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How to detect Common Knee Pain Causes

You hear about knee pain complaint almost all the time; its prevalence mainly attributed to a wide range of causes. To narrow this down, lets discuss the most common causes of knee pain. Arthritis Arthritis is one of the major causes of knee pain. This is not only exclusive to the elderly sector of the society, you can be 25 years old and arthritis is not ruled out as a differential diagnosis. That is because we have different kinds of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is most likely experienced by the elderly. Now, if a person is obese with a personal history of increased uric acid, the knee pain maybe attributed to gouty arthritis. If there is a family history of auto-immune diseases, the rheumatoid factor will be heavily considered. Ligament Injury This type of injury frequently occurs among athletes especially when it comes to contact sports. Heres the thing, the medial collateral ligament is located on the middle side of your knee close to the other pair. This is extended when you stretch your leg out. This particular ligament is ruptured or damaged when you twist your stretched out leg while being knocked sideways. This usually happens in rugby when players are being tackled. On the other hand, the lateral collateral ligament courses on the outer or lateral side of the knee linking the base of your thighs bone to the upper part of your fibula which is the thinner bone on the lower leg. This is less likely to be damaged on its own but can be injured if other ligaments are already ruptured. Patellar Tendonitis The large tendon resting just at the front of the knee is called your patellar tendon. This is a particular cause of knee pain when there is inflammation of the tendon and the surrounding tissues are irritated. The main cause of inflammation is frequently due to excessive use, specifically from jumping. This is often experienced by basketball and volleyball players. Hence, the more popular term, "jumper's knee." Baker's Cyst A Baker cyst is swelling and inflammation caused by the build up of fluid from the knee joint sticking out at the back of the knee. This condition is not rare as it can also be a complication of arthritis. It is commonly associated with a tightness behind the knee which is aggravated when extended or flexed. Take note that the cyst has the possibility of rupturing leading to a more difficult condition as the fluid dissects down the leg in between the calf muscles.

Bursitis The knee joint is surrounded by three fluid-filled sacs that reduces friction upon movement. In the case of an inflammation, the most frequently affected is the sac above the knee cap. This is prevalent in individuals who kneel a lot as part of their everyday work. That is why Bursitis is popularly termed as housemaids knee, or carpet layers knee due to the kneeling demands of their occupation and the pain and inflammation associated to the prolonged position. Bursitis can have altering amounts of distension, warmth, tenderness, and ruddiness on the affected area. What is particular about Bursitis is that the pain is relatively mild when compared to arthritic pain. The pain increases upon kneeling, can present with stiffness upon walking, but the range of motion is not affected.

Causes of knee pain are ample and diverse. Hence, one should have a precise idea on whats setting the pain off, diagnose the condition, and apply the most suitable treatment. {Knee pain has a lot of causes. It is by evaluating the degree of pain, its nature and determining the risk factors involved that one can provide a more accurate diagnosis.} {Michelle Gabata is a freelance writer highly experienced in both technical and creative style with a degree in Child Psychology and Medicine} {}

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