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I dont know why Im here, I already told the therapist everything!

The wolfs voice could be heard all the way down the hallway outside the gymnasium. Whoever he was talking with, however, was too quiet to hear. Everyone sat silently waiting for the last member of the discussion group to arrive. Even the red squirrel, twitching nervously as she fondled the nuts in her pockets. It wasnt long before the door burst open, the grey wolfs foot entering the room before the rest of his bound body. The humans holding his straight jackets chains nearly fell over preventing the wolf from doing the same. OH, I see how it is, youre bringing me out for another trial huh? Which one of you cunts fingered me this time? Eh, ya ass hats? Most of the other morphs in the room, along with the three humans, were quite stunned by his outburst. Quickly the human in charge spoke up, phineas, please, sit down, and be calm. You are all here today for a group therapy session regarding your... desires. Phineas interrupted,, YOU MEAN I GOT IN? Ive been ACCEPTED!?! The wolf collapsed to the floor and the attendants helped him up into his chair. Everyone in here is at various stages of acceptance within the program, the human continued. We have brought you all together to discuss where you see your lives going from here, both before and after your experimental surgeries, should you complete the program and go through with them. Um, lets start by introducing ourselves. Im Professor Shizong... How fitting, since you make people disappear, a bunny piped up with a thick chinese accent. Please state your names, and how long you have been in the program, and why you are here. The bunny twitched his nose and complied, despite the slight to his honor. I am Bianfu. Seeing the look the human gave he continued, but my old owner named me Shoucangpin. I have been here for four months. I am here to become a bat. Slipping into a higher pitched voice with a southern belle accent, the wolf commented from the next chair. Well now, aint we a sorry bunch. Ahm Fiona, but ah was charged fer all mah crimes as Phineas. Now, seein as its mah first day an all, yall mind loosnen up these here bonds? A lady feels mighty vulnerable tied up with so many sexu-al deeviaants around. The humans fastening the chains to the chair shook their heads before the professor shooed them away. As ta why ahm here, ahm a vixen, trapped in the brutish boudy of this here wolf man. We-we-well, Im... SarrahSong, the squirrel chittered. Ive... Ive been here... two weeks. I, I wana be a human appliance.

My names ThornBrier, the white tiger felitaur said confidently. Chakat ThornBrier if you must. Ive been coming here for 5 Earth years. Jus like a Chaeket ta lord over us yer extraterrestrial beein, fiona drawled. Ah thought yall didnt get problums like us normal folk. Phineas, please do not use the word problems to describe your unique desires. And dont give me that eye, I will call you by your chosen name once you have earned that privilege. Its ok prof, I can answer that. I get it all the time. My surgery is coming up, and Ill just be getting it more afterword. My empathy's always been a little.. off. Some call me a rejected model. I dont mind. Id rather not be feeling someone elses full pain as I destroy the things theyve worked so hard for months to build. But Ive still got enough to know when its someone who loves their machine, or someone who bought it as a simple tool. With the empathy went some of the... stability. Ive never noticed, except in my dreams. In my dreams I soar through the purple skies of a distant world. In my dreams I have perfect control of advanced telepathic abilities. I have great draconic wings on my lower back and great feathered wings on my upper, and from behind my ears, little bat wings. I can morph these wings to be anything I desire. And my extra arms... those I miss when I wake up the most. People often look at me funny if they see me wearing the cloth ones with string pulling them under as I move my normal arms. I also tried holding control rods in my paws, but I couldnt walk very well that way. And I sometimes laugh when I see my fans wearing the little wing headbands. Ever since the paparazzi caught me at a Saian party, everyone was wearing them, but they thought it was because my team has those wings in our logo. But I put those wings in that logo for me. My fellow Saians think Im going too extreme getting the surgery. And ya know what, I agree. Thats why last night, looking over the specs of what they were going to do to me, I realized something. I cant get the wings. The techs not ready for it yet. These things wont let me fly, they cant morph, and honestly, they dont even look right. Ill stick to using my Power Armor for flying. But Im still getting the arms. Heck, Id better still get the arms, weve been growing those things at my uncles lab for like three years now. The wolf looked on incredulously, Ya mean ta say yer doin this over a cubs vid? Well, yeah. Hows that any different from you? Its who I am inside. Like, I should be that. I should be a Saia. Its what I am, now Im taking one step to match my outside to my inside. Just because your issues are something humans have been dealing with for thousands of years doesnt mean its . any more right than ours. I told my uncle to allow convicts in the program because I believe everyone should have the chance to be who they are. Transgender, trans

species, new species, even appliances and bots. If its sentient it should get to choose what it is. Thank the creators for making more than just humans on this planet, and all the others, but it doesnt stop with just us. Now that we are possible, we need to do all we can to make our form our choice. Genderism, racism, speciesism, all these and more will be done away with once this project is complete, and me and you are the first and second wave of volunteers to push these experiments forward. Furious, the wolf fought against his bindings, So yer the one behind all this? Yer why Ive been going through a thousand different psych exams? Shes been driving me nuts up in here. Ever since Fiona found out about your stupid little transformation project she wont shut UP! I dont wana be a fox girl. How can I rape anyone if you take my dick?! The orderlies returned and carted the screaming wolf away. Sorry you had to see that everyone. Shizong apologized. We thought there was a chance she was hiding multiple personalities from us. Obviously that disqualifies them from the project. Now we can get back to normal business. Oh, but first, ThornBrier, dont you have some news for Bianfu? Oh, right. All eyes returned to the feline after quickly darting to the rabbit. I was at the lab a week ago checking up on my arms, and your wings were just started. The latic is made of a titanium silicate and they introduced your bone marrow, muscle, and skin cells to it. By now the stem cells should be in place to grow the nerves. Should be starting a few more within another few weeks to make sure nothing goes wrong. Within a few years they should have them ready for you, if ya still want um. The squirrel threw her arms around the rabbit with glee. I can pwactically feel my heating elements exciting in happiness foyou. Um, could you get off me? I am not yet... comfortable... with the idea of being hugged by a heating appliance. Buh Im mor ana heater. Im a full climate control system. Be that as it may, it is the concept of a heater against my fur that so unnerves me. With that, the squirrel skittered back to her seat, and the rabbit bowed his thanks to ThornBrier for the progress report. SarrahSong, the professor inquired, given your facial structure Im not sure, but are you smiling? Before we begin our trust exercises, could you share with us how what Bianfu said made you feel?

Oh, ahm happy! He might not wan me ta hug him, but he accepts me, as an appliance!

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