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One day, Erick, Percy and Juan had nothing to do so they decided to go to a party at the beach 1.

Returning from the partyAfter party when they were walking and playing jokes near the beachthis happen: Juan: Im so tired. Percy: Im, too. Erick: The party was amazing, yeah??... Percy, Juan: Yes, dude. Percy: above all when you felt up on that girl. Jajaja Juan: yeah, that was very funny, and all because you were drinking a lot of beer. Erick: I was sad. That happened because I have been drinking since we arrived to the party. Percy: Oh, I see. Sure your girlfriend broke up with you. Juan: Oh poor Erick. Jajaja xD Erick: I want more beer. Percy: You want to continue drinking more beer??...first stop throwing upand lets go!!... Juan: yeah its late and your mother is going to kill youbut was a good night.

2. And Suddenlyand UFO appearedand an alien get down from the UFO, and Percy and Juan got surprised. Erick: Hey look at that man, he might have more beer, Im going to ask him. Juan: Is not a man its an alien!!... Percy: Dont be silly Erick, stay here. 3. Erick goes: Erick: Hey mr. Alien is there any bottle of beer in your space ship? Alien (Joaquin): Yes, why dont you come with me? Erick: Awesome, lets go. 4. Erick goes into the space ship and the alien go out:

Percy and Juan got surprised and said:

Percy: What Juan: What are we going to do??!! Percy: I Know!!...Lets go to call to NASA and tell them what happened. Juan: Ok. Nice idea. 5. Then into the Space ship: Erick: You lied to me!! dont have beer!!... Alien: I know that. Erick: what are you going to do with me??!!... Alien: I have been studying the human race, so I have to ask you some questions Erick: Is it a joke??... Alien: aca le agregas preguntas del libro ..etcetcetc 6. Called Nasa: Juan: help me an Alien has kidnapped my friend. NASA: Are you kiddingstop jokingwe dont have time to waste!!... Percy: But is not a joke!!... NASA: hang up the phone 7. The UFO appeared again: Alien: If you want to help your friend, you have to do everything that I want!!... Percy: mmmJuan come over hereI think is better that the alien go out with Erick Juan: but hes our friend Percy: yes, I knowhes funny but hes also lazy and drunk Juan: Ok, okalien go away with him. We arent going to stop you Percy: no, no, Im just kidding man!!...what happen with you!!...

Juan: Its not the time to joke Alien: Guys!!...If you want to save your friend you have to give me 200 cows!!... P y J: cows??...but why??... Alien: because I really like the milk!!...uhmm:9jajajaja xD(tmr no c q mas ponerjajaja xD) Percy: ok, we will try to find 200 cows Juan: where will we find 200 cows??... Percy: I dont have the faintest idea manbut lets go

Final!!... Alien: Did you find my cows??... Juan: we just have 100 mr. alien No c q mas poner ya maana hacemos el finalJajajaja xD

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