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Project Report On


With special Reference To Excel industries Submitted By VISHWAKARMA SAHAJEEVAN OF MANAGEMENT,KHED In Requirement For the Award of Degree of Master in Management Studies By Miss.PRAJAKTA SAJJANRAO KAUTHALKAR Under The Guidance Of Prof. Mrs. Angha Gokhale (2010-2012)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT I have great pleasure to present the project report on Industrial Relation and welfare activities In Excel Industries in partial fulfillment of Master Management studies, university of Mumbai ,at Vishwakarma sahajeevan Institute of Management, Mumbai. This is 4th project of MMS. This Project would take this opportunity to acknowledge the help of them, in providing guidance, spending their valuable time and reviewing my project . I would like thanks to the Ms. Anagha Gokhale Madam Vishwakarma Sahajeevan Institute of Management ,khed and my project guide Ms.Gokhale madam for providing valuable guidance to me for such report. I Would also like to thanks Mr. S. Y. Patankar (Personal Manager,excel ltd.) and Mr. Karekar Sir ,Mr. Anada Patankar, Mr. Anil Patil And Mr. M.Joshi Sir and all staff of HR department for help in gathering relevant data needed for the project work.This acknowledgement can never be complete without thanking to the employees of organization and all other people who have been associated directly or indirectly with my project and helped me in getting it in the present form.


This project was carried out in EXCEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, lote parashuram. The company Is now engaged in producing industrial Chemicals. The project is an INDUSTRIAL RELATION AND WELFARE ACTIVITES IN EXCEL INDUSTRIES . The main objective behind the study was to examine the effectiveness of industrial relation, and welfare activities in various department of an organization.& to see the changes in behavior of an employee after attending program. In order to complete the project the information is collected through questionnaire, observation & other secondary data such as company past records. The project consists of the company profile, the welfare activities how to conduct in various deparment,later than which facilities provided to employee, workers, staff management conducted by the internal & external program in the organization.. Employee welfare has positive aspect to it. Various activities conduct to the Excel industries. I like to welfare facilities to Excel Company. Since very sincerely conduct .Maintain also relation to employee to employee. Worker to worker, management to management .After collecting the data, the data was analyzed & evaluation of the same was done & the report was submitted to the manager. In my research project it include by organization profile, theoretical part of Industrial relation and welfare activities, process also analysis &interpretation.


CHAPTER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

TOPIC Scope and objectives of study Executive Summary Introduction to Excel Industries Ltd Project About Industrial Relation Welfare facilities Types of Welfare activities Importance of Industrial relation, Welfare activities Methodology of the project Data interpretation and ANALYSIS Bibliography


Scope of subject The concept of industrial relations means the relationship between employees and management in the day to day working of industry. But the concept has a wide meaning. When taken in the wider sense, industrial relations is a Set of functional interdependence involving historical, economic, social psychological, demographic, technological, occupational, political and legal variables

Industrial relations are relations between employee and employer in their day-to-day work. Hence, it is continuous relationship. The scope o Industrial relations include. Relationship among employee between employees and their susperiors or managers. Collective relations between trade union and management. It is called union-management relations. Collective relations among trade unions, employees associations and government Scott, clothier and Spiegel remarked that the industrial relations has to attain the maximum individual development, desirable working relationships between management and employees and effective moulding of human resources. They have also arrested that either industrial relations or personnel administration is primarily concerned with all functions relating man of industrial relations seems to be very wide. It includes the establishment and maintenance of good personnel relations in the industry, ensuring manpower development, establishing a closer connect between persons connected with the industry and that between the management and the workers, creating a sense of belongingness in the minds of management, creating a mutual affection, responsibility and regard for eachotehr, stimulating production as well as industrial and economic development, establishing a good industrial climate and peace and ultimately maximizing social welfare. Various definitions of Industrial Relations

: Industrial relations have been defined by some of the thinkers a follows:1. Industrial relations and personnel management are almost synonymous term with the

only difference the former places emphasis on the aspect of employer relationship rather than on the executive policies and activities that are set up to foster good relations. - E.F.L. Brec 2. Industrial relations is that part of management which is concerned with the man power of the enterprise- whether machine operator, skilled worker or manager. - Bethel, Smith & other 3. 'Industrial relationship is the composite result of the attitudes and approaches the employers and employees towards each other with regard to planning, supervision, direction and co-ordination of the activities of an organization with a minimum of human efforts and friction, with an animating sprite of co-operation and with proper regard for the genuine well-being of all the members of the organization. -Tead and Matcal It is clear from the analysis of the above definitions that employment relations are generally called industrial relations. It is a relationship between employer and employees employer and employee and trade unions and employees.

Industrial relations is a multidisciplinary field that studies theemploymentrelationship.[1] Industrial relations is increasingly being called employment relations because of the importance of non-industrial employment relationships. Many outsiders[who?] also equate industrial relations to Industrial relations studies examine various employment situations, not just ones with a unionized workforce.

In the broad sense, industrial relations cover all such relationships that a business enterprise maintains with various sections of the society such as workers, state, customers and public who come into its contact. In the narrow sense, it refers to all types of relationships between employer and employees, trade union and management, works and union and between workers and workers. It also includes all sorts of relationships at both formal and informal levels in the organization. The term industrial relations has been variously defined. J.T. Dunlop defines industrial relations as the complex interrelations among managers, workers and agencies of the governments. According to Dale Yoder industrial relations is the process of management

dealing with one or more unions with a view to negotiate and subsequently administer collective bargaining agreement or labour contract. In indusial relations, therefore, one seeks to study how people get on together at their work, what difficulties arise between them, how their relations including wages and working conditions etc., are regulated. Industrial relations, thus, include both industrial relations and collective relations as well as the role of the state in regulating these relations. Such a relationship is therefore complex and multidimensional resting on economic, social, psychological, ethical, occupational, political and legal levels. There are mainly two set of factors that determine the state of industrial relations whether good or poor in any country. The first set of factors, described as institutional factors include type of labour legislation, policy of state relating to labour and industry, extent and stage of development of trade unions and employers organizations and the type of social institutions. The other set of factors, described as economic factors include the nature of economic organization capitalist, socialist technology, the sources of demand and supply in the labour market, the nature and composition of labour force etc.

Objectives of Industrial Relations 1. To bring better understanding and cooperation between employers and workers. 2. To establish a proper channel of communication between workers and management. 3. To ensure constructive contribution of trade unions. 4. To avoid industrial conflicts and to maintain harmonious relations. 5. To safeguard the interest of workers and the management. 6. To work in the direction of establishing and maintaining industrial democracy. 7. To ensure workers participation in decision-making. 8. To increase the morale and discipline of workers. 9. To ensure better working conditions, living conditions and reasonable wages. 10. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological, social and economic changes. 11. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country.

Scope The scope of industrial relations includes all aspects of relationships such as bringing cordial and healthy labour management relations, creating industrial peace and developing industrial different to different parties. The perceptions of unions and of the management of the same issues may be widely different and, hence, clashes and may arise between the two parties. Other factors also influence perception and may bring about clashes. The reasons of strained industrial relations between the employers and the employees can be understood by studying differences in the perception of issues, situations and persons between the management groups and labour groups. The organizational behavior of inter-groups of management and workers is of crucial importance in the pattern of industrial relations. The group-dynamics between the two conflicting groups in industrial relations tend to shape the behavioural pattern. Sociological approach Industry is a social world in miniature. The management goals, workers attitudes, perception of change in industry, are all, in turn, decided by broad social factors like the culture of the institutions, customs, structural changes, status-symbols, rationality, acceptance or resistance to change, tolerance etc. Industry is, thus inseparable from the society in which it functions. Through the main function of an industry is economic, its social consequences are also important such as urbanization, social mobility, housing and transport problem in industrial areas, disintegration of family structure, stress and strain, etc. As industries develop, a new industrialcum-social pattern emerges, which provides general new relationships, institutions and behavioural pattern and new techniques of handling human resources. These do influence the development of industrial relations.

Human relations approach Human resources are made up of living human beings. They want freedom of speech, of thought of expression, of movement, etc. When employers treat them as inanimate objects, encroach on their expectations, throat-cuts, conflicts and tensions arise. In fact major problems in industrial relations arise out of a tension which is created because of the employers pressures and workers reactions, protests and resistance to these pressures through protective mechanisms in the form of

workers organization, associations and trade unions. Through tension is more direct in work place; gradually it extends to the whole industry and sometimes affects the entire economy of the country. Therefore, the management must realize that efforts are made to set right the situation. Services of specialists in Behavioural Sciences (namely, psychologists, industrial engineers, human relations expert and personnel managers) are used to deal with such related problems. Assistance is also taken from economists, anthropologists, psychiatrists, pedagogists, and tec. In resolving democracy. Gandhi an Approach to industrial Relations: Mahatma Gandhis views on industrial relations are based on his fundamental principles of truth, non-violence and non-possession. Under the principle of non-violence and truth, Gandhi meant a peaceful co-existence of capital and labour.trutheeship implies co-operation between capital and labour.Gandhi advocated the following rules to resolve industrial conflicts. a) Workers should seek redressal of reasonable demands through collective action. b) Trade unions should decide to go on strike taking ballot authority from all workers and remain peaceful and use non-violent methods. c) Workers should avoid strikes to the possible extent. Interactive outcome of HRM approach: HRM deals with the management of people From the stage of acquisition to the stage of separation including human resource development, compensation and utilization of people .thus human resource management mostly deals with the interactive behavior between employee and employer.

Principle of Good Industrial Relations The willingness and ability of management and trade unions to deal with the problems freely, independently and with responsibility. Recognition of collective bargaining. Desirability of associations of workers and managements with the Government while formulating and implementing policies relating to general economic and social measures affecting industrial relations.

Fair redressed of employee grievances by the management Providing satisfactory working conditions and payment of fair wage. Introducing a suitable system of employees education and training. Developing proper communication system between management and employees. To ensure better working conditions, living conditions and reasonable wages. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological, social and economic changes. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country.

Then after next part my project to discuss WELFARE ACTIVITES AND LABOUR ACT Distinction between Human relations and industrial relations The term human relations lays stress upon the processes of inter-personal relationships among individuals as well as the behavior of individuals as members of groups. The term industrial relations is used widely in industrial organizations and refers to the relations between the employers and workers in an organization, at any specified time These are four important parties employees, employer, trade unions and government. Employees contact even the top management as a group. Collective bargaining and forms of industrial conflicts are resorted to, to solve the problems. In Human relations Grievarance and disciplinary procedures are resorted to, to solve the employee-employer conflicts. The sound IR contributes to the organizational goals. The unsound IR result in industrial conflicts demanding for change and reformulation of HRM objectives and goals. In Human relations Reformulates the objectives, polices etc, based on industrial conflicts which are the outcome of unsound industrial relations. Indian Industrial Workers: The industrial work in India has acquired special features with the introduction of large scale and modern industrialization. The special features of modern industrialization have changed the work environment and work organization. The peculiar features of Indian lab

our include 1) The industry is the association of large number of workers, supervisors,managerical personnel, consultants and other stakeholders. This association brings group relation ship .this relationship affects social,economic,political and cultural life of the community. 2) The large scale industrialization needs highly specialized and diversified skills demand continous training of employees. In addition to blue collar and green hands workers,white collar and gold-collar workers have emerged. 3) The industrial work reduces workers independence. 4) The large scale and developed industries resort to tall organization,which reflects centralization of authority and responsibility .workers develop a feel of alienation and loss of freedom.workers are treated as a cog in the machine in a large organizations. 5) Industrial employment is employment is mostly based on economic considerations.

First we discuss Welfare activates or Facilities WELFARE ACTIVITES The term Welfare suggest many ideas, meaning and connotations, such as the state of Well-Being, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. Welfare has been described as a total concept. It is desirable state of existence involving the physical mental, moral and emotional well-being. Employee or lab our welfare is comprehensive term Including various services benefits & facilities offered to employee by the employer through such generous fringe benefits the employer makes life worth living for employees the welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages &other economic records available to employees as per the legal provisions. Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort & improvement of employees & is provided over & above wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale & motivation of the employees. High so as to retain the employees for longer duration the welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kinds forms .Employee welfare includes, monitoring of working conditions .Creations of industrial harmony through infrastructure

for health industrial relations & insurance against disease accident & unemployment for the workers & their families labour welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employee with certain facilities & services in addition to wages or salaries.

government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.

Welfare State (n.)

1.Society in which welfare and social security are provided by the State through its departments and agencies.

Welfare State

1.Society in which welfare and social security are provided by the State through its departments and agencies.
Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physical and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour (BRAMBELL REPORT, 1965) 2) Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically (Lorz, 1973) 3) Welfare is a state of complete mental and physical health, where the animal is in harmony with its environment (Hughes, 1976) 4) The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake. (WIEPKEMA, 1982) 5) Principles of live are: Development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. Behaviour is a mean to procure the environmental inputs so as to fulfil the animal`s needs for development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. The environment is animal-adequate (tiergerecht) if it enables the animal to fulfil its needs (after Tschanz, 1984) 6) The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment (BROOM, 1986) 7) Distress is a state in which the animal is unable to adapt to an altered environment or to altered internal stimuli. If such stressors are short term, responses an animal will make to adapt to these changes do not usually, but may, result in long-term harmful effects. Prolonged or excessive distress may result in harmful responses, e.g. abnormal feeding and social interaction behaviour, inefficient reproduction, and

can result in pathologic conditions, e.g. gastric and intestinal lesions, hypertension, immuno suppression. Distress also may be induced through changes in internal states such as disease, nausea, excessive anxiety, and fear. Such responses may become a permanent part of the animals repertoire and seriously threaten the animals well-being (AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 1987) 8) Animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned (DUNCAN & PETHERICK, 1989) 9) Let us not mince words: Animal welfare involves the subjective feelings of animals (DAWKINS, 1990) 10) The freedoms (FAWC, 1992

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. Labor welfare has the following objectives: 1. To provide better life and health to the workers

2. To make the workers happy and satisfied

3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the workers. The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows: 1. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

2. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

3. Labor welfare schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New welfare measures are added to the existing ones from time to time.

4. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency.

5. The purpose of labor welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the workers to make a better workforce. The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows:

They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment

Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity.

Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation.

Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote

healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace.

The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the wDefinition An employee welfare program is a benefit that will cost the employer money, be provided by another source or be free. What is important is that the employee welfare program adds to the employee's personal and professional life. Also, at least some employees must assign value to the employer's welfare programs, or these programs will not really relate to their individual welfare.

And welfare activities is very important thing in organization and I like also and Excel Industries is very sincerely conduct this facilities and more facilities provided to Excel company to workers, employee.

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. Labor welfare has the following objectives: 1. To provide better life and health to the workers

2. To make the workers happy and satisfied

3. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and

material conditions of living of the workers. The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows: 1. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

2. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

Welfare has positive and negative aspects. Negative welfare is the provision by state or other institution of a safety net or the distribution of the benefits according to the criteria so called positive welfare .the concept of positive and negative welfare is related to the concept of positive and negative freedom.

Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and nonstatutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety. These include provisions provided in industrial acts like Factories Act 1948, Dock Workers Act (safety, health and welfare) 1986, Mines Act 1962. The non statutory schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to industry.

STATUTORY WELFARE SCHEMES The statutory welfare schemes include the following provisions: 1. Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be provided.

2. Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories, suitable seating arrangements are to be provided.

3. First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily assessable so that in case of any minor accident initial medication can be provided to the needed employee.

4. Latrines and Urinals: A sufficient number of latrines and urinals are to be provided in the office and factory premises and are also to be maintained in a neat and clean condition.

5. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees.

6. Spittoons: In every work place, such as ware houses, store places, in the dock area and office premises spittoons are to be provided in convenient places and same are to be maintained in a hygienic condition.

7. Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely during the night shifts.

8. Washing places: Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, wash basins with tap and tap on the stand pipe are provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work places.

9. Changing rooms: Adequate changing rooms are to be provided for workers to change their cloth in the factory area and office premises. Adequate lockers are also provided to the workers to keep their clothes and belongings.

10. Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are provided to the workers with provisions

of water supply, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc. NON STATUTORY SCHEMES Many non statutory welfare schemes may include the following schemes: 1. Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Some of the companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up

2. Flexi-time: The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide opportunity to employees to work with flexible working schedules. Flexible work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments while supporting employee personal life needs

3. Employee Assistance Programs: Various assistant programs are arranged like external counseling service so that employees or members of their immediate family can get counseling on various matters.

4. Harassment Policy: To protect an employee from harassments of any kind, guidelines are provided for proper action and also for protecting the aggrieved employee.

5. Maternity & Adoption Leave Employees can avail maternity or adoption leaves. Paternity leave policies have also been introduced by various companies.

6. Medi-claim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme provides adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy.

7. Employee Referral Scheme: In several companies employee referral scheme is implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives for employment in the

In excel industries various types of welfare activates conduct. Any organization is must welfare activities because workers, staff, management peoples everybody wants to be facilities our work likely free of time spend our family and I think every field is must familiar relation maintain since familiar relation is joy full ,happily climate .and maintain our stress ,tension ,illness ,problem because today is very need to maintain relation everybody knows our life is very competitive then maintain our nature ,mind ,happy life, tension free ,joy full live our life. i.e. maintain our industrial relation and make our life is easily . I saw in excel industries very maintain relation and provided to welfare facilities in various types and no difference to position I really like and impress also since today is need to company, industries. Means simple workers also happily live our daily life no sorrow means nothing difference workers, staff, and administrative staff also helpful and kindly. In excel industries welfare activities conduct by two types namely 1. Statutory activities 2. Voluntary activities First we discuss statutory activities: Statutory facilities include various facilities Washing facility, facility to storage & activites, frist aid, safety activities, canteen activities, dining hall, works committee, officiers, and welfare qualities. Statutory welfare comprising those provisions of welfare observance is binding on the employers under law. With a view to maintain a minimum standard of health and safety etc,. of workers ,the government of country enacts certain rules under various acts or ordinances which have to be abided by the employers in respect of their workers. Such rules may relate to certain essential working conditions, hours of worker, sanitation etc. The factories Act 1948 has made provisions for certain facilities which every factory has to provide for their employees as statutory requirements. The broad areas coverd under the act are: 1. Washing, bathing and drinking facilities. 2. Facilities for rest, sitting, storing and drying. 3. First aid appliances. 4. Canteen, dining hall.

5. Shelter, rest- rooms and lunch rooms. 6. Crches 7. Welfare officer 8. Ambulance room Voluntary Activities: it is include in medical facilities, leave bank facilities, social insurance facilities, maternity benefit, and educational facilities, housing facilities, vocational training facilities, recreation facilities, games and sports facilities etc . We discuss one by one facility everybody known medical facilities is most important role in various --organization medical aid to workers and their families to be provided with and maternity allowance. In excel company give to workers hospital arranged and provided to doctors; diet, medicine and money help also give. Sometimes workers positions are not good then company supposition Next point we discuss educational facilities educational is most important thing every persons life since his future is depend on his education ,qualification .and in excel industries conduct various educational program likely award function for workers ,staff, management and other people working to company these child education level is increasing and touch to sky this purpose get and give to satisfaction is main purpose to company. And so they try and provided also. And economical fund also provided means some computer course also available to workers child and any academic facilities also provided means books ,notes books ,rain suit ,umberalla,towels, napkin, etc provided by lucky draw facility through means yearly two times conduct this facilities this facilities collect to money every workers salary ,staff salary , and 50% contribution for management means management provided to our contribution and conduct to lucky draw facility through give to various thing provided to excel company to our employee this facility all workers,staff,administrative everybody is take happiness this scheme conduct to 6 months later i.e. twice time provided this facilities. Education, whether for the citizen or the industrial worker, is of equal importantance, since the latter even if he workers in a factory, has to cope with change, which is most often technological. The literate worker is more respective. Educating the workers family, especially his children, is essential, since in a sense it is an investment in training the workforce of the future. Surveys on lab our conditions indicate that no tangible efforts have been made to eradicate illiteracy among workers. Though the government, employers and workers are aware of the importance of the developing adult education among workers, there has not been sustained efforts .and excel industries is give to facility for our education complete and give to honors our employee. There have been various suggestions on how to educate workers; social welfare bodies can also help to educate workers

families .the central education board conducts classes for industrial workers. Employers and workers organization have suggested that personal trained by the board should subsequently take up the work of educating industrial workers with the government financing the project state governments are of the opinion that the central Board is already overburdened. In excel industries Mr.Dr. Despinde sir join the excel company when his education is s.s.c. and now some year that his get to PhD degree that means how many facilities give to excel company in our employees I like very much not only Mr. Despande sir various workers, employee take chance and get our extra qualification . Now lab our welfare activities we discuss

Labor welfare refers to all the facilities provided to labor in order to improve their working conditions, provide social security and raise their standard of living. Majority of labor force in India is working in unorganized sector. In order to provide social security to such workers, Government has introduced Labor Welfare Fund to ensure assistance to unorganized labors. Five different welfare funds, which are governed by different legislations, are administered by Ministry of Labor. The purpose of these welfare funds is to provide housing, medical care, educational and recreational facilities to workers employed in beedi industry and non-coal mines and cine workers. The five legislations governing welfare funds are as follows:

The Mica Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1946

The Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1972

The Iron Ore, Manganese Ore and Chrome Ore Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1976

The Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1981

Schemes under welfare funds provide assistance with respective to the following:

Public health and sanitation


Recreational (including standard of living)

Social security

Educational facilities

Water supply


Medical facilities (prevention of diseases)

Social security

Group Insurance Schemes for Beedi and Cine workers

Social Security under Mine Workers Welfare Fund

Family welfare

The welfare funds are raised by government by imposing cess on manufactured beedis, feature films, export of mica, consumption of limestone & dolomite and consumption and export of iron ore, manganese ore & chrome ore. An explanation of the cess levied under different legislations

is given below:

Beedi Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1976 provides for levy of cess by way of excise duty on manufactured beedis from Re.1/- to Rs.5/- per thousand manufactured beedis. This is presently Rs 2 per 1000 beedis with effect from 28th June 2000.

The Cine Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1981 provides for duty of cess, at such rate not being less than one thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees, on every feature film submitted to the Chairman, Central Board of Film Certification. This is Rs 20000 per feature film of Hindi and English and for regional films it is Rs 10000 per film with effect from 20th April 2000.

The Iron Ore, Manganese Ore & Chrome Ore Mines Labor Welfare Cess Act, 1976 provides for levy and collection of cess on Iron Ore, Manganese Ore & Chrome Ore between 50p to Re.1/-, Re.1/- to Rs.6/- and Rs.3/- to Rs.6/- respectively.

The Limestone and Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1972 provides for the levy and collection of cess on Limestone and Dolomite as a duty of excise at such rate not exceeding one rupee per metric tone of limestone & dolomite. The rate of cess on Limestone and Dolomite is Re.1/- with effect from 27th December 2000.

Mica Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1946, provides for levy and collection of cess on all mica exported as duty of Customs not exceeding 6.25% ad valorem. This is 4.5% ad valorem on export with effect from 1st November 1990.

A compressive list of welfare activities is given by Moorthy in his monumental work on labour welfare. He divides welfare measures into two broad groups, namely a) Welfare measures inside the workplace and b) Welfare measures outside the workplace. Each group includes several activities.

A) Welfare measures inside the workplace 1) Neighborhood safety and cleanliness, attention to approaches. Housekeeping, upkeep of premises- compound wall,lawns,gardens etc egress and ingress, passages and doors white washing of walls and floor maintenance. 2) Workshop sanitation and cleanliness,temperature,humidity,ventilation,lighting,elimination of dust ,smoke,fumes,gases 3) Control of effluents 4) Convenience and comfort during work i.e. operatives postures, seating arrangements. 5) Distribution of work hours and provision for rest hours, meal times and breaks. 6) Workmens safety measures i.e. maintenance of machines and tools, fencing of machines ,providening guards,helmets,aprons,goggles and first aid equipments 7) Supply of necessary beverages, and pills and tablets.

B) Welfare measures outside the workplace 8) Hosing ,bachelors quarters, family residence according to types and rooms 9) Water, sanitation, waste disposal. 10) Schools nuresary,primary,secondary and high schools 11) Bank 12) Heath and medical services, dispensary, emergency wards, outpatient and inpatient areas, family visiting, family planning. In Excel industries lab our welfare officer care of workers in all matters affecting their well-being, both at the place of work and outside, puts special responsibility on the welfare officer. He should be maintainers engineer on the human side in brief, the functions of lab our welfare officer are To maintain organization discipline Safety and medical administration Wage and salary administration.

Administration of legislation relating to industrial relations.

The need for organization welfare activities for industrial lab our was first forcefully brought out in 1937 by the textile lab our enquiry committee. Workers in small scattered industrial establisedment in remote areas still remain outside the scope of existing legislation this is because of statutory limits and limited financial resources. Then I like most of them in welfare facility to students about means Excel industries provided to education facilities conduct to very precautionary that is. take caring , and awarded also to workers, staff, employee s children I collect to data and analysis. I have year 2007 to year 2010 students awarded list and first to five numbers give to prize and sometimes gives to fees concession also. workers children and this program conduct to all staff,workers,emlpoyees childs and every class students like to first kg student to college level student. gives to various Prizes.
Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physical and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour (BRAMBELL REPORT, 1965) 2) Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically (Lorz, 1973) 3) Welfare is a state of complete mental and physical health, where the animal is in harmony with its environment (Hughes, 1976) 4) The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake. (WIEPKEMA, 1982) 5) Principles of live are: Development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. Behaviour is a mean to procure the environmental inputs so as to fulfil the animal`s needs for development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. The environment is animal-adequate (tiergerecht) if it enables the animal to fulfil its needs (after Tschanz, 1984) 6) The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment (BROOM, 1986) 7) Distress is a state in which the animal is unable to adapt to an altered environment or to altered internal stimuli. If such stressors are short term, responses an animal will make to adapt to these changes do not usually, but may, result in long-term harmful effects. Prolonged or excessive distress may result in harmful responses, e.g. abnormal feeding and social interaction behaviour, inefficient reproduction, and can result in pathologic conditions, e.g. gastric and intestinal lesions, hypertension, immuno suppression. Distress also may be induced through changes in internal states such as disease, nausea, excessive anxiety, and fear. Such responses may become a permanent part of the animals repertoire and seriously threaten the animals well-being (AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 1987) 8) Animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned (DUNCAN & PETHERICK, 1989) 9) Let us not mince words: Animal welfare involves the subjective feelings of animals (DAWKINS,

1990) 10) The freedoms (FAWC, 1992 Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physical and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour (BRAMBELL REPORT, 1965) 2) Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically (Lorz, 1973) 3) Welfare is a state of complete mental and physical health, where the animal is in harmony with its environment (Hughes, 1976) 4) The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake. (WIEPKEMA, 1982) 5) Principles of live are: Development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. Behaviour is a mean to procure the environmental inputs so as to fulfil the animal`s needs for development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. The environment is animal-adequate (tiergerecht) if it enables the animal to fulfil its needs (after Tschanz, 1984) 6) The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment (BROOM, 1986) 7) Distress is a state in which the animal is unable to adapt to an altered environment or to altered internal stimuli. If such stressors are short term, responses an animal will make to adapt to these changes do not usually, but may, result in long-term harmful effects. Prolonged or excessive distress may result in harmful responses, e.g. abnormal feeding and social interaction behaviour, inefficient reproduction, and can result in pathologic conditions, e.g. gastric and intestinal lesions, hypertension, immuno suppression. Distress also may be induced through changes in internal states such as disease, nausea, excessive anxiety, and fear. Such responses may become a permanent part of the animals repertoire and seriously threaten the animals well-being (AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 1987) 8) Animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned (DUNCAN & PETHERICK, 1989) 9) Let us not mince words: Animal welfare involves the subjective feelings of animals (DAWKINS, 1990) 10) The freedoms (FAWC, 1992)

Introduction Of Trade-Unions

This definition is very exhaustive as it includes associations of both the workers and employers and the federations of their associations. Here, the relationships that have been talked about are both temporary and permanent. This means it applies to temporary workers (or contractual employees) as well. Then this definition, primarily, talks about three relationships. They are the relationships between the:

workmen and workmen, workmen and employers, and

employers and employers.

Thus, a trade union can be seen as a group of employees in a particular sector, whose aim is to negotiate with employers over pay, job security, working hours, etc, using the collective power of its members. In general, a union is there to represent the interests of its members, and may even engage in political activity where legislation affects their members. Trade unions are voluntary associations formed for the pursuit of protecting the common interests of its members and also promote welfare. They protect the economic, political and social interests of their members. Features of trade unions: 1. It is an association either of employers or employees or of independent workers. They may consist of :-

Employers association (eg., Employers Federation of India, Indian paper mill association, etc.) General labor unions Friendly societies Unions of intellectual labor (eg, All India Teachers Association)

o o o

2. It is formed on a continuous basis. It is a permanent body and not a casual or temporary one. They persist throughout the year. 3. It is formed to protect and promote all kinds of interests economic, political and social-of its members. The dominant interest with which a union is concerned is, however, economic. 4. It achieves its objectives through collective action and group effort. Negotiations and collective bargaining are the tools for accomplishing objectives. 5. Trade unions have shown remarkable progress since their inception; moreover, the character of trade unions has also been changing. In spite of only focusing on the economic benefits of workers, the trade unions are also working towards raising the status of labors as a part of industry.

Factory Where on ten or more workers are working or were working on any say of the preceding twelve months and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with aid of power or is ordinarily so carried on or

Where on twenty or more workers are working or were working on any day of the preceding twelve months, and in any part of which a manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power or is ordinarily so carried so on. Application of factories act to the class of factories 1.This act is applicable to all the factories coming under the definition given above 2.Application of the act of the govt. factories (sec116) Unless otherwise provide this act shall apply to factories belonging to the central or any state govt. 3.power of the state govt. to declare different departments to be separate factories or two or more factories to be a single factory (sec4):The state govt. may, on an application made in this behalf by an occupier, direct by an order in writing, that for all or any of the purposes of this act different departments or branches of a factory of the occupier specified in the application shall be treated as separate factories or that two or more factories of the occupier specified in the application shall be as a single factory 4.power of the state govt. to apply the act to certain premise (sec85): the state govt may , by notification in the official gazette.

The causes of industrial disputes can be broadly classified into two categories:
Wages and allowances: Since the cost of living index is increasing, workers generally bargain for higher wages to meet the rising cost of living index and to increase their standards of living. In 2002, 21.4% of disputes were caused by demand of higher wages and allowances. This percentage was 20.4% during 2003 and during 2004 increased up to 26.2%. In 2005, wages and allowances accounted for 21.8% of disputes. Personnel and retrenchment: The personnel and retrenchment have also been an important factor which accounted for disputes. During the year 2002, disputes caused by personnel were

14.1% while those caused by retrenchment and layoffs were 2.2% and 0.4% respectively. In 2003, a similar trend could be seen, wherein 11.2% of the disputes were caused by personnel, while 2.4% and 0.6% of disputes were caused by retrenchment and layoffs. In year 2005, only 9.6% of the disputes were caused by personnel, and only 0.4% were caused by retrenchment. Indiscipline and violence: From the given table, it is evident that the number of disputes

caused by indiscipline has shown an increasing trend. In 2002, 29.9% of disputes were caused because of indiscipline, which rose up to 36.9% in 2003. Similarly in 2004 and 2005, 40.4% and 41.6% of disputes were caused due to indiscipline respectively. During the year 2003, indiscipline accounted for the highest percentage (36.9%) of the total time-loss of all disputes, followed by cause-groups wage and allowance and personnel with 20.4% and11.2% respectively. A similar trend was observed in 2004 where indiscipline accounted for 40.4% of disputes. Bonus: Bonus has always been an important factor in industrial disputes. 6.7% of the

disputes were because of bonus in 2002 and 2003 as compared to 3.5% and 3.6% in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Leave and working hours: Leaves and working hours have not been so important causes of industrial disputes. During 2002, 0.5% of the disputes were because of leave and hours of work while this percentage increased to 1% in 2003. During 2004, only 0.4% of the disputes were because of leaves and working hours. Miscellaneous: Inter/Intra Charter Work Standing orders/rules/service Non-implementation of agreements and awards etc. conditions/safety The miscellaneous Union of factors include Rivalry Demands Load measures

Distinction between Human relations and industrial relations The term human relations lays stress upon the processes of inter-personal relationships among individuals as well as the behavior of individuals as members of groups. The term industrial relations is used widely in industrial organizations and refers to the relations between the employers and workers in an organization, at any specified time These are four important parties employees, employer, trade unions and government. Employees contact even the top management as a group. Collective bargaining and forms of industrial conflicts are resorted to, to solve the problems. In Human relations Grievarance and disciplinary procedures are resorted to, to solve the employee-employer conflicts. The sound IR contributes to the organizational goals. The unsound IR result in industrial conflicts demanding for change and reformulation of HRM objectives and goals. In Human relations Reformulates the objectives, polices etc, based on industrial conflicts which are the outcome of unsound industrial relations.

Objectives of Industrial Relations 12. To bring better understanding and cooperation between employers and workers. 13. To establish a proper channel of communication between workers and management. 14. To ensure constructive contribution of trade unions. 15. To avoid industrial conflicts and to maintain harmonious relations. 16. To safeguard the interest of workers and the management. 17. To work in the direction of establishing and maintaining industrial democracy. 18. To ensure workers participation in decision-making. 19. To increase the morale and discipline of workers. 20. To ensure better working conditions, living conditions and reasonable wages. 21. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological, social and economic changes. 22. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country.


The scope of industrial relations includes all aspects of relationships such as bringing cordial and healthy labour management relations, creating industrial peace and developing industrial different to different parties. The perceptions of unions and of the management of the same issues may be widely different and, hence, clashes and may arise between the two parties. Other factors also influence perception and may bring about clashes. The reasons of strained industrial relations between the employers and the employees can be understood by studying differences in the perception of issues, situations and persons between the management groups and labour groups. The organizational behavior of inter-groups of management and workers is of crucial importance in the pattern of industrial relations. The group-dynamics between the two conflicting groups in industrial relations tend to shape the behavioural pattern. Sociological approach Industry is a social world in miniature. The management goals, workers attitudes, perception of change in industry, are all, in turn, decided by broad social factors like the culture of the institutions, customs, structural changes, status-symbols, rationality, acceptance or resistance to change, tolerance etc. Industry is, thus inseparable from the society in which it functions. Through the main function of an industry is economic, its social consequences are also important such as urbanization, social mobility, housing and transport problem in industrial areas, disintegration of family structure, stress and strain, etc. As industries develop, a new industrialcum-social pattern emerges, which provides general new relationships, institutions and behavioural pattern and new techniques of handling human resources. These do influence the development of industrial relations.

Human relations approach Human resources are made up of living human beings. They want freedom of speech, of thought of expression, of movement, etc. When employers treat them as inanimate objects, encroach on their expectations, throat-cuts, conflicts and tensions arise. In fact major problems in industrial relations arise out of a tension which is created because of the employers pressures and workers reactions, protests and resistance to these pressures through protective mechanisms in the form of workers organization, associations and trade unions. Through tension is more direct in work place; gradually it extends to the whole industry and sometimes affects the entire economy of the country. Therefore, the management must realize that efforts are made to set right the situation. Services of specialists in Behavioural Sciences (namely, psychologists, industrial engineers, human relations expert and personnel managers) are

used to deal with such related problems. Assistance is also taken from economists, anthropologists, psychiatrists, pedagogists, and tec. In resolving democracy. Gandhi an Approach to industrial Relations: Mahatma Gandhis views on industrial relations are based on his fundamental principles of truth, non-violence and non-possession. Under the principle of non-violence and truth, Gandhi meant a peaceful co-existence of capital and labour.trutheeship implies co-operation between capital and labour.Gandhi advocated the following rules to resolve industrial conflicts. d) Workers should seek redressal of reasonable demands through collective action. e) Trade unions should decide to go on strike taking ballot authority from all workers and remain peaceful and use non-violent methods. f) Workers should avoid strikes to the possible extent. Interactive outcome of HRM approach: HRM deals with the management of people From the stage of acquisition to the stage of separation including human resource development, compensation and utilization of people .thus human resource management mostly deals with the interactive behavior between employee and employer.

Principle of Good Industrial Relations The willingness and ability of management and trade unions to deal with the problems freely, independently and with responsibility. Recognition of collective bargaining. Desirability of associations of workers and managements with the Government while formulating and implementing policies relating to general economic and social measures affecting industrial relations. Fair redressed of employee grievances by the management Providing satisfactory working conditions and payment of fair wage. Introducing a suitable system of employees education and training. Developing proper communication system between management and employees.

To ensure better working conditions, living conditions and reasonable wages. To develop employees to adapt themselves for technological, social and economic changes. To make positive contributions for the economic development of the country. Then after next part my project to discuss WELFARE ACTIVITES AND LABOUR ACT

First we discuss Welfare activates or Facilities WELFARE ACTIVITES The term Welfare suggest many ideas, meaning and connotations, such as the state of Well-Being, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. Welfare has been described as a total concept. It is desirable state of existence involving the physical mental, moral and emotional well-being. Employee or lab our welfare is comprehensive term Including various services benefits & facilities offered to employee by the employer through such generous fringe benefits the employer makes life worth living for employees the welfare amenities are extended in addition to normal wages &other economic records available to employees as per the legal provisions. Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort & improvement of employees & is provided over & above wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale & motivation of the employees. High so as to retain the employees for longer duration the welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kinds forms .Employee welfare includes, monitoring of working conditions .Creations of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health industrial relations & insurance against disease accident & unemployment for the workers & their families labour welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employee with certain facilities & services in addition to wages or salaries.

government that undertakes responsibility for the welfare of its citizens through programs in public health and public housing and pensions and unemployment compensation etc.

Welfare State (n.)

1.Society in which welfare and social security are provided by the State through its departments and agencies.

Welfare State

1.Society in which welfare and social security are provided by the State through its departments and agencies.
Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physical and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour (BRAMBELL REPORT, 1965) 2) Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically (Lorz, 1973) 3) Welfare is a state of complete mental and physical health, where the animal is in harmony with its environment (Hughes, 1976) 4) The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake. (WIEPKEMA, 1982) 5) Principles of live are: Development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. Behaviour is a mean to procure the environmental inputs so as to fulfil the animal`s needs for development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. The environment is animal-adequate (tiergerecht) if it enables the animal to fulfil its needs (after Tschanz, 1984) 6) The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment (BROOM, 1986) 7) Distress is a state in which the animal is unable to adapt to an altered environment or to altered internal stimuli. If such stressors are short term, responses an animal will make to adapt to these changes do not usually, but may, result in long-term harmful effects. Prolonged or excessive distress may result in harmful responses, e.g. abnormal feeding and social interaction behaviour, inefficient reproduction, and can result in pathologic conditions, e.g. gastric and intestinal lesions, hypertension, immuno suppression. Distress also may be induced through changes in internal states such as disease, nausea, excessive anxiety, and fear. Such responses may become a permanent part of the animals repertoire and seriously threaten the animals well-being (AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 1987) 8) Animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned (DUNCAN & PETHERICK, 1989)

9) Let us not mince words: Animal welfare involves the subjective feelings of animals (DAWKINS, 1990) 10) The freedoms (FAWC, 1992

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. Labor welfare has the following objectives: 4. To provide better life and health to the workers

5. To make the workers happy and satisfied

6. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the workers. The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows: 6. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

7. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

8. Labor welfare schemes are flexible and ever-changing. New welfare measures are added to the existing ones from time to time.

9. Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency.

10. The purpose of labor welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the workers to make a better workforce. The very logic behind providing welfare schemes is to create efficient, healthy, loyal and satisfied labor force for the organization. The purpose of providing such facilities is to make their work life better and also to raise their standard of living. The important benefits of welfare measures can be summarized as follows:

They provide better physical and mental health to workers and thus promote a healthy work environment

Facilities like housing schemes, medical benefits, and education and recreation facilities for workers families help in raising their standards of living. This makes workers to pay more attention towards work and thus increases their productivity.

Employers get stable labor force by providing welfare facilities. Workers take active interest in their jobs and work with a feeling of involvement and participation.

Employee welfare measures increase the productivity of organization and promote healthy industrial relations thereby maintaining industrial peace.

The social evils prevalent among the labors such as substance abuse, etc are reduced to a greater extent by the wDefinition An employee welfare program is a benefit that will cost the employer money, be provided by another source or be free. What is important is that the employee welfare

program adds to the employee's personal and professional life. Also, at least some employees must assign value to the employer's welfare programs, or these programs will not really relate to their individual welfare. And welfare activities is very important thing in organization and I like also and Excel Industries is very sincerely conduct this facilities and more facilities provided to Excel company to workers, employee.

Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. Labor welfare entails all those activities of employer which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries. Labor welfare has the following objectives: 4. To provide better life and health to the workers

5. To make the workers happy and satisfied

6. To relieve workers from industrial fatigue and to improve intellectual, cultural and material conditions of living of the workers. The basic features of labor welfare measures are as follows: 3. Labor welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

4. Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

Welfare has positive and negative aspects. Negative welfare is the provision by state or other institution of a safety net or the distribution of the benefits according to the criteria so called positive welfare .the concept of positive and negative welfare is related to the concept of positive and negative freedom.

Organizations provide welfare facilities to their employees to keep their motivation levels high. The employee welfare schemes can be classified into two categories viz. statutory and nonstatutory welfare schemes. The statutory schemes are those schemes that are compulsory to provide by an organization as compliance to the laws governing employee health and safety. These include provisions provided in industrial acts like Factories Act 1948, Dock Workers Act (safety, health and welfare) 1986, Mines Act 1962. The non statutory schemes differ from organization to organization and from industry to industry.

STATUTORY WELFARE SCHEMES The statutory welfare schemes include the following provisions: 11. Drinking Water: At all the working places safe hygienic drinking water should be provided.

12. Facilities for sitting: In every organization, especially factories, suitable seating arrangements are to be provided.

13. First aid appliances: First aid appliances are to be provided and should be readily assessable so that in case of any minor accident initial medication can be provided to the needed employee.

14. Latrines and Urinals: A sufficient number of latrines and urinals are to be provided in the office and factory premises and are also to be maintained in a neat and clean condition.

15. Canteen facilities: Cafeteria or canteens are to be provided by the employer so as to provide hygienic and nutritious food to the employees.

16. Spittoons: In every work place, such as ware houses, store places, in the dock area and office premises spittoons are to be provided in convenient places and same are to be maintained in a hygienic condition.

17. Lighting: Proper and sufficient lights are to be provided for employees so that they can work safely during the night shifts.

18. Washing places: Adequate washing places such as bathrooms, wash basins with tap and tap on the stand pipe are provided in the port area in the vicinity of the work places.

19. Changing rooms: Adequate changing rooms are to be provided for workers to change their cloth in the factory area and office premises. Adequate lockers are also provided to the workers to keep their clothes and belongings.

20. Rest rooms: Adequate numbers of restrooms are provided to the workers with provisions of water supply, wash basins, toilets, bathrooms, etc. NON STATUTORY SCHEMES Many non statutory welfare schemes may include the following schemes: 8. Personal Health Care (Regular medical check-ups): Some of the companies provide the facility for extensive health check-up

9. Flexi-time: The main objective of the flextime policy is to provide opportunity to employees to work with flexible working schedules. Flexible work schedules are initiated by employees and approved by management to meet business commitments while supporting employee personal life needs

10. Employee Assistance Programs: Various assistant programs are arranged like external counseling service so that employees or members of their immediate family can get counseling on various matters.

11. Harassment Policy: To protect an employee from harassments of any kind, guidelines are provided for proper action and also for protecting the aggrieved employee.

12. Maternity & Adoption Leave Employees can avail maternity or adoption leaves. Paternity leave policies have also been introduced by various companies.

13. Medi-claim Insurance Scheme: This insurance scheme provides adequate insurance coverage of employees for expenses related to hospitalization due to illness, disease or injury or pregnancy.

14. Employee Referral Scheme: In several companies employee referral scheme is implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives for employment in the organization.
In excel industries various types of welfare activates conduct. Any organization is must welfare activities because workers, staff, management peoples everybody wants to be facilities our work likely free of time spend our family and I think every field is must familiar relation maintain since familiar relation is joy full ,happily climate .and maintain our stress ,tension ,illness ,problem because today is very need to maintain relation everybody knows our life is very competitive then maintain our nature ,mind ,happy life, tension free ,joy full live our life. i.e. maintain our industrial relation and make our life is easily . I saw in excel industries very maintain relation and provided to welfare facilities in various types and no difference to position I really like and impress also since today is need to company, industries. Means simple workers also happily live our daily life no sorrow means nothing difference workers, staff, and administrative staff also helpful and kindly. In excel industries welfare activities conduct by two types namely

1. Statutory activities 2. Voluntary activities First we discuss statutory activities: Statutory facilities include various facilities Washing facility, facility to storage & activites, frist aid, safety activities, canteen activities, dining hall, works committee, officiers, and welfare qualities. Statutory welfare comprising those provisions of welfare observance is binding on the employers under law. With a view to maintain a minimum standard of health and safety etc,. of workers ,the government of country enacts certain rules under various acts or ordinances which have to be abided by the employers in respect of their workers. Such rules may relate to certain essential working conditions, hours of worker, sanitation etc. The factories Act 1948 has made provisions for certain facilities which every factory has to provide for their employees as statutory requirements. The broad areas coverd under the act are: 1. Washing, bathing and drinking facilities. 2. Facilities for rest, sitting, storing and drying. 3. First aid appliances. 4. Canteen, dining hall. 5. Shelter, rest- rooms and lunch rooms. 6. Crches 7. Welfare officer 8. Ambulance room Voluntary Activities: it is include in medical facilities, leave bank facilities, social insurance facilities, maternity benefit, and educational facilities, housing facilities, vocational training facilities, recreation facilities, games and sports facilities etc . We discuss one by one facility everybody known medical facilities is most important role in various --organization medical aid to workers and their families to be provided with and maternity allowance. In excel company give to workers hospital arranged and provided to doctors; diet, medicine and money help also give. Sometimes workers positions are not good then company supposition Next point we discuss educational facilities educational is most important thing every persons life since his future is depend on his education ,qualification .and in excel industries conduct

various educational program likely award function for workers ,staff, management and other people working to company these child education level is increasing and touch to sky this purpose get and give to satisfaction is main purpose to company. And so they try and provided also. And economical fund also provided means some computer course also available to workers child and any academic facilities also provided means books ,notes books ,rain suit ,umberalla,towels, napkin, etc provided by lucky draw facility through means yearly two times conduct this facilities this facilities collect to money every workers salary ,staff salary , and 50% contribution for management means management provided to our contribution and conduct to lucky draw facility through give to various thing provided to excel company to our employee this facility all workers,staff,administrative everybody is take happiness this scheme conduct to 6 months later i.e. twice time provided this facilities. Education, whether for the citizen or the industrial worker, is of equal importantance, since the latter even if he workers in a factory, has to cope with change, which is most often technological. The literate worker is more respective. Educating the workers family, especially his children, is essential, since in a sense it is an investment in training the workforce of the future. Surveys on lab our conditions indicate that no tangible efforts have been made to eradicate illiteracy among workers. Though the government, employers and workers are aware of the importance of the developing adult education among workers, there has not been sustained efforts .and excel industries is give to facility for our education complete and give to honors our employee. There have been various suggestions on how to educate workers; social welfare bodies can also help to educate workers families .the central education board conducts classes for industrial workers. Employers and workers organization have suggested that personal trained by the board should subsequently take up the work of educating industrial workers with the government financing the project state governments are of the opinion that the central Board is already overburdened. In excel industries Mr.Dr. Despinde sir join the excel company when his education is s.s.c. and now some year that his get to PhD degree that means how many facilities give to excel company in our employees I like very much not only Mr. Despande sir various workers, employee take chance and get our extra qualification . Now lab our welfare activities we discuss

Labor welfare refers to all the facilities provided to labor in order to improve their working conditions, provide social security and raise their standard of living. Majority of labor force in India is working in unorganized sector. In order to provide social security to such workers, Government has introduced Labor Welfare Fund to ensure assistance to unorganized labors. Five different welfare funds, which are governed by different legislations, are administered by Ministry of Labor. The purpose of these welfare funds is to provide housing, medical care, educational and recreational facilities to workers employed in beedi industry and non-coal mines and cine workers.

The five legislations governing welfare funds are as follows:

The Mica Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1946

The Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1972

The Iron Ore, Manganese Ore and Chrome Ore Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1976

The Cine Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1981

Schemes under welfare funds provide assistance with respective to the following:

Public health and sanitation


Recreational (including standard of living)

Social security

Educational facilities

Water supply


Medical facilities (prevention of diseases)

Social security

Group Insurance Schemes for Beedi and Cine workers

Social Security under Mine Workers Welfare Fund

Family welfare

The welfare funds are raised by government by imposing cess on manufactured beedis, feature films, export of mica, consumption of limestone & dolomite and consumption and export of iron ore, manganese ore & chrome ore. An explanation of the cess levied under different legislations is given below:

Beedi Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1976 provides for levy of cess by way of excise duty on manufactured beedis from Re.1/- to Rs.5/- per thousand manufactured beedis. This is presently Rs 2 per 1000 beedis with effect from 28th June 2000.

The Cine Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1981 provides for duty of cess, at such rate not being less than one thousand rupees and not exceeding twenty thousand rupees, on every feature film submitted to the Chairman, Central Board of Film Certification. This is Rs 20000 per feature film of Hindi and English and for regional films it is Rs 10000 per film with effect from 20th April 2000.

The Iron Ore, Manganese Ore & Chrome Ore Mines Labor Welfare Cess Act, 1976 provides for levy and collection of cess on Iron Ore, Manganese Ore & Chrome Ore between 50p to Re.1/-, Re.1/- to Rs.6/- and Rs.3/- to Rs.6/- respectively.

The Limestone and Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1972 provides for the levy and collection of cess on Limestone and Dolomite as a duty of excise at such rate not exceeding one rupee per metric tone of limestone & dolomite. The rate of cess on Limestone and Dolomite is Re.1/- with effect from 27th December 2000.

Mica Mines Labor Welfare Fund Act, 1946, provides for levy and collection of cess on all mica exported as duty of Customs not exceeding 6.25% ad valorem. This is 4.5% ad valorem on export with effect from 1st November 1990.

A compressive list of welfare activities is given by Moorthy in his monumental work on labour welfare. He divides welfare measures into two broad groups, namely a) Welfare measures inside the workplace and b) Welfare measures outside the workplace. Each group includes several activities. A) Welfare measures inside the workplace 1) Neighborhood safety and cleanliness, attention to approaches. Housekeeping, upkeep of premises- compound wall,lawns,gardens etc egress and ingress, passages and doors white washing of walls and floor maintenance. 2) Workshop sanitation and cleanliness,temperature,humidity,ventilation,lighting,elimination of dust ,smoke,fumes,gases 3) Control of effluents 4) Convenience and comfort during work i.e. operatives postures, seating arrangements. 5) Distribution of work hours and provision for rest hours, meal times and breaks. 6) Workmens safety measures i.e. maintenance of machines and tools, fencing of machines ,providening guards,helmets,aprons,goggles and first aid equipments 7) Supply of necessary beverages, and pills and tablets.

B) Welfare measures outside the workplace 8) Hosing ,bachelors quarters, family residence according to types and rooms 9) Water, sanitation, waste disposal. 10) Schools nuresary,primary,secondary and high schools 11) Bank 12) Heath and medical services, dispensary, emergency wards, outpatient and inpatient areas, family visiting, family planning. In Excel industries lab our welfare officer care of workers in all matters affecting their well-being, both at the place of work and outside, puts special responsibility on the welfare officer. He should be maintainers engineer on the human side in brief, the functions of lab our welfare officer are To maintain organization discipline Safety and medical administration Wage and salary administration. Administration of legislation relating to industrial relations.

The need for organization welfare activities for industrial lab our was first forcefully brought out in 1937 by the textile lab our enquiry committee. Workers in small scattered industrial establisedment in remote areas still remain outside the scope of existing legislation this is because of statutory limits and limited financial resources. Then I like most of them in welfare facility to students about means Excel industries provided to education facilities conduct to very precautionary that is. take caring , and awarded also to workers, staff, employee s children I collect to data and analysis. I have year 2007 to year 2010 students awarded list and first to five numbers give to prize and sometimes gives to fees concession also. workers children and this program conduct to all staff,workers,emlpoyees childs and every class students like to first kg student to college level student. gives to various Prizes.
Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physical and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour (BRAMBELL REPORT, 1965) 2) Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically (Lorz, 1973) 3) Welfare is a state of complete mental and physical health, where the animal is in harmony with its environment (Hughes, 1976)

4) The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake. (WIEPKEMA, 1982) 5) Principles of live are: Development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. Behaviour is a mean to procure the environmental inputs so as to fulfil the animal`s needs for development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. The environment is animal-adequate (tiergerecht) if it enables the animal to fulfil its needs (after Tschanz, 1984) 6) The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment (BROOM, 1986) 7) Distress is a state in which the animal is unable to adapt to an altered environment or to altered internal stimuli. If such stressors are short term, responses an animal will make to adapt to these changes do not usually, but may, result in long-term harmful effects. Prolonged or excessive distress may result in harmful responses, e.g. abnormal feeding and social interaction behaviour, inefficient reproduction, and can result in pathologic conditions, e.g. gastric and intestinal lesions, hypertension, immuno suppression. Distress also may be induced through changes in internal states such as disease, nausea, excessive anxiety, and fear. Such responses may become a permanent part of the animals repertoire and seriously threaten the animals well-being (AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 1987) 8) Animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned (DUNCAN & PETHERICK, 1989) 9) Let us not mince words: Animal welfare involves the subjective feelings of animals (DAWKINS, 1990) 10) The freedoms (FAWC, 1992 Welfare is a wide term that embraces both the physical and mental well-being of the animal. Any attempt to evaluate welfare, therefore, must take into account the scientific evidence available concerning the feelings of animals that can be derived from their structure and function and also from their behaviour (BRAMBELL REPORT, 1965) 2) Living in harmony with the environment and with itself, both physically and psychologically (Lorz, 1973) 3) Welfare is a state of complete mental and physical health, where the animal is in harmony with its environment (Hughes, 1976) 4) The inadequacy of the programmes performed to control relevant aspects of the Umwelt, or the permanent failure of any behaviour, must cause severe feelings of distress. In this period the animal really suffers and its well-being is at stake. (WIEPKEMA, 1982) 5) Principles of live are: Development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. Behaviour is a mean to procure the environmental inputs so as to fulfil the animal`s needs for development, maintenance, reproduction and avoidance of damages. The environment is animal-adequate (tiergerecht) if it enables the animal to fulfil its needs (after Tschanz, 1984) 6) The welfare of an individual is its state as regards its attempts to cope with its environment (BROOM, 1986) 7) Distress is a state in which the animal is unable to adapt to an altered environment or to altered internal stimuli. If such stressors are short term, responses an animal will make to adapt to these changes do not usually, but may, result in long-term harmful effects. Prolonged or excessive distress may result in harmful responses, e.g. abnormal feeding and social interaction behaviour, inefficient reproduction, and can result in pathologic conditions, e.g. gastric and intestinal lesions, hypertension, immuno suppression. Distress also may be induced through changes in internal states such as disease, nausea, excessive anxiety, and fear. Such responses may become a permanent part of the animals repertoire and seriously threaten the animals well-being (AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 1987)

8) Animal welfare is dependent solely on the cognitive needs of the animals concerned (DUNCAN & PETHERICK, 1989) 9) Let us not mince words: Animal welfare involves the subjective feelings of animals (DAWKINS, 1990) 10) The freedoms (FAWC, 1992 Sixty four years ago, India attained independence and stood on the threshold of progress and innovation. The vision for the country was industrialization through socialism. Thus evolved the massive public sector which, it was believed would create enormous employment opportunities. The public sector, however, could not meet the demands and expectations of the people and soon, the private entrepreneurs entered the industrial arena, and the local indigenous industries faced competition from the international giants. Employment opportunities gradually declined as saturation levels were reached in industry. Then, the late 1980's an era of liberalization was ushered in, bringing in its wake, regeneration of employment opportunities albeit for a short span. The Indian industry fell short of achieving any substantial measure of success in the international market because of a dearth of skilled labour. The major global players, in this era are the communications and IT industry -both have created an enormous demand for skilled workforce. The Government and public sectors being ill equipped to provide the requisite training and development resorted to utilizing the experience and expertise of the private and non-governmental institutions to develop and equip the large human resource of the country with the requisite skills. Sadly, there has been negligible development of the vast human resources at the grass root level, the unskilled workers. This is due in large part to the extent of illiteracy in the country, which has increased the level of unemployment in the unskilled sector. This large sector has been most threatened with the advent of globalization and it is being perceived that their level of unemployment will further increase. Labour welfare activities in an industrialized society has far reaching impact not only on the work force but also all the facets of human resources. Labour welfare includes all such activities, which not only secures existential necessities but also ensures improvement in spiritual and emotional quotient. It comprises of short term and long terms goal toward building a humane society. As labour welfare is a dynamic concept, changes in its principles activities and the rationale supporting them have not been static. They closely follow the stages of advancement of the industrialized society from police Theory to Functional Theory. Accordingly principles for successful implementation of labour welfare activities ranges from adequacy of wages to impact on efficiency as well as transformation of personality in nut shell, it is extension of democratic values in an industrialized society. Theories of Labour welfare Activities have been formulated on the conviction that it is man behind the machine who is responsible for achieving mission of an organization. A person can deliver at his best only when he is satisfied and committed to the cause. To keep the employees motivated and committed various welfare facilities are provided by the organization not only to the employees but also to their family member too.

The term 'Welfare' expresses many ideas, meanings and connotations, such as the state of well being, health, happiness, prosperity and the development of human resources. It includes both the social and economic aspects of welfare. The social concept of welfare implies the welfare of man, his family and his community. All these three aspects are inter-related and work together. The economic aspect of welfare covers promotion of economic development by increasing production and productivity. Welfare is also called a relative concept, for it is related to time and space. Changes in it have an impact on the system of welfare as well. As welfare is growing and dynamic, the welfare potential changes, as a result of which its content keeps on varying and has to keep pace with the changing times. Also the characteristics of welfare vary for it depends of a nation in all fields. Its meaning and components, therefore, differ from country to country and from place to place. The economic welfare activities are such, which can be brought directly or indirectly into relation with money, Pigou[1] defined economic welfare as that part of social welfare that can be brought directly or indirectly into relation with the measuring need of money. According to him, "the economic welfare of a community of a given size is likely to be greater, the larger is the share that accrues to the poor." However, he admitted that economic welfare was not the index of total welfare. The word labour means any productive activity. In a broader sense, therefore the phrase labour welfare means the adoption of measures to promote the physical, social, psychological and general well being of the working population. Welfare work in any industry aims or should aim at improving the working and living conditions of workers and their families. The concept of labour welfare activities, however, is flexible, elastic and differs from time to time, region to region, industry to industry and country to country, depending upon the value system, level of education, social customs, degree of industrializations and the general standard of the socio-economic development of a people. It is also related to the political situation in a country. Further it depends upon the kinds of problems with which society is confronted as well as on the structure of the industry. It is molded according to the age group, sex, socio-cultural background, marital status, economic status and educational level of the employees in various industries. DEFINITION OF LABOUR WELFARE Labour welfare has been defined in various ways, though no single definition has found universal acceptance. The Oxford dictionary defines labour welfare as "Efforts to make life worth living for workmen." Chambers dictionary defines welfare as "A state of faring or doing well. Freedom from calamity, enjoyment of health and prosperity[2]". The Encyclopedia of Social Science defines it as "the voluntary efforts of the employers to establish, within the existing industrial system, working and sometimes living and cultural conditions of employees beyond what is required by law, the customs of the industry and the condition of market"[3].

In the Report II of the ILO Asian Regional conference, it has been stated that worker's welfare may be understood to mean "such services, facilities and amenities, which may be established outside or in the vicinity of undertakings, to enable the persons employed therein to perform their work in healthy and congenial surroundings and to provide them with the amenities conducive to good health and high morale." [4] The Labour Investigation committee (1944-46) includes under labour welfare activities "anything done for the intellectual, physical, moral and economic betterment of the workers, whether by employers, by government or by other agencies, over and above what is laid down by law or what is normally expected as per of the contractual benefits for which the workers may have bargained." [5] The Report of the Committee on Labour welfare (1969) includes under it "such services, facilities and amenities as adequate canteens, rest and recreation facilities, sanitary and medical facilities, arrangements for travel to and from work and for the accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their homes and such other services, amenities and facilities including social security measures as contribute to improve the conditions under which worker are employer." [6] Thus, the whole field of welfare is said to be one "in which much can be done to combat the sense of frustration of the industrial workers, to relieve them of personal and family worries, to improve their health, to afford them means of self expression, to offer them some sphere in which they can excel others and to help them to a wider conception of life". [7] It promotes the well-being of workers in variety of ways. SCOPE OF LABOUR WELFARE ACTIVITIES Labour welfare Activities is combinations of various steps, the cumulative effect of which is to grease the wheels of industry and society. Sound industrial relations can only be based on human relations and good human relations dictate that labour being, human being should be treated humanly which includes respect for labour dignity, fair dealing and concern for the human beings physical and social needs. In any industry good relations between the management and workers depend upon the degree of mutual confidence, which can be established. This, in turn, depends upon the recognition by the labour of the goodwill and integrity of the organization in the day to day handling of questions which are of mutual concern. The basic needs of a labour are freedom from fear, security of employment and freedom from want. Adequate food, better health, clothing and housing are human requirements. The human heart harbors secret pride and invariably responds to courtesy and kindness just as it revolts to tyranny and fear. An environment where he is contended with his job, assured of a bright future and provided with his basic needs in life means an atmosphere of good working condition and satisfaction to labour. Labour welfare activities are based on the plea that higher productivity requires more than modern machinery and hard work. It requires co-operative endeavor of both the parties, labour and management. This is possible only when labour is given due importance and human element is taken into account at every stage.

The worker has a fund of knowledge and experience at his job. If rightly directed and fully used, it would make a great contribution to the prosperity of the organization. This can only be achieved through satisfaction of the labour as the worker feels that he is an active participant in the production process, and he does at most for increasing the production and its productivity. OBJECTIVES OF LABOUR WELFARE ACTIVITIES The object of welfare activities is to promote economic development by increasing production and productivity. The underlying principle is to make the workers given their loyal services ungrudgingly in genuine spirit of co-operation, in return for obligations, voluntary and compulsory, accepted by the employee towards the general well-being of the employees. Improving the efficiency of the labour is another objective of labour welfare activities. Efficiency gives double reward, one in the form of increased production and the other in the shape of higher wages due to achievement of higher productivity. Welfare activities add to their efficiency and efficiency in turn help the worker to earn more wages. Therefore, welfare activities in an organization are twice blessed. It helps the employer and the employee both.

PHILOSOPHY OF LABOUR WELFARE ACTIVITIES The philosophy of labour welfare activities is based on the theory that success of industrial development depends upon harmonious relations and co-operation between labour and management (employer ). The labour has a fund of knowledge and experience at his jobs. If rightly directed and fully used, it would make a good contribution to the prosperity of the organization this can be achieved only through the satisfaction of the labour. Efficiency in the matter of running an organization and maintenance of productivity at rising rate and higher level, call for good labour relations throughout the process of production. It enables all those engaged in the organization to make their maximum personal contribution to its effective working. M. V. Pylee and Simon George has pointed out that "Even one discontented employee or an employee nursing a grievance can eventually infect an entire organization with the germ of discontent which, in turn, will result in lower efficiency, poor morale and reduction in overall production". The labour welfare activities in the form of health services centers are provided with the philosophy that a good medical service center will help in ensuring sturdy improvement of job satisfaction and productivity. A healthy worker is a basic requirement of an organization. It is, therefore, incumbent on the part of the employer to look after the health of the workers and to provide such facilities which would ensure minimum health hazards. The concerning law prescribes the minimum standard but progressive employer must extend his activities to protect the health of the labourers and

their dependents. In return, their co-operation will be wholehearted, efficiency will be maximum and attitude will be proper and congenial. Therefore the ultimate purposes of labour welfare are: - to promote greater efficiency of the workers, - assure proper human conditions to the workers and their family members, - supplement their wages in monetary terms, - team development, - give more real wages and foster better industrial relations.

Merits and Demerits of Labour welfare:

Labour welfare is justified for several reasons: (Merits) A. Humanitarian Ground: Safeguards the socio-economic factors of the industries Motivation and Retention of Employees Minimizing the social evils Boost up employees morale and create and improve sound IR Create a sense of belongings among employees and to retain them. Buys employee loyalty and Commitment to org. B. General Ground: Meets the criteria's as a social security Meet requirements of various legislations relating to fringe benefits: Providing welfare measures makes the employers to meet the obligations of the statutory requirements of various welfare and social security legislations. Provide qualitative work environment and work life Provide security to the employees against social risks like old age benefits and maternity benefits. Meet trade union demands such as life insurance, beauty clinics etc. for the members etc. However, demerits of employee welfare measures are limited compare to merits. Demerits include: 1. Cost to the Employer providing welfare measures to the employees and their family members in variably increases cost of labour to the employers. 2. As a matter of right Employees and their family members feel that they have a legal right to get welfare measures. Therefore, employees sometimes may not be satisfied and loyal to the organizations. In fact, satisfied needs are no longer motivators. 3. Discrepancies and de motivation: Employers may commit some mistakes while providing welfare measures, which may lead to discrepancies. These situation lead to employee de-motivation. Thanks Dr. S.Gomes ------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxx------------------------


Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970

The Government of India has been deeply concerned about the exploitation of workers under the contract labour system. With a view to removing the difficulties of contract labour and bearing in mind the recommendations of various commissions and committees and the decisions of the Supreme Court, particularly in the case of Standard Vacuum Refining Company in 1960, the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act was enacted in 1970. This Act seeks to regulate the employment of contract

labour in certain establishments and to provide for its abolition under certain circumstances.

Contract Labour, by and large, is neither borne on pay roll or muster roll nor is paid wages directly. The establishments, which farm out work to contractors, do not own any direct responsibility in regard to their labourers. Generally, the wage rates to be paid and observance of working conditions are stipulated in agreements but in practice they are not strictly adhered to.

The Main Features of the Act

The main features of the Act can be summarised thus:The Act applies to every establishment in which 20 or more workmen are employed or were employed on any day on the preceding 12 months as contract labour and to every contractor who employs or who employed on any day of the preceding 12 months 20 or more workmen. It does not apply to establishments where the work performed is of intermittent or casual nature. The Act also applies to establishments of the Government and local authorities as well. The Central Government and the State Governments are required to set up Central Advisory Board and State Advisory Boards, which are authorised to constitute Committees as deemed proper. The functions of the Boards are advisory, on matters arising out of the administration of the Act as are referred to them. The Boards carry out the functions assigned to them under the Act. The establishments covered under the Act are required to be registered as the Principal Employer. Likewise, every contractor to whom the Act applies is required to obtain a licence and not to undertake or execute any work through contract labour except under and in accordance with the licence issued. The Act has provided for establishment of canteens. For the welfare and health of contract labour, provision is made for restrooms, first aid, wholesome drinking water, latrines and urinals. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to provide such facilities, the Principal Employer is made liable to provide the amenities.

The contractor is required to pay wages and a duty is cast on him to ensure disbursement of wages in the presence of the authorised representative of the Principal Employer. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to pay wages either in part or in full, the Principal Employer is liable to pay the same. In case the contract labour perform same or similar kind of work as regular workmen, they will be entitled to the same wages and service conditions as regular workmen as per the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971. The Act makes provision for the appointment of Inspecting staff, for maintenance of registers and records, for penalties for the contravention of the provisions of the Act and Rules made thereunder and for making Rules for carrying out the purpose of the Act. In the central sphere, officers of the CIRM have been appointed as Inspectors. Apart from the regulatory measures provided under the Act for the benefit of the contract labour, the appropriate government under section 10(1) of the Act is authorised, after consultation with the Central Board or State Board, as the case may be, to prohibit, by notification in the official gazette, employment of contract labour in any establishment in any process, operation or other work. Sub-section (2) of Section 10 lays down sufficient guidelines for deciding upon the abolition of contract labour in any process, operation or other work in any establishment and the appropriate government while taking action under this Section will have to take an overall picture of the industry carrying on similar activities. The guidelines furnished under subsection (2) oblige the appropriate government to consider, as relevant data, the material to which it must have regard. The Central Government on the recommendations of the Board has abolished contract labour system in a number of jobs in different industries and so far 76 notifications have been issued. ************

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