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Warwick Model United Nations Society ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Training Schedule 2012

10th October 2012 Welcome to Warwick MUN: Exec Introduction Introduction to Model United Nations and what you gain from it Everything you need to know about Warwick Model United Nations Society (i) Meeting times, frequency and structure (ii) Upcoming conferences and how you can participate (iii) Socials (v) Trip to Vienna (iv) WarMUN: Our own flagship conference and the only specialized Crisis conference in the UK Preparation for the upcoming training session: Handout for Points, Motions and Voting Procedure Getting to know each other better: team building games and casual group discussion in small groups led by exec members. Sign ups for NottsMUN, CUIMUN and Reading MUN

17th October 2012 Quick recap of points, motions and voting procedure Brief question and answer session Introduction to Flow of Debate Introduction to Moderated and Un-moderated Caucus Consolidating and applying your knowledge so far Preparation for the upcoming training session

24th October 2012 Public Speaking in MUN Strategy Consolidating and applying your knowledge so far Introduction to position papers, working papers and resolution writing Preparation for conference simulation next week

31st October 2012 DISEC Simulation: Topic to be disclosed on 24th October Sign ups for DurMUN, LIMUN and ScottsMUN

7th November 2012 Chair training and application procedure Formal introduction to WarMUN and how you can be involved

10th November 2012 (Saturday) 1pm-5pm MiniMUN: Simulated MUN Conference

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