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Mysterious Girl

One day Venus came back to school. Her books lagged in the class. She was so haunt, because there were many home works for tomorrow. When she arrived to the school, the school was silent, and there was nobody there. It made her more and more haunt. Suddenly there was a girl in front of her. Venus so surprises because that. Then, the girl opened the gate for Venus. Venus said thanks and asked the girls name. But the girl just silent and leave Venus. Venus run chase the girl, but when Venus came to room which entered by the girl there was no one in the room. Venus so confused because that. After that Venus quickly went to her class to put her books and back to home again. The day after Venus went to the room which entered by the girl yesterday, maybe she can find the girl and can be her friend. But, there was no student which had same characteristic with the girl yesterday. Venus asked to students in the class, who absence today. But all students in there class said if no one who absence today. Venus look bemused, and she came back to her class. When English lesson progress, Venus asked permission to her teacher to go to toilet. When she opened the door, she heard someone singing in the toilet. She search from where the voice was came. And you know what, that was voice of the girl yesterday. Her voice was mellow and musical. Venus attempted to speak with her, but the girl run so fast. A week later, Venus met with the girl again. At this time, they talked many things. The girls name is Mei. She was the gardeners niece who got scholarship in Venuss school. She was in the tenth grade now. And she talked about many things about this school, include horror story. She said if two years ago there a girl who die because fall from upper building. Her boyfriend inadvertent thrust her. Her boyfriend very scared. Cause that her boyfriend buried the girl body in the school garden. Two weeks later, in the morning there were many police in Venuss school. They had a girl corpse and just remain the bones in the school garden which find by gardener when he digging the ground to plant mangos tree. And you know what, the girl is someone who helped Venus opened the gate when the books lagged, and she was too who sing in the toilet two weeks ago, and she was too who chatted with Venus a week ago about many things in her school, she was Mei, Venuss new friend. . . Venus so shock, same with the gardener as Meis uncle...

Written by, Khusnul Tiara W. (XI-A1 / 20)

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