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CONSOLE APPLICATIONS: 1. Calculate product sales used in Supermarket. First it reads the name of the product sold, its quantity and unit price and then it includes 15% tax to the sales amount calculated. 2. Convert US$ to Japanese Yen(1$=121 Yen) 3. Convert miles to Km and vice versa. 4. Calculate area of rectangle based on base and height which are read from user. 5. Print grade using if-else 6. Print country-code using select case 7. Calculate amount for product based on unit price and quantity. Assume 5% tax for amount below 500, for amount more than 500 10% tax and for amount equal to 500 assume 2% tax. 8. Using Functions 8.1 Menu Driven program to print prime numbers, Fibonacci series and string palindrome. 8.2 Calculate average marks for each subject in a class by accepting students data gor class test, MSE, ESE. 8.3 Sort an array using quicksort and bubblesort.

WINDOWS APPLICATIONS: 1. Application for Class Registration used in the student registration in student section. Each class consists of 3 credit hours except for Japanese 1 and 2 which have 1 and 2 credit hours respectively. Based on the selected checkbox and combobox the RUN command will calculate total credit hours. 2. Application to find total fare from given set of sources and destinations. The applications should have a menu, giving options of RUN(that calculates fare) and EXIT. 3. Application to accept Gregorian calendar and depending upon the year display the animal according to Chinese calendar. Also show a picture of the animal being referred. 4. Application to move a picture of car using Timer. 5. Application to develop a scientific calculator. 6. Application to design an encyclopedia on world map, by arranging radio buttons on countries. If clicked on a particular country, its map and flag should load on the form while its capital and population is simply displayed as pop or in text box.

7. Tic Tac Toe aaplication (4) 8. Create a class CTime to convert time into 12 hr format (5) 9. Create 2 list and add and remove items in the third list using class(6) 10. Complex number adding subtracting and printing using class (7) 11. Create 2 classes Employee and Worker. Worker Inherits from Employee. Calculate Salary of employee using BP+HRA+DA. Override methods. If a workers bday falls on a specific month add $1000 to his salary.(8) 12. Student database using (9) (Data Reader) 13. Student database using (10) (Data Adapter)

CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Drawing pad 2. List all programs installed in machine. 3. Jigsaw puzzle 4. Snakes and Ladder 5. Depreciation calculator 6. Simultaneous equation solver 7. Boggle 8. BMI calculator 9. Dice cube 10. Future Value Investment 11. Cubic function graph generator

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