection o renowned National G sheer dynamism and tones, and subtle nua All caught at just the through the lenses phers. Each chapter includes an inspiring and symbolism, as w ing insights. As you book, linger over the heart, your mind an u

oday, we take color for granted. We expect clothing in every color of the rainbow and wall paint in hundreds of shades. In a world so inundated by colors, how do we refresh our vision? How do we regain that ancient sense that every dye, every pigment, every shade is rare and precious, even if it is no longer manufactured through the tedious labor of many hands? We turn to our finest photographers, writes Susan Tyler Hitchcock in the introduction to National Geographics visually stunning new book Life in Color. Brain, meet universe. Photographs from Life in Color: National Geographic Photographs, National Geographic Books 2012, Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.


Color is the place where our brain and the universe meet.
Photo: Laurent Hunziker, Montparnasse, Paris, France An orange-clad monk contrasts with the steely gray of Montparnasse.

Paul Cezanne




Photo: Sean Ivester, A golden idol marks the end of an indoor templesUarchway. U N B O N D 35



Photo: Jodi Cobb, Venice, Italy, A tourist unfurls a gauzy blue veil near San Marco D 37 U N B O U N Basin.

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Black Coal and White Lies by Geri Monaghan n her new novel Black Coal and White Lies, Geri Monaghan reveals the hardships facing a young woman living in the conservative restrictions of the 1950s, following her from the small town expectations placed on her as a young woman to the stigmas associated with premarital sex and single parenthood, painting a vivid portrait of a different time. An Embarrassment of Riches by Gerald Hansen

Colin Quinn, Comedian. When Ursula Barnett and her husband win the Irish lottery, they think their troubles are over. But they are just beginning. An Embarrassment of Riches will take you on a journey to Northern Ireland, where Protestants and Catholics wage battle daily, and where crossing family with finance leads to passion and tragedy, heartache and hilarity.
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Backseat by Tom Wascoe n 1969 failure from college or dropping out meant the draft and possibly Vietnam. Michaels freshman year has not gone well. He believes that pledging a fraternity will put him on the right path. To get in he must hitchhike 1,500 miles in one weekend. The rides he gets, the people he meets change his life.
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Pilates Key (John Pilate Series Book 2) by J. Alexander Greenwood Conspiracy prone John Pilate finds himself on the beaches of Key West with blood on his hands, shadows over his shoulder and a sexy cop in his bed. John Pilate is in trouble again. His only way out is to find the key...Pilates Key. The Sword and the Dragon (The Wardstone Trilogy Book One) by M.R. Mathias eemed one of the top 10 indie Fantasy releases of 2010 by Fantasy Book Critic, and listed in the first ever Publishers Weekly Indie Select issue, this 235k-word epic title was originally written in longhand in a Texas prison by M.R. Mathias. It has been in the Amazon Top 100 for Fantasy Mythology for 2 years and counting.
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Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools (The Wardstone Trilogy Book Two) by M.R. Mathias oin Hyden Hawk Skyler, and some great new friends, on an adventurous quest thatll take them over land and sea. Fight with Mikahl, Ironspike, and fierce King Jarrek. Patrol the skies with Shaella, and her new dragon. Demonic love, valiant battles, and foolhardy heroics await readers in this 175k-word (600+ page) continuation of the epic Wardstone Trilogy.
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The Wizard and the Warlord (The Wardstone Trilogy Book Three) by M.R. Mathias his compelling volume brings the elves, dwarves, giants, and the dragons into the story again as our heroes, led by High King Mikahl, Hyden Hawk Skyler, Oarly the dwarf, and Phen are forced to fight for the fate of all the kingdoms. This time against the terrible creature that Gerard Skyler has become, and the legions of demon-beasts he commands. Enjoy the Journey.
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Human Works by Jean-Pierre Makosso n this collection of poems, Jean-Pierre Makosso presents an epic with heart, an African history through poetic prose, the griot in written form. It documents the black continent from its roots in a collectivist paradise, through slavery to present day post-colonialism. You will feel the despair of black Africans. You will ache for justice. You will dream of peace for all people. Whisper Privileges by Dianne Venetta iami is hosting the Special Olympics and Clay Rutledges son is competing in the games. Hes a sure bet to win the golduntil an unexpected turn of events jeopardizes everything. Lured by Clays sexy confidence, event planner Sydney Flores is tempted to mix business with pleasure, but is he worth risking her job? Her security? Oh yes
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Lamb to the Slaughter by Pete Delohery

blog states, Boxing is about more than just how many opponents you can knock out. Its not a way of life, but a way you view your life and the world around you. Lamb to the Slaughter provides a glimpse into the world of boxing and life in the ring in a novel about love and courage, sin and redemption.

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Salvestrols: Natures Defense Against Cancer by Brian A. Schaefer alvestrols are a new class of natural compounds defined by the action of the metabolites produced when they are metabolised by the CYP1B1 enzyme in cancer cells. Simply put, salvestrols are food-based compounds that provide an explanation of the link between diet and cancer, and between organic fruit and vegetable consumption, and lower cancer incidence.
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Its Just a Matter of BalanceYou Cant Put a Straight Leg on a Crooked Man by Kevin S. Garrison his true story is recommended reading by the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists. How does a teenager survive a permanent disability, maintain his sense of humor, and develop a charming true passion for life? Can the pursuit of his dream be a quest that is tested on many levels? What does he need to make his dream come true?
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The Grey Tier by Michele Scott rauma healer + the ghosts of Janis Joplin and Bob Marley, along with a Hottie Spirit = A Great Read! Fans of Sookie Stackhouse will love Evie Preston. What happens when a small town girl moves to Hollywood to pursue her dreams and winds up smack dab in the middle of a murder investigation, haunted by famous dead celebs, and working for the biggest pop star in the music industry?

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EirelanSaga of the Latter-Day Celts by Liam OShiel n Eirelan you will live for a time with men and women, old and young, fighters and writers, poets and ship captains, who cannot take for granted that anything they treasure will survive to be the inheritance of their children. Conor, Fethnaid, Oran, Mairin travel a road unlike ours. It is a dangerous road, yet one well worth exploring. Contact the author: highc.king@ The Days of Peleg By Jon Saboe n ancient Mesopotamia, Peleg is commissioned aboard the Urbat, a vessel destined to survey their new worldand also find clues about the mysterious, vanished Watchers of old. But he has also been given a secret mission to discover the answer to the one question that no one dares to ask aloud: Why is humanity dying? A first-rate epic that challenges current dogma. Kirkus Reviews
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The Days of Lamch by Jon Saboe n the aftermath of the Family Wars, the Semyaz arrive from unknown lands with a message of peace, but young Lamch finds himself thrust into a centuries-old resistance where he discovers their true nature. His missions bring him to their secret research facilitiesand a beautiful dark-haired prisoner who will teach him the true meaning of love and sacrifice. An entertaining story of rebellion, seeded with sinister plots. Clarion Review
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Sweet Home, Jamaica by Claudette BeckfordBrady shocking discovery regarding her parentage sets a UK teenager on a seventeen-year search, which takes her from the UK to Jamaica where she discovers a large, previously unknown group of family members and a place she wants to call home. An epic family saga which chronicles her journey into adulthood with its attendant dramas, tears and laughter.
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Soul Sale: A Rude Awakening by Americus Dotter my Dotter finds herself in the middle of an FBI investigation after attempting to help officials with a case involving a wanted highway gunman. What authorities found was more than anyone could have anticipated. Many fertility clinics are now under investigation for the illegal sale of human embryos. Soul Sale is an example of quantum psychiatry, where spirituality meets science.
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A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor by Robert G. Pielke Though the sci-fi aspect is huge, I loved the overall action. The Visitors strength also lies in the dialogue. When Lincoln talks, it sounds like Lincoln. When Robert E. Lee interacts with Blair, it feels real. Pielke has taken a pivotal event in American history and created another outcome that I couldnt have imagined. Even better, he does it well.
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Jw Grodt

Alva: Four Wheels of Terror by Jw Grodt

Jw Grodts first volume of Dark Tales: Tales of The Tellers is a taste of his vivid imagination. These ten tales contained herein are excellent for fright and delight. All pre-screeners have rendered opinions from fun to frightful. So if you like stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, stories that send a little chill up your spine, tales of creatures, vampires, an occasional werewolf and just some downright sick people, then follow along as Grodt spins the tales as they were told to him by those who lived them. Some you will feel sorry for, some you will despise and some you will not wish to believe. So take this book home, enjoy its juicy contents and dont worry, Volume Two is in full swing.

Principal Broker of a nineteen-office RE/MAX real estate franchise, currently the number one largest selling RE/MAX franchise in the world. Grodt, a Realtor since 1973, now pursues a long time desire to write short stories, novellas and novels. He is a former active duty U.S. Marine and holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. His interests include designing, commissioning and showing classic American cars. He currently resides in the suburbs of the nations capital with his wife and teenage son.
ISBN 9781770678583

Jw Grodt is currently Senior Vice-President and Virginia

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f you like stories that keep you on the edge of your seat, stories that T T send a little chill up your o V spine, tales of creatures, vampires, an occasional werewolf and just some downright sick people, then follow along as Grodt spins ten separate tales as they were told to him by those who lived them.
ales of The olume ne ellers

Dark Tales

Dark Tales: Tales of the Tellers Volume One by Jw Grodt

Dark Tales

Four Wheels of Terror Jw Grodt



Jw Grodt
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Depth of Deception (A Titanic Murder Mystery) by Alexander Galant * Finalist in the E-Book: Mystery/ Thriller/ Adventure 2012 International Book Awards * he year is 1982, and a beautiful young woman, dressed in Edwardian clothing, is found floating unconscious in the North Atlantic with a 1912 boarding pass to the RMS Titanic. Is it a bizarre case of time-travel that links her to an unsolved murder from 1909, or an elaborate hoax?
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Warrendale by Athena Morningstar Kelly elcome to the Motor City of long ago. A nostalgic and riveting true story based on the authors memories of the life and times of bad boy Greaser Van Thomas and the Warrendale Gang. Starting in 1963, you will find yourself immersed in the loyalty and tragedy that connected their lives together from their teenage years into adulthood. Sometimes Ya Gotta Laugh by Timothe Davis ordan cant commit, Gabby cant find love, and Chris is having a phallic-crisis. Hilarity and drama ensue as they endeavor to sort out their lives. Lifes a tough journey. But theyll learn that in a world of sex, lies, and drag queens, sometimes ya gotta laugh. One of those books you pick up and read right through ... TBR
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The First Witch by Ian Kaplan arius Gusto wants to be like everybody else, but his wants are pushed aside when the first witch comes out of hiding. For decades the witches have hidden away, plotting their revenge on mankind. Now Jarius, the lad with no mean bone in his body, must learn to fight to save friends and family.

Flowering and Other Stories by Tom Bentley lowerings stories are built around themes of loss, social disruption, mistaken judgment and stumbling redemption. From a shoplifting sociopathic genius, to a card-dealing witch offering a mystical experience at the blackjack tables, to a harsh drunk who turns out to be a malignantyet chillingly accuratesoothsayer, characters are complex and not always charming, but their colors are memorably bright.
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Killer Compatible by Darian Land ocialites of the select Ladies Book Club in Lubbock, Texas, have gotten themselves into a pickle of a predicament: they have somehow become involved in the serial killings of their peers. Three members become personsof-interest. The District Attorney and the Chief of Police are pressured to resolve the murders. Three women of the Llano Estacado feel the heat.

No Paved Road To Freedom by Sharon Rushton warded Book of the Month by MWSA, whose reviewer said, It is a remarkable and powerful book. Amazon readers say, Must Read; Real Page Turner; Great Book; You Will Not Be Able to Put This Book Down; A Hollywood Style Narrative; A Story of Courage, Strength, Faith and Miracles; Should Make a Great Movie.
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or most Americans, the name Vietnam brings up memories of war and politics: An American war and American politics. Little attention is given to the country itself, its people, and 1,000 years of Vietnamese history. This same blind spot has led us into Iraq and Afghanistan, but my own personal story is of Vietnam, and chickens.


Mr. Bob the Chicken Engineer by Robert Hargreaves

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The Shelfless Book: The Complete Digital Author by Bob Mayer and Jen Talty his book details how we built a seven-figure indie publishing house in two years. Whether you have been published by a New York publisher, self-published or considering all options, this book contains the information you need to make an informed decision about your career in todays fast moving digital world. (Cool Gus Publishing)
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AnitaA Journey Through Love by Victoria Popescu aced with inner emptiness that she cannot explain, thirtytwo-year old Anita goes in search for herself while healing from an autoimmune disorder. On her journey, she experiences unconditional love, learns to accept and let go and finds greater meaning in her life. Shes convinced that there cannot possibly be more, until she discovers that certain lives are linked across time...
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Mourning and Celebration by K. David Brody ave you ever wondered how life would have been had you been born 100 years earlier? The award-winning novel Mourning and Celebration is about an Orthodox, Jewish, gay man, as he survived in 19th-century Poland and how he lives today, as a gay activist. An enthralling tale comparing social conditions past and present. Hopefully, a beautiful movie-to-be.
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Ghosting by Kirby Gann A fascinating novel depicting the seedy bottom of an America in decline. Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) Unfolding with unflinching clarity and moral inevitability, this is a tale of love and loyalty, family and duty, navet and duplicity, played out on an amoral landscape of drugs and violence.... Hillbilly noir as literary fiction of the first order. Kirkus Reviews,
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Lone Dog Barking by Raf Leon Dahlquist ased on a true story. Growing up in the 1950s under 331 A-bomb mushroom clouds as we approach Mutually Assured Destruction with Russia, five boys witness three murderers and two murder victims served Nevada-style justice. A most unlikely hero gets support from unexpected quarters. This is a little known must-read facet of American history behind the 1963 Test Ban Treaty.
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Dhampyr Heritage by E.G. Gaddess 909. Gideon must return to England to face the truth of his friend Christians death. Only, Christian is still flesh and bone and a vampyr. When Gideon meets Zola, with her smiles and strange words and secrets, Gideon is torn between the monster he knows and the monster Zola is beholden to.,
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Building Castles on the Rock by Ann Slaughter oetry - profound, whimsical, inspirational, gentle - is found in Ann Slaughters book Building Castles on the Rock. For those who wonder where poets find their ideas, you cant beat the short notes accompanying many of her poems. Readers comments: Inspirational. Touching. This is not a book to read once and put on a shelf, but to treasure again and again.

The Vampire Girl Next Door by Richard Arbib ark falls in love with Sylvia, the beautiful, but quirky girl next door, not realizing that shes a vampire who killed his last neighbor. When Mark first meets Sylvia, he tells her, Youre the girl of my dreams! Sylvia smiles and responds with a warningBe careful what you wish for. Alternately eerie and funny, the novel blends horror, romance, and humor. from the publishers press release.
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King Maestro and Chuck Ill Remember by Sandy Jarvis

his brilliantly crafted tale of friendship, tolerance J and trust is told through the prism of a delightful bird and a German shepherd. ! |xHSLEMFy71531 z The two characters:*v +:!:+:!@ battle crime in the Big Apple and take on crafty city slickers; for example, the Siamese cats who are pinned together by their hips; Bullnose Jack, the notorious dog catcher; and One-Eye Pete.
ISBN: 1-4257-1531-1


Ill Remember

is a love story that spans seventy years and three generations of a family. Louise Ferris is an elderly woman whose adored granddaughter comes to her with a problem of the heart. The girls story prompts Louise to reect on her life and loves, and those of her family, told from several perspectives, beginning at the outset of the Great War.

ean Murray Munden says she has been writing stories since she was a child, but has never tried to publish anything before. She is a long ago retired nurse, with a family of four children and ve grandchildren. Jean Murray Munden is a pseudonym. The author lives with her husband of 42 years in South Surrey, British Columbia.

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his is a love story that spans seventy years and three generations. When Louise Ferris granddaughter comes to her with a Jean Murray Munden problem of the heart, it prompts Louise ! to reflect on her life and loves, and those of her family. Told in several perspectives, it begins at the outset of the Great War. Can one really learn from the past?
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Ill Remember April by Jean Murray Munden

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Two Weddings by Farin Powell his novel is about a strong relationship between a mother and her daughtera bond that doesnt break even after the mothers death. When Catherine arrives in Heaven, she realizes that life is still a mystery full of hidden surprises. With the help of an angel she follows and changes her daughters life on earth.

The Power of a Grace Perspective by Paul Ulasien he fleeting moment when one realizes they are dying is not an experience to wish upon their worst enemy. From the author of The Corporate Rat Race: The Rats Are Winning comes a true story of triumphing over tragedy through Gods miracle of Grace. A book you cant put down One of the best books Ive read.
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Treading Water by Noreen Braman reading Water is a slightly damp collection of previously published humor columns and essays, written by Noreen Braman while she was treading water in one way or another! Take a peek into a life full of watery adventures, misbehaving dogs, careful plans gone awry and varmints of all kinds that dont give up!
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The Lady and the Bull Rider by Arnold Pakula old against a rodeo background, Doria Miller, an abused housewife and survivor of an abusive childhood, runs away to Davie, Florida, where a rodeo is taking place. Here, she meets bull rider Clint McCord, who shows her that true love can be displayed with just the soft touch of a caress. and my Facebook page via Arnold Pakula
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Chased Across Australia by Reynold Conger merican tourists do not realize that documents critical to a terrorist bomb plot are on their laptop. The terrorists chase them across Australia. They attempt burglary, shooting, sexual seduction, ambush and a high speed car chase (on the wrong side of the road from the Americans perspective). The Americans find themselves running for their lives.
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Fifty Sides of The Beach Boys by Mark Dillon n original look at a beloved band, Fifty Sides of The Beach Boys chronicles the story behind 50 of their greatest songs through exclusive interviews with The Beach Boys, their collaborators, fellow musicians, and famous fans. Interview subjects include Brian Wilson, Mike Love, Alan Jardine, Bruce Johnston, David Marks, Blondie Chaplin, Alice Cooper, Lyle Lovett, Cameron Crowe and Zooey Deschanel. Rebel Heart by Lizzy Ford fter nuclear strikes cripple the East Coast in the year 2135, Lana is alone with a secret she must protect, even if it means placing her life and her heart in the hands of Brady, the compelling leader of the rebellion. It will take all Bradys connections and strength to protect Lana and keep from falling in love with her.

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Coexist: Keegans Chronicles by Julia Crane ixteen-year-old Keegan is an elf, descended from a long line of elves living secretly alongside humans. Against tradition, Keegan discovers the name of her destined mate before shes of age. Her warrior-mate, Rourk, is the only one who might prevent her death, as foretold by elfin prophecy. But when war breaks out, even Rourk cannot keep Keegan from her fate.
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Confessions: Fact or Fiction edited by Herta B. Feely and Marian OShea Wernicke wenty-two stories of love, lies, loss, and betrayal. The anthologys awardwinning authors invite you to test your literary sleuthing skills, explore the murky boundary between fiction and memoir, and guess which stories are invented and which are true. In this unique collection, used in creative writing classes, authors reveal the origins of their stories in the back of the book.
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The Circle Broken by Richard Johnston et in the chaotic Clash of Civilizations between Jesuit Missionaries harvesting native souls in 17th Century Canada and fur traders with guns and brandy fighting to control this unmapped wilderness, Remy from France and Tikanaka, native Wendat girl, encounter bitter hostility to their unlikely adolescent love affair in a story of love, discovery and death, including real and fictional characters.
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Second Son by Stephen Stark ead Second Son, the New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year, by Stephen Stark, author of The Final Appearance of Americas Favorite Girl Next Door. Second Son is lyrical, its brilliant, and the best thing I have read in years. Andrea Barrett, author of the National Book Award-winning Ship Fever
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Ruth Anne Kocour

Walking the War Zones of Pakistan: One Womans Journey

into the Shadow of the Taliban
By Ruth Anne Kocour

Click HERE for video of television interview with Ruth Anne Kocour


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uth Anne Kocours adventures have been featured on CNNs International Hour and the Discovery Channel. Her photos and stories have appeared in People, Harpers Bazaar, Health, Sunset, the Los Angeles Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Her journeys to Pakistans tribal regions bordering Afghanistan, Kashmir, Tajikistan, and China are the subject of the new book Walking the War Zones, One Womans Journey into the Shadow of the Taliban. Following is an excerpt from her travel timeline in which she describes her third trip to Pakistan.


hortly before my departure for Islamabad, fighting erupted in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, just west of Islamabad. I decided to enter Pakistan via China instead. One week before my departure, Reuters reported 187 dead in Urumqi, in Xingjian exactly where I was headed--as the Uyghur people rose up against the Han Chinese. China Central imposed a total communication blackout on all of Xingjian (roughly 35% of the landmass of China). I made it to Kasghar, and travelled two days by jeep across the Taklimakan Desert, clearing five military checkpoints, to beyond where the road ended, a tiny Kyrgyz nomad village. I set out for K2 (currently under Pakistani management and within the restricted military zone) with three camels, three Kyrgyz camel boys, and a Uyghur guide (three Shiite, one Sunni), three of whom were named Abdul, none of whom spoke English. Ruth Anne Kocour



French Quarter Morning most lives bear no resemblance to the things that happen in them mary burger, a series of water disasters we must walk slow like caterpillars in the shady side of the street because its Saturday and we are hungover one thousand people die every ten seconds on call-waiting to their HMOs listening to christian soft rock people used to live in caves! no longer are we dirty! we must keep things clean! because we are civilized! books and libraries show how civilized we are! books are catalogued and cared for! im not against preservation. im against being run over.

From the forthcoming So Recently Rent a World by Andrei Codrescu, Coffee House Press December 2012, www. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.



The Killing Wait for a Telephone Hello In my home seven hundred miles east of this phone booth, you spin the one record you like best. It is good to take Scotch slow. Etta James at age 23, a pool hustlers unclaimed daughter, knew the truth when she walked into the studio and laid down tracks to her platinum and permanently fractured heart, proving there is reason to learn and remember every note, to drink what burns slowly. In my phone booth seven hundred miles from my home, the receiver is sticky. The ringing continues. My eyes take in tin shacks in nattered fields, but I dont leave a message. You will find the way, following the gandy dancers sweat song. The girl in the bar, beaded like a glass bottle, skirt hitched, and his lips on her neck making music of her while together they dance you will follow the midnight of that. These are the tracks. This is the better story. The one that wakes you up, satisfied. The place my voice is an unnamed animal in the kingdom of impossible things. Where Etta sings a burn that travels a body slowly, where everything you have is enough.

The Killing Wait for a Telephone Hello is from If One of Us Should Fall, by Nicole Terez Dutton, copyright 2012. All rights are controlled by the University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Used by permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.





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stensibly about baseball, Joseph M. Schusters debut novel is ultimately a tale of doing the best with the cards were dealt. After a freak accident sidelines his major league career, following a decade spent toiling in the minors, Edward Everett Yates struggles to resist the siren song of the game he loves, but to no avail. As heartbreaking as it is inspirational, The Might Have Been comments lovingly yet realistically on the art of fielding dreams. Marc Schuster The Might Have Been by Joseph M. Schuster, Ballantine Books 2012, www.

SUBDUCTION n this gripping literary mystery, a medical resident, Endo, is sent to work at a small island off the coast of Japan after being blamed (unfairly) for a patients death. As the island experiences increasingly severe earthquakes, Endo becomes enmeshed with a filmmaker and a seismologist, all leading to the unfolding of secrets and their aftershocks. And a bonus: lovely illustrations throughout by the authors wife, L.J.C. Shimoda, including a 16-page illustrated retelling of a Japanese myth. Ben Minton Subduction by Todd Shimoda, Chin Music Press 2012, www.

rom the author of the superb The Consequences of Skating comes this equally superb collection of short stories that inventively mine the complexities of the human condition. In Falling, for example, a professional daredevil preparing for a high-wire walk is drowning his lover, as she has become a distraction and therefore a risk to his life. In just a few pages, Gillis unfolds a fully realized, memorable story. Anna Nair

The Law of Strings and Other Stories by Steven Gillis, Atticus Books 2012,


F. Scott Fitzgerald / conan oBrien / Paul Feig / david SedariS / raymond carver / jameS agee / jonathan Franzen / michael chaBon / miranda july / erneSt hemingway / Flannery oconnor / lorrie moore / adam Sandler / Steve martin /
In the new collection I Found This Funny, Judd Apatow presents the work of some of his favorite authors and artists. The book showcases many different styles of writing, from fiction to short humor to essays to comedy sketches to poetry. Proceeds from the book will go to 826 National, a nonprofit tutoring, writing, and publishing organization with locations in eight cities across the country.

nora ePhron / dave eggerS / alice munro / and many more
Please visit our website to purchase this book, donate, volunteer, and find out more.

Chapters of 826 are located in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, Ann Arbor, Boston, and Washington, DC.

small press reviews

Back in the Game by Charles Holdefer The Permanent Press

espite F. Scott Fitzgeralds protests to the contrary, there are plenty of second acts in American lives, and Charles Holdefers Back in the Game offers a case in point. The novel follows former AAA and European League baseball player Stanley Mercer as he struggles to make a life for himself as a schoolteacher in the small town of Legion, Iowa. That Stanley has never graduated from college is the least of his worries as he falls for a married woman who also happens to be the mother of one of his worst students. Throughout the novel, Holdefer develops a perfect level of synergy between setting and character. Like any small town, Legion is home to a wide range of endearing individuals, not the least of which are a pair of misfit siblings named the Snows, who ride the school bus with Stanley amid a constant barrage of verbal slings and arrows from their classmates. Yet while the people of Legion may fit the traditional profile in many ways, Holdefer offers a complex vision of Small Town America that firmly resists clich. Indeed, while the townspeople cheer their high-school football team by donning rubber pig noses and squealing from the sidelines, methamphetamine abuse runs rampant behind closed doors and environmental disaster looms on the horizon in the form of a massive sewage lagoon. To put it mildly, the simple life has never been so complicated. Marc Schuster, Shelf Unbound Contributing Editor Marc Schuster is the author of The Grievers, The Singular Exploits of Wonder Mom and Party Girl, Don DeLillo, Jean Baudrillard, and the Consumer Conundrum, and, with Tom Powers, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: The Discerning Fans Guide to Doctor Who. He is the editor of Small Press Reviews, and his work has appeared in numerous magazines and journals ranging from Weird Tales to Readers Digest. When hes not writing, Marc teaches writing and literature courses at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania.



year after year the green night of its leaves will hold its purple stars.

from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde



HELEN BENEDICT is the author of six novels and five books of nonfiction. Her latest novel, Sand Queen, set in the Iraq War, was published in 2011 by Soho Press. KELLY BERGH is a high school student in Malvern, Pennsylvania. She is an avid reader and works at her local public library. WILLIAM DIETRICH is a New York Times bestselling author and Pulitzer-winning journalist who has written fifteen books, including historical thrillers that have sold into thirty-one languages and prize-winning Northwest environmental texts. INUA ELLAMS, born in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. is a word and graphic artist, a writer with a style as influenced by classic literature as it is by hip hop, by Keats as it is by MosDef. Rooted in a love for rhythm and language, he crosses 18th century romanticism and traditional story telling with contemporary diction and musicality. More at SHEILA FISCHMAN has published more than 125 translations of contemporary French-Canadian novels including works by Jacques Poulin, Franois Gravel, Anne Hbert, Marie-Claire Blais, Michel Tremblay, and Gatan Soucy. In 2002, Fischman was named to the Order of Canada in recognition of the quality of her translations and her unparalleled contribution to Canadian culture. She won the Molson prize in 2008. JOANNE GREENs stories have appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Writing Aloud, and the anthology Meridian Bound. She serves on the editorial board of Philadelphia Stories. ADAM LEVIN is the author of The Instructions, the winner of the New York Public Librarys Young Lions Award. His stories have appeared in Tin House, McSweeneys, and Esquire. Winner of the 2003 Summer Literary Seminars Fiction Contest and the 2004 Joyce Carol Oates Fiction Prize, he lives in Chicago, where he teaches Creative Writing at the School of the Art Institute. PABLO MEDINA was born in Havana, Cuba, and came to New York City at the age of twelve. He is the author of eleven books of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and translation. His sixth collection of poetry, Highway of Blazing Cars,


is forthcoming from Hanging Loose Press. A recipient of numerous awards for his work, Pablo Medina resides in Boston and teaches writing, literature, and translation at Emerson College. LELAND PITTS-GONZALEZ Leland studied Creative Writing and Ethnic Studies at San Francisco State University where he discovered the enormous possibilities of poetry, experimentation, and critical theory. He eventually earned an MFA in Writing from Columbia University on a merit fellowship. He has published fiction in Open City, Fence, Dark Sky Magazine, Drunken Boat, and Monkey Bicycle, among other literary journals. KEVIN POWERS joined the army at the age of 17, later serving a year as a machine gunner in Mosul and Tal Afar, Iraq in 2004 and 2005. After his honorable discharge, he muddled through a series of jobs, but eventually quit the last of them and enrolled in Virginia Commonwealth University, where he graduated in 2008 with a Bachelors degree in English. He is currently a Michener Fellow in Poetry at the University of Texas at Austin, where he will receive his M.F.A. in 2012. PETER SALMON is an Australian writer now living in the UK and running The Hurst - the Arvon Foundation writing center once owned by playwright John Osborne. He has written for television and radio and has published short stories. The Coffee Story is his first novel. ELISSA CHAPPELL is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair where she writes the Hot Type book column, a former senior editor of The Paris Review, and co-founder and now editor-at-large of Tin House magazine. She lives in Brooklyn. GRAHAM SHARPE has worked in an ice cream shop, trained as a hairdresser, studied sociology and psychology, written for and performed with a touring theatre company, and backpacked across far-flung countries with loose change in his pocket. Graham now combines travelling with writing and he completed his first novel Purple during the sleepless, jet-lagged hours spent in hotel rooms around the world. You can read more about him and the book at Shelf Unbound is published bimonthly by Shelf Media Group LLC, 3322 Greenview Drive, Garland, TX 75044. Copyright 2012 by Shelf Media Group LLC. Subscriptions are FREE, go to to subscribe.

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