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, , , , , , ?, , , , ..., , , ?, , ? , Elizabeth Turner ? .

, !, , The apartment was well kept, with pink wallpaper decorated with red roses, and the fine furniture suggested her to be of a wealthy family. There was an aroma in the apartment that Thorne could not quite place his finger on. Please sit, said Miss Turner as she pointed towards the couch and she sat in a single armchair. Thorne and William both sat down. Now, began Thorne, Tell us your case. Miss Turner nodded and cleared her throat. Well Mr Butler, Im afraid Im in the midst of a horrible crisis. You see, just two nights ago, my apartment was broken into. Not much was taken, only a very valuable bottle of wine which my father presented to me on my 23rd birthday, some of my jewellery and She broke off and pulled a tissue out of a box sitting on the coffee table and wiped her eyes with it. An amulet my mother presented me when I was fourteen. Before she died she told me it was given to her by her mother - my grandmother, and it was given to her by her mother. She also told me that as long as I wore it, I would always be protected, and then she died For a few moments, no one spoke. Miss Turner broke into tears and buried her face into her tissue. After a few brief moments, Thorne finally spoke. Did you consult the police? he asked after she had stopped crying. She nodded and sobbed. Then why have you called for my assistance? he asked. Because, began Miss Turner again. They tell me that theyll do their best and Im quite sure they shall, but what if their best is not enough? I have heard of your skills Mr Butler and I am quite sure that you will find my mothers amulet for me wont you? Thorne clapped his hands together and sighed. I will take the case Miss Turner, he said as he stood up.

She gasped and then went forth and hugged Thorne tightly and also William. I have payment for you Mr Butler, she said. Payment shant be necessary Miss Turner, not until I have found your mothers amulet and, might I ask, where did the intruder enter the apartment? I believe it was through the window she replied. And with that, Thorne Butler and William Fawkes left the apartment. * Thorne opened the door of the building and quickly ran around to the side of the building, swiftly followed by his partner William. He then found Thorne climbing up a ladder of a building that stood next to the apartments. Thorne! called William as he followed him up the ladder. What on earth are you doing? Thorne was already up on top of the building, surveying the rooftop by the time he answered the question. Think William, the intruder exited through that window he said as he pointed towards the window of the apartment they were just in. Miss Turner told me that this man left through the window. Recreate the scene! This burglar was caught by her, the distance between her window and this building must be safe enough the jump across. He was in a hurry! Running like the speed of lightning, he was bound to drop something, the amulet possibly or a clue? After he finished his story, he searched the roof again for something, just as he was about to give up, something caught his eye, a small piece of paper which was just about to fly away when Thorne picked it up and read it aloud for William to hear. Le Grand Cirque, read Thorne and then looked up at his confused partner. A circus? asked William as he took the ticket stub and examined it closely. Indeed, and as I recall I havent been to one in quite some time, he smiled. *

Thorne and William had purchased the tickets for the circus, it was the night of the show and the pair took a wagon to the venue, the tent was rather large, there was also an extensive queue which Thorne used the excuse of him being a detective to cut ahead. The tent was full with nearly one hundred people, the show began after several minutes and it was quite entertaining. The first few acts were very amusing, there was several acrobatics and comedians and stunts and so on. None of this seemed to have mattered to Thorne, he was so focused on the job at hand, and he continued to survey the crowd, to find any suspicious or unusual activity. After twenty minutes of searching the crowd, a man who got up from his chair and left the tent caught his eye. Ill be back soon enough, he whispered to William as he stood up and followed the man out of the tent. It was very dark which made it difficult to see; Thorne hid behind a crate and watched the man in question meeting another man. Do you have anything? asked the man who was waiting. The other man nodded and took out a necklace from his coat. The amulet! Right, I give you twenty guineas for it, right! he said as he pulled out a small bag full of coins. Before he could get his hand in, Thorne emerged from his hiding place with his gun in hand and raised it at both the figures. Why hello there! laughed Thorne in delight at the look of horror on the two young mens faces. If you do be so kind Ill have the amulet and your names! The man with the amulet suddenly turned and ran forward, leaving his companion behind, but another figure stepped out from behind the tent and struck him in the face with his fist. Ah, brilliant timing William if I do say so myself! said Thorne as he handcuffed the conscious thief. William smirked and handcuffed the unconscious man, I believe Chief OReilly is on his way Thorne, in the meantime I believe we should take these two hooligans out front dont you?

OReilly arrived within five minutes and threw the two thieves in the back of the wagon. Congratulations Butler, Fawkes, he smiled as he shut the wagon doors. Fawkes, I believe we must pay a visit to number 12 Fleet Street dont you? Miss Turner might be waiting for us, said Thorne as he dangled the amulet in front of both O'Reilly and Fawkes.

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