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Why do you want to attend Duke?

Everybody is aware that the world has many problems. But how about should solutions to these
problems be generated? I believe that the key to that is education. But not just any education; a
all encompassing education that teaches beyond the black & white classroom material. in my
opinion the formula towards practical solutions can be summarized as follows:

Culture A + Culture B + Culture C = New perspectives

Academic Insight (provided by my undergraduate education) + New perspectives = Innovative Solution

Duke fits into this equation by providing three of its essential components: Culture B and C
(through an engaging community of international students and great people), and the Academic
Insight. I see myself as holding the last important raw material required to catalyze this
production of “Solutions”, the “culture A” element of the equation. This culture which I hold and I
value is powered by the plethora of experiences, cultural background and education that I
possess due to a rigorous IB program and the myriad of ECAs and personal projects I have
dedicated myself to.

In summary, throughout my studying abroad, I hope to meet interesting people and experience
new cultures as to broaden mine and other people's perspectives. Through this broadening of
horizons I hope to stimulate new creative and innovative solutions as to grapple with the
problems floating around in our modern world. That is why I want to go to Duke.

How will you contribute to Duke? How can you represent Duke?

During my IB Business and Management course, I have come to understand that for any
organization to work efficiently and successfully, every member of its workforce must share a
common set of values known as the “corporate culture” of a business. If many of the members
of an organization lack these common beliefs then the organization is said to have a large
cultural gap. This in turn, causes inefficiency towards reaching goals and production, as well as
demotivation and a poor environment. I think Duke and I share some fundamental values. We
share a compulsion for inquiry, a passion for creating, and the desire to cause an impact in this
world. And through these values, I wish to drive the University into new discoveries, new
perspectives and solutions. I don’t think I’ve got the best standardized test out there, nor do I
think I’m the brightest bulb of the pack, but there’s one thing I know and will oath by: I will
represent Duke University as energetically and loyally as I can, radiating these values I strongly
believe in, in attempt to make the world a better place.

What has prepared you for Duke?

What can Duke do to improve you?

I am beyond a hard-working student I see myself as someone who comes from a decent cultural
background: my triple nationality, the fact that I’m trilingual, combined to the many trips I have
had around the world have all presented me with a clear picture of the challenges I face, but I
still lack the necessary insight which I’m hoping Duke will provide me with, to be able to react to
this, to be able to understand what needs to be done and how it must be done.

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