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TERROR WAR ... Bushs Terror War and the Fixing of Intelligence ...

He was nicknamed Scourge of God by the Romans, after almost destroyed their empire.

Attila, leader
of the Huns

... after 1500 years of his death, considered the perfect example of barbarism and savagery .. God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, ... the Rape of Nanking a name given to a six week massacre of Chinese civilians by Japanese troops ..... for a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times. From that alliance has come an era of peace in the Pacific .... This six week carnage claimed around 300,000 lives. 20,000 women from age 8 to 70 were raped before being put to death. Pregnant women werent even spared. The man responsible for this atrocity is no other than Hirohito, the emperor of Japan who sent his troops to the city of Nanking. He later denied that he had anything to do with the Nanking Massacre, but this has been proven wrong with time. Many people even consider him to be the mastermind behind WW II. ...

..... and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East .... But the notion that Bushs terror war was in pursuit of actual terrorists lost credibility in 2003, when it was applied to Saddam Husseins Iraq, a country known to have been targeted by terrorists but not to have harbored them .... 1979 till 2003, this man ruled Iraq with an iron fist ...... the modern day Hitler, Saddam was infamous for using chemical weapons in war against Iran, invading Kuwait in the Gulf War and destroying all its oil fields and of course for torturing and killing people on his human shredder. He was executed on 30th Dec 2006. ... Happiness lies in conquering one's enemies, in driving them in front of oneself, in taking their property, in savoring their despair, in outraging their wives and daughters ....

Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol

Empire, was infamous for his ruthless massacres of the defeated populations and he found much pleasure in others despair.

The famous vampire character Dracula was inspired by this evil prince of Wallachia, Romania who found immense pleasure in torturing people. Even though he used all forms of torture like burning, boiling, cutting off the limbs, mutilating sexual organs, driving nails in head and skinning etc, his most popular method or you could say his favorite one was impalement which is why he is also known as Vlad the Impaler ...He ruled from 1448 to 1476 during which he lost and regained power three times.

... Idi Amin Dada .... .. came as a curse upon the people of Uganda when he took over the country in 1971 in a military coup, turning himself from a military officer to the President. His solution to erase tribalism in Uganda was simple, murder the tribes. Over the years, Ugandans would disappear in the thousands, their mutilated bodies washing up on the shores of Lake Victoria. Besides being a murderer, he was also a cannibal, something which he was actually proud of. His dictatorship, which lasted till 1979, claimed 100,000 to 300,000 lives for which he never showed any remorse. He himself died in a coma in 2003. Ever thought that wearing spectacles would cost you your life? Well this was what it was like in Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot ... political party Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia as Prime minister from 1976-1979 and in these 3 years his government claimed up to 3 million deaths! Being a communist himself, he wanted a communist future for Cambodia, therefore Buddhist monks, Western-educated intellectuals, educated people in general, people who had contact with Western countries, people who appeared to be intelligent (for example, individuals with glasses), the crippled and lame, and ethnic minorities became victims of his terror. He had special killing fields set up for mass execution of these people. Many also died due to forced labor, starvation and disease. His rule which took the lives of 1/3 of the Cambodian population almost destroyed the countrys culture. ... Ivan the Terrible, .. first ruler of Russia to assume the title of Tsar in 1547 .. built a wall around the city of Novgorod .. its inhabitants prisoners in their own city .. he thought that the chiefs of Novgorod were going to attack Poland .. everyday between 500 to 1000 people were gathered from the city and were tortured and killed in front of him and his son ... he was also

responsible for the miscarriage of his daughter-in-law, whom he physically abused for dressing up immodestly, and the death of his son, whom he accidentally struck with a pointed staff during the argument that preceded after his daughter-in-laws miscarriage. He died in 1584 while playing chess and is said to have been poisoned. Believe it or not. Josef Stalin was actually worse than Hitler .. Stalin was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death in 1953, during which Ukraine suffered from a widespread famine .. considered to be an act of genocide on the part of the government .. he ordered the execution of anyone who was considered as the enemy of the state .. [approximately] 10 to 60 million people lost their lives during his rule .. Adolf Hitler Leader of the Nazis ... German dictator responsible for the Holocaust during the Second World War in which over 14 million people, including 6 million Jews were put to death through mass gassing, starvation and exhaustion and disease resulting from slave labor .. Besides the Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and hippies .. also targeted during the Holocaust. His reign of terror ended in .... Golda Meir.. Operation Wrath of God .. Operation Spring of Youth .. suspected Palestinians were spotted and killed by Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, but historians object that it mainly picked innocent civilians to unleash a new wave on terror in Palestine.

... Your'e right JJ, Israel has a national debt of 160 Billion Dollars, I checked it out, this equals 78 percent of their Gross Domestic Product. So in plain terms, if Israel didn't get money from the USA, they would have a standard of living like Zimbawe in Africa ! Amazing. ... To multinational elitists, the hope of the future lies in Mainland (Communist) China, with its 800 million population and virtual slave labor market .. There is interest in selling goods and services to the Chinese ... China will be a profit bonanza for the multinationals, but a depression for American labor forces who cannot possibly compete with the Chinese wage market. Indeed, China proves to become the great equalizer between the haves and have-nots in the world .. International interest is high also ... ... Henry Kissinger is 87 years old but he remains a figure of considerable controversy. This Christmas, he has been battling to prevent his reputation being permanently tarnished over a 1973 remark he made to President Richard Nixon that was published on 11th December, buried deep in a New York Times article: The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern ... Nixon replied: I know. We cant blow up the world because of it ... Kissinger (a Jew who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938) was excoriated. The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg described the words as "among the most vile ever spoken by a Jew about his own people". Kissinger's nemesis Christopher Hitchens may be likely to go to his grave before the former US Secretary of State but he was not about to let what might be a final opportunity to blast the man he "tried" in book former nearly a decade ago, writing: In the past, Kissinger has defended his role as enabler to Nixon's psychopathic bigotry, saying that he acted as a restraining influence on his boss by playing along and making soothing remarks. This can now go straight into the lavatory pan, along with his other hysterical lies. Obsessed as he was with the Jews, Nixon never came close to saying that he'd be indifferent to a replay of Auschwitz. For this, Kissinger deserves sole recognition ....

... It's hard to know how to classify this observation in the taxonomy of obscenity. Should it be counted as tactical Holocaust pre-denial? That would be too mild. It's actually a bit more like advance permission for another Holocaust. ... In February 1980 Business Week reported: Japanese Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira is being urged by some of his liberal, English-speaking advisors to take the initiative in setting up a Pacific Community, modeled on the European Economic Community... The Japanese, enthusiastic about the Pacific Community idea, have set up a meeting in Canberra, Australia, this fall to discuss the project. 1 .. In May 1980, one of the first steps in that direction took place with the response of the Pacific Basin Economic Council (which met in Australia) to a proposed think tank. On May 15, 1980, the Arizona Republic reported the following story which was not seen elsewhere .. It quoted a prospectus of that planned think tank, the Pacific Basin Institute: The Pacific Basin Institute will be a private, nonprofit research center serving as a focal point for the business communities of North America, South America and Asia, with special emphasis on applied studies concerning trade, investment and economic development in the Pacific Region .. PBI is strategically located in Arizona, which borders Mexico and is the center of the most dynamic growth area in the United States ...

Hank, Ben, Tim, AIG, et al

When Geithner/Gazoo says, Hello Dumb Dumb, hes talking to us! The Great Gazoo shafted the US taxpayer in the AIG debacle and in the process, enriched the counterparties who dragged us into this mess. The SIG TARP report noted that structure and effect of the FRBNYs assistance to AIG effectively transferred tens of billions of dollars of cash from the government to AIGs counterparties.Oh, and remember all of those claims by Goldman Sachs brass that the firm had perfectly hedged its exposure to AIG? Not so fast, boys. According to the New York Times, among its notable findings, the report challenged Goldmans position that it should not have been forced to bear losses on its dealings with A.I.G. because it had successfully hedged away any exposure. Mr. Barofsky said that Goldmans hedges were unlikely to have held up amid the market turbulence of late last year. (

Timothy F. Geithner, US Department of Treasury,

member, the BLOB, see Jeff Connaughton

Wall Street Rolling Back Another Key Piece of Financial Reform By Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone (Taibblog) .... So what did Wall Street lobbyists and trade groups like SIFMA (the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association) do? Well, they did what theyve been doing to Dodd-Frank generally: they Swiss-cheesed the law with a string of exemptions. The industry proposal that ended up being HR 2827 created several new loopholes for purveyors of swaps and other such financial products to cities and towns. Heres how the pro-reform group Americans for Financial Reform described the loopholes (emphasis mine): For example, any advice provided by a broker, dealer, bank, or accountant that is any way related to or connected with a municipal underwriting would be exempted from the fiduciary requirement. A similar exemption would be created for all advice provided by banks or swap dealers that is in any way related to or connected with the sale to municipalities of financial derivatives, loan participation agreements, deposit products, foreign exchange, or a variety of other financial products .. So basically, if youre underwriting a municipal bond for a city or a town, and you happen also to give the city or town advice about some deadly swap deal that will put the city into bankruptcy for the next thousand years, you dont have a fiduciary responsibility to that city or town. The banks view is that being asked to perform the merely-technical function of underwriting a bond is very different from advising someone to take on an exotic swap deal so if a bank is mainly an underwriter and happens to offhandedly recommend this or that swap deal, it just isnt fair to drop this onerous financial responsibility, this weighty designation of municipal financial advisor, on its shoulders ... Typically Kraemer: Encouraging the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, swinging a stick with his sonorous voice: " No provocative weakness, please !" at the reception for the new appointed Inspector General Joe Schmitz in the Pentagon again in 2002. - Fritz Kraemer calls for a mission to bear heavier burdens and make greater sacrifices for the cause - I am calling for an elite on which we can draw, even in a democratic society, to fill important positions not only in government, but also in business, education, and many other

fields. Changing my terminology, but not my meaning, I might simply say that, however democratic we might happen to be, we should always at least look for men and women of excellence when choosing people for key functions in the political, economic, academic, or even religious spheres. ... Fritz Kraemer was the greatest single influence of my formative years. An extraordinary man who will be part of my life as long as I draw breath .... Henry A. Kissinger What a special person Fritz Kraemer was. His courageous and brilliant career was an example for us all. I had the highest respect for him .... Donald Rumsfeld U.S. Secretary of Defense Pentagon Strategist Dr. Fritz Kraemer on Provocative Weakness and the Necessity of a new Responsible Elite

... I'm doing 'God's Work.' Meet Mr. Goldman Sachs, Were very important, Blankfein is quoted as saying .. We help companies to grow by helping them to raise capital. Companies that grow create wealth. This, in turn, allows people to have jobs that create more growth and more wealth. Its a virtuous cycle.

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