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The Religious and

Moral Doctrine of

Tuken Irom LIe book:
,=-'' -',-''
,='' , =''' _`-'
'Governunce AccordIng Lo AIIuuI`s uw In ReIormIng
LIe RuIer und IIs Iock`

by SIuykI uI-sIuum
TuqI ud-Deen AImud Ibn TuymIyyuI


TIe RoIe oI SIuykI uI-sIuum
bn TuymIyyuI In JIIuud AguInsL LIe TurLurs

bn TuymIyyuI's mosL sIgnIIIcunL ucIIevemenL In IIs IIIe wus
IIs JIIuud uguInsL LIe TurLurs uILer Ie unmusked LIe
corrupLIons In LIeIr beIIeIs und LIeIr decepLIve cIuIms oI
embrucIng sIuum. AL LIuL LIme, LIe TurLurs were LIe greuLesL
dunger IucIng LIe wIoIe MusIIm nuLIon. TIey Iud LIe IurgesL
mIIILury power und LIe mosL LerrIbIe wurIure.

He wus noL suLIsIIed wILI uddressIng LIe prInces und Ieuders
onIy, buL Ie uIso uddressed LIe pubIIc und guve IuLwus
(reIIgIous verdIcL) necessILuLIng LIe deIendIng oI sIuum
uguInsL ILs enemy, LIe TurLurs. He IeId LIuL LIe proLecLIon oI
sIuum sIouId be LIe prImury objecLIve oI uII MusIIms und
LIe condILIon Lo compIeLe LIeIr IuILI.

HIs IIrsL IeLLer oI JIIuud LIuL wus uddressed Lo LIe pubIIc
sLuLed LIe IoIIowIng:

AILer BIsmIIIuI ur-RuImun ur-RuIeem , To wIom ever LIIs
reucIes Irom LIe IuILIIuI und LIe MusIIms, muy AIIuuI Iuve
mercy upon LIem In LIIs IIIe und LIe HereuILer. Muy He grunL
LIem perceIved und conceuIed bIessIngs, und muy He grunL
LIem LIe dIgnIIIed vIcLory und greuL LrIumpIs. Peuce und
bIessIng oI AIIuuI be wILI you uII. We pruIse AIIuuI AImIgILy
on your beIuII, LIe One und OnIy God, LIe AII-CupubIe.

He LIen sLurLed IIs IeLLer by cIussIIyIng LIe kuIIur InLo u
number oI cuLegorIes. He suId LIuL LIe IIrsL group oI kuIIur
ure LIe orIgInuI kuIIurs , e.g. LIe CIrIsLIuns, ArmenIuns, und
LIe IIke. WILI LIIs group, IL Is permIssIbIe Lo IoId peuce
ugreemenLs wILI, euL Irom LIeIr Iood (LIuL Ius been
sIuugILered by LIem), murry Irom LIeIr women, cun be

reIeused II LIey IeII us IeII us prIsoners oI wur, und LIeIr
women ure noL Lo be kIIIed unIess LIey were IIgILIng.

TIe second group consIsLs oI murtcddoon (uposLuLes) wIo
reLurn Lo LIeIr InIIdeI wuys, IIke some Arub LrIbes, PersIuns,
und Romuns. TIese murLuddoon ure worse LIun LIe orIgInuI
kuIIur. TIereIore, IIgILIng LIem Is obIIguLory II LIey do noL
reLurn Lo sIuum und no peuce ugreemenL nor covenunL oI
securILy cun be gIven Lo LIem. TIeIr prIsoners ure noL Lo be
reIeused, LIeIr Iood Is noL Lo be euLen, LIe MusIIm mun cun
noL murry LIeIr women, und LIey ure uII Lo be IougIL und

TIe LIIrd group consIsLs oI LIose wIo cIuIm Lo beIong Lo
sIuum, buL do noL perIorm LIe sIuumIc duLIes und prucLIces,
sucI us suIuuI, zukuuI, Iujj, nor do LIey curry ouL JIIuud or
Luke jizich (LrIbuLes) Irom LIe PeopIe oI LIe Book und LIe
SubbIuns, nor do LIey ceuse Irom kIIIIng MusIIms und LukIng
LIeIr money. TIIs group, under LIe consensus opInIon oI
MusIIms, musL be IougIL In LIe sume wuy LIuL Abu Bukr us-
SIdeeq () IougIL LIe peopIe wIo reIused Lo puy zukuL. Some
oI LIem ure worse LIun kuIIuur, even II LIey pruyed und
IusLed sucI us LIe kIuwuurIj wIo AII () IougIL und LIe
PropIeL () IoreLoId ubouL LIem: the cre the most etil oj
people cmonst Allcch's crection. And non oI LIe
compunIons or LIeIr successors dIsugree ubouL LIe necessILy
Lo IIgILIng LIem.

As Ior LIe IourLI group, LIey ure LIe mosL evII oI uII LIe
groups. TIey ure u group LIuL rejecLed sIuum wIIIe sLIII
cIuImIng Lo beIong Lo IL. TIey ure InIIdeIs, wIo reverLed Irom
sIuum becuuse LIey enLered sIuum wILIouL IoIIowIng ILs
SIurI`uI. L Is ugreed upon, LIuL LIey sIouId be IougIL LoLuIIy
unLII LIey reLurn Lo prucLIce LIe IundumenLuIs oI sIuum und
Lo prevenL jitnch so LIuL LIe reIIgIon (worsIIp) wIII uII be Ior

AIIuuI AIone.

AII LIese condILIons ure Lo be uppIIed Lo LIem In LIeIr
IomeIunds. I LIey Invuded LIe Iunds oI MusIIms und uLLuck
LIem Ior no oLIer reuson LIun Lo InIIIcL InjusLIce und Injury
upon LIe MusIIm nuLIon?

-, ,'-'-- ` ' ,-- .,' ,--- , .,-'' _'= '- ', - , +-'-, ' ', `- '
,--, - -- ' -,-=- ' = ' ''' +-,-=-'
"Will yoo not Iight u people who huve violuted their
ouths (puguns oI MukkuI) und intended to expel the
Messenger, while they did uttuck yoo Iirst? o yoo
Ieur them? Alluuh hus more right thut yoo shoold
Ieur Him, iI yoo ure believers.

TIIs verse cIeurIy IIIusLruLes LIe LruLI ubouL LIe TurLurs und
LIeIr conLemporury secL, LIe cctinich
, und oLIers wIo
LrIed Lo corrupL LIe creed oI sIuum.

oIIowIng LIese words, bn TuymIyyuI begun Lo sIow LIe
merILs oI LIe MujuIIdeen, und LIe vIrLues oI JIIuud In LIe
cuuse oI AIIuuI. He expIuIned LIuL JIIuud wIII be ongoIng LIII
LIe duy oI judgmenL, by usIng LIe IoIIowIng uuLIenLIc
IudeeLI us u prooI:

-, ` , -' ,' ''' -' _'= , '-'- , - - ' - -'-= .' - `
='-'' +,-'- _-= +-''= - ='- _'= ,

SuruI uL-TuwbuI: 1
HereLIcuI secL wIo kepL 'IIdden` LIe Lrue nuLure oI LIeIr beIIeIs.SIdeIng
wILI LIe enemIes oI sIuum LIey sougIL Lo propuguLe LIeIr creed bused on
MugIun docLrInes und PIuLonIc concepLs.

There uill clucs remcin c roup oj people jrom m
nction jihtin upon the truth. Subjuctin their enemies
The uill neter be conised b those uho discree uith
them until the Iincl Hour is upon them.
And bn
TuymIyyuI regurded LIose peopIe Lo be LIe MujuIIdeen oI

bn TuymIyyuI LIen nurruLed LIe dIIIerenL Ahcdeeth
sIowIng LIe ImporLunce oI JIIuud und LIe InevILubIe
vIcLory oI LIe MusIIms. He LIen sLurLed menLIonIng LIose
IuILIIuI groups (mu'minoon), und LIeIr roIe uL IIs LIme. TIere
Is LIe ct-tcci'jch cl-mcnsourch
(LIe VIcLorIous Group), LIe
MujuIIdeen wurrIors. He proved LIuL LIere Is noLIIng IIgIer
In sLuLus LIun JIIuud und no runk cun rIse ubove LIe IeveI oI
MujuIIdeen und MurLyrs In LIe puLI oI AIIuuI.

He concIuded IIs messuge und soon uILer LIuL, Ie Look LIe
responsIbIIILy Lo LruInIng LIe urmIes und Lo orgunIse LIe
MujuIIdeen groups. He wus responsIbIe Ior ruIds uguInsL LIe
TurLur mIIILury cumps. He uIso uLLucked LIe regIon wIere LIe
TIe BuuLInIyyuI peopIe In LIe mounLuIns oI SIuum resIded,
becuuse LIey beLruyed LIe MusIIms und secreLIy cooperuLed
wILI LIe enemIes oI sIuum, LIe TurLurs und LIe Crusuders.
AILIougI LIe BuuLInI secL succeeded In deceIvIng bn
TuymIyyuI wIen LIey preLended Lo repenL und ubundon LIeIr

SuIeeI MusIIm
PresenL duy SyrIu, Jordun, PuIesLIne und ebunon.
PIuruI oI IudeeLI - PropIeLIc suyIngs
PIuruI oI AuyuI - QuruunIc verses
Bused upon LIe IudeeLI oI LIe Messenger oI AIIuuI :
='-'' ,-- _-= +'-= - -, ` , , -- - - - ' - - -' = .' - `
TIere wIII uIwuys be u group oI my nuLIon vIcLorIous upon LIe LruLI,
LIose wIo ubundon LIem wIII noL Iurm LIem unLII LIe Hour (Duy oI
ReIuLed by TIrmIdII, bn MuujuI, AImud und oLIers wILI dIIIerenL

crooked creed und beIIeIs, IL wus IuLer proven Lo IIm LIuL LIey
used tcqqich (cuIcuIuLed decepLIon), und LIuL LIey
remuIned on LIeIr sLrong unImosILy Lo sIuum und MusIIms.
He dId noL IesILuLe Lo IIgIL und Iound LIem, und pussed
jctccuc exposIng LIeIr IIdden beIIeIs und cuIIed Ior LIe
necessILy Lo IIgIL LIem.

bn TuymIyyuI uIso purLnered SuILun un-Nusser bn
QuIuwoon In IIs wur uguInsL Quzuun wIo cIuImed Lo be
MusIIm und numed IIm seII MuImood. L wus proven Lo bn
TuymIyyuI oLIer wIse, becuuse Quzuun reIused Lo compIeLeIy
upIoId sIuumIc SIurI`uI und Ie dIsrespecLed AIIuuI's Iuws.
He governed LIe sIuumIc counLry by LIe book oI cl-Yccsiq
wIIcI wus u mIxLure oI Iuws Irom CIrIsLIunILy, JuduIsm,
sIuum und LIe Iuws oI JengIz KIun IImseII. He dIscurded LIe
Iuws LIuL wus senL down Lo LIe MusIIms In LIe Qur'un und LIe

n LIe yeur ;oz uILer IIjruI , LIe news oI LIe reLurn oI LIe
TurLurs Lo SIuum spreud. bn TuymIyyuI mude IusLe Lo LIe
suILun In EgypL seekIng IIs IeIp uguInsL LIe dunger oI LIe
TurLurs und LIeIr monsLrosILIes wIIcI LIey were so Iumous
Ior, especIuIIy wIen LIe ruIers oI HuIub (Allepo) und Hcmc
ubundoned LIeIr cILIes und escuped Lo Dcmcscus. By LIe LIme
LIe TurLurs reucIed Hims und c'clbel, bn TuymIyyuI
recruILed LIe remuIns oI LIe urmy LIuL IeIL Hcmc und LIe
oLIer cILIes. He unILed LIe urmy und sLurLed LIe murcI Lo
Dcmcscus Lo be uL LIe IoreIronL oI LIe runks, unLII LIe urmIes
oI LIe KIuIeeIuI uI-MusLukII und SuILun un-Nusser bn
QuIuwoon reucIed Dumuscus. On SuLurduy, LIe second oI
RumudIuun, LIe MusIIm urmy wus compIeLe, und LIe
orgunIsuLIon Ior LIe buLLIe Iud begun ouLsIde Dumuscus Lo
suIeguurd LIe cILy Irom uny dumuge. TIe sILe oI LIe buLLIe wus
In Mcrj cs-Scjcr.


WIen LIe TurLurs Ieurd oI LIeIr mussIng, LIey mude IusLe Lo
meeL LIem ouLsIde Dumuscus. Hence LIe IIrsL pIun oI bn
TuymIyyuI wus successIuI In LIuL Ie dIsLrucLed LIe TurLurs
Irom IurLIer dumugIng LIe cILy us LIe TuLur's IIrsL concern
wus Lo desLroy LIe urmy oI LIe MusIIms, IeuvIng LIe cILy

TIe Lwo urmIes LIen meL, eucI Iud In mInd LIe desLrucLIon oI
LIe oLIer, und LIe buLLIe sLurLed uL once. L wus DIuIur LIme
und LIe MusIIms In LIuL urmy were IusLIng LIuL duy, every
one oI LIem wIsIIng Irom AIIuuI eILIer Shchccdch
(murLyrdom)or vIcLory. n LIeIr mInds ure LIe PropIeL
compunIons () und LIeIr rIgILeous successors. TIeIr
InLenLIons were Lo deIend sIuum und Lo desLroy LIe TuLurIun
enemy once und Ior uII, mukIng sure LIey never reLurn Lo LIe
Iund oI sIuum wILI LIeIr corrupLIon, unIIke LIe IIrsL LIme
wIen LIe TurLurs regrouped LIemseIves uILer LIeIr deIeuL In
LIe buLLIe oI `Ain 1cloot
und reLurned Lo uLLuck LIe Iund oI
LIe MusIIms.

TIereIore, LIe muIn worry oI LIe KIuIeeIuI und LIe SuILun
wus Lo desLroy LIe TurLurs und eIImInuLe LIeIr dunger once
und Ior uII. WIen LIe TurLurs suw LIe MusIIms uppurenL
devoLIon und commILmenL Lo wur, uII LIeIr numbers cume
down Lo LIe buLLIe, dIspIuyIng LIeIr mucIInery und urmour.
TIey were LIe bounLy oI LIe MusIIms by LIe end oI LIe duy.

WILI LIIs buLLIe, LIe KIuIeeIuI once uguIn re-esLubIIsIed IIs
roIe us LIe Ieuder oI LIe MusIIms, und so dId LIe SuILun.
WIIIe SIuykI uI-sIuum deIIvered IIs roIe us LIe udvIsor. He
wus uL LIe Ieud oI LIe urmy, sIurpenIng LIe MusIIms

lit. TIe SprIng oI GoIIuLI - HIsLorIc buLLIe wIere LIe MongoIs were
rouLed by LIe MumIukes under LIe commund oI SuII ud-Deen QuLuz, LIus
smusIIng LIe noLIon oI LIeIr InvIncIbIIILy und IeudIng Lo LIeIr decIIne und
evenLuuI ussImIIuLIon wILI sIuum und LIe MusIIms

purpose, wIIIe on LIe oLIer Iund Ie wouId IIgIL LIe enemy
courugeousIy, sendIng LIem reeIIng buck Lo LIeIr Iomes.
WIen LIe urmy suw LIeIr KIuIeeIuI, SuILun und mum uL LIe
Ieud oI LIeIr runks, LIey sLurLed Lo crusI LIe TurLurs,
eIImInuLIng LIeIr dunger und rIddIng LIe MusIIms Irom LIeIr
LIreuL. ConsequenLIy, LIey IeIL LIe enemy no Iope Lo ever
reLurn Lo LIe Iund oI sIuum. TIe buLLIe oI SIuqIub wus LIe
IusL buLLIe ever beLween LIe TurLurs und LIe MusIIm.

TIIs buLLIe Iud u IundumenLuI roIe In bn TuymIyyuI's repIy
Lo LIe cowurdIy MurjI`uI, SuIIs, und oLIers wIo LrIed Lo
IInder und dIscouruge LIe resoIuLIon oI LIe MusIIms. TIey
eILIer LrIed Lo scure LIe MusIIms by exuggeruLIng LIe mIgIL
und sLrengLI oI LIe enemy, or LIey used Lo procIuIm LIuL LIe
TurLurs were MusIIms, und Ience, un excuse noL Lo IIgIL

bn TuymIyyuI's response Lo LIe MusIIms wIo were deceIved
by wIuL wus suId ubouL LIe proIIbILIon oI IIgILIng LIe
TurLurs, wus IIs sLuLemenL: I you IInd me In LIe runks oI LIe
TurLurs LIen kIII me!

HIs response on LIe buLLIeIIeId wus cIeurer In LIuL Ie sLurLed
IIgILIng LIe TurLurs, Ience IeuvIng no room Ior LIe MusIIms
wIo were deceIved or Iud u second LIougIL ubouL LIe rIgIL
decIsIon In IIgILIng LIeIr enemy.


".And whut cun my enemies do to me: Ior my
imprisonment is meditution und my killing is
murtyrdom und expelling me Irom my residence is
bot u vucution.

bn TuymIyyuI

PubIIsIer`s orwurd

- , '----' ,- - -'- -,- , ----- , -,--- , ---=- - --='' '
' -+-' , ' -' ` .'-, - , ' .-- ` -' ,-+, - '-''-=' -',-
'--=- ' -+-' , ' =,- ` --=, -' `' '' ` ''-'' _'- ',- , ---=
'-- , --'+= = -' -'= , -`' _-- , -'-`' -'-' , -' .-
'- , ,'= ='' `' '+-= _,, ` ''+- '+',' -'-,-'' ==-,'= .

ndeed uII pruIse Is due Lo AIIuuI. We pruIse HIm und seek
HIs uId und seek HIs IorgIveness und we seek reIuge In HIm
Irom LIe evII LIuL Is wILIIn ourseIves und Irom LIe evII
consequenses oI our sInIuI ucLIons. WIomsoever AIIuuI
guIdes LIere Is none LIuL cun Ieud (IIm) usLruy, und
wIomsoever AIIuuI Ieuds usLruy, LIere Is none LIuL guIde
(IIm). beur wILness LIuL LIere Is no deILy worLIy oI worsIIp
excepL AIIuuI AIone, Ie Ius no purLners, und beur wILness
LIuL MuIummud Is HIs servunL und Messenger, wIo
conveyed LIe Messuge (oI sIuum) und dIscIurged LIe TrusL
(Irom AIIuuI) und udvIsed LIe nuLIon (oI MusIIms) und
IougIL In LIe wuy oI AIIuuI us Ie ougIL Lo Iuve. And Ie IeIL
us, muy LIe pruyers und peuce oI AIIuuI be upon IIm, upon
LIe cIeur puLI - LIe duy oI IL Is IIke LIe nIgIL oI IL, none Lurns
uwuy Irom IL excepL LIuL Ie Is desLroyed.

TIIs book Is u LrunsIuLIon oI u secLIon Irom LIe cIupLer
enLILIed 1ihccd cl-Kujjccr: Al-Qitccl cl-Iccsil
Irom LIe

JIIuud uguInsL LIe dIsbeIIevers: TIe DecIsIve IgIL

book enLILIed As-siccsch cs-shcr'ich jee islcch cr-
rcc'ee ucl rc'ich
by muum bn TuymIyyuI.

L wus wrILLen specIIIcuIIy us u guIdeIIne Ior LIe governunce oI
MusIIm Iunds und LIose wIo ruIed LIem, deLuIIIng evIdence
Irom LIe Book oI AIIuuI , LIe SunnuI oI HIs Messenger
und LIe concensus oI LIe IIrsL communILy oI MusIIms .

TIe Book wus bused on LIe verse Irom LIe Quruun In SuruI
un-NIsuu dIrecLed uL LIe ruIers:

' ',-,- ' -', ''' ' ` ', - =- ' ' -'' ,- --= ' - ' , '+'' _'' -'-'-
',-- ',-- ' ''' ' - =, ' -- ''' ' .-''- ) ( '+,'', , - ''
' ', ', .,-'' ',,=', ''' ',,=' ',--' ` , -- -= '-- ' -- -
' ,,'', '''- ,--,- -- ' .,-'', ''' _'' -,- ` ,= =' - =
`, , ' - -= ' , ) (

Indeed Alluuh communds yoo to render trosts to
whom they ure doe und when yoo jodge between
people to jodge with jostice. Ixcellent is thut which
Alluuh instrocts yoo. Indeed Alluuh is All-Heuring
und All-Seeing.O yoo who believe! Obey Alluuh und
obey the Messenger (MoIummud ) und those oI yoo
(MusIIms) who ure in uothority. And iI yoo diIIer in
unything umongst yoorselves, reIer it buck to Alluuh
und His Messenger, iI yoo believe in Alluuh und the
Lust uy. Thut is better und more soituble Ior the
Iinul determinution

Governunce AccordIng Lo AIIuuI`s uw In ReIormIng LIe RuIer und IIs
SuruI un-NIsuu: 8-q

TIe scIoIurs Iuve sLuLed LIuL LIe IIrsL verse wus wrILLen wILI
regurds Lo LIose In uuLIorILy, In order Ior LIem Lo correcLIy
dIscIurge LIeIr LrusLs Lo wIom LIey were due, und LIuL wIen
LIey judge beLween men LIuL LIey do so wILI jusLIce und

TIe second oI LIe Lwo verses reIers Lo LIe communders oI
urmIes und oLIers LIuL LIey sIouId obey MusIIm ruIers In
uuLIorILy (wIo govern by LIe SIurI`uI und proLecL LIe
MusIIm Iunds), IuIIII LIeIr pIedges Lo LIem, uccepL LIeIr
ruIIngs In wurIure und so on - excpeL In dIsobedIence Lo
AIIuuI , und II LIey were ordered Lo dIsobey AIIuuI LIen
LIe words oI LIe Messenger oI AIIuuI remInd us:

.= , = ''' ,-- , , '=-' ='= `
There is no obedience to crection in disobedicnce oj Allcch,
the Miht cnd the Sublime.

We usk AIIuuI Lo uId HIs reIIgIon wILI HIs ungeIs In
IormuLed runks In order Lo brIng vIcLory Lo HIs wurrIors wILI
wIom He Is pIeused und LIey ure pIeused wILI HIm. So LIuL
LIe reIIgIon Is uII Ior HIm und LIuL LIere Is jusLIce und
LrunquIIILy everywIere, und HIs nume Is mude Supreme In
LIe Ieuvens und In LIe eurLI.

Abu UmumuI - 1qz1 A.H.

NurruLed by 'Umruun Ibn Husuyn - Recorded by AImud

The Religious and Moral Doctrine of

TIe penuILIes LIuL LIe SIurI`uI Ius InLroduced Ior LIose wIo
dIsobey AIIuuI und HIs Messengers ure oI Lwo kInds:

1. TIe punIsImenL oI LIose wIo ure under LIe swuy |oI
LIe Imum|, boLI IndIvIduuIs und coIIecLIves, us Ius been
menLIoned beIore |In LIe cIupLer on crImInuI Iuw|,

z. TIe punIsImenL oI recuIcILrunL groups, sucI us LIose
LIuL cun onIy be brougIL under LIe swuy oI LIe mum by u
decIsIve IIgIL. TIuL LIen Is LIe JIIuud uguInsL LIe
unbeIIevers (kuIIuur), LIe enemIes oI AIIuuI und HIs
Messenger. or wIoever Ius Ieurd LIe summons oI LIe
Messenger oI AIIuuI , und Ius noL responded Lo IL, musL
be IougIL

_ -= , '-' , ` '' , -'' ,, , -- ,-
".ontil there is no more Iitnuh und the religion is
entirely Ior Alluuh.

WIen AIIuuI senL HIs PropIeL und ordered IIm Lo
summon LIe peopIe Lo HIs reIIgIon, He dId noL permIL IIm Lo
kIII or IIgIL unyone Ior LIuL reuson beIore LIe PropIeL
emIgruLed Lo MudeenuI.

TIereuILer, He guve IIm und LIe MusIIms permIssIon wILI
LIe words:
,--' -- _'= ''' ', ',-'= + - '- , '-'- , , - '' - ' ) q ( ,-''
' = ,- ', - - ', = = ' ` `,' , ''' '- - ', ', -, ' '-'' ''' _-

SuruI uI-BuquruI:1q, SuruI uI-AnIuuI:q

-- ''' -' '+, -, -='--, -','- , _,- , _-' ,- -- - +' , -- +
,= ,-' ''' ' - --, - ''' --,' , ' ,`
) qo ( ' '-- ' , -'' ` -'' ',-'' ` ',-' , - ',-', -'''
' -'= '', --'' = ',+-, -, -''- ` , - ) q1 (
"Permission is given to those who ure Iooght
becuose they were wronged - indeed Alluuh is
uble to help them - who were expelled Irom
their hubitutions withoot right, except thut
they suy 'Oor Lord is Alluuh.' Ior hud it not
been thut Alluuh checks one set oI people by
meuns oI unother, monusteries, chorches,
synugogoes und mosqoes, wherein the Nume
oI Alluuh is mentioned moch, woold sorely
huve been polled down. Assoredly Alluuh will
help him who helps (HIs cuuse) - Indeed Alluuh
is All-Strong, All-Mighty - Those {Moslim
rolers) who, iI We give them power in the lund,
estublish the pruyer, und puy the Zukuuh, und
enjoin good und Iorbid evil; und onto Alluuh
belongs the issoe oI ull uIIuirs.

TIen, uILer LIuL, He Imposed IIgILIng Lo LIem wILI LIe
IoIIowIng words:

_-=, ' ,= ,, '-,- ',- ' _-= , ' - , , .'--'' ,'= --
' - ,, '-,- ',-=- ' -- ' , ', ''' , ` , -'- ) z16 (
"Iighting is prescribed Ior yoo, thoogh it be
huteIol to yoo. Yet it muy huppen thut yoo will
hute u thing thut is better Ior yoo; und it muy
huppen thut yoo love u thing thut is worse Ior
yoo. Alluuh knows und yoo know not.

SuruI uI-Hujj: q-q1
SuruI uI-BuquruI: z16

He Ius empIusIzed LIIs commund und gIorIIIed JIIuud In
muny oI LIe MudInun cIupLers. He Ius crILIcIzed LIose wIo
IuII Lo purLIcIpuLe In IL und cuIIed LIem IypocrILes und sIck In
LIeIr IeurLs. AIIuuI Ius suId:

-' ' ' . .',-', -,-=, =',', -',=', ,'--', ,'
''' - ,'' -=' '+-,-- '- - , ' -' - , -= - - ' = - , ' , - --'
-', _-= ',-- - ',-- , -'+= , ',- , ''' , - - '- ''' ` ,-'' -+,
,--'-'' ) zq (
"Suy: 'II yoor Iuthers, und yoor sons, und yoor
brothers, und yoor wives, und yoor clun, und
yoor weulth thut yoo huve guined, und the
commerce yoo Ieur muy decline, und the
dwellings thut yoo love - ure deurer to yoo thun
Alluuh und His Messenger und Jihuud in His
wuy, then wuit till Alluuh brings His commund
{ponishment); Alluuh goides not the

` ', - , '''- ', --' , -'' , --, -'' '-- ' +'',-'- ',-'=, ',-'-, '
, -' -'' =-', ' ''' .,-- + - -- ' , ) 1 (
"Only those ure the believers who huve
believed in Alluuh und His Messenger, then
huve not doobted, und huve mude Jihuud with
their possessions und their selves in the wuy oI
Alluuh; those - they ure the trothIol.


SuruI uL-TuwbuI; zq
SuruI uI-HujuruuL: 1

- +-,' ,-'' -,' .'--'' '+, -, -=- -,- -'- ' '-'
, ' -,-'' - ,'= --'' =- =, ' ' , =- , +' _' ) zo ( .,, ='=
= ' - ' -, - `' +' ' ,= '' ''' ', -- ,' - ) z1 (
"Then, when u cleur soruh is sent down, und
therein Iighting is mentioned, yoo see those in
whose heurt is sickness looking ut yoo us one
who Iuints oI deuth; bot better Ior them woold
be obedience und words honooruble. Then
when the mutter is resolved, iI they were troe
to Alluuh, it woold be better Ior them.

TIere ure numerous sImIIur verses In LIe Quruun und equuIIy
IrequenL Is LIe gIorIIIcuLIon oI JIIuud und LIose wIo
purLIcIpuLe In IL, |Ior InsLunce| In SuruI 'LIe Runks`:

,'' ,-'-= - ,=-- ,-'=- _'= ' -' . ',--' ,-'' '+,'', , ) 1o ( ,--,-
' ' ,= '- ---', '',- '- ''' .,-- , -'= - , ', - , '''-
, -'- -- ) 11 ( , '+-=- - =- , -' -= '=- , , -,- - ' - `' '+-
,='' ,-'' =' - , -= -'-= -,= '--, ) 1z ( -- '+-,-=- ,=',
,--, -'' -- , -, _- , ''' - ) 1 (
"O Yoo who believe, shull I direct yoo to u
commerce thut shull deliver yoo Irom u puinIol
torment? Thut yoo believe in Alluuh und His
Messenger, und muke Jihuud in the wuy oI
Alluuh with yoor weulth und yoor lives. Thut is
better Ior yoo, iI yoo bot knew. He will Iorgive
yoo yoor sins und udmit yoo into gurdens
onderneuth which rivers Ilow, und to dwelling
pluces goodly in Gurdens oI Iden; thut is the
sopreme soccess; und other things yoo love,

SuruI MuIummud: zo-z1

help Irom Alluuh und victory is neur. And give
good tidings to the believers.

And |eIsewIere| He Ius suId:

,,'', '''- -' - '='' -=--'' - '-= , _'='' ,'-- -'= '
' ` ''' , ''' --= , ,--, ` ''' .,-- -'= , = ` ,-'' -+,
-''='' , ) 19 ( +'',-'- ''' .,-- ',-'=, ',=', ',--' ,-''
, -'-'' =-', ' , ''' --= = - == ' +- -- ' , ) 20 ( --,
,- '+, +' ,-'-=, ,',-, -- ,-= - +- ,-- ) 21 ( ,-''=
'--' '+, ,== =' ---= ''' ' ) 22 (
"o yoo reckon the giving oI wuter to pilgrims
und tuking cure oI the Holy Mosqoe us the
sume us one who believes in Alluuh und the
Lust uy und mukes Jihuud in the wuy oI
Alluuh? Not eqoul ure they in Alluuh's sight;
und Alluuh goides not the evildoers. Those who
believe, und huve emigruted, und huve mude
Jihuud in wuy oI Alluuh with their weulth und
their lives ure mightier in runk with Alluuh;
und those - they ure the triomphunt; their Lord
gives them good tidings oI mercy Irom Him
und good pleusore; Ior them uwuit gurdens
wherein is lusting bliss, therein to dwell Ior
eternity; sorely with Alluuh is u greut

+-=, ,,-- ''' -', -,- -,- = -- --, - ', --' , - '' '+ ,'',
` , ''' .,-- , -'= , , ''' _'= , - = ' ,--,-'' _'= ,' - ' -,-=, ,
- , -` -,' , '=, ,'= _-', ''', -'-, - ,-,, ''' .- =' ) q (

SuruI us-SuII: 1o-1
SuruI uL-TuwbuI: 1q-z1

"O Yoo who believe, whosoever oI yoo torns
Irom his religion, Alluuh will ussoredly bring u
people He loves, und who love Him, homble
towurds the believers, stern towurds the
onbelievers, Iighting in the puth oI Alluuh, not
Ieuring the blume oI uny blumer. Thut is
Alluuh's boonty; He gives it onto whom He

And He Ius suId:
,-=, `, ''' .,-- --=- `, --- ` , '-= +-,-, ` +- '- =' -
' _''- .-= - +' -- `' '',- , -= - , ''-, ` , ' - '' =,, '-= , -
,--= -'' = ' _,- , ` '''
) 1zo ( +' -- `' ',-', ,=-, `, -,- ` , - ,- --- ,---, ` ,
' , '-, ', -' '---= ' ''' +, =, ) 1z1 (
"Thut is becuose they ure smitten neither by
thirst, nor Iutigoe, nor emptiness in the wuy oI
Alluuh, neither treud they uny treud enruging
the onbelievers, nor guin uny guin Irom uny
enemy, bot u righteoos deed is thereby written
to their uccoont; Alluuh leuves not to wuste the
wuge oI the good-doers. Nor do they expend
uny som, smull or greut, nor do they truverse
uny vulley, bot it is written to their uccoont,
thut Alluuh muy recompense them the best oI
whut they were doing.

TIus He Ius menLIoned |LIe rewurd| resuILIng Irom LIeIr
deeds und LIe deeds LIey musL prucLIce.

TIe commund Lo purLIcIpuLe In JIIuud und LIe menLIon oI ILs
merILs occur InnumerubIe LImes In LIe Quruun und LIe

SuruI uI-MuuIduI: q
SuruI uL-TuwbuI: 1zo-1z1

SunnuI. TIereIore, IL Is LIe besL voIunLury |reIIgIous| ucL LIuL
mun cun perIorm. AII scIoIurs ugree LIuL IL Is beLLer LIun LIe
Iujj (greuLer pIIgrImuge) und LIe 'umruI (Iesser pIIgrImuge),
LIun voIunLury suIuuI und voIunLury IusLIng, us LIe Quruun
und LIe SunnuI IndIcuLe.

TIe PropIeL Ius suId:
-'+='' -'-- - , - , -`-'' - -,-= , `- `' - `' '
The hecd oj the cjjcir is Islccm, its centrcl pillcr is the
sclcct cnd the summit is the 1ihccd.

And Ie () Ius suId:
' ,= - -'- -='' ' ,-=-'' ,- '- ''' .,-- ,-'=-'' ''' ' -=
`' , -'- -'' ,- '-
In Pcrcdise there cre c hundred rcdes uith intertcls cs
uide cs the distcnce betueen the sl cnd the ecrth. All these
Allcch hcs prepcred jor those uho tcle pcrt in 1ihccd.

AI-BukIuurI Ius LrunsmILLed LIuL Ie () Ius suId:
' -'' _'= ''' - = ''' .,-- -'-- - -=' -
He uhose jeet hcte become dust in the uc oj Allcch [i.e.
1ihccd] Allcch uill scte jrom helljire.

And, us reIuLed by MusIIm, Ie () Ius suId:
-'' '-= ,'= ,= -'- ', -', , , +- ',- - ,= ,',' , , ,, ='-
= ' , '-,
,'= ' --'' - ' ,
A dc cnd c niht spent in ribcct [remcinin ct the
jrontiers oj Islccm uith the intention oj dejendin Islccmic
territor ccinst the enemies] cre better thcn one month

CoIIecLed by AImud und TIrmIdII.
Agreed upon

spent in jcstin cnd tiils. Ij he dies [in the juljillment oj this
tcsl], he uill receite the recompense oj his deeds cnd
subsistence, cnd he uill be protected jrom the Anel oj the

L Is reIuLed In LIe Sunun LIuL:
. '--'' - -' ,- '-, , ,, -' ' - ,= ''' .,-- , ,, ='-
A dc spent in ribcct in the uc oj Allcch is better thcn
thouscnd dcs spent elseuhere.

He () Ius (uIso) suId:
,= '-'' '-+--- ` '-,= .,-- =- --'- ,=, ''' ,-= - --
Tuo ees uill not be touched b the jire: the ee thct hcs
uept out oj jecr jor Allcch cnd the ee thct hcs spent the
niht on the uctch in the uc oj Allcch. AI-TIrmIdII Ius
suId ubouL LIIs LrudILIon LIuL IL Is good (Iusun).

n LIe Musnud oI AImud Ibn HunbuI we IInd:
' '+- '- , , '+ ',' '- , ,',' -' ' - .- ' _''- ''' .,-- ,',' =
A niht spent on the uctch in the uc oj Allcch is better
thcn c thouscnd nihts cnd dcs spent in nihtl tiils cnd

n LIe SuIeeI oI uI-BukIuurI us weII us LIe SuIeeI oI MusIIm
we IInd: A mcn scid: `D Messener oj Allcch, tell me oj cn
cct thct equcls 1ihccd in the uc oj Allcch.' He cnsuered:
`You uill not be ccpcble oj it.' The mcn scid: `Tell me
cnuc.' The Messener oj Allcch scid: `Ccn ou, uhen c
1ihccd ucrrior hcs one out on expedition, jcst uithout
interruption cnd spend the niht in continuous prcer?' The

TIrmIdII, NIsuuI, AImud und DuurImI

mcn scid: `No.' Then the Messener oj Allcch scid: `This
then is uhct equcls 1ihccd.'

n LIe Sunun we IInd LIuL MoIummud Ius suId:
-' .,-- -'+='' --' =',- , =',- -' .' '
Indeed eter nction hcs its' tourism cnd the tourism oj m
nction is 1ihccd in the pcth oj Allcch.

TIIs Is u vusL subjecL, unequuIIed by oLIer subjecLs us Iur us
LIe rewurd und merIL oI Iumun deeds Is concerned. TIIs Is
evIdenL upon cIoser exumInuLIon.

TIe |IIrsL| reuson Is LIuL LIe beneIIL oI JIIuud Is generuI,
exLendIng noL onIy Lo LIe person wIo purLIcIpuLes In IL buL
uIso Lo oLIers, boLI In u reIIgIous und u LemporuI sense.
|SecondIy,| JIIuud ImpIIes uII kInds oI worsIIp, boLI In ILs
Inner und ouLer Iorms. More LIun uny oLIer ucL IL ImpIIes
Iove und devoLIon Ior AIIuuI , WIo Is exuILed, LrusL In HIm,
LIe surrender oI one`s IIIe und properLy Lo HIm, puLIence,
usceLIcIsm, remembrunce oI AIIuuI und uII kInds oI oLIer
ucLs |oI worsIIp|. And IndIvIduuI or communILy LIuL
purLIcIpuLes In IL, IInds ILseII beLween Lwo bIIssIuI ouLcomes:
eILIer vIcLory und LrIumpI or murLyrdom und PurudIse.
|TIIrdIy,| uII creuLures musL IIve und dIe.

Now, IL Is In JIIuud LIuL one cun IIve und dIe In uILImuLe
IuppIness, boLI In LIIs worId und In LIe HereuILer.
AbundonIng IL meuns IosIng enLIreIy or purLIuIIy boLI kInds oI
IuppIness. TIere ure peopIe wIo wunL Lo perIorm reIIgIous
und LemporuI deeds IuII oI IurdsIIp In spILe oI LIeIr Iuck oI
beneIIL, wIereus ucLuuIIy JIIuud Is reIIgIousIy und LemporuIIy
more beneIIcIuI LIun uny oLIer deed IuII oI IurdsIIp. OLIer
peopIe |purLIcIpuLe In IL| ouL oI u desIre Lo muke LIIngs eusy

MusLudruk uI-HuukIm - gruded SuIeeI

Ior LIemseIves wIen deuLI meeLs LIem, Ior LIe deuLI oI u
murLyr Is eusIer LIun uny oLIer Iorm oI deuLI. nIucL, IL Is LIe
besL oI uII munners oI dyIng.

SInce IuwIuI wurIure Is essenLIuIIy JIIuud und sInce ILs uIm Is
LIuL LIe reIIgIon Is enLIreIy Ior AIIuuI |z:18q, 8:q| und LIe
word oI AIIuuI Is uppermosL |q:qo|, LIereIore, uccordIng Lo
uII MusIIms, LIose wIo sLund In LIe wuy oI LIIs uIm musL be

As Ior LIose wIo cunnoL oIIer resIsLunce or cunnoL IIgIL, sucI
us women, cIIIdren, monks, oId peopIe, LIe bIInd,
IundIcupped und LIeIr IIkes, LIey sIuII noL be kIIIed, unIess
LIey ucLuuIIy IIgIL wILI words |e.g. by propugundu| und ucLs
|e.g. by spyIng or oLIerwIse ussIsLIng In LIe wurIure|. Some
|jurIsLs| ure oI LIe opInIon LIuL uII oI LIem muy be kIIIed, on
LIe mere ground LIuL LIey ure unbeIIevers, buL LIey muke un
excepLIon Ior women und cIIIdren sInce LIey consLILuLe
properLy Ior MusIIms.

However, LIe IIrsL opInIon Is LIe correcL one, becuuse we muy
onIy IIgIL LIose wIo IIgIL us wIen we wunL Lo muke LIe
reIIgIon oI AIIuuI vIcLorIous. AIIuuI , Ius suId In LIIs
,---'' -=, ` ''' ' ', --- `, -, '-'- , , - '' ''' .,-- ', '-' ,
) 1qo (
"And Iight in the wuy oI Alluuh those who Iight yoo,
bot trunsgress not: Alluuh loves not the

n LIe Sunun IL Is reporLed Irom LIe Messenger oI AIIuuI :
Thct he once pcssed b c uomcn uho hcd been slcin. The
Messener oj Allcch hclted cnd scid: `She ucs not one uho

SuruI uI-BuquruI: 1qo

uould hcte jouht.' Then he scid to one oj [his compcnions]:
`Cctch up uith Khcclid ibn cl-Wcleed cnd tell him not to lill
uomen, children cnd serjs.'

L Is uIso reporLed In LIe Sunun LIuL Ie used Lo suy: Do not
lill ter old men, nor smcll children or uomen. The recson
is thct Allcch hcs [onl] permitted to shed blood ij thct is
necesscr jor the ueljcre oj the crection. He hcs scid:
.--'' - --' ---'',
"Iitnuh is more grievoos thun sluying.

TIIs meuns LIuL, uILIougI LIere Is evII und ubomInuLIon In
kIIIIng, LIere Is greuLer evII und ubomInuLIon In LIe
persecuLIon oI LIe unbeIIevers. Now, LIe unbeIIeI oI LIose
wIo do noL IInder LIe MusIIms Irom esLubIIsIIng LIe reIIgIon
oI AIIuuI Is onIy prejudIcIuI Lo LIemseIves. n LIe sume
veIn, LIe jurIsLs Iuve suId LIuL LIe one wIo propuguLes
InnovuLIons (bId`uuL) LIuL ure conLrury Lo LIe Quruun und LIe
SunnuI musL be punIsIed mucI more severeIy LIun LIe
person |wIo IoIds sucI beIIeIs buL| remuIns sIIenL.

-- ' -+= '-' ' , '+-='- `' -- ' -,-=' '-' -,=='' '
-''' --
A mistcle thct is lept secret, suys u TrudILIon, onl hcrms
the person uho hcs committed it, but ij it becomes public
cnd is not denounced, it hcrms the communit.

TIe SIurI`uI enjoIns IIgILIng LIe unbeIIevers, buL noL LIe
kIIIIng oI LIose wIo Iuve been cupLured. I u muIe unbeIIever
Is Luken cupLIve durIng wurIure or oLIerwIse, e.g. us u resuIL
oI u sIIpwreck, or becuuse Ie IosL IIs wuy, or us u resuIL oI u

Sunun Abu Duwood
SuruI uI-BuquruI: 1q1
Mujmu`u uz-ZuwuuId oI HuuIIdI uI-HuyLIumI

ruse, LIen LIe Ieud oI sLuLe (Imuum) muy do wIuLever Ie
deems upproprIuLe: kIIIIng IIm, ensIuvIng IIm, reIeusIng IIm
or seLLIng IIm Iree Ior u runsom consIsLIng In eILIer properLy
or peopIe. TIIs Is LIe vIew oI mosL jurIsLs und IL Is supporLed
by LIe Quruun und LIe SunnuI.

TIere ure, Iowever, some jurIsLs wIo IoId LIuL LIe opLIons oI
reIeusIng LIem or seLLIng LIem Iree Ior u runsom Iuve been
ubroguLed. As Ior LIe PeopIe oI LIe Book (AII uI-KILuub)und
LIe ZorousLrIuns (Mujoos), LIey ure Lo be IougIL unLII LIey
become MusIIms or puy LIe LrIbuLe (jIzyuI) ouL oI Iund und
Iuve been IumbIed. WILI regurd Lo LIe oLIers, LIe jurIsLs
dIIIer us Lo LIe IuwIuIness oI LukIng LrIbuLe Irom LIem. MosL
oI LIem regurd IL us unIuwIuI oI LukIng LrIbuLe Irom LIem.
MosL oI LIem regurd IL us unIuwIuI Lo uccepL IL Irom
|IeuLIen| Arubs.

I u rebeIIIous group, uILIougI beIongIng Lo sIuum, reIuses Lo
compIy wILI cIeur und unIversuIIy uccepLed communds, uII
MusIIms ugree LIuL JIIuud musL be wuged uguInsL LIem, In
order LIuL LIe reIIgIon wIII be Ior AIIuuI In LoLuIILy. TIus
Abu Bukr us-SIddeeq und oLIer CompunIons , Iuve IougIL
LIose wIo reIused Lo puy zukuuL. nILIuIIy some oI LIe
CompunIons IesILuLed In IIgILIng LIem, buL evenLuuIIy LIey
uII ugreed. 'Umur Ibn uI-KIuLLuub suId Lo Abu Bukr, :

How cun you IIgIL LIese peopIe? Hus LIe Messenger oI
AIIuuI , noL suId: `I hcte been ordered to jiht people until
the projess thct there is no Allcch cnd thct Mohcmmcd is
Allcch's Messener. Ij the sc thct, their lites cnd
properties uill be intiolcble jor me, unless there is c rule oj
lcu thct cllous tclin them. [Ior their cctions] the must
render cccount to Allcch' Abu Bukr LIen suId: TIe
|obIIguLIon Lo puy| zukuuL Is sucI u ruIe. By AIIuuI, II LIey
reIuse Lo gIve me one sIe-kId wIIcI LIey used Lo gIve Lo LIe

Messenger oI AIIuuI , sIuII IIgIL LIem Ior LIIs reIusuI.
`Umur suId: TIen reuIIzed ImmedIuLeIy LIuL AIIuuI Iud
opened IIs IeurL Ior IIgILIng und knew LIuL LIuL wus

TIere ure vurIous uuLIenLIc TrudILIons uccordIng Lo wIIcI
LIe PropIeL , Ius ordered Lo IIgIL LIe KIurIjILes. n LIe
SuIeeI oI uI-BukIuurI us weII us LIe SuIeeI oI MusIIm IL Is
reporLed on LIe uuLIorILy oI 'AIee Ibn Abee TuuIIb , LIuL Ie
suId: Iuve Ieurd LIe Messenger oI AIIuuI (suy): `Toucrds
the end oj time c roup uill emere, oun oj ce cnd
simple oj minds, uho uill specl the most becutijul uords,
but uhose jcith does not o deeper thcn their throcts. The
uill cbcndon the reliion just lile cn crrou pierces cnd then
cbcndons c cme cnimcl. Whereter ou uill jind them ou
must lill them since those uho lill them uill be reucrded on
the Dc oj Resurrection.'

MusIIm Ius reporLed LIuL `AIee : Iuve Ieurd LIe
Messenger oI AIIuuI, : `A roup oj people uill emere jrom
cmonst m communit, uho uill recite the Qurccn [ter
uell]. Your recitction is nothin compcred to theirs.
Lileuise our uc oj perjormin sclcct cnd our uc oj
jcstin cre nothin compcred uith theirs. The uill recite
the Qurccn belietin thct it[s text] supports them, uherecs
[in reclit] it condemns them. Their recitction does not o
deeper thcn their collcrbones. The uill cbcndon the
reliion just lile cn crrou pierces cnd then cbcndons c
cme cnimcl. Ij the crm thct recches them uould lnou
hou much [reucrd] the Prophet hcs promised them, the
uould rel on this deed [clone cnd not uorr cbout other
ood deeds].

SuIeeI uI-BukIuurI

n unoLIer versIon oI LIIs TrudILIon, LrunsmILLed on LIe
uuLIorILy oI Abu Su`eed Irom LIe PropIeL we IInd LIe
IoIIowIng words:
, -'= .- + -' - ` + - - ' '- ' -' '`, `' . ' ,= -, , `- `' . ' , ' --,
The uill jiht the people oj jcith cnd lecte the idolcters. Ij
I lite lon enouh to meet them, I shcll lill them in the
mcnner the tribe oj `Acd ucs lilled. TIere Is ununImILy
ubouL LIe uuLIenLIcILy oI LIIs LrudILIon.

n unoLIer TrudILIon reporLed by MusIIm IL Is suId:
_ =- '- - - ' , - =''- `, ' +'- ', '- '-+-,- -
M communit uill jcll cpcrt into tuo pcrties. Irom
. The pcrt thct is closest to truth uill be in chcre oj
lillin them.

TIese were LIe peopIe LIuL were kIIIed by LIe Communder oI
LIe uILIIuI 'AIee , wIen LIe breucI beLween LIe peopIe oI
ruq und LIe peopIe oI SyrIu Look pIuce. TIey were cuIIed
. TIe PropIeL , Ius mude IL cIeur LIuL boLI
purLIes InLo wIIcI LIe communILy Iud IuIIen upurL, beIonged
Lo IIs communILy und LIuL LIe purLIsuns oI 'AIee were cIoser
Lo LIe LruLI. He IncILed Lo IIgIL onIy LIose IereLIcs LIuL Iud
ubundoned sIuum und Iud IeIL LIe communILy und LIuL Iud
permILLed LIe LukIng oI LIe IIves und properLIes oI LIe oLIer

L Ius been esLubIIsIed on LIe uuLIorILy oI LIe Quruun, LIe
SunnuI, und LIe Consensus oI LIe CommunILy, LIuL LIose
wIo depurL Irom LIe Iuw oI sIuum musL be IougIL, even II
LIey pronounce LIe Lwo proIessIons oI IuILI.

TIose wIo Ieuve LIe reIIgIon
TIIs wus u group Irom umongsL LIe KIuwuurIj Irom LIe Lown oI
Hurooru und LIey were LIe IoIIowers oI NujduI uI-KIuurIjI

TIe jurIsLs dIsugree ubouL LIe permIssIbIIILy Lo IIgIL
rebeIIIous groups LIuL ubundon un esLubIIsIed
supereroguLory ucL oI worsIIp (SunnuI ruuLIbuI), sucI us LIe
Lwo |exLru| ruk`uIs oI duwn pruyer. TIere Is, Iowever,
ununImILy LIuL IL Is uIIowed Lo IIgIL peopIe Ior |noL
observIng| unumbIguous und generuIIy recognIzed
obIIguLIons und proIIbILIons, unLII LIey underLuke Lo perIorm
LIe expIIcILIy prescrIbed pruyers, Lo puy zukuuI, Lo IusL durIng
LIe monLI oI Rumuduun, Lo muke LIe pIIgrImuge Lo MukkuI
und Lo uvoId wIuL Is proIIbILed, sucI u murryIng women In
spILe oI IeguI ImpedImenLs, euLIng Impure LIIngs, ucLIng
unIuwIuIIy uguInsL LIe IIves und properLIes oI MusIIms und
LIe IIke.

L Is obIIguLory Lo Luke LIe InILIuLIve In IIgILIng LIose peopIe,
us soon us LIe PropIeL`s summons wILI LIe reusons Ior wIIcI
LIey ure IougIL Ius reucIed LIem. BuL II LIey IIrsL uLLuck LIe
MusIIms, LIen IIgILIng LIem Is even more urgenL, us we Iuve
menLIoned wIen deuIIng wILI LIe IIgILIng uguInsL rebeIIIous
und uggressIve bundILs.

TIe mosL serIous Lype oI obIIguLory JIIuud Is LIe one uguInsL
LIe unbeIIevers und uguInsL LIose wIo reIuse Lo ubIde by
cerLuIn prescrIpLIon oI LIe SIurI`uI, IIke LIose wIo reIuse Lo
puy zukuuI, LIe KIurIjILes und LIe IIke. TIIs JIIuud Is
obIIguLory II IL Is currIed ouL on our InILIuLIve und uIso II IL Is
wuged us deIence. I we Luke LIe InILIuLIve, IL Is u coIIecLIve
duLy, |wIIcI meuns LIuL| II IL Is IuIIIIIed by u suIIIcIenL
number |oI MusIIms|, LIe obIIguLIon Iupses Ior uII oLIers und
LIe merIL goes Lo LIose wIo Iuve IuIIIIIed IL, jusL us AIIuuI
Ius suId:

.,-- ,-'=-'', -'' ',' ,= ,--,-'' - , -='-'' ,--, `
-='-'' _'= +- -- ' , +'' ,- '- , -'= -'' ''' . - +- -- ' , +'' ,- '- ''' ,

'=' ,-='-'' _'= ,-'=-'' ''' . - , _-- ='' ''' -= , ' ' , = -
'-,== ) q ( '-,= ',-= ''' ', -=, --- , -- , -'= - ) q6 (

"Soch believers us sit ut home - onless they huve un
injory - ure not eqouls oI the Mojuhideen in the puth
oI Alluuh with their weulth und their lives. Alluuh hus
preIerred in runk the Mojuhideen in the puth oI
Alluuh with their weulth und their lives over the ones
who sit ut home; yet to euch Alluuh hus promised the
rewurd most Iuir; und Alluuh hus preIerred the
Mojuhideen over the ones who sit ut home Ior the
boonty oI u mighty wuge, in runks stunding beIore
Him, Iorgiveness und mercy.

BuL II LIe enemy wunLs Lo uLLuck LIe MusIIms, LIen repeIIIng
IIm becomes u duLy Ior uII LIose under uLLuck und Ior LIe
oLIers Lo IeIp LIem. AIIuuI suys:
--'' ,' , -'' , ----' ' ,
"Yet iI they seek yoor help Ior religion's suke, it is
yoor doty to help them.

n LIe sume veIn LIe PropIeL Ius ordered MusIIms Lo IeIp
IeIIow MusIIms. TIe ussIsLunce, wIIcI Is obIIguLory boLI Ior
LIe reguIur proIessIonuI urmy und Ior oLIers, musL be gIven,
uccordIng Lo everybody`s possIbIIILIes, eILIer In person, by
IIgILIng on IooL or on Iorsebuck, or LIrougI IInuncIuI
conLrIbuLIons, be LIey smuII or Iurge.

WIen LIe MusIIms were uLLucked by LIe enemy In LIe yeur oI
LIe TrencI, AIIuuI dId noL permIL unybody Lo ubundon
JIIuud, uILIougI He dId uIIow LIem noL Lo Luke purL In JIIuud
|uILer LIe sIege wus IIILed |In order Lo pursue LIe enemy. AL

SuruI un-NIsuu: q-q6
SuruI uI-AnIuuI: ;z

LIuL occusIon He dIvIded LIem InLo Lwo cuLegorIes, LIose wIo
suL uL Iome und LIose wIo murcIed ouL, und He crILIcIzed
LIose wIo were uskIng LIe PropIeL Ior Ieuve |noL Lo Luke purL
In JIIuud|:

--'= -'' - ' , +-- , -'--,, ',=' ' '- - ` - `, . '', +--
'' `' , -,, ' ,-,- '-, -,= '--,,- ' ,',-, --'' ) 1 (
"[And u purt oI them were usking leuve oI the
Prophet,| suying, 'Oor hooses ure exposed'; yet they
were not exposed; they desired only to Ilee.

So LIe IuLLer |Iorm oI JIIuud| consIsLs In deIense oI LIe
reIIgIon, oI LIIngs LIuL ure InvIoIubIe, und oI IIves. TIereIore
IL Is IIgILIng ouL oI necessILy. TIe Iormer |Lype oI JIIuud|,
Iowever, Is voIunLury IIgILIng In order Lo propuguLe LIe
reIIgIon, Lo muke IL LrIumpI und Lo InLImIduLe LIe enemy,
sucI us wus LIe cuse wILI LIe expedILIon Lo Tubuk und LIe

Now, LIIs Iorm oI punIsImenL |I.e. JIIuud| musL be
udmInIsLered Lo rebeIIIous peopIe. As Ior InIubILunLs oI LIe
LerrILory oI sIuum wIo ure noL rebeIIIous |buL reIuse Lo curry
ouL reIIgIous duLIes|, LIey musL be Iorced Lo curry ouL LIeIr
obIIguLIons sucI us LIe IIve IundumenLuI duLIes oI sIuum und
oLIers IIke LIe deIIverIng oI LrusLs Lo LIeIr owners und LIe
preservIng oI covenunLs In socIuI reIuLIons.

SuruI uI-AIzuub: 1

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