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Synopsis ACT 1 A small and peaceful town of nearly 3000 people is just having a another spring season,, zoom

into local middle school after the overview o the town children playing in the school park . A beautiful girl is trying to pull a boy to the park who apparently is little afraid... ACT 2 after venturing into the forest the boy discovers landmarks which are also the main levels of the game 1) a wrecked ship 2) A russian paper mill plant which is only part there is a secret bio-research facility underground..3)The wolf cave 4) The Ent forest 4) the treacherous plains 5) the valley In the first landmark the boy discovers a person who stays in the forest and tells you about the tale of the walking trees and how he manages to stay out of trouble.. He tells you about the paper mill region and also warns you about the security forces and history about people who venture in that area never return .You are first intrigued by this idea and decide to investigate further ... You head towards the paper mill which is actually the bio-research facility .The place is heavily guarded with tanks ,turrets,security cams and elite soldiers .The player must evade these obstacles by creating diversion with the help of his pet dog. The guards at the research facility are well armed and so only to deal with them is to sneak past or just isolate the guard's and take them down. You can now command your pet to create distraction as well as life saving aid can be provided when in critical situation .Although the player can block the bullet fires with his board sword to some extent we will also reward player with a sniper rifle that can be collected by killing the guard on the roof top (white colored sniper rifle name :divine intervention). After you have passed the guards your pet tells you that her trace is actually leading outside and so you follow ......This leads you into the most dangerous place on the map the Ent forest You are fighting your way to across the Ent forest with Ents and giant brown bears .As you slowly reach towards their center .The fight gets intense and goes gets difficult in the boss battle with the leader of the Ent forest you are gravely wounded and lose the fight .Your pet manages to drag you out before he decide to kill you .But your injuries are deep and at night when you fall asleep you only wake up to find your pet missing and your wounds totally healed.You also discover a strange tattoo on the back of your palm which resembles a wolf. The hero disheartened by the loss of his pet literally goes to commit suicide as he challenges the Ent leader again .He is again pushed to the verge of death to as he is about to die he notices the strange tattoo on his hand glow in red and the point The Ent is to deliver the fatal blow you get an option on the screen to press and hold the spacebar .Suddenly you are converted into a giant black wolf end the match with fatal blows .Ent leader repents his guilt and explains that he has totally nothing to do with the disappearance of

humans .He tells you about the relentless oppression of the wolfs and also about their new leader a girl .You are again stunned by these findings ....The Ent leader gift you the third weapon in the game (a bow which is made of live branch and you can through unlimited arrows at the enemy and arrows wrap the enemy with tree roots making them immobile name :fall alive)The whole Ent clan becomes friendly and you can now recruit them to fight along your side .. Now you move further in your conquest for truth the game from here can gain pace thanks to availability of new weapon lead through a valley combating hordes of enemies wolves ,eagles and owls ..As you near the wolf region and into the wolf cafe the fight gets intense again .The Ents will not enter the wolf cave so must go ahead alone this time .Once inside you are confronted by the wolf class worriers the watch keeps and the elite avengers you slaughter through them the girl appears on the scene asking you to stop the face their true leader which she herself. A gruesome battle starts and you are again lead to the moments of death .The girl has the magical powers including the power to convert into a white wolf.We design the battle to be very close and very demanding .Both fight to the extent that they no longer have the power to change the their forms and can barley strike a hit .cut scene starts and the fight is interrupted by a helicopter .... ACT 3 you notice your brother and father come down and hug you .You are again stunned and have no idea how to react .Your father tried by your relentless quest to find the truth he yields and tells you the reason behind missing people are the humans themselves.Your father tells you that he already knew about the incidents but didn't wanted to tell it because it was far from your understanding and moreover the organization that runs the bio-research facility are very powerful .He tells you that he was afraid but now your courage has given him the hope and it is the right time to rescue those people who miserable being put under experiment and suffering due to their torture . Now the final assault begins on the underground research facility the girl ,the Ent and wolf all the parties of the forest help you in the quest but game play wise only the girl will stand by your side to protect you.The research facility inside is guarded by bots and security door that the player must evade in order to rescue those people .You finally manage to infiltrate the facility and go down to bio-security level 4 .Your father helps you open the vault and release the people Next cut scene(resolution) you are inside your house the girl and their parents have come to tell you their gratitude for saving her.You are motionless after looking at her .She takes your hand and walks to the park in the backyard .Then you stop again and she comes close to you .The credits start to roll as she hugs you.

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