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Dan Swinhoe (South America)- Argentina's Booming Mobility

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What you're Saying Dan Swinhoe (Asia)- Gadget Loving JapanSent Via Fax or Smartphone?
Dan Swinhoe's article on smartphone adoption in Japan looks like it has b een written b y reading a few industry reports b ut lacks the reality gained from... Andrew Coad
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Following our focus on mob ility in Brazil, it's now Argentina's turn. Although not as b ig as its Brazilian neighb or, the South American country is fully emb racing the smart device revolution. According to Budde, Argentina has one of the most solid state-of-the-art telecom infrastructures in Latin America.' This could b y why percentage-wise it fares b etter than Brazil in many facets of mob ility. Like many areas of Latin America the total mob ile phone penetration is incredib ly high. Growing b y around 6% annually, the figure is predicted to reach 144% b y the end of the year, though it also has high numb ers of multiple SIM cards/sub scriptions per person. In total Argentina accounts for around 9% of the regional connections, b ehind Brazil (38%) and Mexico (16%). As of March, 2.1% of internet traffic came from non-computer-devices, 70.4% of that b elonged to mob ile phones while tab lets accounted for 25.2%. Less is More While in sheer numb er Brazil owns more smartphones, b y penetration Argentina has a far b igger market. 24% of people in the country (compared to Brazil's 15%) own a smartphone, totaling around 10 million devices. Of the 13.7 million phones sold last year, 24% were smartphones, and the numb ers are b ound to get even b igger. Sales of the devices grew b y a whopping 398% in the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year. Android is b y far the most popular OS, taking around 50% of the market, compared to Apple's 10%. Despite this rise in numb ers, costs still remain prohib itive in the country. Argentina is currently the third largest mob ile b roadb and market, with 55 million total sub scriptions. Despite high costs, these look set to fall in the next few years. Smartphone prices remain high (around $250 dollars) preventing wider adoption, b ut hopefully as more are sold and cheaper local devices are rolled out prices will fall. Inflation and government protectionism haven't yet b anned sales of imported smartphones (despite an April Fool's story widely reported), b ut do make it difficult and expensive in an attempt to increase local production. Google recently conducted research into different countries' relationships with their smartphones. In South America they focused on Argentina and Brazil, and produced some interesting results. 20% more of Argentinian smartphone users use their devices for emailing, social networking and search engines, yet the same proportion use them for videos. Argentinians also have a slightly higher interest in apps, though still far less than countries

Dan Swinhoe (Asia)- BYOD in Asia: Is It Really A Choice For Employers?

much words emphasizing the severity of BYOD, b ut never see why, will b e b etter if some points to prove that



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such as Japan and the US. Both countries are equally likely to use their smartphones for local information and researching purchases then purchase products (more so than the US). Tablets & e-Commerce As well as a growing hunger for smartphones, portab le computing devices are quickly b ecoming popular. 63% of computers sold last year were either noteb ooks, netb ooks or tab lets. While Columb ia has the highest tab let penetration rate in the region (and one of the highest in the world), Argentina's 12% is still high. There were an estimated 225,000 tab lets sold last year, with the iPad dominating the market. As the numb er of smart devices rise, the impact of e-commerce could b e massive in years to come. 29.5% of Argentina's Internet users engage in e-commerce, equaling around 9 million shoppers, and according to the Argentine Chamb er of E-Commerce, the total value of e-commerce sales in 2011 was 11.5 b illion pesos ($2.6 million), an increase of 49.5% on the year b efore. By the end of this year the figure is likely to grow another 41% to $3.5 million. There are many promising signs that mob ility is taking off in Argentina. Its well developed infrastructure, increasing sales and acceptance of e-commerce all point to a mob ile future. But tackling its inflation and importing prob lems may take time b e b arriers.

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