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Christ Is Risen! B ! CristoV Anesth!



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dated material~~deliver by May 10

may 2012


Evangeliation is not new

at the Cathedral

leas from the Pope and the Patriarch have been madeurging a revitalization of
faith on a grass roots level.
All should be in agreement with the sentiment. After all, who would deny that our
fate for eternity is no trivial matter?
Grandiose plans need not be made, as we have a built-in program, ready-made for
all to take part in the process.
Using the parochial setting of the Cathedraland most likely 99.9% of our parishes and missions, tooevangelization is as old as the parish, perhaps even older
than that.
Perhaps without realizing it, our churches have evangelized and inculturated at the
same time, just by keeping alive the many customs that surround the Church calendar throughout the year. While the calendar is seasonal and cyclical, one particular
part of our regular routine stands out as a prime example of faith in action, probably
such a natural part of life it is overlooked as an effort to draw people in.
Who is involved? Truth be told: everyone is involved.
Focusing on that interval between
the end of Lent and the beginning of
Bright Week, we might very well draw
conclusions that indicate evangelization is alive! Well! And growing.
Lets look at Lazarus Saturday.
Word had spread that Jesus friend,
who had been dead for four days was
called forth from his tomb by the command of God, as Jesus beckoned him.
A groundswell of excitement filled the
air in ancient times, and people spontaneously gathered as they heard Jesus
was going to Jerusalem. To meet His
triumphal journey, they grabbed
branches of trees. So do we.
Our boughs of pussywillows wave
just as majestically as we bow to the
one Who comes in the name of the
Lord and we bear branches of budding
vitality through the Liturgy of the day.
How much thought had you put into
the fact that someone gathered the willowsculled them from the tree at the
right time, trimmed them and brought
them to be blessed at the conclusion of
Matins? Just so you could participate
in the joyous procession!
With Christ as the Model, Bishop Richard
All through Holy Week special servteaches a lesson in humility, by washing
ices are held. Simple thingsperhaps
the feet of apostles.
so simple they escape noticebring
the Gospel alive. We are evangelized by the somber mood, the dimly-lighted
church, the dark vestments. The tone of the singing. The message of the prayers. All
combine to set the mind of the worshipper in the right frame to be able to garner so
much from the activities unfolding. Someone has to see to it that the lights are burning just so. The books of services have to be prepared and placed where people can
access them. (And be collected afterward).
And when Great and Holy Thursday arrivesthe Cathedral becomes the focal
point of the eparchy.
The bishop is here, along with as many clergy as possible to commemorate the
institution of the priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. Too, the ChrismHoly Myro
continued on page 11

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10 nEw Star

May, 2012

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candles are se

flowers are unpacked

each donated plant
is acknowledged
with a donor's name

some of the chairs in

place for the footwashing

The withes are waiting to be cut

visitors see the cathedral in a mundane way

Drink of this, all of you


visitors exit two of the tour buses

Bishop Richard washes a priest's foot

young visitors have questions answered

bags of azaleas

nEw Star 11

May, 2012

continued from page 1

et out for people to light

just a few of the empty flower boxes

hydrangeas are

clergy await the bishop's foot-washing gesture


school children sang

responses to the
Liturgy on Holy


stacks of wire frames

are needed for flowers

the grave is nearing completion

used by parish priests for the Mystery of

Chrismation is consecrated. As well, the bishop
evangelizes us all, by divesting his episcopal
regalia and, acting as Christ, washes the feet of
the Apostlesclergy serving the Eparchy.
Perhaps as you stood there watching the reenactment of that part of the thirteenth chapter
of St Johns Gospel, no thought occurred to
you to wonderwho set up the chairs? Who
prepared the ewer and basinand the towel?
Later, the Passion of Christ is presented in a
special service of twelve readings from the
Gospel lessons relating to the betrayal, trial,
scourging and crucifixion of Jesus. His last
days and hours are brought to mind. Did someone stand in attention throughout these readings with a candle? Did a server bring the
incense to the priest at all the appropriate
times? If that was not on your mindthen you
were evangelized by the smooth flow of a
service that most likely had no real rehearsal
as the pattern has been established for eons,
and is part of the ethos of the service.
When next you gathered for the Vespers of
Great and Holy Friday you may have nonchalantly entered the church where the tomb had
been erected for the eventual procession with
the burial shroud amid the myriad flowers all
set. You would only be amazed if it werent this
way. Its so much a part of youthat it would
seem strange if it were any other way
Unless you were involved in the actual setup, there may not be any special appreciation
for the hours of work by a number of people
who took the time to get the ambience just
One particular feature of the cathedral that
most likely does not exist in many other parishes in the Eparchy of St Nicholas is that the
church is part of scheduled tour bus routes. For
a number of years a special form of evangelization has occurred. After the Passion service ends around nine oclock, a crew gathers
together all the maerial for putting the grave in
order. Stands, plants, name tags, pillars, the
cross, the drapeall sorts of items needed to
display the flowers that had been ordered, then
delivered throughout the day are readied.
Just as the pace of activity picks up, busloads of sightseers stop in to see. Perhaps they
are enticed by a quote from an1889 book Three
Men in a Boat by British humorist Jerome
Klapka Jerome: work fascinates me, I could
sit and watch it for hours. Whatever the motivation, this year, by eleven oclock four buses,
with a total of 170 people, came by to witness
the transformation.
They saw one aspect of the grave that most
parishioners never really witnessyet do not
know of the tremendous importance of that
setting for the next three days, when the
faithful gather again on several occasions until
the climactic Resurrection Matins, and the
Divine Liturgyand the joyful return home of
the faithful as they prepare to take part in the
special Paschal Foods blessed for the occasionevengelizing us even more.
Had anyone given thought that as they
entered the darkened Churchwith Christ still
lying in the tombthey soon got up, imitating
the Myrrh-bearing Women, seeking to anoint
His Body only to return to find a church ablaze
with light and somehow, almost as mysteriously or miraculously as Christs Resurrection, the
tomb had been disassembled!
Perhaps, perhaps notbut the very phrase
that is uttered countless times for the next forty
days evangelizes: Christ Is Risen!
Indeed He Is Risen!

12 New Star


TIME UPON RECOVERY: On April, 6, on the eve of
the Annunciation of the Mother of God, Metropolitan
Volodymyr of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate, led a night service in the Church of
St. Antony and Theodosius in the Kyiv Cave Monastery.
The hierarch concelebrated
with the superior of the
monastery, Metropolitan Pavel of Vyshhorod and Chornobyl and Archbishop Oleksandr of Pereislav-Khmelnytskyi and Vyshneve and two
other bishops.
During the service, the Metropolitan greeted the
faithful on occasion of the Feast of Annunciation and
thanked everyone for the prayers for his recovery.
On April 7, Metropolitan Volodymyr served a liturgy in the womens Monastery of the Holy Intercession
in Kyiv. So reported Orthodoxy in Ukraine.


PROHIBITED IN UKRAINE: The Parliaments committees have begun to consider a bill prohibiting homosexual propaganda in Ukraine. According to the head
of the Committee on Family, Youth Policy and Sports
and Tourism, Pavlo Kostenko, the committee supported the bill, the Christian Megaportal reported.
At its session, the committee supported the approval
of the bill as the basis. We informed the specialized
Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information
about our decision, reads the letter of Pavlo Kostenko
regarding Bill 8711 on Protection of Children from
Dangerous Information Space.
The deputies of the Parliament propose to prohibit
the propaganda of homosexuality in Ukraine by this
document. The explanatory note says that the spread of
homosexuality is a threat to the national security as it
leads to the spread of AIDS, ruins the institute of family and deepens the demographic crises. Over one hundred thousand signatures have been gathered to support
the bill in Ukraine.
Earlier, the State Committee on Radio and TV expressed its support for the bill.

May, 2012
Rome on April 7 at the age of 82. In a telegram of condolence sent to His Beatitude IGNACE YOUSSIF III
(Younan), Patriarch of Antioch of the Syrians, Benedict XVI expresses his closeness to that patriarchal
Church of which the deceased was "a committed pastor". The Pope also mentions the peoples of the region,
who are currently experiencing moments of great difficulty. The cardinal's funeral was held in St. Peter's Basilica on April 10. May his memory be eternal.

SYRIAN PATRIARCH EMERITUS DIES: His Beatitude Cardinal IGNACE MOUSSA I (Daoud), Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Oriental Churches and
Patriarch Emeritus of Antioch of the Syrians, died in


President Viktor Yanukovych sent a greeting address

CHRISTIANS FLEE VIOLENCE IN SYRIA to Metropolitan of Lviv of the Roman Catholic Church
MILITANTS REPORTEDLY GOING DOOR TO in Ukraine, Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki on the
DOOR: ROME, ( Christians have fled occasion of his birthday, the press service
from the Syrian town of Homs after their homes were
attacked by Islamic groups with links to Al Qaeda.
According to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) 50,000
or more have left Homs, which was home to one of the
largest Christian populations in the country.
ACN announced an urgent 80,000 ($107,000) aid
package to provide food and shelter for the estimated
90% of Christians who have left Homs.
The exodus, mostly taking place within the past six
weeks, according to news sources cited by ACN,
speaks of an ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians
by militant Islamic groups.
Christians have taken refuge in surrounding villages,
with some fleeing to mountains 30 miles outside the
According to ACN, Islamists have gone from house
to house in the Homs neighborhoods of Hamidiya and
Bustan al-Diwan, forcing Christians to leave without
giving them a chance to take their belongings.
ACN is also helping families affected by a car bomb
explosion March 18, which targeted the Christian quarter of Aleppo, close to the Franciscan-run Church of St
Bishop Antoine Audo SJ of Aleppo told Aid to the
Church in Need: The people we are helping are very
afraid. Speaking from Aleppo, the bishop added: The
Christians dont know what their future will hold. They
are afraid they will not get their homes back.
It is very important that we do whatever we can to
help the people.
In his application for ACN aid, the bishop stated:
Please speed up the implementation of the project
because of the difficult circumstances that Christians
face in Syria.
If the attacks continue, Syria could suffer the same
fate as Iraq where Christians have plummeted from 1.4
million in the late 1980s to perhaps less than 300,000


March 25, Metropolitan Volodymyr of the UOC-MP MONTH: A priest from Lviv
celebrated a liturgy in St. Nicholas Church of the Kyiv
Cave Monastery for the first time since September.
The Metropolitan served the liturgy in concelebration with Archbishop Volodymyr of Pochayiv,
Archbishop Oleksandr of Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi
and Vyshneve and two bishops.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the service of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church at the cathedral of the
Kyiv metropolita, Mertropolitan Volodymyr ordained
Archbishop Volodymyr Metropolitan and ordained bishops Serafim of Yahotyh and
Oleksandr of Horodnytsia archbishops in view of their
church merits regarding the renewal of Pochayiv
Monastery, St. Panteleimons Monastery in Kyiv, St.
Heorhiis Monastery of Horodnytsia.
The Metropolitan also ordained a worker of the
Pilgrimage Center of the Department of External
Church Relations of the UOC, Deacon Serhii Berezhnyi priest, reported the website of UOC-MP.

of 80. His resignation due to age was accepted by Pope

John Paul II on December 5, 2000, and he was succeeded by the second bishop, ROBERT JOSEPH (Shaheen)
Bishop John died on March 21, 2012, at the age of
88, having served as a priest 60 years, of which 31
years were as bishop. May his memory be eternal.

Region who refused to bury a

man for debts to the Church
has been punished. RISU learnt
from the Stryi Eparchial Department of UGCC that Fr.
Stepam Palii was dismissed from the services in the
parish for the period of one month. The priest is to
spend this time in a monastery in silence, peace and
We have taken into account the fact that the priest,
Stepan Palii admitted his guilt. Father realized that he
abused his power, and apologized to the bishop for exposing the Church to such criticism and showed readiness to accept any punishment. That is anything the
bishop would say, stated the Chancellor of the Stryi
Eparchy of UGCC, Fr. Volodymyr Zhdan


GEORGE (Chedid) was a Lebanese-born American
Maronite hierarch. He served as the first Bishop of the
Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of
Los Angeles from 1994 until his retirement in 2000.
Born in Lebanon, Chedid previously served as the
Titular Bishop of Callinicum for the Maronites. Chedid
was ordained as Bishop of Our Lady of Lebanon
Cathedral in Los Angeles, California, on June 24,
1994, by Archbishop FRANCIS MANSOUR (Zayek). He
served until he reached the mandatory retirement age

of President reports.
Viktor Yanukovych wished the Metropolitan Gods blessing in pastoral work
in the name of the Lord and for the good
of the faithful and Ukraine.
I wish you happiness, spiritual joy and
good health, reads the address.

PASTOR SUNDAY ADELAJA DISAPPEARS, REAPPEARS: The pastor of the Embassy of God, Sunday
Adelaja, who is on a recognizance not to leave, has disappeared. His neighbors saw him on the day of the last
trial, and they did not sing hallelujah any more in the
Embassy of God, reported the journalists of TSN on a
program Money.
A year ago, the journalists visited Adelaja and the guards kindly
reported whether he was in. But
this time, they refused to talk.
Each Thursday, at 6:30 p.m.,
services are celebrated in the central church of the Embassy of God.
However, when the journalists
came there at that time, it was empty. The pastor has
recently addressed his parishioners via the Internet.


in Melbourne from July 4-7 this year.
This is a very significant ecumenical
event. We need all our friends to make
it known and to encourage international
participation, besides, the fifth continent
is a fascinating place to visit! For all information on the
conference, please visit:


Representatives of the European Union and persons who
planned the trip of the members of the All-Ukrainian
Council of Churches and Religious Organizations
(AUCCRO) to Brussels are of the opinion that the
Ukrainian authorities deliberately obstructed the visit.
This opinion was expressed in a commentary to RISU by
the Director of the Kyiv Office of Conrad Adenauer
Foundation, Nico Lange, an organizer of the visit.
One gets the impression that this was done deliberately to prevent the leaders of the Ukrainian churches
and religious organizations from coming to Brussels. It
is obvious for the people who organized the visit and the
potential interlocuters in Brussels, said the politician.
Nico Lange said that the visit will be made anyway.
Most probably, it will be done after Easter, but he did
not specify the exact date.

FIRST EASTER SERVICE IN UKRAINE BROADCAST FROM MOSCOW For the first time in the history of the independent Ukraine, the Ukrainian state television broadcast a service from the Moscow Church
of Christ the Saviour for an hour, a clear domination of
the Moscow Patriarchate.
Later, the state channel broadcast part of the services
from Churches of three other denominations for 20
minutes each. The worst time, after noon to UOC-KP.
Neither Patriarch Filaret nor Patriarch Sviatoslav are
given such attention.

New Star 13

May, 2012

I can't understand how the Ukrainian Church starts
Lent two days before the Catholic Churchyet
easter is at the same time and both say Lent has
forty days. Do the math.
Do the math is exactly whats neededbut it
requires the right formula to solve the equation. Perhaps it would also be good to start out by saying the
Ukrainian Church is a Catholic Church, along with
twenty-one other Catholic Churches of various ritual traditions whose bishops (and people) are in communion
with one anotherunder one headship: Jesus Christ.
Twenty of these other Churches are Eastern and
have their distinct Tradition: customs, rules, teachings
and approach to life that guides them in embracing the
Faith. There is, as well, one Western Church with its
own set of rules, customs and regulations, many quite
different than the Eastern Churches, yet with the same
No particular Church is in itself the Catholic
Church, but a Catholic Churcheach equal in dignity to the others. (In some parts of the world the question might easily be phrased Why does the Latin Rite
start Lent two days after the Catholic Churchand still
have forty days?).
New Star did publish a schematic of the days of Lent
some years ago, detailing the issue you raise. Rather
than write a long, arduous explanationor expect you
to dig out a copy of that documenta bi-lingual updated version is presented on pages 19 and 20. Had this
question been asked just a few weeks earlier, the
answer would have appeared in a more timely fashion.
The copy herein is an improvement over the original,
which was date-specific for the year that it appeared in
these pages. This version is generic. You may use it to
apply the principles for any year without considering
the actual dates involved. You should be able to decipher the color-coded diagram, prompted by the brief
statements found underneath the actual chart.
What is not addressed at all on the chart is the rationale behind the two apparently conflicting patterns used
in counting forty days. Allusions are made to the
forty days Jesus spent in the desert preparing for the
fulfillment of His mission. The East sees this as a
seamless event which accomplished its goal of introspection: Christ did not go home for the weekend. The

By Fr Denny Molitvy
raising of Lazarus and the final series of events necessary to endure for the sacrificial salvation of humankind follow. (Forty days, plus Holy Week). The West,
in counting forty fast days, makes an exception for
Sundays (as days recounting the Resurrection). They
include the Passion, Crucifixion and Jesus in His tomb
up until His victory over death, to arrive at forty days.
In reading the Lenten regulations our bishops decree, it seems that there is nothing special being
really required of someone who habitually observes
the Friday (and even wednesday) abstinence from
meat. My memories are of a more vigorous period
of fasting than that. why was this lessened? and if
nothing special is needed, why bother to make a list
of what is expected? why are there age limits?
The bishops statement, as I see it, mentions what the
bare minimum is. It also implies that those who already
maintain that weekly year-long discipline, may undertake more rigorous practicesincluding those you mentioned when our Lenten rules were stated in much stricter terms. As well, the statement stresses additional prayer
and good works (almsgiving) that should overshadow
fasting as a Christians calling card so to speak.
There was some concern that many people looked at
the stricter request as too unrealistic to be faithfully
observed by the masses of people who felt overwhelmed
at the process, or frustrated if they tried, yet failed part
way through Lent. Admittedly it is not an easy burden to
assume; if you voluntarily opt to accept such a boost to
spiritual growth, and do what you can to feed the spirit,
not only the body during Lent so much the better to do
it without obligation but with conviction.
The minimum was set to reassure the feasibility of the
successful completion of the fastand suggest an opportunity to do more than what is required. It serves well
those who are minimalistswho are satisfied with getting by for example, with a bare-bones TV, car, house,
wage, job, education, or whatever. If you want more,
you work at it and for it. So, too, in a spiritual realm.
Nothing is stopping anyone from adding to the minimumperhaps prompted by a spiritual director, or
evenin most casesyour pastors homilies or parish
bulletin articles. It is now a conscious choice. The minimum is legal; more is love.


ne Sunday before morning prayer and my

weekly trip to the cathdrale St-Vladimir, I
heard a radio commentator on France Culture
make the following astounding statement: Faith is a
thirst for the infinite. I immediately made note of it,
because I knew that it would come in handy for a prePentecost meditation. After all, isnt the Holy Spirit all
about infinity? Before you send the men in the white
coats after me with a net to cart me off to the looney
bin, at least give me a chance to explain.
Think about it. The apostles had been put through the
wringer. They had seen their friend, Whom they knew
to be their Lord and Master, receive a heros welcome
as He rode into Jerusalem. Then, four days later, one of
their number had betrayed their Lord into the hands of
the hated Romans who, in an unheard-of collaboration
with the Jewish authorities, made a shameful spectacle
of Him by executing Him as a criminal. As they hid lest
the religious leaders send the Romans after them to
string them up as they had done to their beloved Teacher, they were rocked by wild stories that the impossible
had happened: He had risen from the dead. The impossible proved true, and for forty days they reveled in the
presence of their Friend Whom no grave could hold.
Then, just as abruptly as He had been returned to them,
He was taken from their sight and disappeared into the
After that emotional roller-coaster ride, they huddled
for ten days, cowering and trembling; stronger than the

locked door which kept their enemies outside was the

fear that kept them inside. One might even suspect that,
after the betrayal of Judas, there might even have been
walls of mistrust which kept each one of them walled
off from the others. Amid all of this, in blows the Spirit
and lights a fire under them; neither fear nor locked
doors could hold them any longer, as they boldly burst
forth from their self-imposed prison to preach Good
News which spoke even to people with whom they had
neither a language nor a world-view in common. The
Spirit, Who had blown in upon the apostles like a great
wind, blew the minds and opened the hearts of all
whom they encountered. Barriers of all kinds fell, and
strangers and enemies found that, when they embraced
the Resurrected Christ, they embraced one another as
well. Moreover, they discovered that the limits which
the world and society imposed upon them disappeared,
opening to them the very life of the eternal God, Master
of heaven and earth, of all things and all times.
The events recounted above, as reported in the Acts
of the Apostles, took place over two thousand years
ago, yet they are as fresh as the headlines of this mornings paper. Everything the apostles experienced we
also experience. Fear? Who could read the headlines
and not be afraid! Mistrust? Security cameras attest to
that (1984 anyone?), not to mention gated communities
and triple-locked doors. Perhaps the sturdiest locks are
not on doors and gates, however. The figurative locks
on the minds of people who think they know every-

Age limits, too, are minimumsperhaps a good approach would be: anyone who receives the Eucharist
should find a suitable dietary intake limit. No one is
expected to jeopardize health by depriving the body of
essential nutrients. There are many non-meat, or even
non-dairy choices available that fulfill both requirements. Before age 14 children should experience the
habit of some sort of self-control that when they get to
the age of making their own personal choices, Lent is
not a strange concept. Aging people have often been the
most faithful in adhering to the stricter rules, perhaps
because they have been so accustomed to the idea.
Whatever the circumstance, ages between 14 and 59
have been established as must do ages. Even that may
be waived if there are health or other issues involved.
As a point of meditation, look at the photo below. Envision Lent not a burden or obstacle to enjoyment, but an
opportunity to expand enjoyment beyond the temporal,
and overcome all roadblocks that might impede progress
in our spiritual growth. Is the struggle worth it? The reward? The determination? Lent is a Life-giving time!

Why?/Why: by Fr Denny Molitvy is intended to

be a forum where it is possible to ask Why something is the way it is in the Church. As much as possible, the answer will try to explain Why it is the
way it is. Some things may be viewed as obvious
to many, but not so obvious to others--maybe you.
So, ask.
Send your questions to:
Fr Denny Molitvy
2245 W Rice St
Chicago, IL 60622, or:
Give your name, parish and city
(which will not be published)
for verification, if necessary.

thing about everythingand I include theologians who

think they know everything about Godare at least as
strong. Then there are the locks on the hearts of those
who are unmoved with pity at the omnipresent sight of
suffering humanity: Id say these are the strongest
locks yet, for they wall us off even from the God Who
chose to embrace our suffering on the Cross, and Who
humbles Himself by honoring our choice foolishly to
exclude Him from our lives! I say foolishly because, in
so doing, they choose to limit their own potential to
that of the lump of clay from which we were formed,
and which we remain without the life-giving breath of
the Spirit of Creation and of Pentecost.
When the Mother of God welcomed the Holy Spirit
into her life, her small womb became greater than the
universe because it became the dwelling place of the
uncontainable, infinite God. Remember: in iconography, the Mother of God represents the Churchthat is,
us. Were we to open our hearts and minds to the Spirit,
we would have access to an unimaginable potential
the fullness of life which Jesus came
into the world to give us. Perhaps
then we would say, with my Dominican Brother St. Thomas Aquinas
at the end of his life after he had a
mind-blowing spiritual experience,
everything else is but straw in comparison. Rather than clinging to
straw, let us open ourselves to the
infinite. Faith is a thirst for the infinite; how thirsty are you?
Fr Jim Karepin, OP

14 New Star

May, 2012

Peace Follows after Suffering and Death

enri Nouwen, a Catholic priest,

prolific author of over twentyfive books, and a world-wide
spiritual counselor wrote about gaining
peace after witnessing physical sufferings in the final days of his dying mothers life. He found that her time wasnt
tranquil and peaceful, but filled with
agony and pain. He wondered why his
mothers suffering was such an agony.
He knew she lived a good and caring
life. He found his answer in God
because he knew that no one lived a
more meaningful and loving life than
Jesus Christ. Jesus suffered a more
painful agony and death than any human
being ever could. Nouwen saw his
mothers terminal struggle in some way
revealed to him Gods love. By suffering
so much, she was sharing in the agony
Jesus endured on the Cross for love of
humanity. Nouwen then reflected on the

Adults Only

ur society is to a degree schizophrenic when it

considers some behaviors dangerous to children yet engages in those very acts under the
illusion that adults are immune to the harmful effects of
their own bad habits
Many Americans are in denial that they can be affected detrimentally by immoral life styles, by engaging in
violence, by ignoring advancing addictions, by offcolor jokes, literature, shows, and art. They want to
protect their children from such things and label the
material as X-rated, for adults only or to be monitored

isolation Jesus must have felt that

caused Christ to cry out, My God, my
God, why have You forsaken me? (Mk
16:14) When Jesus was so troubled in
His agony, He didnt pray to be saved
from His agony, but offered Himself to
the Father on the Cross as a living
prayer and supplication. This reflection
brought Nouwen much peace and tranquility. He recognized that humankind
must pray to accept Gods will in their
Nouwen saw a parallel between the
human experience of earthly suffering
as compared to Jesus Apostles experience of Christs death. After Christs
death and resurrection, the Apostles
labored to understand the meaning of it
all in 40 days of prayer with the Mother
of God. Christ told them, I am telling
you the truth; it is for your good that I
am going because unless I go, the Spirit

by an adult.
Adults as well as children are affected by all their
experiences. Can role models say, Do not do as we are
doing until you become adults. We can handle it. It
doesnt affect us. You are too young?
We rely on scientific studies to confirm
causality. Addictions to gambling, alcoholism, pornography, drugs, violence
affects the lives of children. Every warning for minors or underage consumers
should also be applicable for adults who
wish their children to grow up not with
labeled restrictions but with good exam-

Papal Infallibility

here is a wonderful photo of Archimandrite

Boniface, the founding Abbot of Mt Tabor
Monastery, waving his index finger in the face
of Pope Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council. Fr
Boniface was a man of very strong convictions and
despite his diminutive stature he stood up boldly, all
52 of him, for his ideals and beliefs. (This fearless
faith nearly got him killed in Belgium during WWII).
At the headquarters of Madonna House, founded by
Catherine DeHueck Doherty, in Cumbermere, Ontario,
Canada, where the Melkite Archbishop JOSEPH (Raya)
lived in retirement after a long and illustrious career as
Bishop. As a priest in Birmingham, Alabama, he worked
with Rev Martin Luther King, Jr in the nascent civil
rights movement. Madonna House folks cherish a story
about Archbishop Raya confronting some pontiff or
another (I cant recall who, probably John Paul II) who
had rebuked him saying: Excuse me, but I am the
Bishop of Rome, successor to St Peter. Archbishop
Raya replied well, I am the Bishop of Haifa, Nazareth

and all Galilee, successor of Jesus Christ. Then they

both burst out laughing and embraced fraternally.
Both the Archimandrite and the Archbishop were
spectacular human beings, most probably great saints
temporarily confined in mortal flesh, with deep, faithrooted convictions that enabled them to speak truth to
power; so dont hold your breath for their official
stamp of approval canonizations any time soon. They
are probably way back in line behind Metropolitan
ANDREI (Sheptytsky). Some saints have rough edges
that require several subsequent generations to become
trivial, or even better, forgotten.
Both of these gregarious scholar/monks possessed a
ribald sense of humor and a remarkable vitality demonstrated by the spectacular and unmistakable twinkle in
their eyes. They were each pretty serious [peace]-disturbers in their own way, but that shouldnt be any
impediment to our ability to recognize the heroic virtue
which illuminated and permeated them body and soul.
In the good old days, say 1,500-1,600 years ago,
when a great saint reposed in the Lord the people

will not come to you; but if I go, I will

send Him to you (John 16:7-10). This
message brings much hope and peace
for humankind!
On Pentecost day, the love of Jesus
Christ developed to such a point within
the Apostles that they were ready to
receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A
daily life of prayer will enable humankind to receive an abundance of gifts of
the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ does not abandon humankind but offers a new bond of deep
love and peace in this life. Similar to the
experience of the Apostles, Nouwen
stated that when humanity suffers, if fortified by deep faith, it will find deep
peace and calm in this promise of Christ
Sr Jonathan, OSBM

ple in their family.

St. Paul tells us to fill our minds with what is true
and honorable and just and pure then there would
not have to be ratings, from Triple X to adults only,
in order to protect our children.

the Challenges of
Office of Faith Formation

would fill the streets,

the squares, the churches, proclaiming his or
her obvious sanctity. It
was canonization by
acclamation. Now there
are a lot of forms to fill
out, and flaming hoops
to jump through.
[Big shout out to Fr
Damien of Molokai, Hawaiis first canonized
saint, and Mother Marianne Cope, his successor, who will also be canonized soon.]
Of course, there are lots of recognized and venerated
saints who were bedridden invalids living on only the
Eucharistic Gifts and lots of pious folks who spent all
day and all night prostrated or praying quietly on their
knees never cracking a smile. But that is not a requirement. You can have a pretty good time, keep a smile on
your face, and work at cheering people up, too.
God wants to include us all in His Heavenly Kingdom. Join the club.

Metropolitan of Czech Lands and Slovakia Visits Uzhhorod

n March 29-30, The Theological Academy of

Ss Cyril and Methodius of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate and Avhustyn Voloshyn Carpathian University in Uzhhorod were
visited by Metropolitan of Czech Lands and Slovakia,
Archbishop CHRYSTOPHER (Pulets) of Prague. The hierarch came to Ukraine on the invitation of Metropolitan
Volodymyr of UOC-MP and the Rectors Office of the
Theological Academy of Ss Cyril and Methodius.
According to the web site of the academy, on March
29, its Rector, Archimandrite Viktor (Bed) discussed

with the visitor questions regarding cooperation between

the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia
and the educational and academic institutions of UOCMP and the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine in the area of Theological education and science. In particular, the Czech hierarch approved of the
initiative of Archimandrite Viktor to establish an International Academy of Theological Studies as a scholarly
institution in the international Orthodox space.
The next day, in the Assembly Hall, Metropolitan
Christophert gave a lecture on the historic develop-

ment of his Church and granting of autocephaly.

New Star 15

May, 2012

Come, and See

ratio of lay teachers has dramatically increased whereas the number of teaching
Sisters has plummeted. As a result,
nuns have become rara avis ...
my nieces wedding, my sister,
rarely seen, seldom heard,
the mother of the bride, introduced me to a
young woman she had taught at one time. The
semi-mythical creatures
young woman had never met a nun in her life and
that once roamed the
wanted to speak to me. I was surprised at first and then
Earth in great number.
realized that there are probably a lot of people in this
Among the religious
Generation X who have never seen (much less
affected by these
known) a nun.
changes is the Order of St.
-Sr. Ann Laszok, OSBM
Basil the Great, the order of the
Sisters of the Jesus, Lover of Humanity
nce upon a time, there were thou- Province, who have been serving the
sands upon thousands of young Ukrainian Catholic Church in America
children who learned reading, since 1911. The Sisters who first came to
writing, and arithmetic in Catholic parish this country from Ukraine started with
schools (along with geography and a nothing but an iron will bolstered
whole lot of other things people dont by unflinching courage and abseem to teach these days). These schools solute faith that their Creator
were run and staffed by nuns; here and would help them overcome all
there the religious faculty was supple- obstacles and achieve all goals.
mented by a lay teacher or two. The Sisters They established and staffed a vast
were busy in other spheres as wellwork- school system; they ran orphaning at hospitals, serving as support staff in ages; they ministered to the
chanceries, and actively engaging in nu- Ukrainian Catholic clergy and
merous spiritual labors that made them a laity in countless ways. Surviving
very visible presence in the community at and thriving through hard times,
they built and expanded with an
Things have changed. Over the last cou- eye to the future instead of an eye
ple of decades, for example, the phenome- on impediments, always adapting to
non of Sisters teaching in parish schools changing times and changing needs.
Their successors, the Sisters who continhas dwindled. One reason for this is that
to carry on the work begun a hundred
fewer young women are entering religious
ago, have inherited these same quallife; another reason is that par-ish schools
challenges head on, often
are suffering from the general malaise of a
One recent
sluggish economymany are closing
their doors for good or merging with other out-of-the-box initiative relates to the
schools. Similar economic constraints are quote that appears at the beginning of this
affecting parents who are now opting to story. For Sister Ann Laszok, OSBM, the
send their children to public schools, most- strange encounter with the young woman
ly because their budgets cant accommo- at the wedding was something of an
date paying tuition for a Catholic school. Aha! moment that boiled down to the
Some Catholic schools continue to thrive realization that they dont know anything
in spite of these economic factors, but the about us! So lets fix this.

Soon after, Sister Ann approached

Provincial Superior Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM, with a planto organize
and host a Come and See weekend. And
soon after that, an invitation was posted on
the Sisters Website, in newspapers,
church bulletins colleges and Facebook.
The "Come and See" weekend, designed for women who might be interested
in religious life, began on Friday afternoon, March 16, with Sister Joann and
Sister Ann welcoming guests Samantha,
Christine, Stephanie, and Janelle with
warm smiles. After mutual introductions
and an exchange of pleasantries, everyone
walked to the Holy Trinity Chapel for a
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts celebrat-

ed by Fr. Daniel Troyan. This was followed by dinner and a movieWomen

of Spirit a documentary about Jesus,
Lover of Humanity Province. Filmed by
Mykola and Oksana Yaremko and produced by Sister Ann Laszok, OSBM, the
film was an integral part of the Sisters
centennial celebrations, a testament to 100
years of faithful service in the work of the
Saturday began with Matins and Divine
Liturgy celebrated in English, followed by
reflections by Sr. Joann. The four young
women then shared lunch with the Sisters,
after which Sister Dia and Sister Elizabeta,

Archbishop Emeritus
One of Oldest
MICHAEL (Bzdel) Dies, Age 81
Ukrainian Salesian
is Grace, M
dained in 1954. His first
Fathers Dies in Rome
(CSsR) major assignment was as a

n April 5, a
Ukrainian Hieromonk, Roman
Samotyi died in the
Monastery of Salesian
Fathers Instituto Pio XI
in Rome at the age of 94.
He was a monk for 75
years; a priest for 64
Fr. Roman Samotyi
was born November 18,
1917 in the village of
Mervychi near the town
of Zhovkva in Lviv Region. As a young man he
emigrated to Italy where
he studied in the minor
seminary of Salesian
Fathers in the town of
Ivrea in 1922-1933. On
August 16, 1936, he
joined the Association of
Salesian Fathers and took
his monastic vows June
28, 1943. After his studies of Philosophy and
Theology, he was or-

dained priest by Bishop

IVAN (Bucko) in 1948.
During the whole period of activity of the
Minor Seminary in
Rome, he was a teacher
and tutor of many generations of students from
Ukraine and elsewhere.
From 1996, he lived in
the Teresa Gerini monastic community of the
Salesian Fathers.
On April 5, in the Monastery of Salesian Fathers
Instituto Pio XI, the
Apostolic Visitator for
Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Italy, Bishop DIONISII (Lyakhovych) in
concelebration with Fr.
Ivan Datsko served a
memorial service for the
repose of Fr. Roman Samotyi.
May his memory be


Archbishop Emeritus of Winnipeg, died

April 3, at his residence in
Funeral Services
were in Winnipeg
April 11, 2012 at Sts.
Vladimir and Olga
Cathedral, with Hierarchical Parastas. And
April 12, at St. Josephs Church, the Divine
Liturgy and concluding
rites, and burial at Holy
Family Cemetery.
Michael Bzdel was
born July 21, 1930 in
Wishart, Saskatchewan.
He was educated in Roblin, Manitoba at (the
future) Saint Vladimirs
College, he began novitiate with the Redemptorist Fathers in Yorkton,
He completed his studies in theology and philosophy in Waterford and
(194855) and was or-

parish priest in Roblin

(195567), where he also
taught at Saint Vladimirs
He subsequently served
in Winnipeg
and in Saskatoon (1972
81, in Yorkton and district (198184),
with a sabbatical (1971
72) that allowed him to
study pastoral counseling
at Saint Pauls University
in Ottawa.
In 198392 he was Provincial Superior of the
Redemptorists Yorkton
Early in 1993 he was
ordained as Archbishop of
Winnipeg (and ipso facto
Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan of Canada). He
retired from this position
early in 2006.
May his memory be

both from Ukraine, shared stories of how

they had entered religious life. The guests
were intrigued by both stories: Sister Dia
had entered the monastery in secret, when
the Ukrainian Catholic Church was forced
to exist as an underground institution banned by communist authorities; Sister
Elizabeta had entered the convent in 1992,
a year after Ukraine declared independence and a time when the long-suppressed
Church was beginning to emerge from the
shadows and openly rebuild itself.
After Vespers, there was a communal
dinner and a tour of Philadelphia. On
Sunday, the girls and their hosts prayed
Matins, attended Liturgy, and shared a
peaceful period of reflection. That afternoon, the young women bid farewell to the
Sisters, all agreeing that it had been a wonderful weekend, that they would happily
experience another, that they wanted more.
When asked what could have been
changed in the schedule, all four young
women responded that they would have
enjoyed spending some time with the
Sisters in their ministry . . . an opportunity
to see and perhaps share in some aspect of
the Sisters work with the faithful. When
asked what blessing they had received,
they responded by citing the hospitality of
the Sisters, the inspiration of hearing the
stories of the Sisters from Ukraine, and
feeling the Sisters calm and joy. Samantha, Christine, Stephanie, and Janelle all
noted that they would recommend the
Come and See weekend to others, that
they had thought of others who would
have enjoyed the experience as much as
they had.
And so, the second hundred years begins . . . stay tuned for new chapters to
Tamara S. Cornelison

Share 2012, Ukrainian Catholic Appeal, is now

underway. Your support of the ministries of the
Eparchy of St Nicholas is vital to maintain everyday activities--and long-range efforts to bring the
Gospels Good News to the world around us.

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MARCH 20 - JUNE 30 2012



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16 New Star

May, 2012

Patriarch Sviatoslav: Local Authorities Ignore

Cardinal Husar:

Legal Rights of Greek Catholics

Only Intellectuals Can

Save Our Nation

t a press conference at UNIAN Patriarch

Sviatoslav of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic
Church (UGCC) said that the state leadership
puts no pressure on UGCC but the authorities in
Ukraine do not observe the principle of equal treatment of all the denominations, especially at the local
For instance, for some reason, they cancelled the
traditional prayer for Ukraine in the Church of the
Holy Sophia which was attended by the heads of all
the Churches. It was not an ordinary prayer, it was a
sign of equal respect for all the Churches, stated the
Patriarch Sviatoslav noted that at the local, regional
level, representatives of the authorities show a favorable attitude only to one denomination. At the same
time, the officials deliberately ignore all the legal
rights of the Greek Catholics.
Let me give a vivid example about Odesa. Our
Odesa-Crimean Exarchate for many years has asked
to allocate a land plot for the construction of a church
in the regional center. However, there is no result so
far. I also receive various addresses from priests from
other cities. Particularly, from the central, south and

eastern Ukraine where our communities are. It is

impossible to realize there ones legal, constitutional
right to have the possibility to pray freely, he said.
The leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholics
expressed hope that the situation will change with
time. He drew optimism from the recent assurance of
President Viktor Yanukovych at the meeting with the
heads of the Ukrainian Churches and religious organizations where the President stated that he would personally monitor the observance of equal treatment to
all the denominations.
The leaders of AUCCRO and I raised the question
of the equal treatment last year, at the meeting with
the President. We raise this question all the time.
During the last meeting it was not ventilated only
because the President himself said that he would try to
treat everyone equally.
We have submitted to the President a list of questions to be settled. Let me tell you also that in comparison to the list submitted by us last year, it is almost
identical. This means that no progress was made during the year. Perhaps, the Church dialogue is only
beginning, stressed Patriarch Sviatoslav.

Patriarch Sviatoslav: Christ's priesthood has

its source not in man, but in the divine person and

ministry of the Son of God

Christ's priesthood has its source not in

man, but in the divine person and ministry of the Son of God. The priest is
called to be a light ray of eternity in the interim, a living icon of the Savior's presence
among the people of God, the presence that
throughout history the Church was a source
of strength and invincibility for the Ukrainian
be-liever, His Beatitude Sviatoslav stated in
his message to the UGCC clergy on Holy
Thursday on March 29, 2012.
Theprimate of the UGCC calls the hierarchs to reflect together on a common task:
to make all people partakers in eternal life.
He cites examples of famous priests. He
said Metropolitan Andrey, using Father
Markian Sashkevych as an example, emphasized that
the content of his work was to go to the people, and
Blessed Bishop Omelyan Kovch wanted to be among
the people even in death camps.
In his opinion, a priest can perform his mission
only if he will be with his people always and everywhere. Only then is he able to nourish the faithful
with his preaching of the word of God, using it to
show specific life circumstances of modern life and
bring people closer to the holy sacraments, he says.

The priest should know his faithful, share with them

all aspects of their lives, to be with them and follow
their life paths.
Patriarch Sviatoslav argues that modern culture
creates new ways to separate the clergy from the
faithful, to steal from our community the living and
active presence of the Good Shepherd, to separate
them from God. According to the Primate of the
Church, by becoming close to his people, a zealous
pastor brings them closer to Christ, shares the joy and
grief, burdens and victories.

ccording to Cardinal LUBOMYR (Husar), only

intellectuals, people who are able to work
selflessly and seek good can lead the Ukrainian nation out of the present moral crisis. Only such
people can heal the nation and lay a reliable foundation for generations to come, the cardinal stated at the
session of the National Roundtable World Challenges
and Status of Development of Ukraine in Kyiv which
was initiated by the First December Group.
As he addressed approximately a hundred participants from all over Ukraine, the cardinal stressed that
the present situation in Ukraine is not exceptional.
Similar situations occurred in Ukraine's history and
that of humankind.
We are in a serious difficult situation today.
Perhaps, there were even more difficult situations in
the past. And it is necessary to find some way out of
this situation, he noted.
The former leader of the UGCC said that there are
different ways to overcome the crises. The first one is
when people are led by an individual.
There are approaches of what I would call an individual character. There were Augustus, Tiberius, Nero
and others in the old Roman state. And in our recent
memory: Hitler, Mussolini. These people wanted to
establish a special system where each citizen of their
state was supposed to have a good life.
According to Cardinal Husar, the second way is
when people are led to their goal by a group of people
united by an idea. Such collective attempts to bring
happiness to people usually resulted in bloody revolutions, such as the French and October ones.
We know that both those individual and those wellprepared or criminal group solutions yielded no positive result, stressed the cardinal.
According to tHis Beatitude, only intellectuals who
know what man is, what his purpose, objectives and
rights are can lead the people out of the crisis.
In his opinion, the intellectuals should therefore
elaborate very diligently and wisely the so-called values. And when these values become the asset of the
whole nation in everyday life, we will then have the
solution, not for a year but for half a century and
longer. And not only the present generation will benefit from it but also the next generation to which we
should also pay attention.
I would like to say: People need you and people
like you, who are many in Ukraine. There will be no
solution without you. Therefore, I am very glad that
this action has begun. That you understood this call
and responded. Let God enable people like you, who
are able to work selflessly, to respond duly to your
calling, for it will serve for Gods glory and the good
of our people, added Cardinal LUBOMYR (Husar).

Pope Invites St. Pius X Leader to Heal rift

VATICAN CITY, ( A statement from the Vatican says that problems continue with the traditionalist
Society of St. Pius X.
Discussions between the Vatican and
the society, founded by Marcel Lefebvre, had intensified recently, after the
Vatican presented the group with a
"doctrinal preamble" it hoped would be
the basis for achieving reconciliation.
Today's statement explained: "During
the meeting of September 14, 2011 between Cardinal William Levada, prefect
of the Congregation for the Doctrine of

the Faith and president of the Pontifical

Commission Ecclesia Dei, and Bishop
Bernard Fellay, superior general of the
Society of St. Pius X, the latter was presented with a Doctrinal Preamble,
accompanied by a Preliminary Note, as
a fundamental basis for achieving full
reconciliation with the Apostolic See.
This defined certain doctrinal principles
and criteria for the interpretation of
Catholic doctrine, which are necessary
to ensure faithfulness to the Church
Magisterium and sentire cum Ecclesia."

The preamble has never been released

to the public.
The Society of St. Pius X considered
the preamble and in January of this year,
gave a response to the Vatican.
This response, today's communique
continued, "was examined by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
before being submitted to the Holy
Father for his judgement."
Bishop Fellay was today given a letter
informing him of the Vatican's evaluation.

"The letter states that the position he

expressed is not sufficient to overcome
the doctrinal problems which lie at the
foundation of the rift between the Holy
See and the Society of St. Pius X," the
Vatican note explained. "At the end of
today's meeting, moved by concern to
avoid an ecclesial rupture of painful and
incalculable consequences, the superior
general of the Society of St. Pius X was
invited to clarify his position in order to
be able to heal the existing rift, as is the
desire of Pope Benedict XVI."

New Star 17

May, 2012

UCU Icon Painting summer school 2012

he Icon-Painting Summer School at the

Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv offers
you a unique opportunity of immersion into
the world of the ancient Christian art of icon-writing,
united with the experience of the spiritual riches of the
Eastern Christian liturgy, and cultural exploration of
the historical and artistic treasures of Ukraine.
The Icon-Painting Summer School is:
an intensive three-week practice of icon-writing in
the western Ukrainian tradition;

Patriarch Josyf (slipyj) to Be

Honored at state Level
On March 22, the Supreme Council of Ukraine passed a resolution to mark the 120th anniversary of the birth of
Patriarch JOSYF (Slipyj).
The document was initiated by Ukrainian deputies Borys Tarasiuk,
Viacheslav Koval,
and Oleksandr Chornovolenko, and was
supported by 361
persons, including the
whole faction of the
Communists and a deputy of the Party of Regions, Yurii Boldyrev,
voted against the deci-

According to the website of the Supreme
Council, it recommends
that the government establish an organizational
committee for the preparation and organization of
the celebration of
the anniversary and
to facilitate the publication of the
works by JOSYF
(Slipyj). The
also envisages
state TV
and radio
to air programs about the
life and activity of the famous leader of UGCC
during the year.

an opportunity for first-hand study of ancient

masterpieces, analysis of their technique and its creative imitation;
an integral approach to the study of Christian
art through combining courses in the theory and theology of art with studio practice and fieldlectures in museums and monuments of sacred art;
the experience of joining together Eastern
Christian liturgical and spiritual life with intellectual and practical study of the icon;

Patriarch Filaret Doubts that Whole Greek Catholic Church

Is Ready to Become Part of Unified Orthodox Church

atriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox

Church-Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP) spoke
about the relations between the UOC-KP and
the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in an interview
with NG Religions. According to the hierarch, the
relations between them have become normal now.
We had complicated relations with the Ukrainian
Greek Catholic Church in the beginning of 1990s,
during the time of the struggle for church buildings.
Now, when hundreds and, perhaps, even thousands of
church buildings have been built in Galicia and each
parish has its own church building, our relations have
become normal. We have many things in common.
Both churches hold state positions and support the
protection of morality in the society. We have this in
common not only with Greek Catholics but also with
the Roman Catholics and Protestants.
Unification with them will be possible when the
Ukrainian Orthodox community is united in one
church recognized by the worlds Orthodoxy. The
thing is that the Greek Catholic Church appeared in
the 16th century when Ukraine, which had lost its
independence, became part of the Polish kingdom

UCU to Hold Summer School to Study Metropolitan

Andrey Sheptytskys Social Thought

he Institute of Religion and Society of UCU

announces that it is accepting students to study at
the summer school Metropolitan Andrey
Sheptytskys Social Thought: Rescue of Jews and Modern
Problems of Humanity, which will take place from June
25 to July 1 at the Ukrainian Catholic Univer-sity.
The main focus of this years school will be given to
the actions Metropolitan Sheptytsky carried out to save
Jews during the Second World War.
According to the organizers, the goal of the program is

for participants to become further acquainted with

Metropolitan Sheptytskys spiritual heritage and the activities. Every morning there will be thematic sessions and
discussions with lecturers, and later, discussions in small
groups with a moderator. The organizers want to show the
relevance of the social teaching of the Church and establish a permanent intensive summer course in which one
can study Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskys social
Students in humanities studies, secular and political fig-

UGCC to Study experience of Canadian

Lay Organizations During Its Synod

atriarch SVIATOSLAV (Shevchuk) of the Ukrainian Greek

Catholic Church (UGCC)
stated at a press-conference at
UNIAN that the next Synod of
UGCC will be held on September 915, in Canada and its main theme
will be the Calling of the Layman.
According to the hierarch, the
bishops chose Canada as the country to hold the next synod is not
This year, the Greek Catholics
mark the one hundredth anniversary of the arrival of the first bish-

an exciting cultural program of visiting remarkable places of Lviv and

western Ukraine;
becoming part of a network of people interested in Christian art.
Over the last five years our students from all over the world have enjoyed our program and benefited from it. We cordially invite you to
share their enjoyment and get initiated into the sacred
art of iconography!
Next Icon-Panting Summer School at the Ukrainian
Catholic University will take place from July 9 to July
28, 2012.

op of UGCC, MYKYTA (Budka) in

that country, and the fruitful activity of lay organization in Canada
can be a good example to be followed by the whole UGCC.
Our Church has declared 2012
to be the year of the layman. The
UGCC always encouraged our
faithful to be active in the social,
cultural and national life. The
Church communities always were
the centers where various organizations, institutions of what is now
called the civil society were

And in Canada, we have today a

lot of traditional, I would say, our
ancient lay organizations which
once became the foundation for the
formation of our community in
Canada, said Patriarch Sviatoslav.
In September, the Ukrainians of
Canada will receive our Synod,
and, on the other hand, it is their
civil structures that will become a
model of how the civil movement
can be spread and activity of lay
people can be stimulated , added
the patriarch.

and the Orthodox bishops were put in an unequal

position with the Catholic bishops. Now, we have our
own state. There are grounds for unification as the
cause of the divide has been liquidated. But I do not
think that the whole UGCC is ready to unite in one
Orthodox Church. Even if this unification happens,
part of the Uniate [sic] clergy will simply join the
Roman Catholic Church, said the head of the UOCKP

ures, as well as all others who seek to deepen their knowledge of Christian social doctrine, regardless of religious
confession, are invited to participate in
the school. Age of participants is 18-40
Applications are due by May 25. At the
end of the course participants will receive
a certificate.
This is the second year that the UCU
Institute of Religion and Society is
organizing this summer school. Last year
27 participants from all over Ukraine and from Russia
participated in the certificate program Metropolitan
Andrey Sheptytskys Social Thought and Modernity.

During EURO - 2012 in Lviv

Liturgies to Be Celebrated
in English,
German and Portuguese

uring the EURO-2012 football championship,

liturgies in English, German and Portuguese
will be celebrated in the garrison Church of
St. Peter and Paul, Church of the Transfiguration and
Church of the Holy Eucharist in Lviv.
This practice was proposed by the curia of the Lviv
Archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
All the interested believing fans and tourists will
have opportunities to participate in the Byzantine
liturgy in their native languages and to see a small exposition about the UGCC in the garrison church to get
acquainted with the history and present life of the
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. So reported
"" xpress.Ua.

18 New Star

May, 2012

Hungary Makes waves with New Constitution

Ambassador Says Document Can Promote a 'Christian Renaissance' in Europe
ROME, ( - Hungarys Ambassador to the
Holy See is rather perplexed by the negative reaction of
some European figures and institutions to his countrys
new Constitutiona document he sees as offering a
possible impetus to a "Christian renaissance" in
"We think its a little bit strange to hear such voices,"
Ambassador Gbor Gyrivnyi told ZENIT March
27th. "The real founding fathers of the European Union
planned to base the Union on Christian values, and
expressed the notion that European democracy can
only be viable if constructed on the Christian basis."
The preamble of the new Constitution, or
"Fundamental Law," which came into force January 1,
contains references to God, Christianity, and traditional
family values. It further stipulates that the life of a fetus
be protected from the moment of conception (abortion
remains legal, however, in cases where the mothers
health is threatened).
The Constitution states that it recognizes the role of
Christianity "in preserving nationhood"; it requires that

marriage only be between a man and a woman; it

assigns parents, rather than the State, primary responsibility for protecting the rights of the child; and it holds
that "the family and the nation constitute the principal
framework of our coexistence."
In sum, it marks a refreshing change in stark contrast
to a Europe suffering from increasing secularism and a
European Union that only a few years ago tried to push
through its own Constitution, which conspicuously
omitted references to God or Christianity. It also points
to the positive contribution some former Eastern bloc
countries could make to the spiritual well-being of the
"We hope that perhaps some of Europes new
democraciesPoland, the Baltic states, as well as
Hungarycan give an impetus to a Christian renaissance, a coming back to the original vision of the
founding fathers," said Ambassador Gyrivnyi.
And yet the new law, drafted by the ruling centreright Fidesz party and its coalition partner, the
Christian Democratic Peoples Party, has drawn hyper-

Caritas Ukraine extends Gratitude for

assistance During Cold Spell in Ukraine

hanks to the assistance of philanthropists from Germany and

Austria (30,000 and 20,000
respectively) during this years unusually cold winter spell in Ukraine,
Caritas was able to serve almost 1,500
needy individuals with heat and food
at 12 emergency stations. In addition,
Caritas staff and volunteers initiated
home visits and provided necessary
medications to specifically needy elderly, doctor visits, and opportunities
for the homeless to shower at Caritas
Their community information campaign circulated information on available heated facilities as well as social

Canonical Status of the

So-Called Bishops of Pidhirtsi
VATICAN CITY, (VIS) - Given below
is the text of a declaration issued today by
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith concerning the canonical status of
the "so-called Greek-Catholic bishops of
Pidhirtsi": Fr. Elias A. Dognal O.S.B.M.,
Fr. Markian V. Hitiuk O.S.B.M., Fr.
Metodej R. Spirik O.S.B.M., and Fr.
Robert Oberhauser. The text is dated
February 22, and bears the signatures of
Cardinal William Joseph Levada and
Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer S.J., respectively prefect and secretary
of the Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith.
(1) The Holy See has followed with
great concern the activities of Fr. Elias A.
Dognal O.S.B.M., Fr. Markian V. Hitiuk
O.S.B.M., Fr. Metodej R. Spirik
O.S.B.M., and Fr. Robert Oberhauser
who, having been expelled from the
Basilian Order of St. Josaphat, subsequently proclaimed themselves as bishops of the Greek-Catholic Ukrainian
Church. With their disobedience, these
priests continue to challenge ecclesiastical authority, causing moral and spiritual

damage, not only to the Basilian Order of

St. Josaphat and the Greek-Catholic
Ukrainian Church, but also to this
Apostolic See and the Catholic Church as
a whole. All this provokes division and
bewilderment among the faithful. The
aforementioned priests, having established a group of "bishops" of Pidhirtsi,
have recently sought to have that group
recognized and registered by the competent State authorities as the "Ukrainian
Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church".
(2) Since the beginning of this painful
episode, Church representatives of various ranks have sought to dissuade them
from continuing a conduct which, among
other things, could deceive the faithful, as
has already happened in a number of
(3) The Holy See, concerned to protect
the unity and peace of Christ's flock, had
hoped in the repentance and subsequent
return of the aforementioned priests to
full communion with the Catholic
Church. Unfortunately the most recent
developmentssuch as the unsuccessful
attempt to acquire State registration for

bolic criticisms both domestically and internationally.

Often these attacks are driven by liberals, greens,
socialists and secularistsparticularly in the European
Parliamentwho have labelled some of the Constitutions laws "extremist," hard line and a threat to
Many have explicitly taken issue with the Christian
references in the preamble, while NGOs such as
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have
voiced concerns, which they claim are backed up by
UN treaties, over laws which ban same-sex marriage,
allow discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual
orientation, and do not "ensure respect for women's
reproductive rights" (i.e. abortion rights). (International
legal experts cited by C-FAM dismissed their claims,
saying that no UN treaty even mentions abortion, sexual orientation, or gender identity and that the UN
General Assembly has never accepted such redefinitions).
By Edward Pentin

services and legal counseling. These efforts were

summarized in a report by Nadia Chorna, Caritas
Public Relations Officer.
Assistance was provided in Caritas branches as
well as in mobile vehicles, in specifically equipped
tents, located near train stations and central parks in
Ukraines various cities. During the effort, generally
lasting two weeks (longer in a few regions), there was
close cooperation with city authorities, the Ministry
of Emergency Situations, partner organizations, and
Christian communities, Overall, Caritas provided the
needy with some 12,000 meals. Simultaneously, this
effort enabled the identification of individuals who
needed immediate physical and financial assistance
and counseling, given that the homeless are usually
hesitant to use government sponsored heat-providing
facilities, since they are guarded by security agents.
Caritas Ukraine extends its heartfelt gratitude to the
sponsors, volunteers and partners for their willingness to respond and for the kindness and attention
accorded the suffering.

the "Pidhirtsi" group under the name of

the "Ukrainian Orthodox Greek-Catholic
Church"demonstrates their continuing
(4) Therefore, to safeguard the common good of the Church and the "salus
animarum", and given that the so-called
"bishops" of Pidhirtsi show no sign of
repentance but continue to create confusion and disarray in the community of
faithful, in particular by calumniating
representatives of the Holy See and of the
local Church, and asserting that the
supreme authority of the Church is in
possession of documentation testifying to
the full validity of their episcopal ordination, the Congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith, accepting the request presented
by the ecclesiastical authorities of the
Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church, and
by other dicasteries of the Holy See, has
decided, by this declaration, to inform the
faithful, especially in the countries of origin of the so-called "bishops", about their
current canonical status.
(5) This Congregation, disassociating
itself entirely from the actions of the socalled "bishops" aforementioned, and
from their aforesaid declarations, formally declares that it does not recognize
the validity of their episcopal ordinations, or of any and all ordinations that

have derived, or will derive therefrom.

Moreover, the canonical status of the
four so-called "bishops" is that of excommunication, pursuant to canon 1459
para. 1 of the Code of Canons of the
Eastern Churches (CCEO), in view of
the fact that an appeal sentence of the ordinary tribunal of the Major Archiepiscopal Ukrainian Church, issued on September 10, 2008, recognized them as
guilty of offenses under canons 1462,
1447 and 1452 of the CCEO; i.e., the offenses of illegitimate usurpation of office, inciting sedition and hatred towards
certain hierarchs, provoking subjects to
disobedience, and harming a third
party's good name by calumny.
(6) Furthermore, the use of the name
"Catholic" by groups which are not recognized by the competent ecclesiastical
authority is to be considered as illegitimate, pursuant to canon 19 of the
(7) The faithful are, then, enjoined not
to adhere to the aforementioned group
as, to all canonical effects, it is outside
ecclesiastical communion. The faithful
are invited to pray for the members of
the group, that they may repent and
return to full communion with the
Catholic Church.

New Star 19

May, 2012

Two Ways of Counting the Forty Days of the Great Lent~~East and West

(Forgiveness Vespers)














Flowery (Palm)























































Great Monday


yzantine-based calendars (E on this

chart) count forty consecutive days of
Lent, beginning with Clean Monday and

Lost in translation

Great Tuesday

Great Wednesday

Great Thursday




continue uninterrupted until the eve of Lazarus Saturday, and Lent is concluded.
All of Holy Week is its own special time.

Somewhere, in the cyber-space that exists between the final, approved

version of New Star pages after meticulous proofreading and the process of
producing the finished product, a gremlin was lurking.
The result was a Paschal Greeting from the staff of New Star in the April issue [page
17] which suffered a serious attack on its integrity due to the omission of the key element of the Christian Church's message: Christ Is Risen!. Additionally, words from
the Resurrection Matins in white letters on a dark background were rendered in black
and partially illegible. Below is a picture made from the actual approved version: on it
you may read the entire message as it was intended.
Insofar as we repeat the Christ Is Risen! anthem until the leave-taking of Pascha on
the eve of Ascension Thursday, [May16, Gregorian/May 23, Julian] our sentiment is
herein repeatedstill in keeping with the framework of the liturgical calendar and timing of receipt of New Star in your home..
Thank you for understanding. This should satisfy those who asked Whats the point?
when viewing the greeting months New Star.
Fr John Lucas,
Managing Editor; New Star

Great & Holy Friday


Lazarus Saturday

Great Saturday


The West (W) begins Lent on Ash Wednesday and does not count Sundays, ending
the forty (fast) days on Holy Saturday.

Billy-Bob, Jimmy-Bob and BobbyBob were sometime fishing buddies. One

particular excursion was to a rather remote location, far from the amenities of
even a rural area. It seemed that this time,
even the fish were not populating the
waterway that lazily meandered through
the hidden vales and glades.
Counting on at least a meager catch,
the trio packed no provisions just in case
the day would turn out the way it did.
Billy-Bob looked at the empty creel
and said I know a dinky little diner
had to stop in a few years ago when the
fishin' was as bad as this. The prospect
of getting something to eat was incentive

enough for them to pack up and call it a

day, and amble off.
Once inside, the guys sat in a booth
and looked at the tattered menus resting
at the inside edge of the rustic table.
Can I get you gents anything to drink
while you're lookin'? asked the waitress.
Water said Jimmy-Bob.
Water said Bobby-Bob.
Remembering his last visit, Billy-Bob
said Waterand be sure the glass is
Within two minutes the waitress returned. Poised to place the glasses before
the patrons, she said here's your three
Who asked for the clean glass?


New Star

May, 2012


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Fr John Lucas, Managing Editor
Petro Rudka, Ukrainian Editor
Fr James Karepin, OP
Fr Leonard Korchinski
Fr Denny Molitvy
Fr Deacon Michael Cook
George Matwyshyn
Serge Michaluk
Olenka Pryma
Nazar Sloboda
Pani Barbara Wroblicky
Phyllis Muryn Zaparaniuk

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