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Me llamo 5 grado

el primero de noviembre

Tiene forma de

un crculo un cuadrado un rectngulo un valo

El tamao Es pequeo Es mediano Es grande Es ms grande que.. Es menos grande que Adjetivos delicioso rico sabroso crujiente horrible asqueroso masticable duro

Tiene sabor de chocolate cacahuate menta azcar vainilla cereza fruta canela dulce de leche


El paquete es de color ___________________________. El dulce es de color ______________________________. El paquete tiene forma de ____________________________. Mi dulce tiene forma de ____________________________. Tiene sabor de ___________________________________. Ms descripcin ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

**** = Me encanta

** = Me gusta : ( = No me apetece

*= No me gusta mucho :(( = Lo detesto o Es asqueroso


Post-Halloween Lesson for 5th grade Spanish FLES Ask students to bring in an empty candy wrapper the day after Halloween and remind them it should be hidden from classmates. At beginning of class, I hand out a small brown paper bag to each student and they must hide their candy wrapper in the bag. (Ive learned from experience that they end up showing it to others unless its actually in a bag.) I have a large class poster with the adjectives and descriptive words that I use at the beginning of class. Use a few candy wrappers as an example (I bring in extras as samples and in case students forget to bring one in) and as a class we describe them in Spanish. ie - Junior Mints box and a lollipop. Hand out LOS DULCES paper and students have 5-10 minutes to write the description of their candy. They must write at least 2 sentences in the ms descripcin section. One by one, students come to front of room, read their description, and classmates guess what the candy is. Student then takes candy wrapper out of the bag to show the class. Its a good lesson to practice writing, listening, and speaking in Spanish and it helps to control the excitement the day after Halloween. Sometimes I ask them to write out the description in paragraph form for homework. They think theyve accomplished a lot when they see their writing, although most of it was scripted for them. They sometimes draw their candy on the final written copy too and the papers make a good bulletin board display.

P.S.- You may use this lesson for NON-commercial use. SD 2012


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