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True story of ireland. -ZYX

Scene: 504A.D Scapes o'punge,the king of wales is on its shore where three boats

are ready for a race between his three sons as he decreed that the first one to touch the soil of ulster will be its ruler.Berh ,the eldest ,Heremon the next one, Ir the last. The race starts on the pompous blow of koch.
Heremon: O! Exalted highness, throne prince of Wales,my dear elder brother why do you need that piece of land so badly? Let me be its cheiftain under your guidance ,I shall work and die as your slave.

Catiously looking back to see if Ir was in audible range, but cooled down to see he was way backward.
Berh: My dear brother ,prince of Wales , I do not doubt your ability as a cheiftain but equal bloods can never be made slaves to one another.That piece of land as you named it, is the land of perfect harmony and peace ,and you are asking me to lose it to someone younger than me?My subjects would be demoralised by my defeat.What would I answer Ir ? Heremon: Alas! Your highness , you understand me wrongly .I am not asking you to lose this race . It is as impossible as finding INDIA, you would obviously win over me at this pace.All I am asking for is to grant me the land as you would grant alms to a beggar,I would accept it with atmost grace. Berh: My brother you do not sound sane to me.That is not fit talk for a prince,especially if it is the prince of wales. I cannot agree upon such a request father would be angry upon both of us.

Silence prevails for the next few minutes as the shore nears, Berh was ahead of Heremon and Ir was out of view. Berh turns back on hearing the sound of sword drawn out of sheath.
Berh: My brother what reason do you have to take out your sword?

Heremon: His highness, beloved father's condition was that the first person to touch the ulster's soil will rule it and so I would! Berh: Do not think of doing such a cowardly thing.Heremon, it not fit an action by the prince. Heremon: This is not a cowardly thing your highness, the prince is required to show courage and bravery even at the face of defeat. Sacrifice is an integrated part of our blood. I would sacrifice what it takes to become a KING!!!

A short shriek is heard and a red ,bloody hand is seen on the ulster soil becoming the first to touch the ulster soil.

Heremon later was renamed as Heremon O'neill meaning Heremon the son of champion. He was the first cheiftain of ulster, which is the major part of what is now Ireland. His descendents ruled over ireland for 500 years to come, under the official symbol of red hand of ulster.

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