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September 16, 2012

Volume 12, Number 38

Through One Man

Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life Romans 5:18. You do make a difference. Sometimes, as only one person, in such a large world, we feel insignificant and unimportant.. Maybe we even feel ignored. There may even come a time that we look and out lives and determine that we have accomplished nothing of value. Usually, such a determination is wrong. Think about it this way. No matter how large a family may be, when a new baby adds one more to the number, her or she has a large impact on the family. That baby may be the youngest, smallest, and the least helpful. That baby may do little more than eat, sleep, cry, and use diapers. Still, that baby has a dramatic and generally positive effect on every member of that family. Babies change lives. Every life makes a difference. For sure, there are going to be a few lives that are much more widely remembered than others. Still, there are not many faces on Mount Rushmore. We know that Jesus was unique, and that He changed the world. Most of us are not really trying to change the world, or even have a large effect on it. Our sights are generally set on a smaller circle. Still, it is the effort of one person. One person can make a difference as an influence for evil. Just remember Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin. One person can make a dramatic difference as an influence for good. Most of us have had some wonderful and positive influences in our lives. Still, there is probably someone quite special who we can attribute with being the one who had the powerful, shaping, and continuing influence for good in our lives. Be the one. Dont shy from it. Dont dismiss it. Dont think that it is too small. Though there is only one of you, be that one. Russ

The Sentinel September 16, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

A Busy Weekend Ahead: Teacher Appreciation Dinner George King is undergoing proce- Friday, September 21, 7:00 PM. A dures to use stem cells to renew his special invitation is extended to immune system. He is in OU our Bible class teachers, assistants, Presbyterian Hospital, room 701. and spouses during the past three years. Kent Allen will be our Hazel Ruminer is having more guest speaker, and there will be difficulties, and is undergoing other entertainment. Make sure more chemo treatments. Walter knows you plan to attend. Hubert Nelson will be having ra There will be child-care for diation treatments for cancer on his the small children. We also need a nose. count of the children that will need Norman Bagger is undergoing that care during the dinner. tests for a malignant tumor on his Oklahoma Christian Preaching kidney. Blitz Sunday, September 23, Don and Jo Hutton have several Oklahoma Christian University will be sending speakers throughhealth difficulties. out the Oklahoma City metro area. Riley Baldwin has returned to havOur guest speaker on that day will ing throat surgeries about every six be Dr. Mickey Bannister. He will weeks. address a combined adult class in Mark Baldwin, finished his treat- the auditorium, and present the ments and tests show him to be sermon at the morning worship cancer-free. hour. Janice Parker, Jennifer Flemings mother-in-lawdiagnosed with brain cancer. Diane Murrell, Bob Murrells wife. Bill Brooks, Dwain Thackers cousin. Darrell McDonalds father. Don Fleming - Bills brother Brothers Keeper Group #4 will have a Pot Luck dinner, following service on Sunday evening, September 23. - Bring some food, a friend, and enjoy the fellowship.

Happy Birthday to ...

Ashley (Keenan) Mills George King - Bill Sherman - Glyn Baldwin - Stephen Hopkins Kimberly Berry - Russ & Paula Dyer 9/19 9/19 9/19 9/25 9/28 9/30 9/30

Homebound or Limited:
Jean Christian Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel

Happy Anniversary to ...

Announcements to Notice
We had to postpone the visit from Don Fuchs of the Tipton Chil-

drens Home. He is now scheduled be with us on Sunday evening, November 4. Also, if you have collected change in our Change for Children cans, you may bring your cans to Dwain at any time, but they must be brought by October 8. Also: The Tipton Home truck will be here October 9-11. Below is a list of items needed at this time. Green beans - Powdered Sugar - Paper towels Cereal - Brown Sugar - Toilet bowl cleaner Soup - Evaporated Milk - HE laundry detergent Apple Juice - Apricot preserves - Fabric softener sheets Ibuprofen - Toilet tissue Handymen to the Rescue: Do you need help getting a small repair type job done around your house? We will be posting a sheet to put your name and the job on the list. Volunteers will then do the jobs.

Southern Ridge church of Christ

Income Statement Eight Months Ended July 31 2012 Actual Revenues: Contributions Building Rental Interest Income Budget Variance 2011 Actual $238,730 0 0 238,730

$254,193 $238,154 $16,039 300 333 (33) 62 0 62 254,555 238,487 16,068

Expenses: Evangelism Missions Edification & Benevolence Utilities Building & Grounds Administrative Debt Service Profit(Loss)

69,440 38,600 10,682 15,760 39,064 20,076 40,544 234,166 $20,389

71,743 37,800 8,395 17,735 37,795 18,352 46,667 238,487

2,303 (800) (2,287) 1,975 (1,269) (1,724) 6,123 4,321

64,648 38,050 7,907 15,362 33,196 19,815 47,645 226,623 $12,107

$0 $11,747

The Sentinel September 16, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (9/23/12)

Order of Service
Announcements Scripture: Matthew 10:32-33 Song 71 Blessed Assurance Song 419 Lord, We Come Before Thee Now Prayer Song 345 It Is Well With My Soul Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 200 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah Sermon: Confession is Good for the Soul Song 207 Hark! the Gentle Voice Song 499 O, To Be Like Thee Prayer

Roger Scott

Larry & Glyn Baldwin Darrell & Lindsay MacDonald Bill & LeAnn Sherman

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Dwain Thacker

Bryan Ausmus J. C. Glidewell Max McDougal Sam Greenroyd Alex Suarez Jerry Doyle Kevin Keenan Sunday Dwight Andrews Jim Skaggs Randy Vance Walter McFadden Blue Suarez

Lord's Table (pm) Prayers (am)

Hubert Nelson

Prayers (pm)
Larry Baldwin

Schedule of Services Bible study Worship Worship

Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

God Is Good Always!

Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

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