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Yoga Worksheet due 10/2/12 5 points will be deducted for each day it is late
Make a Stick Drawing of each pose to the left of every statement. Fill in all blanks using,
looking under Posture Benefits.
1. __________________________________________ means breathing in Sanskrit. It promotes
__________________________________________ and _________________________________________________.
2. Half Moon is a side bend that relieves _________________________________ and
____________________________________. It also stretches the ___________________________ .
3. Awkward Squat opens the ____________________________________________, strengthens
the _____________________________________. It works the _________________________________
and_____________________________ while making the toes more _________________________________.
4. Eagle Pose strengthens the _______________________________________ and opens all ___________
major joints in the body which allows more _________________________ to flow into them.
5. Balancing Head to Knee improves __________________________________ and works the
___________________________________,and _____________________________________________systems.
6. Dancers Pose is a backbend that increases blood flow into the ____________________ and
______________________________. It relieves ____________________________________.
7. The body becomes a see-saw in Balancing Stick/ Warrior I. It builds
lower body ________________________ and increases ___________________flow in the body.
8. Standing Separate Leg Stretch is a forward bend that increases blood flow
into the _______________________________ and massages the _____________________________.
9. Bent Knee Triangle is great for the __________________________ and
stretches the sides of the body.

10. Standing Head to Knee works the _________________________________________________,

__________________________________________, and __________________________________ systems.
11. Pulling the ______________________ into the chest in Wind Removing Pose
massages the _________________________________________________________________________.
12. __________________________is a backbend that opens the ______________________ with minimal
compression. Try to keep the neck long staring beyond the edge of your mat.
13. In Half Locust the arms are under the thighs and the palms face _______________.
14. Bow Pose compresses the _______________________ greatly as the hands pull the
____________________ up and away from the body.
15. Half Tortoise is a variation of Childs Pose. It provides
_____________________________________ and stretches the ________________________________________
16. Camel is a kneeling backbend that _______________________________
the muscles in the ______________________ and ________________________________________.
17. Rabbit is a forward bend that provides a maximum stretch for
the _____________________. Be careful not to exert too much pressure on the head.
18. Seated Head to Knee is a forward bend that benefits the
_________________________________, ____________________________, and _________________________.
19. Seated SpinalTwist improves flexibility in the ______________________
and _____________________. It increases _______________________________________ and
____________________________________________ into the spinal cord.

Name 4 poses that would benefit you and give 2 reasons why for each pose = 12 points:
1.________________________________________ - ___________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________- _______________________________________________________________________
3.________________________________________ - ______________________________________________________________________
Write and example of each (a) and how it could impact or improve yours or someone elses life(b)
YAMAS- Restraints
Ahimsa is nonviolence in feelings, thoughts, words, or actions. Ahimsa also means maintaining compassion
towards yourself and others:

Satya means "truth," or "not lying." Practicing satya means being truthful in our feelings, thoughts, and words,
and deeds. It means being honest with ourselves and with others.


Asteya means not stealing possessions, thoughts, time, energy, feelings, or ideas from others.

Brahmacharya when we consciously choose to use our life force (especially the energy of sexuality) to
express our dharma, rather than to frivolously dissipate it in an endless pursuit of fleeting pleasures.
Brahmacharya reminds us that our life force is both limited and precious, and sexual activity is one of the
quickest ways to deplete it. As yogis, we choose to use the power behind sexuality to create, to fulfill our
mission, to find and joyously express our inner selves. The practice of brahmacharya is not some archaic
form of moralizing, but rather a reminder that, if we use our energy wisely, we possess the resources to live a
fulfilling life.


Aparigraha means not coveting what isnt ours. It is different from asteya, which asks us to avoid stealing
that is motivated by a greed springing from a perceived lack of abundance. Aparigraha is the greed that is
rooted in jealousy.

Saucha is cleanliness. It ensures and protects the sanctity of the energy around us.


Samtosha is being content with what you have in belongings, talent, or abilities at the given time.


Tapas is purification; clearing mental and physical blocks in our system through prayer, diet, exercise,
meditation, restraint, and self discipline.

Svadhyaya is self study. Disciplining the body and the mind by doing practicing yoga poses

Isvara Pranidhana- Surrender to the divine by worshipping your god, practicing your religion, or surrendering
To something larger than yourself, developing a larger cosmic awareness.


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