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3D For Film Evaluation ...

Finding a place that showed a big enough object such as a building to take a three stitched panorama of was limited, applying the stitch to the geometry adding the focal length of each picture comes to 36.

Full Stitch

The idea that followed was to have something go through the walkway so a shot from the front was needed to add in the walkway sides.

Snapshot A

Snapshot B click picture above for video

Experimenting with partial emitter types, using curve and Omni emitters above, snapshot B has the particle emitter flowing along UV 0 of the Curve then adding a Motion path from the emitter, which was the predecessor to animating the curves min value of an extruded cercal around a curve. (Gnomon Dynamics Tutorial see bibliography)

Click picture for video link above

Testing out the curve on surface test with the circle above, keeping a small inherit factor between 0.50-100 making the flow look smooth, as the higher the factor the more static the partials. Overall giving more freedom to place explosions etc around a scene this can also include any other type of form of Curve Geometry shapes, from snapshot A above. The pre, de-assessor to the use of Snapshot B, the likeness of a fuse to a bomb. Applying the partials too UV 0 without the use of an emitter by Emitting the Object enables it to move with the animated reduction of the Min Value.
Click picture for video link above

Also testing partials Emitted on partials which can be effective for steam rising from the aftermath of an explosion for example, also briefly demonstrated on the above video link.

The vortex was started off with the Partial Tool with sketched particles ticked, put on Mayas Grid in the form of a circle with binding curves shown below.

Click picture for video link above

The amount of partials being produced into the scene is controlled by key-framing the Dynamic Weight, from 0-80 slowly brings them out in a static motion similar in using the Rate on Emitters, then key-framing the Conserve increases the way the partials react around the vortex field added in the centre. At a low conserve the partials react more rapidly, the higher the less force is applied. Having the vortex Field in the centre of particle grope gives more of a vortex or wormhole look. With particle render types, particle attributes-render types key-framed gives more control over mass and size/shape of the partials.

sound was edited in Premier Pro, zincing up the strong beats with various events in the scene like the round energy ball coming out of the vortex. The first part of the audio track was edited below in audio 1 to reduce the strong overwhelming background sound to make it less of a turn off and try to get it to go in rhythm with the first part of that timeline.

The background sound can be totally erased if it was edited in Sound Booth or Adobe Audition, although the edited sound in Premier pro does not seem that distracting compared to its original version. A 'Dither Devolve' transition was used for cut scenes that seems adequate with its simple computer like graphics contributing to the droid in the scene.

Merging the rendered partials from the Hardware Render Buffer gained the colour of the partials, with the texture of the Projection on the building and other objects in the scene from a batch render was overlaid in After Effects shown above using a Screen or add mode to maintain best contrast of colour 'not to dark not to light.

Sound Track 'Being There', contributing artist 'Planck' Album CC MIXER [ONLINE] Availably from: [accessed 5/11/2012] Dynamics 2-the Gnomon Workshop DVD, [OFFLINE], ASIN: B000GETUJ2 , Studio: Gnomon Workshop DVD Release Date: 12 Oct. 2004, Dynamics 2 (17:22-23 minuets in for particles following curve tutorial;) Dynamics 1-the Gnomon Workshop DVD, [OFFLINE], ASIN: B000GETUIS, (6:54-11:52 minutes in for space scene tutorial.)

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