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Pronunciation: /mYl[v(Y)l(Y)nt/ adjective having or showing a wish to do evil to others: the glint of dark, malevolent eyes Sng ung

ph cuc i --------gab Pronunciation: /gab/ informal verb (gabs, gabbing, gabbed) [no object] talk at length: Celeste was gabbing about the country before the war noun [mass noun] talk; chatter: fans should prefer her smooth delivery to the gab prevalent around the league ---------ambiance_plague : k9 ---------jabber Pronunciation: /d abY/ verb [no object] talk in a rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible way: he jabbered on about football noun [mass noun] rapid, excited, and often incomprehensible speech. --------sag Pronunciation: /sag/ verb (sags, sagging, sagged) [no object] 1sink, subside, or bulge downwards under weight or pressure or through lack of s trength: she let her head sag lower and lower the bed sagged in the middle (as adjective sagging) sagging shelves bearing rusty paint tins hang down loosely or unevenly: stockings which sagged at the knees 2decline to a lower level, usually temporarily: exports are forging ahead while home sales sag noun 1a downward curve or bulge in a structure caused by weakness or excessive weight

or pressure: a sag in the middle necessitated a third set of wheels [mass noun] Geometry the amount of a sag, measured as the perpendicular distance from the middle of the curve to the straight line between the two supporting po ints. 2a decline, especially a temporary one. --------miser Pronunciation: /m jzY/ noun a person who hoards wealth and spends as little money as possible: a typical miser, he hid his money in the house in various places --------Zuckerberg--famous for his attachment to casual clothes --------plague Pronunciation: /pleig/ noun 1 (usually the plague) a contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium, typically with the formation of buboes (see bubonic plague) and somet imes infection of the lungs ( pneumonic plague). any contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people: diseases like smallpox wiped out the indigenous people in a succession o f plagues 2 an unusually large number of insects or animals infesting a place and causing damage: a plague of locusts 3 [in singular] a thing causing trouble or irritation: staff theft is usually the plague of restaurants (a plague on) archaic used as a curse: a plague on all their houses! [echoing Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet ( iii. i. 94)] verb (plagues, plaguing, plagued) [with object] cause continual trouble or distress to: he has been plagued by ill health pester or harass (someone) continually: he was plaguing her with questions ---------hype Pronunciation: /h jp/ informal noun [mass noun] extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion: his first album hit the stores amid a storm of hype [count noun] a deception carried out for the sake of publicity: is his comeback a hype? verb

[with object] promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its ben efits: an industry quick to hype its products they were hyping up a new anti-poverty idea ------------eke Pronunciation: /ik/ verb [with object] (eke something out) make an amount or supply of something last longer by using or consuming it fruga lly: the remains of yesterday s stew could be eked out to make another meal manage to make a living with difficulty: many traders barely eked out a living ------------that kind of reaction from simon was all orchestrated -----------authentic -----------That's why it's called a rendition, because it's the artist's own interpretation or take of the song. When you do it close to the original, you'll likely be cri ticized for having lack of artistry. I don't want to mean that you always have to deviate from the original. You can always do like the original in a singing comp etition like this, but it would be bland and boring because everybody has heard of it and you can't beat the original anyway like most people would probably say. ---------horripilation Pronunciation: /hRrjpjlej (Y)n/ noun [mass noun] literary the erection of hairs on the skin due to cold, fear, or excitement: [count noun]: a horripilation of dread tingled down my spine ------------A putrid smell emanated from the drain in his bathtub -----------leaflet Pronunciation: /lifljt/ noun a printed sheet of paper containing information or advertising and usually distr ibuted free: pick up a leaflet from your local branch election leaflets verb (leaflets, leafleting, leafleted) [with object]

distribute leaflets to (people or an area): tourists visiting the area are being leafleted [no object]: they were leafleting in Victoria Square Synonysms: handbill, flyer leafleteer, leafleter ------------------Pronunciation: /djskr[p(Y)nsi/ noun (plural discrepancies) an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or mo re facts: there s a discrepancy between your account and his ------------------spontaneous Pronunciation: /spRntejnjYs/ adjective performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and withou t premeditation or external stimulus: the audience broke into spontaneous applause a spontaneous display of affection having an open, natural, and uninhibited manner. (of a process or event) occurring without apparent external cause: spontaneous miscarriages Biology (of movement or activity in an organism) instinctive or involuntary: the spontaneous mechanical activity of circular smooth muscle archaic (of a plant) growing naturally and without being tended or cultivated. ---------------premeditate : gmail ---------------wordpress : horripilation = the erection of hairs on the skin due to cold, fear, or exciteme nt _________________________ facebook: persevere pessimistic pulsate feminism solar dilate viscous mitigate ostentatious elicit nostalgic spearhead Now the rain seems to be slacking off. If the rain eases off overnight, we'll leave in the morning. -------------------------------------------------admit to doing

be accustomed to doing be applicable to doing (also, apply to doing) be close to doing be conducive to doing be connected to doing be dedicated to doing be opposed to doing be prone to doing be on one's way to doing be related to doing be resistant to doing be used to doing boil down to doing come down to doing commit to doing devote oneself to doing get around to doing get back to doing get down to doing get used to doing give thought to doing go back to doing lead to doing look forward to doing return to doing switch to doing a guide to doing a reaction to doing a response to doing an approach to doing an alternative to doing compared to doing from doing X to doing Y in addition to doing prior to doing the key to doing the secret to doing This is akin to doing to lend --self to doing sth shortcut to learning ... approach to studying ... key to learning ... objection to going ... secret to knowing ... path to learning ... aversion to doing ... reaction to seeing ... reference( s ) to going ... with a view to finding ... lend (itself, themselves, ...) to ... contribute to object to, look forward to, pay attention to, take exception to, take to, resort to, get around to, contribute to, devote time to, amount to be: restricted to, limited to, reduced to, used to, accustomed to, averse to, given to, committed to, opposed to, addicted to, devoted to, dedicated to __

see s.b/s.t doing find s.b/s.t doing

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