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[This story takes place in an Alternative Universe.

The story contains Furry concepts, if you dont like that, leave now.] * * *

Following the presumed death of my mentor, Aris Holden, I have taken it upon myself to collect the records of what has lead to our modern world. This account is compiled from a series of interviews immediately following the crash of the ArcLight at a secure Accord base near the Copacabana Sunken Harbor Holmgang Entertainment complex. * * *

Getting that letter changed my life. For a minority like me to be selected to represent the Australian Holmgang teams was more than an honor, it was a sign of the times. I would show everyone, everyone on Earth, everyone on Alpha Prime, we are all equals. At the time, I hadn't thought what an impact arriving in a warship would have on my message of peace and unity. But between the long flight from the Ashworth Airport to Brazil, and the long ride up the tether I felt less and less secure in my mission. I wasn't used to being so high, especially when I wasnt in control of the jets beneath my feet. The elevator hadnt been designed to accommodate my body shape, so they had to strap me to the back wall in an uncomfortable position as all the normal people sat in their plush acceleration couches. I couldnt understand why this was so hard for me, I had been designed to be a colonist, most of my people were working on Alpha Prime, this should have been easy for someone like me. I was nearly at the platform, glimpsing slivers of the ArcLight out the distant windows when I realized it had probably been my years of freedom as a frame operator that had altered my programed instincts. Looking out from the construction platform the ArcLight was so majestic, the culmination of our Saviors life long endeavor, or so we all thought. Ashworth had worked so hard to keep the human nations from tearing each other apart. He personally interceded to keep my people from being exterminated when it was discovered we could break our Three Laws programing. He pushed for the creation of the ArcLights FTL drive and my people volunteered to be living test subjects, for we were created to be hearty and test out potential planets before risking humans, how was braving the Void any different? Well looka this lass ah dontya? One of the security guards commented to his fellow as I pulled myself toward them. Is onea those Aussi cats it is. Wha ya doin up ere girly? Im here to board the ArcLight. Im booked for... Oh, now, we cana let ya on missy, he cut me off. See, ya my be a rebel, onea them revolutionaries. Cant have anyone messin up the launch. Why doin ya just turn yerself about and ride on back ta earth.

Keeping my paws tight I made sure not to let them see my extending claws. I couldnt let them see that they were getting under my skin. I am expected to dine at the Captains Table this evening and my equipment has already been delivered to the ArcLight. The other guard finished processing the last of the humans who came up with me and waved to a webbing of crates on the distant wall. Do you mean that equipment maam? We had it detained when we saw what it was. Did you think you could smuggle weapons aboard the ArcLight? Smuggle? SMUGGLE? Thats my battle frame! Im here representing the Australian Federation of Holmgang Operators. Mister Ashworth sent me personally to conduct tests on his behalf. I thrust my paperwork into his chest keeping a firm grip on the rail to keep from tumbling back. Hmm, representing the AFHO. He he, you guys sure must be afow if they sent a kitty like you. The guards laughed as they spun slowly in the corridor at their bigoted joke. Besides, I dont see Mister Ashworths signature, just some stupid symbol that we dont recognize here in Brazil. Sides tha, yer too late. The ArcLights leavin. Repossitionin fer the jump. I looked out the ports and the massive city ship was indeed moving out of range of the small ferries that docked at the elevator. My only hope was gone. Part of me wanted to leap my programming and kill these imbeciles, rip their throats out with my teeth and, and, but another part of me remembered Ashworths words about diplomacy, so I left the artificial instincts in place. Turning to return to the elevator I was stopped by the guards words, Oh, it already went down. The other one wont be here for another 7 hours. An by then, tha old beutall be alf way da Prime. I smelled blood as my paws clenched tightly. As I took deep breaths my claws slowly retracting from my punctured pads. It was a long wait, made all the worse by being weightless. The guards went into their little booth and I clung to the webbing holding my equipment. It wasnt long before I got used to working in space, probably my old suppressed instincts kicking in. Since I didnt put it past those guards to steal from me I started to take inventory. Even after weeks of exercises I still wasnt quite used to this new battle frame. It was an experimental design. If it worked it would allow me to not only participate in matches in the Crystite Asteroid Field, but would also allow technicians aboard the ArcLight to teleport me via the ArcFold through the Void.

Of course! Why hadnt I thought of that sooner. I began to don my frame, but it was quite difficult without gravity. Using my tail I stabilized myself with the netting. Once I was in I turned on my SIN protocols and linked to the ArcLight. Arc, this is Thorn. Do you read me? Ive been left behind in orbit, but I am prepared to transport aboard via ArcFold. Please respond. I set the message on repeat and ran a diagnostic to ensure the systems were all working properly, though I skipped the weapons fire tests for obvious reasons. Even after the diagnostic was complete I still had no response. Looking at my readout I could see the ArcLights reactors were fully operational and on a slow power up for jump. Remotely accessing the initiation program I started the Personal ArcFold Protocol, but it was quickly canceled. Who is this, how did you get access to these systems? a voice rang across my com. As I said, this is Thorn. The test operator for the Personal ArcFold, sent from the AFHO on orders from Mr Ashworth. Ive been abandoned aboard the tether platform and have been requesting emergency teleport before you jump. Negative, negative. We are already powering up for jump, we cant have you interrupting the sequence. Sir, I am fully aware of your powerup progress, you still have 10 minutes before entering negative flux. Thats plenty of time to bring me aboard. No, it would take half an hour to do the calibration tests, at a minimum. Without those you might die. Fuck the calibration, weve already set the parameters, just teleport me already. Im willing to take the 3% risk. Ok, look, I didnt want to have to tell you this, but we cant let you aboard. You're a bad example to the workers at the colony. So.., just go back to Earth. Learn your place and stop making waves, life will be easier for you that way. After that the link was severed. Twice in one day I have lost the greatest hope of my life to speciesist bigots. I was feeling defeated. I sat in silence for several minutes before reactivating SIN and viewing the local networks. Every channel was abuzz with the launch. It took some time to sift through and find an open line to Australia this high in orbit among all the packed comsats. Sir. The mission was a failure. As we feared the Humanists managed to infiltrate key positions and stopped me from boarding.

Correction young cub, my agents were unable to infiltrate the key positions needed to get you aboard. The Humanists dont need to try, they are already all over. I arranged to have the Captain meet you, but the reposition timetable was moved up and he was stuck on the bridge. As he spoke the shadowy figure walked back and forth behind his dimly lit desk. I tried to ArcFold aboard but I was stopped there as well. Hmm, if we had thought of that sooner Im sure I could have arranged to keep that door open for you. I guess we will have to try again when the ArcLight returns in six to eight months. It was a bit much to hope we could make so much change so quickly, even for me. Sir, dont say such things. You are the Savior of both our species, and others. Shhh, international lines are not that secure. For now, contact Ratchet at the Copacabana Resort. She can get you in with the Accord. See if you can work with them on batlefield deployment via ArcFold. Show them your value, find out who you can trust and who you cant. Ill have my contacts verify and we will prepare for the ArcLights re.... Oh god. No. As the holo vanished I saw what must have so terrified Mr Ashworth. The ArcLight was right outside the window. In seconds the massive ship had transported from lagrangian orbit to high earth orbit, only now the entire engine section appeared ablaze with tendrils of some kind of cosmic flame, and it was descending quickly. While the ship passed a great distance from the tether the tendrils grazed it and the lights flickered as the platforms powergrid switched to full solar mode. Debris shattered the viewing plate as the air blew out into space quickly taking the security guards from their booth. I held firm with all four paws and pulled down with my tail to prevent my hind legs from flailing uselessly. Detecting the drop in pressure my frame activated the Void Protection System. Seeing that the platform was losing power quickly I leapt for the broken window as the blast plating slowly dropped, halting with each surge of power. Once out I fired my plasma cannons and jets spaceward and began to descend. The VPS had never been tested for planetary re-entry, but I knew I had better chances with it than I did with the failing platform I could now see breaking to pieces above me. I could feel earth pulling on me once more as I began accelerating downward. To counter this I began burning my jets as fast as my dual reactor system would allow me to, but it wasnt enough. At these speeds the friction against my quadrupedal frame would generate far too much heat for the VPS to handle. Thinking quickly I switched to my Heavy Machine Gun and activated its shield system below my feet whenever I wasnt burning my jets, this helped slow my acceleration, but the heat was still building. Activating my internal medigel systems to keep from passing out I searched through the SIN. Amid the screams and news reports I managed to find an open line into the Accord

Command controls. Hacking in during the confusion I uploaded the Personal ArcFold Protocol, found a large enough projector, and activated it. I saw the ArcLight detonate as it crashed into some populated area. Meanwhile, I could see the ground coming closer and closer. At these speeds no shield would protect me. I could see the trees becoming distinct entities as the ArcFolds light display came around me. Near as I could tell I must have been only inches from splattering on a mountain side when I found myself surrounded by angry marines. * * *

And that, General, is how I ended up in your LGV garage two days ago.

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