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BUILDING MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Maintenance of the building is intended as a combination of technical and administrative measures, which are intended

to preserve and restore the function of the building as it has been previously planned. The success of a building is judged by the ability of the building to exist in conditions expected, which is influenced by several conditions, among others 1. Functional requirements The definition of functional requirements are requirements relating to the function of the building. Each building has a common and specific functions that need to be met. General requirements for example, is building to protect the wearer from the outside environment. While the specific requirements depend on the type and function of the building. 2. Performance requirements Each building has a building performance requirements that is very specific. Performance building includes many aspects, ranging from physical performance outside of the building, to the elements of the Mechanical and electrical (ME). Building maintenance actions are determined by performance demands associated with the function of the building. But often, there is a difference according to the building performance standards and in accordance with OWNER and USER, especially on building lease. 3. Requirements Under the Act Requirements under the law is a requirement that can not be ignored, because it involves the regulation and legality. These requirements include: Requirements maximum height of a building, an so on. 4. Requirements According to the User According to user requirements, usually associated with comfort. User comfort is a measure of the success of a building. Typically, buildings have user requirements are rental buildings and public buildings. Ideally, within the design phase, planners have criteria to produce a particular performance so that maintenance activities are carried out during the operation of

buildings will be more effective. However, often such criteria are not made so it makes it difficult to determine the maintenance program to its implementation. Building maintenance activities covering various aspects that can be categorized in four activities, namely: Daily Routine Maintenance, Rectification (building improvements recently completed), Replacement (replacement of a valuable part of a building), Retrofitting (complete construction according to technological progress) Simply, Maintenance of buildings can be clarified into two kinds: Routine maintenance and remedial maintenance / reparation. A. Routine Maintenance Routine maintenance is carried out maintenance intervals to maintain the building in the desired / appropriate condition. For example, paint the walls outside the 2nd annual, 3-year interior painting, exterior wall cleaning, etc. But the type of routine maintenance work can also be a repair or replacement of damaged components. The damages could be caused by natural processes (eg, fragility, dull) or the usage (eg scratches, broken, etc.). In regular maintenance is essential to determine the maintenance cycle. Maintenance cycles can be determined based on the physical data of the building and equipment are sufficient in the form of documentation, maintenance manuals or record of previous experience in maintenance work. In a planned maintenance program, if the cycle of activity has been determined, the type of work and the budget can be made immediately. Constraints that are commonly happen in routine maintenance are: Owner Often the building owners are not implementing a maintenance program that has been made, and even tends to extend maintenance intervals with the aim of reducing the burden of maintenance costs in order to get bigger benefit. And with regular maintenance schedule delays will result in the accumulation of quality degradation (Multipier effect) that will eventually need repair costs are much greater. Lack of data and knowledge Routine maintenance is often not possible due to lack of good data manually, historical preservation or documentation. Besides that lack of knowledge of good

personnel department manager of managerial level or implementing conservation programs and implementation resulted in less than optimal. B. Remedial Maintenance Remedial preservation is the preservation of the improvements that can be caused by:

Technical / Management Failure Technical / management failure may occur in the construction phase and in the

operation phase of the building. In the construction for example is the carelessness of an installing building component. At this stage of the operation of the building, an error in the maintenance schedule can occur and this can result in damage to equipment or building materials. Failure of construction and design In this case the factors of design and construction is very related. Examples of the design aspect is a mistake in the selection of construction materials, so age of use is short. In terms of finishing construction errors in the implementation of its use can lead to short age of use too. Failure to maintenance Another factor that led to the maintenance of the building improvements during the period of usage is due to maintenance failures caused by :

Routine maintenance program is inadequate Improvement programs that are not effective

inspections are not carried out properly

The datas supporting maintenance are inadequate

More broadly, in terms of planned or not, the maintenance activities can be classified into : Definition:

Planned Maintenance : Maintenance that is organized and carried out with the planning, control and use of reports that is determined before.

2. Unplanned Maintenance : Maintenance that is carried out without any plan before. 3.

Preventive Maintenance : Maintenance that is carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria and intended to reduce the likelihood of failure or degradation of a building performance.

4. Corrective Maintenance : Maintenance that is performed after a failure occurs and is

intended to correct an item to its correct function.


Emergency Maintenance : Maintenance required immediately to avoid serious consequences.

6. Condition Based Maintenance : Preventive maintenance starting from a knowledge of

the results of monitoring the condition of a routine matter.

7. Scheduled Maintenance : Preventive maintenance carried out for a specified time

interval determined before. Basically, the maintenance actions performed based on the results of the examination / survey report of the building condition. For that examination should be done carefully and thoroughly, so it can be determined the exact form of maintenance actions against certain failure. MAINTENANCE FOR MANY FLOOR BUILDING In many floor buildings for rent, office rental for example, there are three parties interested in determining the performance of buildings, those are : Owner Tenant Building management Each parties has a different building performance demands. This can be difficult to determine to what extent the standard building maintenance activities need to be done. Given the enormous complexity of the work, the maintenance management in many floor buildings are usually carried out by an organization called the building maintenance organization. Building maintenance organization is responsible for planning, monitoring and determining the implementation / maintenance operations. His organization can In House or comes from outside agencies such as the owner's agent or contractor specialized in maintenance field. In the formation of the building maintenance organization there are 2 things to consider, those are:
a. Maintenance organization must provide appropriate services in accordance with

the policy line set by the company.

b. Maintenance organization must be able to work effectively with the observer and

the control of its performance. Maintenance organization in the office building managers are usually in the larger organization called Building management. Building management led by a building manager and assisted by staff and implementers. Organizations building management on many floor building are varies depending on the parent organization, the function of the building, floor area and number of floors. Functions that are under the organization's building management basically consists of the finance function (accounting), the administrative functions (general affairs), security functions, operational functions and maintenance techniques. In the context of building maintenance, Building Management carry out maintenance and repair of buildings, facilities and completeness of the building with the goal of achieving : Reliability Availability Extend the technical life Provide added value To achieve the above propose, the building management should make appropriate maintenance schedule for both physical specification of its mechanical and electrical building.

Personil organisasi pemeliharaan yang dibawahi mechanical dan electrical manager bertanggung jawab atas kegiatan pemeliharaan terhadap AC, System pengadaan air bersih, System pembuangan air kotor, Sytem pencegah kebakaran, Elevator, Gondola, Power suplay (PLN dan genset), Penerangan, telekomunikasi dan CCTV, Sound system, dan lain-lain. Tugas tugas pokok masing masing bidang 1. Buiding Manager

Menetapakan visi buiding management dengan berorientasi pada misi perusahaan / induk. Membuat planning, budgeting dan program tahunan Melakukan supervise total atas seluruh fungsi organisasi. Membuat laporan rutin dan insidentil Membuat protap protap Membuat standart operasi dan maintenance Mengatur jadwal dan penugasan pelaksana Melakukan inspeksi Memberikan laporan kepada buiding manager secara rutin Supervisor Membuat rencana kerja dan pemeliharaan dan penugasan bersama sama chief Mengatur dan mengkoordinir pekerja harian sesuai dengan bidangnya Mengatur penggunaan peralatan dan bahan Membuat laporan kepada chief secara rutin


2. Chief

4. Teknisi / Pelaksana

Melaksanakan pekerjaan pengoperasian,perbaikan dan perawatan alat dan fisik gedung Memberikan masukan perihal jadwal pemeliharaan rutin dan pemeliharaan perbaikan Melakukan inspeksi dan pencatatan ( checklist harian secara rutin ) Membuat laporan kepada supervisor

Tindakan pemeliharan secara mendadak dan tidak direncanakan,biasa dilakukan atas dasar komplainan dari pihak tenant. Komplain ini akan disampaikan kepada organisasi pemeliharaan gedung untuk di tindak lanjuti. Setelah complain di tindak lanjuti,maka pelaksana perbaikan perlu membuat laporan kepada manager,sehingga aktifitas pemeliharaan bisa dipantau dengan baik. Berikut skema yang menggambarkan bagaimana complain ditanggapi :

Tujuan Pemliharaan Gedung Permen 24 Perawatan Bangunan Gedung Untuk mewujudkan tertib pemeliharaan dan perawatan bangunan gedung yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi dan teknis untuk menjamin kelaikan fungsi bangunan gedung agar keandalan, keselamatan, dan kenyamanan bangunan gedung dapat tetap terjaga. Untuk mewujudkan bangunan gedung yang efisien dan efektif pengoperasiannya guna menunjang fungsinya sesuai dengan kaidah keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan, kenyamanan, dan kemudahan, serta agar bangunan gedung serasi dan selaras dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Permasalahan

Tidak ada atau terbatasnya anggaran untuk pemeliharaan dan perawatan bangunan gedung. Kesalahan dalam perencanaan (pada tahap pra konstruksi) bangunan gedung. Kesalahan dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi (pada tahap konstruksi) bangunan gedung. Bangunan gedung tidak dilengkapi dengan gambar instalasi terpasang (as built drawings). Perubahan fungsi bangunan dan/atau ruangan. Tidak ada laporan atau catatan tentang riwayat perlengkapan/ peralatan (utilitas) bangunan gedung (history record equipment). Bahan bangunan pengganti atau suku cadang utilitas bangunan gedung sudah tidak diproduksi lagi. Belum adanya pedoman teknis bagi pemeliharaan dan perawatan bangunan gedung.

Suber: aan_Gedung/

TABLE OF BUILDING DAMAGE CRITERIA Below is a table of the building damage criteria that determine whether the building is occupied or not. A building maintenance services provider will investigate building damage and determine what steps should be taken. Table of Building Damage Criteria
No Kategori Kerusakan I Kriteria Kerusakan Uraian Bangunan roboh total; Atap jatuh; Balok, kolom, plat lantai patah;Dinding, pintu/jendela sebagian besar runtuh/roboh; Sebagian besar langit-langit runtuh; Instalasi listrik rusak total

Roboh/Rusak Total/ Bangunan roboh atau sebagian besar Rusak Berat komponen struktural rusak Tingkat Kerusakan antara 45 s/d 65 % atau diatas 65 % Rusak Sedang


Bangunan masih berdiri, sebagian komponen Bangunan masih berdiri; Sebagian rangka atap patah; Balok kolom sebagian patah; struktural patah dan komponen non struktural Sebagian kecil dinding, kusen pintu/ jendela runtuh/roboh; Sebagian langit-langit rusak lepas; Sebagian besar instalasi listrik rusak / terputus Tingkat Kerusakan antara 30 s/d 45 % Sebagian besar penutup atap dan langit-langit lepas; Retak-retak pada plesteran kolom, balok, dan dinding tembok/dinding papan pecah/rusak; Penutup lantai lepas/terkelupas; Sebagian instalasi rusak Tingkat kerusakan 20 < s/d 30 %

Kelas A


Rusak Ringan

Bangunan masih berdiri, Sebagian komponen Sebagian kecil penutup atap lepas; Sebagian kecil retak- Tingkat kerusakan non-struktural & arsitektural rusak retak pada plesteran kolom, tembok dan plesteran, serta 10 % s/d 20 % Kelas B Tingkat Kerusakan antara 5 s/d 30 % dinding papan terlepas; Sebagian plesteran terkelupas; Sebagian kecil instalasi rusak; Kelas C Retak-retak kecil pada dinding tembok; Sebagian Tingkat kerusakan plesteran terkelupas; sebagian kecil daun pintu / jendela < 10 % dan engsel rusak

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