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Digital Video Script Scene 1:

Drill Sgt dad walks into the kitchen. Dad: Where is everyone? Kids, get in here! (children run into the kitchen and sit down) Dad: We are going to read these manuals about leadership because reading is very important! I picked out books for all of you, here they are. Now, start reading! (dad walks out, leaving the children to read, but they are sighing and slamming pages, hating it)

Scene 2:
Braylin and Carter are frustrated because they have to read the leadership books they are not interested in. Braylin: Reading is so boring, I hate these books! Wait, what time is it? Time for my favorite movie, Hunger Games! Im going to watch it! (She runs out of the room, and Carter follows) Carter: Wait for me!

Scene 3:
Mom is reading as Braylin walks in Braylin: Wathca doin? Mom: Oh, just reading a cookbook to find a good recipe for Thanksgivig dinner next week. How was your movie? Braylin: It was awesome! Mom: Well, did you know that movie is based on a book by Suzanne Collins? Braylin: Really? I want to read it! Do you think they have it at the library? Mom: I bet they do, why dont we go see?

Braylin: Sounds good to me!

Scene 4:
Mom is on the computer as Braylin walks in. Braylin: Hey, Mom! Watcha doin? Mom: Oh, just reading a sewing blog online. I am trying to get some ideas about making your Christmas dress. Braylin: Well, I just finished the Hunger Games book. It was even better than the movie! Mom: Well, guess what? That book is just the first in a trilogy! The other two books are called Catching Fire and Mockingjay. That means there are two more books in the series by the same author that continues the story! Braylin: Really? Cool! I want to go back to the library and get those too! Mom: Youd be surprised at how many popular movies are actually based on books. Most people would agree that the books are always better than the movie.

Scene 5:
Mom is reading a book to the baby as dad walk in and sits down. Dad: What are you doing? Mom: Just reading a story to the baby. See how much she is enjoying it? Its about something she likes. I think if you would allow the other children to choose their own books, based on their own interests, the would actually enjoy reading too. Dad: You know what, you might be right. Ill have to change the way I think about their reading and give them more options on what they want to read.

Scene 6:
Dad (dressed as a referee) walks in the house with an armload of books

Dad: Kids! Come down here and look what I brought home for you! I got a few referee and basketball handbooks that I look forward to reading tonight, and here are some that you guys might like too! Kids look through the books, excited Braylin: Oh, I love scary stories, I want this scary book! Harry Potter?? I thought that was just a movie! I cant wait to read this one! Carter: Cool, I want these books about spiders!

Scene 7:
Dad is sleeping with a book about Army combatives. Carter sneaks up and slowly grabs the book off his chest, avoiding waking him up.

Scene 8:
Carter walks in the room where his dad is stoking the fireplace. Carter: Hey, Dad! Do you want to fight? Dad: What? You want a piece of me? Carter: Yes! Dad: Lets go then! Carter quickly jumps on dad and puts a choke hold on him and brings him to the ground where he taps out. Dad: Ok, ok, I give up! Whew, you took me, son! Where did you learn that move? Carter: I read it in your Army Fighting book! Dad: Well, I better watch myself if youre going to be reading like that!

Scene 9:

Mom and dad talking at the kitchen table. Mom: I am so proud of Braylin! She has really picked up on her reading. She has been choosing books based on popular movies and now she reads all the time. Dad: Yes, and Carter was reading my Army combatives book and learned a new move to try on me. I cant believe he read that all on his own! I guess the key was letting them choose to read about what they were interested in. It has made all the difference!

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