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ACT I Prologue KAI LUN (neutral) Hey. BEATRICE (excited) Hey! KAI LUN (flirty) Hey... BEATRICE (shy) Hey... KAI LUN (regretful) Hey! BEATRICE (sad) Hey. KAI LUN (desperate) Hey! BEATRICE (scared) Hey. KAI LUN (irritated) Hey. BEATRICE (questioning) Hey? Scene 1 KAI LUN I met her on the soccer field. BEATRICE I met him at the book store.




KAI LUN It was during break time. I had gone downstairs to the field to practice my shooting. BEATRICE I had heard of this book that my friends were talking about, and I was going to buy it. KAI LUN That day, I remembered bringing my favourite ball, signed by one of my favourite soccer stars. BEATRICE I brought out all my money from my piggy bank. It wasnt much, but I hoped I could still get the book. KAI LUN I kicked the ball into the goal post. Once, twice. Three times. Sometimes, I aimed it right at the edge, and it would bounce right in. BEATRICE I headed over to the fiction section of the book store. There werent many customers, so the sales people asked me what I wanted. They told me I would find my book on that shelf over there. KAI LUN All of a sudden, this girl walked up to me, and gestured that I should let her have the ball. Man, can she kick. BEATRICE When I reached out for the book, our hands met. We both withdrew our hands in embarrassment. And then, I saw him for the first time. KAI LUN She was tanned, had this ponytail behind her. She seemed uncomfortable playing with that skirt on. BEATRICE He was just, this shy guy who wore nerdy specs and wanted to purchase a book. KAI LUN We played around for a bit, trying to attack and defend. She was such a good sport. BEATRICE Thank goodness there was more than one copy of the book. We rushed off to the cashier to pay for it.




KAI LUN We were all sweaty after a while. And, class was going to begin soon, so we parted. BEATRICE I didnt have enough. I was short of three dollars. KAI LUN She told me that shed be around. That I would see her again. BEATRICE So he offered to lend me three dollars. I asked him, "How will I pay you back?" KAI LUN I kept thinking about this strange, athletic girl I met. So not the stereotypical teenage girl. BEATRICE So he said, KAI LUN (helping BEATRICE narrate the story) "Heres my phone number. Just call me when you can pay me back." BEATRICE That was just so sweet. KAI LUN Did I mention that she was pretty? BEATRICE I took him up on the offer, and left the book store with a smile on my face. KAI LUN Yes, we will meet again. BEATRICE Sure, well meet again. KAI LUN BEATRICE We will meet again.

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