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The other day I was sitting in my car up near Shirotai Ranch, at the apex of the Milk

Road to Onuma. It was sunrise. I was surrounded by restless, moving clouds that
seemed to echo with the calls of hundreds of songbirds, starting their day as I was
ending mine. I shot a couple of pictures as the sun broke through the fog and then
turned to see my reflection, tinged with sunlight, standing starkly in the black
window of the passenger-side door.

I came to Japan not knowing what to expect of my new job or the people I would
meet. Now, the tables have turned. With my return to America imminent, Nanae
feels like home. It is the place of familiar beautiful landscapes, incredible food and
people I love. It is the place of joy-filled nursery schools and English classes, of
giggling English clubs, convivial coworkers, and a wonderful sister city relationship.


As the clouds cleared, I could see the town sprawled out in the valley below. Id
been both excited and nervous to return to America, but in this and a few other
moments during my 20-odd months in Japan the anxiety of that transition had
abated. I felt wonderfully Zen. This moment, and this place: it was all transient and
unforgettable, permanent even as it was coming to an end. Seeing all of you here
tonight, I feel the same way.


Living in Nanae has changed my life, and become an inseparable part of who I am.
My experiences here have taught me more about my passions, strengths and
weaknesses than I ever anticipated. As I take my next steps in my career, I am
grateful to all of you, my wonderful co-workers, students, teachers and friends, who
have helped me realize these lessons in my Japan experience and learn from them. I
hope that my contributions as CIR to Nanae and the sister city relationship measure
up even slightly to all that you, the people of Nanae and of Concord, have given me.

To everyone Ive met and worked with as CIR: thank you. Your incredible kindness,
generosity, wisdom, and patience continually inspire me to become a better person.
Your friendship will inspire my continued exploration of Japan and other cultures
around the world. It will also be a reminder of how lucky our towns are to have this
sister city relationship, particularly as we find ourselves on the dawn of changes
individually and as a community. I hope you can share in my excitement for the
future. Were on the verge of another sunrise, ready to start another day.

An ocean may separate us very soon, but home, or a second home, has a way of
calling us back.

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