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Lesson 2: Idioms

1. What is an idiom? Do you have idioms in your language? An idiom is an expression with a meaning that can be difficult to guess from the meanings of its separate words. For example: Talk to a brick wall, means talking to an unresponsive person. Hear something from the horses mouth, means get the information directly from the person concerned. Example usage: Ive asked my boss for a pay rise several times, but no luck. Its like talking to a brick wall. I know hes leaving. I heard it from the horses mouth. 2. Below are some common idioms used in business; a) On the warpath = very angry Bills on the warpath as thee are a lot of mistakes in the report. b) Play your cards right = do the right thing If you play your cards right, youll get that promotion. c) Moving the goalposts = changing the aims or decisions I dont know where I stand on the project. They keep moving the goalposts. d) It makes no odds = makes no difference It makes no odds whether we get permission or not, well go ahead with the plan anyway. e) Fighting a losing battle = making no progress Manufacturers often feel they are fighting a losing battle against counterfeiting. Now try and use the above idioms in your own sentences in pairs. 3. Idioms referring to parts of the body are common in English. However usually the phrase has nothing to do with the body. For example: I am just pulling your leg = I am only joking with you. Can you guess what the following phrases mean? Discuss in pairs/ groups. a) b) c) d) e) f) Jeff has really put his foot in it. You are becoming a pain in the neck. That girl broke the young mans heart. Please hand me the folder. Sue from accounts needed a shoulder to cry on. Pull your finger out and do some work!

g) h) i) j)

We are in the eye of a storm. He deserves a pat on the back for his work. Get it off your chest. On the face of things everything looks fine.

4. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence below. a) They were at a social event but talked kiosk / shop / store all evening. b) Its on the edge / end / tip of my tongue. Im sure Ill remember her name soon. c) Shes our best sales representative. Shes really got the gift / skill / talent of the gab. d) When they told me I was fired I was at a lack / loss / shortage for words. e) She lost the notes for her talk so she had to speak off the collar / cuff / sleeve. f) He wanted a 30% pay rise and 25 days paid leave! We werent even talking the same language / meaning / words. g) I havent got the information at hand, but off the top of my brain / mind / head, Id say about 2.5 million. h) Ive studied their accounts carefully but I cant make head nor foot / hand / tail of them.

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