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Maquina De


-ObjetivoDisear un programa que simule una maquina de turing -DescripcinEl programa nos pedir una cadena que deseemos evaluar, siempre con nmeros binarios es decir 1 y 0 al activar el botn de evaluar el programa nos dar el resultado de la maquina de Turing --Desarrollo

// Applet Turing Machine Simulator // Suzanne Skinner // 1996, All Rights Reserved import java.awt.*; class Transition { int currentState; char currentChar; int newState; char newChar; int direction; public Transition(int cs, char cc, int ns, char nc, int dir) { currentState = cs; currentChar = cc; newState = ns; newChar = nc; direction = dir; } } class PresetTM { public static final String[] names = { "<New>", "Subtracter", "Palindrome Detector", "5-State B.B. (501)", "5-State B.B. (1915)",

}; int initPos; String initChars; String programming; String comment;

"5-State B.B. (4098)", "6-State Busy Beaver",

public PresetTM(String desc) { if (desc.indexOf("Busy Beaver") > -1 || desc.indexOf("B.B.") > -1) initPos = TM.TAPESIZE/2; initChars = ""; comment = ""; if (desc.indexOf("501") > -1) { programming = "1,_ 2,1,>\n1,1 3,_,<\n" "2,_ 3,1,>\n2,1 4,1,>\n" "3,_ 1,1,<\n3,1 2,_,>\n" "4,_ 5,_,>\n4,1 H,1,>\n" "5,_ 3,1,<\n5,1 1,1,>"; } else if (desc.indexOf("1915") > -1) { programming = "1,_ 2,1,>\n1,1 3,1,<\n" "2,_ 1,_,<\n2,1 4,_,<\n" "3,_ 1,1,<\n3,1 H,1,<\n" "4,_ 2,1,<\n4,1 5,1,>\n" "5,_ 4,_,>\n5,1 2,_,>"; } else if (desc.indexOf("4098") > -1) { programming = "1,_ 2,1,<\n1,1 3,1,>\n" "2,_ 3,1,<\n2,1 2,1,<\n" "3,_ 4,1,<\n3,1 5,_,>\n" "4,_ 1,1,>\n4,1 4,1,>\n" "5,_ H,1,<\n5,1 1,_,>"; } else if (desc.indexOf("6-State") > -1) { programming = "1,_ 2,1,<\n1,1 1,1,<\n" "2,_ 3,1,>\n2,1 2,1,>\n" "3,_ 6,_,>\n3,1 4,1,>\n" "4,_ 1,1,<\n4,1 5,_,>\n" "5,_ 1,_,<\n5,1 3,1,>\n" "6,_ 5,1,<\n6,1 H,1,<"; } else initPos = -1;

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + + +

} else if (desc.equals("Subtracter")) { initPos = 0; initChars = "111111-1111="; comment = "Subtracts numbers in unary.\nInput format: '<num><num>='"; programming = "1,_ 1,_,>\n1,1 1,1,>\n1,- 1,-,>\n1,= 2,_,<\n" + "2,1 3,=,<\n2,- H,_,<\n" + "3,1 3,1,<\n3,- 4,-,<\n" + "4,_ 4,_,<\n4,1 1,_,>"; } else if (desc.equals("Palindrome Detector")) { initPos = 0; initChars = " BABBBAABBBAB"; comment = "Determines whether a given string of\n"+

"A's and B's is a palindrome.\n"+ "Leave one blank space before the string."; programming = "1,_ 2,#,>\n" + "2,A 3,_,>\n2,B 4,_,>\n2,_ 7,_,<\n" + "3,A 3,A,>\n3,B 3,B,>\n3,_ 5,_,<\n" + "4,A 4,A,>\n4,B 4,B,>\n4,_ 6,_,<\n" + "5,A 11,_,<\n5,B 12,_,<\n5,_ 7,_,<\n" + "6,A 12,_,<\n6,B 11,_,<\n6,_ 7,_,<\n" + "7,_ 7,_,<\n7,# 8,_,>\n" + "8,_ 9,Y,>\n" + "9,_ 10,E,>\n" + "10,_ H,S,>\n" + "11,A 11,A,<\n11,B 11,B,<\n11,_ 2,_,>\n" + "12,A 12,_,<\n12,B 12,_,<\n12,_ 12,_,<\n12,# 13,_,>\n" "13,_ 14,N,>\n" + "14,_ H,O,>\n"; } else if (desc.equals("<New>")) { initPos = 0; initChars = ""; programming = ""; } else initPos = -1;

class miscUtil { public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char ch) { // for Java 1.0 String list = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789"; return (list.indexOf(ch) > -1); } public static String[] split(String text, String splitChars) { // Perl-ish split function // Splits text into an array of Strings, with the split points at any // characters within splitChars (these are not included in the new strings). // Discards any empty entries where two splitters occur together or one // occurs at the beginning or end of the string. int pos = -1; int totalSplitters = 0; while (++pos < text.length()) if (splitChars.indexOf(text.charAt(pos)) > -1) totalSplitters++; int resultSize = totalSplitters+1; String[] result = new String[resultSize]; pos = -1; int resultPos = 0; int subStart = 0; while (++pos < text.length()) { if (splitChars.indexOf(text.charAt(pos)) > -1) { if (pos > subStart) result[resultPos++] = text.substring(subStart, pos);

subStart = pos+1; } if (pos > subStart) // if the last character is not a splitter result[resultPos++] = text.substring(subStart, pos); if (resultPos < resultSize) { // if the array was over-allocated (there were padding separators), // trim it down resultSize = resultPos; String[] paredResult = new String[resultSize]; for (int i=0; i < resultSize; i++) paredResult[i] = result[i]; return paredResult; } else return result; } } class TM implements Runnable { // transition/program results public static final int SUCCESS = 0, HALTED = -1, NOTFOUND = -2, ABNORMAL = -3, NOPROG = -4, USERINT = -5; // speeds public static final int SLOW = 0, FAST = 1, VFAST = 2, COMPUTE = 3; // special states public static final int HALT = -1, RUNNING = -2, NA = -3; // special chars public static final char NUL = 0; // directions public static final int LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1, STAY = 2; // defaults public static final int TAPESIZE = 30000; TuringMachine app; Component display; boolean programmed = false; int speed = SLOW; Transition[] transTable; int tableSize; char[] tape; int state; int tapePos = TAPESIZE/2; int initPos; String initChars; int initNonBlanks = 0, nonBlanks; int moving = STAY; long totalTransitions; public TM(TuringMachine daddy, Component disp) { tape = new char[TAPESIZE]; app = daddy; display = disp; setState(NA); } public boolean validTapeChar(char ch) { }

return (miscUtil.isLetterOrDigit(ch) || " +/*-!@#$ %^&()=,.".indexOf(ch) > -1); } public void setSpeed(String newSpeed) { if (newSpeed.equals("Slow")) speed = SLOW; else if (newSpeed.equals("Fast")) speed = FAST; else if (newSpeed.equals("Very Fast")) speed = VFAST; else speed = COMPUTE; } public void setState(int newState) { state = newState; if (state == HALT) app.tapePanel.currentState.setText("State: else if (state == RUNNING) app.tapePanel.currentState.setText("State: else if (state == NA) app.tapePanel.currentState.setText("State: else app.tapePanel.currentState.setText("State: }

H"); R"); N"); " + state);

public boolean initMachine(int initPos, String initChars, StringBuffer errorMsg) { char c; this.initPos = initPos; this.initChars = initChars; int numChars = initChars.length(); for (int i=0; i < TAPESIZE; i++) tape[i] = ' '; tapePos = initPos; if (initPos + numChars >= TAPESIZE) numChars = TAPESIZE - initPos - 1; initNonBlanks = 0; for (int i=0; i < numChars; i++) { c = initChars.charAt(i); if (c == '_') c = ' '; if (!validTapeChar(c)) { errorMsg.append("Invalid tape character '" + c + "'"); return false; } tape[initPos+i] = c; if (c != ' ') initNonBlanks++; } nonBlanks = initNonBlanks; totalTransitions = 0; setState(1); display.repaint(); return true; } public void initMachine() { char c;

int numChars = initChars.length(); for (int i=0; i < TAPESIZE; i++) tape[i] = ' '; tapePos = initPos; if (initPos + numChars >= TAPESIZE) numChars = TAPESIZE - initPos - 1; for (int i=0; i < numChars; i++) { c = initChars.charAt(i); tape[initPos+i] = c; } nonBlanks = initNonBlanks; totalTransitions = 0; setState(1); display.repaint(); } public boolean scrollTape(int dir) { if (dir == LEFT) { if (tapePos == 0) return false; else tapePos--; } else if (dir == RIGHT) { if (tapePos == TAPESIZE-1) return false; else tapePos++; } return true; } public void run() { int result = SUCCESS; if (speed != COMPUTE) display.repaint(); while (result == SUCCESS) { if (speed == SLOW) try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} else if (speed == FAST) try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} else if (speed == VFAST) try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} result = transition(); } moving = STAY; display.repaint(); app.controlPanel.showResults(result);

public boolean program(int initPos, String initChars, String programming, StringBuffer errorMsg) {

char c; if (!initMachine(initPos, initChars, errorMsg)) { setState(NA); return false; } String[] codeLines = miscUtil.split(programming, "\n"); if (codeLines.length < 1) { errorMsg.append("No programming entered"); setState(NA); return false; } tableSize = codeLines.length; transTable = new Transition[tableSize]; int currentState; char currentChar; int newState; char newChar; int direction; for (int i=1; i <= tableSize; i++) { String[] nextTrans = miscUtil.split(codeLines[i-1], ", "); if (nextTrans.length < 4 || nextTrans.length > 5) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": bad format"); setState(NA); return false; } if (nextTrans[0].equals("H")) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": cannot transition from halt state"); setState(NA); return false; } try { currentState = Integer.parseInt(nextTrans[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": invalid state '" + nextTrans[0] + "'"); setState(NA); return false; } if (currentState < 1 || currentState > 99) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": invalid state '" + currentState + "'"); setState(NA); return false; } if (nextTrans[1].length() > 1) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": bad format"); setState(NA); return false; } currentChar = nextTrans[1].charAt(0); if (currentChar == '_') currentChar = ' '; if (!validTapeChar(currentChar)) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": Invalid tape character '" + setState(NA); return false; currentChar + "'");

} if (nextTrans[2].equals("H")) newState = HALT; else { try { newState = Integer.parseInt(nextTrans[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": invalid state '" + nextTrans[2] + "'"); setState(NA); return false; } if (newState < 1 || newState > 99) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": invalid state '" + newState + "'"); setState(NA); return false; } } if (nextTrans[3].length() > 1) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": bad format"); setState(NA); return false; } if (nextTrans.length == 5) { if (nextTrans[4].length() > 1) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": bad format"); setState(NA); return false; } } c = nextTrans[3].charAt(0); if (c == '<' || c == '>') { direction = (c == '<') ? LEFT : RIGHT; if (nextTrans.length == 4) newChar = NUL; else { newChar = nextTrans[4].charAt(0); if (newChar == '_') newChar = ' '; if (!validTapeChar(newChar)) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": Invalid tape character '" + setState(NA); return false; } } } else { newChar = nextTrans[3].charAt(0); if (newChar == '_') newChar = ' '; if (!validTapeChar(newChar)) { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": Invalid tape character setState(NA); return false; newChar + "'"); newChar + "'");

'" +

if (nextTrans.length == 4) direction = STAY; else { c = nextTrans[4].charAt(0); if (c != '<' && c != '>') { errorMsg.append("In line " + i + ": bad format"); setState(NA); return false; } direction = (c == '<') ? LEFT : RIGHT; } } transTable[i-1] = new Transition(currentState, currentChar, newState, newChar, direction);

} programmed = true; setState(1); return true;

public int transition() { Transition currentTrans; if (!programmed) return NOPROG; else if (state == HALT) return HALTED; else { for (int i=0; i < tableSize; i++) { currentTrans = transTable[i]; if (currentTrans.currentState == state && currentTrans.currentChar == tape[tapePos]) { if (currentTrans.newChar != NUL) { if (currentTrans.newChar == ' ' && tape[tapePos] != ' ') nonBlanks--; else if (currentTrans.newChar != ' ' && tape[tapePos] == ' nonBlanks++; tape[tapePos] = currentTrans.newChar; } boolean scrResult = scrollTape(currentTrans.direction); if (!scrResult) { setState(HALT); return ABNORMAL; } if (speed == COMPUTE) state = currentTrans.newState; else setState(currentTrans.newState); totalTransitions++; if (moving != currentTrans.direction) moving = currentTrans.direction; if (speed != COMPUTE) display.repaint(); return SUCCESS; } } setState(HALT); return NOTFOUND; } }


} class TapeDisplay extends Canvas implements Runnable { static final int MINW = 200, MINH = 50, CELLHEIGHT = 20, CELLWIDTH = 20; int[] leftTriXs, rightTriXs, triYs; Dimension minSize; TuringMachine app; Thread scroller = new Thread(this); int scrollDir; int width, height, xpos, ypos, numCells; Font tapeFont; Color darkYellow = new Color(189, 193, 0); public TapeDisplay(TuringMachine daddy) { minSize = new Dimension(MINW, MINH); tapeFont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 12); app = daddy; } public void initGraphics() { width = size().width; height = size().height; ypos = height/2 - CELLHEIGHT/2; numCells = width/CELLWIDTH - 3; xpos = (width - numCells*CELLWIDTH) / 2; int[] ltx = {20, 4, 20, 20}; leftTriXs = ltx; int[] rtx = {width-21, width-5, width-21, width-21}; rightTriXs = rtx; int[] ty = {ypos, height/2, ypos+CELLHEIGHT, ypos}; triYs = ty; } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setFont(tapeFont); g.setColor(new Color(192, 0, 0)); g.drawRect(0, 0, width-1, height-1); g.drawRect(1, 1, width-3, height-3); g.fillPolygon(new int[]{2, 2, 15, 2}, new int[]{15, 2, 2, 15}, 4); g.fillPolygon(new int[]{2, 2, 15, 2}, new int[]{height-15, height-2, height-2, height-15}, 4); g.fillPolygon(new int[]{width-2, width-2, width-15, width-2}, new int[]{15, 2, 2, 15}, 4); g.fillPolygon(new int[]{width-2, width-2, width-15, width-2}, new int[]{height-15, height-2, height-2, height-15}, 4); if (app.machine.moving == TM.LEFT) g.setColor(Color.yellow); else g.setColor(darkYellow); g.fillPolygon(leftTriXs, triYs, 4); if (app.machine.moving == TM.RIGHT) g.setColor(Color.yellow); else g.setColor(darkYellow); g.fillPolygon(rightTriXs, triYs, 4); g.setColor(; g.drawPolygon(leftTriXs, triYs, 4); g.drawPolygon(rightTriXs, triYs, 4);

g.setColor(; int actualNumCells = numCells; if (!app.machine.programmed) { for (int x=xpos, count=0; count < numCells; x+=CELLWIDTH, count+ +) { if (count == numCells/2) { g.setColor(; g.drawRect(x, ypos, CELLWIDTH, CELLHEIGHT); g.drawRect(x-1, ypos-1, CELLWIDTH+2, CELLHEIGHT+2); g.setColor(; } else g.drawRect(x, ypos, CELLWIDTH, CELLHEIGHT); if (count == numCells/2 + 1) { g.setColor(; g.drawLine(x, ypos, x, ypos+CELLHEIGHT); g.setColor(; }

} } else { char[] tape = app.machine.tape; int tapePos = app.machine.tapePos; int centerCell = numCells/2; int centerCellPos = xpos + CELLWIDTH*centerCell; int charsToLeft = numCells/2; int charsToRight = (numCells%2 == 0) ? numCells/2-1: numCells/2; int firstCell, lastCell, startx; if (tapePos < charsToLeft) { firstCell = 0; startx = xpos + CELLWIDTH * (charsToLeft - tapePos); actualNumCells -= (charsToLeft - tapePos); } else { firstCell = tapePos - charsToLeft; startx = xpos; } if (tapePos + charsToRight >= TM.TAPESIZE) actualNumCells -= ((tapePos+charsToRight+1) - TM.TAPESIZE); lastCell = firstCell + actualNumCells - 1; for (int x=startx, tpos = firstCell; tpos <= lastCell; x+=CELLWIDTH, tpos++) { if (x == centerCellPos) { g.setColor(; g.drawRect(x, ypos, CELLWIDTH, CELLHEIGHT); g.drawRect(x-1, ypos-1, CELLWIDTH+2, CELLHEIGHT+2); g.setColor(; } else g.drawRect(x, ypos, CELLWIDTH, CELLHEIGHT); if (x == centerCellPos + CELLWIDTH) { g.setColor(; g.drawLine(x, ypos, x, ypos+CELLHEIGHT); g.setColor(; } if (tape[tpos] != ' ') g.drawString("" + tape[tpos], x+CELLWIDTH/2-4, ypos+CELLHEIGHT*3/4); } }

} public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (!app.execution.isAlive() && !scroller.isAlive()) { if (x >= leftTriXs[1] && x <= leftTriXs[0] && y >= triYs[0] && y <= triYs[2]) { scrollDir = TM.LEFT; if (app.machine.scrollTape(scrollDir)) { app.machine.moving = scrollDir; this.repaint(); scroller = new Thread(this); scroller.start(); } } else if (x >= rightTriXs[0] && x <= rightTriXs[1] && y >= triYs[0] && y <= triYs[2]) { scrollDir = TM.RIGHT; if (app.machine.scrollTape(scrollDir)) { app.machine.moving = scrollDir; this.repaint(); scroller = new Thread(this); scroller.start(); } } } return true; } public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (scroller.isAlive()) { scroller.stop(); app.machine.moving = TM.STAY; repaint(); } return true; } public void run() { boolean offTape = false; while (!offTape) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} offTape = !app.machine.scrollTape(scrollDir); this.repaint(); } app.machine.moving = TM.STAY; repaint(); } public Dimension minimumSize() { return new Dimension(MINW, MINH); } public Dimension preferredSize() { return new Dimension(MINW, MINH); }

class TapePanel extends Panel {

Label currentState; Choice speed; TapeDisplay tapeDisplay; TuringMachine app; public TapePanel(TuringMachine daddy) { app = daddy; GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbcon = new GridBagConstraints(); currentState = new Label("State: H", Label.CENTER); Button start = new Button("Start"), stop = new Button("Stop"), resume = new Button("Resume"), step = new Button("Step"); Label speedLabel = new Label("Speed:", Label.RIGHT); speed = new Choice(); speed.addItem("Slow"); speed.addItem("Fast"); speed.addItem("Very Fast"); speed.addItem("Compute"); tapeDisplay = new TapeDisplay(app); setLayout(gbl); // add current state label gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 0; gbcon.gridwidth = 6; gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH; gbcon.weighty = 0.1; gbl.setConstraints(currentState, gbcon); add(currentState); // add start, stop, and step control buttons gbcon.gridy = 1; gbcon.gridwidth = 1; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,40); gbcon.weightx = 0.2; gbcon.weighty = 0.1; gbl.setConstraints(start, gbcon); add(start); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbl.setConstraints(stop, gbcon); add(stop); gbcon.gridx = 2; gbl.setConstraints(resume, gbcon); add(resume); gbcon.gridx = 3; gbl.setConstraints(step, gbcon); add(step); // add speed pull-down list control gbcon.gridx = 4; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,5); gbl.setConstraints(speedLabel, gbcon); add(speedLabel); gbcon.gridx = 5; gbl.setConstraints(speed, gbcon); add(speed); // add turing tape display canvas gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 2;

gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,5,0); gbcon.gridwidth = 6; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTH; gbcon.weightx = 0; gbcon.weighty = 0.8; gbl.setConstraints(tapeDisplay, gbcon); add(tapeDisplay); } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { if ( instanceof Button) { String command = (String)arg; int result; TM machine = app.machine; ControlPanel cp = app.controlPanel; SpecsPanel sp = app.specsPanel; if (command.equals("Step")) { if (machine.state == TM.HALT) { cp.addMessage("Restarting..."); machine.initMachine(); } result = machine.transition(); machine.moving = TM.STAY; tapeDisplay.repaint(); if (result == TM.HALTED) cp.addMessage("Machine is halted"); else if (result == TM.ABNORMAL) cp.addMessage("The machine has run\noff the end of the tape"); else if (result == TM.NOTFOUND) cp.addMessage("No applicable transition found"); else if (result == TM.NOPROG) cp.addMessage("No program entered"); else if (machine.state == TM.HALT) cp.addMessage("Halt state reached"); return true; } else if (command.equals("Start") || command.equals("Resume")) { if (!app.machine.programmed) cp.addMessage("Cannot start: No program entered"); else if (app.execution.isAlive()) cp.addMessage("Already running"); else { StringBuffer errorMsg = new StringBuffer(50); boolean success = true; if (command.equals("Start")) success = app.machine.initMachine(sp.initPosBar.getValue(), sp.initChars.getText(), errorMsg); if (success) { app.machine.setSpeed(speed.getSelectedItem()); cp.addMessage("Running..."); app.execution = new Thread(app.machine); app.execution.start(); } else cp.addMessage("Error initializing machine:\n"+errorMsg); } } else if (command.equals("Stop")) { if (app.execution.isAlive()) {

} else cp.addMessage("Machine is not running"); } } return false;

app.execution.stop(); if (app.machine.speed == TM.COMPUTE) app.machine.setState(app.machine.state); app.machine.moving = TM.STAY; tapeDisplay.repaint(); cp.showResults(TM.USERINT);

} }

class SpecsPanel extends Panel { TuringMachine app; Choice loader; TextField machineName; Label initPos; Scrollbar initPosBar; TextField initChars; public SpecsPanel(TuringMachine daddy) { app = daddy; GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbcon = new GridBagConstraints(); Label nameLabel = new Label("Machine name"), initPosLabel = new Label("Initial tape position"), initCharsLabel = new Label("Initial characters on tape"); Button loadButton = new Button("Load new program:"); loader = new Choice(); for (int i=0; i < PresetTM.names.length; i++) loader.addItem(PresetTM.names[i]); machineName = new TextField(30); initPosBar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, TM.TAPESIZE/2, 50, 0, TM.TAPESIZE); initPos = new Label("" + (TM.TAPESIZE/2), Label.RIGHT); initChars = new TextField(30); setLayout(gbl); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 0; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,5,5); gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; gbl.setConstraints(loadButton, gbcon); add(loadButton); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbcon.gridwidth = 2; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbl.setConstraints(loader, gbcon); add(loader); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 1; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbl.setConstraints(nameLabel, gbcon); add(nameLabel); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbcon.gridwidth = 2;

gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbl.setConstraints(machineName, gbcon); add(machineName); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 2; gbcon.gridwidth = 1; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbl.setConstraints(initPosLabel, gbcon); add(initPosLabel); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbcon.weightx = 0.7; gbl.setConstraints(initPosBar, gbcon); add(initPosBar); gbcon.weightx = 0; gbcon.gridx = 2; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbl.setConstraints(initPos, gbcon); add(initPos); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 3; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbl.setConstraints(initCharsLabel, gbcon); add(initCharsLabel); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbcon.gridwidth = 2; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbl.setConstraints(initChars, gbcon); add(initChars); } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { StringBuffer errorMsg = new StringBuffer(50); if (!( instanceof Button) || app.execution.isAlive()) return true; String name = loader.getSelectedItem(); ControlPanel cp = app.controlPanel; PresetTM preset = new PresetTM(name); if (preset.initPos < 0) { cp.addMessage("Machine unimplemented"); return true; } app.machine = new TM(app, app.tapePanel.tapeDisplay); if (name.equals("<New>")) machineName.setText(""); else machineName.setText(name); initPos.setText(""+preset.initPos); initPosBar.setValue(preset.initPos); initChars.setText(preset.initChars); app.programPanel.programming.setText(preset.programming); if (!name.equals("<New>")) { cp.addMessage("\nEntering program..."); boolean success = app.machine.program(preset.initPos, preset.initChars, preset.programming, errorMsg); if (success) { cp.addMessage("Machine programmed successfully."); if (preset.comment.length() > 0)

cp.addMessage("\nProgram description:\n"+preset.comment+"\n"); } else { cp.addMessage("\nError:"); cp.addMessage(errorMsg.toString()); } } app.tapePanel.tapeDisplay.repaint(); return true; } public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { if ( instanceof Scrollbar) { initPos.setText("" + initPosBar.getValue()); return true; } else return super.handleEvent(evt); }

class ProgramPanel extends Panel { TextArea programming; public ProgramPanel() { GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbcon = new GridBagConstraints(); Label programmingLabel = new Label("Programming"); programming = new TextArea(10, 20); setLayout(gbl); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 0; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,5,5); gbcon.weighty = 0.1; gbl.setConstraints(programmingLabel, gbcon); add(programmingLabel); gbcon.gridy = 1; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; gbcon.weighty = 0.9; gbl.setConstraints(programming, gbcon); add(programming); } }

class ControlPanel extends Panel { TextArea messages; TuringMachine app; public ControlPanel(TuringMachine daddy) { app = daddy; GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbcon = new GridBagConstraints(); Button reset = new Button("Clear Program"), install = new Button("Install Program"); messages = new TextArea(5, 30); messages.setEditable(false);

Button clearMsgs = new Button("Clear Message Box"); setLayout(gbl); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 0; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,5,5); gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST; gbcon.weightx = 0.5; gbcon.weighty = 0.1; gbl.setConstraints(reset, gbcon); add(reset); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbl.setConstraints(install, gbcon); add(install); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 1; gbcon.gridwidth = 2; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST; gbcon.weightx = 0; gbcon.weighty = 0.8; gbl.setConstraints(messages, gbcon); add(messages); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 2; gbcon.gridwidth = 2; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER; gbcon.weightx = 0; gbcon.weighty = 0.1; gbl.setConstraints(clearMsgs, gbcon); add(clearMsgs); } public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { StringBuffer errorMsg = new StringBuffer(50); if ( instanceof Button) { String command = (String)arg; if (command.equals("Clear Program")) app.programPanel.programming.setText(""); else if (command.equals("Install Program")) { int initPos = app.specsPanel.initPosBar.getValue(); String initChars = app.specsPanel.initChars.getText(); String programming = app.programPanel.programming.getText(); app.machine = new TM(app, app.tapePanel.tapeDisplay); addMessage("\nEntering program..."); boolean success = app.machine.program(initPos, initChars, programming, errorMsg); app.tapePanel.tapeDisplay.repaint(); if (success) addMessage("Machine programmed successfully"); else { addMessage("Error:"); addMessage(errorMsg.toString()); } } else if (command.equals("Clear Message Box")) messages.setText(""); } return true; }

public void addMessage(String msg) { messages.appendText(msg+"\n"); } public void showResults(int haltReason) { addMessage("\nMachine halted:"); switch (haltReason) { case TM.HALTED: addMessage("Halt state reached"); break; case TM.ABNORMAL: addMessage("The machine ran off the tape"); break; case TM.NOTFOUND: addMessage("No applicable transition found"); break; case TM.USERINT: addMessage("User interrupt"); break; } addMessage("" + app.machine.totalTransitions + " total transitions"); addMessage("" + app.machine.nonBlanks + " non-blank characters on tape"); } } public class TuringMachine extends java.applet.Applet { static final Color BGCOLOR=new Color(192, 192, 192); TapePanel tapePanel; SpecsPanel specsPanel; ProgramPanel programPanel; ControlPanel controlPanel; TM machine; Thread execution; public void init() { setBackground(BGCOLOR); tapePanel = new TapePanel(this); specsPanel = new SpecsPanel(this); programPanel = new ProgramPanel(); controlPanel = new ControlPanel(this); execution = new Thread(machine); GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gbcon = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(gbl); gbcon.gridx = 0; gbcon.gridy = 0; gbcon.gridwidth = 2; gbcon.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,0); gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST; gbcon.weighty = 0.6; gbl.setConstraints(tapePanel, gbcon); add(tapePanel); tapePanel.validate(); gbcon.gridy = 1; gbcon.weighty = 0.2; gbl.setConstraints(specsPanel, gbcon); add(specsPanel); specsPanel.validate(); gbcon.gridy = 2;

gbcon.gridwidth = 1; gbcon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.SOUTHEAST; gbcon.weighty = 0.2; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,0,0,15); gbl.setConstraints(programPanel, gbcon); add(programPanel); programPanel.validate(); gbcon.gridx = 1; gbcon.insets = new Insets(0,15,0,0); gbl.setConstraints(controlPanel, gbcon); add(controlPanel); controlPanel.validate(); machine = (TM)new TM(this, tapePanel.tapeDisplay); //placeholder } public void start() { tapePanel.tapeDisplay.initGraphics(); }

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