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September 30, 2012

Volume 12, Number 40

Maybe We Can Fix That

Luke 15:32 for your brother was dead and is alive again Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the kings men, couldnt put Humpty together again. There are few things that cannot be fixed. At least that was the attitude my grandmother had. She was unafraid to tackle just about any repair job. A cast-off old chair or couch would be hauled home, repaired, recovered, and used for many years. A broken appliance was no reason to purchase a new one. Fix it. Get a new part, or better yet, repair the old one. Financial necessity, and a Great Depression helped shape an attitude of using what you have and repairing it when needed. My mother had much the same attitude, and seems to have imbedded it into me. When something doesnt work, I want to know what is wrong and how to make it work. Machinery is easy to fix, compared to people. People are sometimes hard to fix. Consider an example of what I mean. After several studies with a friend and some with me as well, a young man had continued to hesitate to be baptized. I was ready to back-off when he finally accepted, and was baptized. As we came up the steps from the baptistery, he turned, hugged me, and cried. He then said, I just couldnt believe He could forgive me. Wow! I have thought often of another young man who came home. He too found forgiveness and restoration. He found more than he expected. He found that there are few things that cannot be fixed; even the most important relationships of life. Too often we may associate ourselves with old Humpty and think that the things that have gone wrong in our lives cannot be fixed. Well, it is correct that we cannot undo the mistakes of life. What we can do is find restoration and wholeness. I know that an old car is still and old car, even with all the repairs being made. Still, the great thing is that it can again run the highway, just like a new one. Dont despair. There are few things that cannot be fixed. Russ

The Sentinel September 30, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

George King is home, but still limited in contact with people.

Happy Birthday to ...

9/30 10/2 10/2 10/3 10/5 10/7 9/30 10/3 10/7 10/7

Kimberly Berry Jack Waganer Kim Veitenheimer Hazel Ruminer is having more difficulties, and is undergoing Alex Suarez treatments. Nancy Coleman Hubert Nelson is having radiation Talsie Downs treatments for cancer on his nose.

Norman Bagger will have surgery Russ & Paula Dyer at Deaconess Hospital on Monday Dennis & Pam Webber to remove the tumor on his kidney. Clyde & Jean Christian Don and Jo Hutton have several Blue & Linda Suarez health difficulties. Riley Baldwin continues to have throat surgeries about every six weeks. Chandrapauls wife, Kumari We received a report that she is doing much better. Diane Murrell, Bob Murrells wife. Bill Brooks, Dwain Thackers cousin. Don Fleming - Bills brother

Happy Anniversary to ...

Special Thanks to Keith McDougal for the work in preparing and presenting Our Eternal Purpose. This work helps keep us on track for our goals of service and growth. Handyman Corner (In this space we will list small jobs that a member is needing to have done. If you are willing and able to do the job, you can volunteer to take it. Notify the church office of any jobs you need to have done.) 1. Cut 1/2 from an outdoor wooden gateVeitenheimer 2. Tack up one spot on rain gutter. Veitenheimer

Homebound or Limited:
Jean Christian Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel Oklahoma Christian

3. Warped personality RLD Lectureship October 7-9, 2012 Check the website (especially the Theme: In Him calendar) for updates and events There is a poster on the bulletin of interest to us all. Note: We board and programs are available will soon have a new - updated on the table in the foyer. site. Watch for it.

Announcements to Notice
Congratulations to Tres and Mandi Lowrance on the birth of Sut-

ton Lake Lowrance. Sutton was born on Friday, September 28, and 1:22 am. He weighed 6 pounds9 ounces, and was 20 inches in length. He looks a lot like his older brother. Everyone is doing well; even the grandparents.
Sermons on ITunes. Did you miss a lesson that your would like

to hear, or want to record one and give it to someone. You can do that now. Josh is uploading the sermons to ITunes. With access to ITunes, you can go seek Southern Ridge sermons and you will be taken to the page with the recent sermons on it. You can play them, save them, or burn them to a disk to give to someone. If you need help, just ask Josh.
Don Fuchs of the Tipton Childrens Home is scheduled be with us

on Sunday evening, November 4.

Also, if you have collected change in our Change for Children

cans, you may bring your cans to Dwain at any time, but they must be brought by October 8.
Also: The Tipton Home truck will be here October 9-11. Below is a

list of items needed at this time. Green beans Cereal Soup Apple Juice Ibuprofen Powdered Sugar Brown Sugar Evaporated Milk Apricot preserves Toilet tissue Paper towels Toilet bowl cleaner HE laundry detergent Fabric softener sheets

Bring your purchase to the donation room and leave it. If you prefer, you can give a cash donation to Dwain Thacker and the money will be used to buy items from the list. Fall is Upon Us: Some of the up-coming events and dates. October: Fun B-K gatherings Pumpkin Carving October 21 Trunk or TreatOctober 30 November: December: End Daylight Savings TimeNovember 4 Holiday Dinner Final B-K group meeting for the year.

The Sentinel September 30, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (10/6/12)

Order of Service
Announcements & Scripture: Psalm 136:1-3 Song 200 Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah Song 682 To God be the Glory Prayer Song 238 Holy, Holy, Holy Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 531 Praise the Lord Sermon: Michael Berry Song 389 Let Him Have His Way Song 76 Blest Be the Tie Prayer OEP Presentation Keith McDougal

Kevin Keenan

Michael & Kim Berry Joe & Talsie Downs Horace & Betty Phillips

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Walter McFadden

DeWayne Ross Hubert Nelson Horace Phillips Wayne Haynes George Holmes Jerry Doyle Roger Scott Tom Elmore

Lord's Table (pm)

Darrell MacDonald Bryan Ausmus

Prayers (am)
Arless Murray Bill Flemming Sunday Blue Suarez

Prayers (pm)
Bill Sherman

Schedule of Services Bible study Worship Worship

Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

God Is Good Always!

Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

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