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Folder Setup
1. Create a project folder on your desktop called Lastname_Slug 2. Create the following subfolders: o Audio 20121105 (make new shoot-date subfolders as you work =
yearmonthdate) o



20121105 (make new shoot-date subfolders as you work =


etc. Pluraleyes Synced 3. Drag raw video (.MOV files) to video folder 4. Drag raw audio (.WAV files) to audio folder
o o

5. Open Pluraleyes 3 (Look for Pluraleyes 3--NOT Pluraleyes--in your spotlight). 6. File > Save As > Lastname_Slug (Save in the Pluraleyes folder) 7. Select the Camera tab 8. Drag all .MOV files from your video folder to the open area that says, Drag media files.. 9. Select Audio Recorder tab 10. Drag all .WAV files from your audio folder to the open area that says, Drag media files.. 11. Click the round/spiral Synchronize button at the top of the window to match the video and audio files in the timeline below o green clips=synced files o red clips=unsynced files 12. Click Export timeline button 13. Under OTHER> Media Files check the box Copy of video files (ignore other boxes) 14. Click Export 15. Save in Synced folder

*Not all the labs have the PluralEyes 3 software.

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