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April, 11, 2002

To whom it may concern

I have just contacted David Rind of the Board of Bar Overseers at his
office at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center the number is 617 667
9600 I have a record of the call. I had presented my Grievances of the
Daniel Crane and John Marshall to his attention as per the rules. He
confirmed my suspicion that he was not aware of it or of me. It is not nice to
read someone else’s correspondence. This spells only one thing.(cover up).
Look out fella’s I am coming to town and I am taking no prisoners, I will land
there at High Noon just cause ol Coop did it that way.

I left me office: I have seven computers on line three phone companies two
isps and several web hosts. I have enjoyed the hacker battle and the phone
bugging war. It was a hoot and a half. My wife hates my mess though.

I got on the subway: The fella holding the paper was cool and he was
interested in my rant about one of my heroes Mr. Tesla.

I went past me potty

At times they are a wonderful thing.

I landed downtown:

I would not trade twenty Bean Towns for one town in the Maritimes. A La
Stan Rogers. Just like him I hate smiling bastards. Does anyone one
remember the year 1778? Well you should know that I may be the last of
Amos Privateers. It has been over two hundred years and me ancestors
bones are rattling and making me answer to them. In case you didn’t know
the Bank Of Nova Scotia was founded by a privateer. Comprens vous? (I
have studied Latin too which has saved my ass a time or two but that is
another tale for another day I have bigger fish to fry right now)

I go to the door:

Up the elevator:

Arrive at their Office:

Go down the hall.

I am doing this in this way so that my Mama and my friends and family can
see what I have done. Some of them are not very computer savvy but they
can at least press print from the file menu top left.

I give the second correspondence addressed to David Rind to the nice lady
behind the bulletproof glass:

She is so pretty I had to zoom in. Do you see David Rind’s name on the
envelope it says for his eyes only. The Bar Counsel must have opened the last
one and hid my complaint of him.

The next day I go to most of the local rags etc. one last time to give them
the opportunity to look at the confidential information. None are interested
no one calls or writes. Nobody loves me in Bean Town save for a precious few.
That aside can’t ya tell I am having more fun than ten men with this crap. As
my friends well know some folks may consider me an ass but they never
forget my ass once they have met me.


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