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December 2, 2012

Volume 12, Number 49

Sufficient for the day is its own troubles (Matthew 6:34). I struggle with waiting. Sometimes, that makes me efficient. Sometimes, that makes me a menace. Sometimes, that makes me prompt. Sometimes, that makes me foolish. I know I am not alone. The Jews were always looking at the future. They were looking for freedom from their bondage. They were looking for a savior to come. They were looking for the kingdom that was to arrive. They were looking for what tomorrow would bring. In the midst of all their future vision, they may have been overlooking today. Jesus looked at Jerusalem and wept. It had been the City of David. It had known the opulent glory of Solomon. It had been the place of prophets. It was the place that Gods temple had been built. Jesus saw the history of that great city. He saw its potential. He saw its opportunity. He saw the privilege that had been placed within the grasp of its people. He saw it all, and He wept. For it (they) did not see their time of visitation (Luke 19:44). They missed the now. The future is important. We study for the future. We work toward the future. We plan for what might be in the future. Often, we are willing to dismiss the possible comforts of the present to enhance the opportunities of the future. We call this kind of behavior wisdom. The sacrifices of the present, with an eye toward the future, can be either honorable or foolish. If the blessings of the present can be embraced without the expense of tomorrow, they should be embraced. To use them at the expense of the future is theft. It is never right to take from what you do not yet have only to consume in the moment. At the same time, it may also be just as wrong to steal from the present moment in order to press it to some possible future moment that you do not have. Balance is the key. Now is important. Now doesnt return. Now is not to be lost at the expense of the future or the past. Know that now is a gift that used well will bless tomorrow. Russ

The Sentinel December 2, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

Bill Spauldingnow home after a stroke and therapy. Charley Miller has been in the hospital with some sugar imbalances. She is doing better and home now. She is expecting and due in about 5 weeks. Hubert Nelson has finished treatments and is waiting for a status report. Pam Webbers mother had surgery at Southwest Medical Center to repair a broken hip from a fall and will be in Jim Thorpe for rehabilitation soon. Tami Burwells grandmother, Ruby Austin is in very serious condition with lung cancer. Don and Jo Hutton have several health difficulties. Riley Baldwin continues to have throat surgeries about every six weeks. Don Fleming - is having serous difficulties and hospice has been called in.

Brothers Keeper Groups Groups 1 & 2 will meet at the church building on Saturday, December 15, at 6:00 PM. The menu will be pot luck. Group 4 will meet at Horace and Betty Phillips home on Saturday, December 15. Check the bulletin board for details. New groups begin in January!

God Is - Good - Always! Handyman Corner Do you need some handyman work, or chores done around your home. Let us know and we will put it here. Meeting one anothers needs is a part of being a family.

Homebound or Limited:
Jean Christian Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel

Happy Anniversary
Randy & Linda Vance 12/7 12/3 12/6 12/7 12/8 12/9 12/9 12/12

Happy Birthday to ...

Horace Phillips Nancy Scott Iona Martin - Erin Elmore Randy Vance Courtney Adams Dan Jolliff - -

Our Sincerest Sympathy:

Leah Banta, mother of Clethal Powell, passed away on Thursday evening. Funeral services will be at the Southwest Church of Christ, on Monday, at 10 a.m.

Announcements to Notice
Annual Cookie ExchangeThis years

annual cookie exchange will be on Sunday, December 9, at 2 PM. It will be in the Bergamo (neighborhood) Club House. For more information or directions, see LeAnn Sherman. Cookies!!!
Mens Breakfast: There will be no Mens

Breakfast in December, because of the holidays.

Brothers Keeper Groups2013 Darrell is in the process of de-

veloping our groups for next year. If you desire to be a part of one of these fellowship groups, but did not get your name on the list, just see Darrel. He will make sure you are added. Groups will developed from dividing the names (families) on the list.

Update The new visitation groups are posted on the bulletin board. We are still open to more participants. See Randy Vance.
help with the holiday gift bags. Gifts should be valued from $10 $15, and be appropriately aged for children from infants to eighteen years. If you prefer, you can donate money and gifts will be purchased for you. See Kim or Ruth Veitenheimer. You may also consider volunteering to package and prepare the gifts, once they are purchased.

Holiday Gift Bags: The Christian Service Center is asking for

Lost and Found: It is not unusual for us to find items around the

building. If you have lost something, check the east foyer table. If it is not there, check with Dwain, as it might be in the office.
Winter: As the winter months approach, the weather can be difficult

at times. We are asking all members to be cautious if it becomes dangerous to travel from home. Use good sense. We rarely cancel services, but will try to notify everyone in the event that services are cancelled due to weather.
Holiday Caroling: We tried to find

a time, and enough people to go caroling last year, and it didnt fly. Perhaps we can do it this year. If you have any suggestions, see Russ.

The Sentinel December 2, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (12/9/12)

Order of Service
Announcements & Scripture: 1 John 2:28-29 Song 234 Higher Ground Song 883 Seek Ye First Prayer Song 473 O How I Love Jesus Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 500 O Thou Fount of Every Blessing Sermon: Pretty Is as Pretty Does 1 John 2:7-29 Song 667 There is Power in the Blood Song 947 Jesus Let Us Come to Know You Prayer
Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

Horace Phillips

Sam & Donna Greenroyd Blue & Linda Suarez Randy & Linda Vance

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Blue Suarez

Bill Fleming Brian Jaworski Dwight Andrews Max McDougal Dan Jolliff Dewayne Ross Hubert Nelson Sunday Bryan Ausmus Chris Scott J.C. Glidewell Don Worden Chad Bruner

Lord's Table (pm) Prayers (am)

Glenn Elmore Randy Vance

Prayers (pm) Schedule of Services Bible Study Worship Worship

Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

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