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First Post: [quote][img][/img] Royal Spymaster looked at 13 people at the dungeon.

Some of them were responsible for Prince's death, but which ones? "As citizens of Empire, finding the assassins who murdered our beloved Prince must be our top priority. Me, as Royal Spymaster, made my best to find them. Now it is your turn. Some of you are wretched killers, betrayers to Empire and Royal Family. But there are innocents among you too, and I'm giving you a chance. A chance to find the killers among you and bring them to justice. If you succeed, you will be rewarded by Emperor himself. If you fail... ...Well, I mentioned they are killers, didn't I?"[/quote] Rules post: [quote][u]Rules[/u] [i]General[/i] 1) Always play to your win condition. 2) Talking about the game outside this thread is forbidden, unless your role says otherwise. 3) Talking about other ongoing games in this thread is forbidden. 4) Quoting your role PM or any other PM sent by mod is forbidden. 5) Using cryptography/codes, invisible text or small text is forbidden. 6) Once you are dead, you are not allowed to post. Don't post after you've been hammered/killed. [i]Days/Nights and Activity[/i] 1) Days will last 2 weeks. 2) Nights will last 3 days. 3) If a player does not post for 48 hours, they will receive a prod. 4) If a player does not post for 24 hours after receiving a prod, or if a player reaches 3 prods, he/she will be replaced. 5) If you will be unable to post for over 48 hours, inform the mod by PM or in the thread of when you'll be V/LA. Assuming V/LA period is of reasonable lenght, you will be exempt from prods during that time. [i]Lynching[/i] 1) During day, you may [b]bold [/b]a player's name to vote them. You may change your vote as many times you wish. You may also vote for "No Lynch". 2) You don't need to unvote when switching votes. 3) Lynch threshold is (1/2+1). Threshold for "No Lynch" is half of the number of alive players. 4) At the end of the day, if no one reached to lynch threshold, a "No Lynch" will happen. 5) Once the lynch threshold has been reached, no more votes will count. However everyone(except dead, including that day's lynch) may still talk until evening scene. Sample VT PM [quote]Welcome, [player name]. Here is your role information:

[u]Role:[/u] Vanilla Townie [u]Alignment:[/u] [color=#00FF00]Town[/color] [u]Abilities:[/u] You haven't got any abilities other than your vote.[/quote][/quote] Setup: Well, I don't have much idea about balancing sadly, so I tried to keep it close to vanilla, but added a few roles to spice the game a little. If the setup is bad/ has major flaws/ probably won't be much fun to play, mock me to my face please :P [quote]Mafia 2 x Mafia Goons 1 x Mafia Roleblocker - 1-Shot Town 1 x Watcher 1 x Jailkeeper 8 x VTs[/quote] Role PMs [quote]Mafia Goon [quote]Welcome, [player name]. Here is your role information: [u]Role:[/u] Mafia Goon [u]Alignment:[/u] [color=#FF0000]Mafia[/color] [u]Abilities:[/u] Your partners are [player name]. Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partners here [QuickTopic link]. Factional kill: Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill.[/quote] Mafia Roleblocker [quote]Welcome, [player name]. Here is your role information: [u]Role:[/u] Mafia Roleblocker- 1 Shot [u]Alignment:[/u] [color=#FF0000]Mafia[/color] [u]Abilities:[/u] Your partners are [player name]. Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partners here [QuickTopic link]. Factional kill: Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill. Roleblock: Once in game, during night, you may send name of a player to mod. That player will not be able to use any abilities he/she has.[/quote] Watcher [quote]Welcome, [player name]. Here is your role information: [u]Role:[/u] Watcher [u]Alignment:[/u] [color=#00FF00]Town[/color] [u]Abilities:[/u] Watch: Each night phase, you may send name of a player to mod. At morning you will receive a PM about who visited that player at that night phase. If no one visits that player or if another night ability prevents you from using your ability, you will receive a "No Result".[/quote] Jailkeeper [quote]Welcome, [player name]. Here is your role information: [u]Role:[/u] Jailkeeper

[u]Alignment:[/u] [color=#00FF00]Town[/color] [u]Abilities:[/u] Jail: Each night phase, you may send name of a player to mod. That player will be guarded against any attempts to his/her life, but he/she also will not be able to use an ability he/she has. You can't target yourself. [/quote] [quote]Welcome, [player name]. Here is your role information: [u]Role:[/u] Vanilla Townie [u]Alignment:[/u] [color=#00FF00]Town[/color] [u]Abilities:[/u] You haven't got any abilities other than your vote.[/quote][/quote] I think that's all. If I missed something, inform me please. Btw, because of my exams, I won't be able to start the game before mid January even if I make it to top of the list before then. If my time comes before mid January, put my game to hold please, if possible.

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