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The evidence of Montessori Education on early childrens development


Montessori education is a method of schooling that was first used in Rome in 1907 by Maria Montessori. Montessori education is characterized by multi-age classrooms,

independence, a special set of educational materials, the student choice of activity, collaboration and the absence of grades and tests (Montessori, 1964). The proponents of Montessori education believe that Montessori education has direct effects on children's development which provide the foundation for later life. The results of Lillard & Else-Quests (2006) study show that on several dimensions, children at a public Montessori school had superior outcomes relative to a sample of Montessori applicants who, because of a random lottery, attended other schools. By the end of kindergarten, the Montessori children performed better on standardized tests of reading and math, engaged in more positive interaction on the playground, and showed more advanced social cognition and executive control. The primary goal of this project is to focus on direct and indirect effects of Montessori education on children's development. The follow specific objectives are based on childrens development of physical, social-emotional, language and cognitive skills.

Objective 1 Describe the physical development of the preschooler.

Describe the physical characteristics and skills of children. Describe the role of moving. Discuss the role of nutrition in the physical development.

Objective 2 Describe the childrens emotional and social development.

Describe the ways children learn through their senses. Discuss the types and role of play for children. Describe activities which promote children to learn about self and others. Describe the development of responsibility.

Objective 3 Describe the childrens language development. Evaluate developmentally appropriate learning activities and materials for children. Describe children's ability to communicate through words. Describe the role of books in childrens language development. Discuss experiments with drawing and writing.

Objective 4 Describe the childrens cognitive development Describe the role of attention in childrens cognitive development. Discuss children's thinking skills and how are promoted. Describe the role of problem-solving skills.

Objective 5

Describe positive discipline techniques promoted by Montessori education. Distinguish between punishment and discipline/guidance techniques. Discuss the importance of autonomy for children's development. Discuss reasons and guidelines for discipline and setting limits.

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