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October 28, 2012

Volume 12, Number 44

Reason to Believe
John 5:36 the very works that I do bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me. Perhaps it is the season that is looking for a reason. Election seasons are filled with the constant cry, Trust me! The response of the thinking public is, Give us a reason to believe. We have often heard that the declaration of justice for this country is tied to the belief that a person is held to be innocent until proven guilty. Belief, or trust in people is a concept that is a basic part of us from our youngest days. Children do not know better than to believe in people. Only as they grow and develop doubts and self-consciousness do questions of trust begin to arise. Suspicions gain ground as parents strive to instill a hesitance toward strangers. Experience breeds a kind of skepticism that leads in the opposite direction of the appeal of the ideal in our sense of justice. We want proof. We want a reason to believe in someone or something. We want to believe. We just want a reason to believe. Time after time, desirous minds have been turned toward people and causes that had no substance to claim. People just wanted to believe or trust something so much that reason was dismissed. It still happens. It is a little bit like eating that second piece of pie. There is no real way to justify it except that you want it and it tastes good. We want to believe in Jesus. When Jesus had upset the accepted routine of the temple, there were those who wanted some justifying sign. "What sign do You show to us, since You do these things?" (John 2:18). They wanted to know that there was an acceptable reason to do what He had done. He pointed to the reason. They just wouldnt see it. There is a reason to believe. There are His many works, and an empty tomb. Russ

The Sentinel October 28, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

Jennifer Parker had surgery on Friday to remove a cyst on the lower side of her head and neck. Mary Cordrey has now gone home. (See the handyman corner.) Keena Lusk got a good report on her tests. Hazel Ruminer is getting some relief from the treatment. Hubert Nelson has finished treatments and is waiting for a status report. Norman Bagger is home and recovering from surgery. Tami Burwells grandmother, Ruby Austin is in Normal Regional in very serious condition. Don and Jo Hutton have several health difficulties. Riley Baldwin continues to have throat surgeries about every six weeks. Don Fleming - has had some improvement in his tumor and had a port put in on Saturday. He is thankful for all the prayers. Joretta Doyle had tests on Tuesday to help deal with a blood pressure problem. Shawna Brassfieldthe baggers daughter-in-law, in Miami, OK, had surgery to stop some bleeding from an earlier surgery

Response: Larry Baldwin came forward on Wednesday evening to ask for the prayers and the forgiveness of the church. He notes that his behavior has not been that of a Christian and desires to be right in his life. Keep Larry in your daily prayers.

Trunk or Treat
Our annual dinner with decorated cars, costumed children, and treats will be on Tuesday, beginning at 6 PM. Lists are on the bulletin board. Everyone is invited.

Happy Birthday to ...

Cathy Hopkins Keena Lusk Pat Overturf Tami Burwell 10/28 11/6 11/7 11/9

Happy Anniversary to ...

Gordon & Ruth Veitenheimer - - - - - - 11/12 Handyman Corner If you are able to do the job, you can volunteer to take it.
Mary Cordrey is needing to have

some grab bars installed in the bathroom in her house. Remember: Any small job that you need help doing can be listed here. We will run them for a couple of weeks.

Homebound or Limited:
Jean Christian - Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel

Announcements to Notice
Brothers Keeper Groups2013 Darrell is in the process of de-

veloping our groups for next year. If you desire to be a part of one of these fellowship groups, put your name on the list on the bulletin board. Groups will developed from dividing the names (families) on the list.
The Fall Bible Class Quarter begins on Sunday, November 4.

Come take a part in one of our great classes.

Bible Class Teacher Needed We are in need of a Bible class teacher and assistant for the Pre-school Bible class on Sunday mornings during the Fall quarter. If you would like to undertake this fun and exciting opportunity; see Walter McFadden as soon as possible. Don Fuchs of the Tipton Childrens Home is scheduled be with us on Sunday evening, November 4. Dinner and Trunk or TreatOctober 30 This is a great time for fellowship for everyone in the congregation. We will be having Hot Dogs and all the trimmings for dinner. After dinner, those who want to take part in the Trunk or Treat will do so in the parking lot. Check the list on the bulletin board for needed food. Plan to decorate your trunk and bring treats to share with the children. Thank you Josh, and all who helped with the pumpkin carving. A good group of kids and parents stayed after worship to eat pizza and carve holiday pumpkins. It was fun.

Visitation UpdateThe following are the kinds of visits that are

made by our visitation teams.
Follow-up of visitors to our ser-

Visits to get acquainted with new

members. Visits to members who are ill at home or in the hospital. Visits to our shut-ins, who are limited to home or a nursing facility. Cards or calls to the ill, shut-ins, and other members in need. Randy has put a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. If you are willing to be a part of one of our visitation teams, put your name on the list and the teams will be divided from that list.

The Sentinel October 28, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (11/4/12)

Order of Service
Announcements & Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Song 299 I Stand Amazed Song 34 (vs. 1, 2, & 4) Am I a Soldier of the Cross Prayer Song 764 When We Meet in Sweet Communion Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 680 Theres Not a Friend Sermon: When the Message Strikes Home 2 Samuel 12:1-15, Acts 2:36-38 Song 584 Softly and Tenderly Song 924 I Am Mine No More Prayer

Darrell MacDonald

Larry & Glyn Baldwin J.C. & Stacy Glidewell Keith & Becky McDougal

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Larry Baldwin

Alex Suarez Dwain Thacker Keith McDougal Mark Hamm Bill Fleming Bill Sherman Brian Jaworsky Sunday Arless Murray Jim Skaggs Layne Adams Kevin Keenan Sam Greenroyd

Lord's Table (pm) Prayers (am)

Blue Suarez

Prayers (pm)
Chad Bruner

Schedule of Services Bible study Worship Worship

Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

God Is Good Always!

Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

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