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Who are you, who am I?

It started so small that no one noticed. News reports from foreign countries worthy of tabloid headlines. First one anybody took serious was the russian police poodle that grew three times his normal size in only a week. All kinds of animals started getting infected, most never changed, just the retarded and trained ones. Those with brain damage tended to become horrible monsters, and the trained mostly just changed size or gained various human features, monsters in their own right. After a month or so even the largest animals stabilized into their new forms. Animal control had to go into overdrive all over the world, even bringing in the military. Many places became uninhabitable, overrun with monstrous beasts and tentacle monsters like some japanese porn came to life. Then came the half-breeds. It was like the laws of genetics had been thrown out the window. All infected animals could breed with each other to generate strange combinations, even if they had remained unchanged themselves. The World Health Organization couldnt get a fix on the virus, every time they tried to analyze its structure it would disintegrate. Worse yet, there was no hope of containing it, the virus was waterborne. At first traveling from animal to animal via saliva, blood, semen, and sweat, but once the concentrations in the ocean got high enough it started to spread by rain fall. No scrubber was found that could filter it, so before long everyone and everything was either infected, or was a carrier. It wasnt until the virus mutated to include aviens that the WHO started panicking about human transformations, but after five years of living with it most of humanity stopped worrying. We were too busy attempting to crossbreed the animals to generate custom pets, mounts, and other wonderous creations. The creator of American Idol started a new reality show to display these creatures, America picked a dragon for their first winner while Britain chose a gryphon, spurring a huge surge in flying lessons across the world. Then came word of the children. The first generation of humans born carrying the virus were manifesting psionic abilities. Telekinesis, empathy, astral projection, teleportation, even the ability to implant thoughts eventually showed up. But even for those without any other power, we all had a special connection to the animals. I was fourteen when the WHO announced that they had finally developed a method to analyze the virus itself, but again, humanity didnt care. When I was sixteen I got my flying licence and I noticed my gryphons second litter was much smarter than her first. That year the WHO revealed that plants were infected as well, but none had been seen mutating yet. Three days ago was my eighteenth birthday, and I sold Arrietty's third litter to buy her a new harness. Not that others could hear it, but she had been complaining through her whole pregnancy about how the old one chafed under her wings. We flew all day until her muscles

were sore, but she loved to feel my emotions when she flew me around, experiencing the awe and wonder of something she took for granted everyday. I lay there, curled around my rifle resting against her belly, enjoying the warm fur and feathers shielding me from the evenings brisk air. She felt my appreciation and started to purr as we watched the sun set behind the mountains that marked the forbidden zone that had once been Salt Lake valley. Gryphons eat a lot, and after my parents died Arrietty was my only source of income. But few people want to buy a mount that still eats meat and grains, preferring the more efficient animals bred to feed off the electric grid directly, and no one wants to hire a flying courier at the prices I need to charge when they can have someone teleport their package instantly for cheaper. Some said I should sell her, spend the money on food for myself. But shes more than a pet, shes not just some beast of burden my parents left me. Weve been together since I was born, we have a special bond, beyond the normal link with animals. Shes more important to me than anyone else in the world, and I would do ANYTHING to stay with her. So it wouldnt be long before we would be hunting in that old urban area, looking for food and anything small and valuable we could take back to the markets of Provorem. Sensing my pride and feelings for her she nuzzled my cheek with her beak and curled her wing around me. I could feel her wishing me sweet dreams as she pretended to doze off herself, but I knew she would have trouble falling asleep while she kept her wing extended. Even after I told her I needed her to get a good night sleep she refused to retract it, fearing I could catch a cold as the temperature continued to plummet in this strange desert. I cant believe I never mentioned my name. Im Kevin, most of my friends call me Kev. We woke up early, just as the sun hit the patch of mountainside we were calling home for the night. I checked our equipment for any damage and we set off. We ran along an old canyon road for some time as we waited for the thermals to get going and for Arrys wings to work out the kings from her odd posture from the nights sleep. Then she ran some more, intentionally letting the anticipation of flight build in me almost to the point of annoyance. Once we were in the air, riding the thermals we both spent far too long enjoying my excitement. But eventually it was time for us to get to work and we settled in a gliding search pattern. Aside from the degree to which the buildings had been overrun by nature things didnt seem all that different in the forbidden zone than the other side of the wall. As we descended we could see that the vegetation was considerably thicker, almost like a dull green rain forest that had grown its canopy to act as camouflage, only looking like desert scrub from the air. At the time I dismissed that thought as impossible.

Looking out for a tall structure with few vines we spotted a wedge shaped building with large yellow letters. Some had fallen off and massive cuts completed its new statement of WELL FuCk you. Though I think the C had previously been a G. Liting upon its worn down helipad we searched the overgrown city below. It would take months or even years for us to search this place thoroughly, and whos to say how much was left from previous looters. I snipped some of the strange feathered serpents above and Arrietty caught them for her breakfast. Once she was full she brought two of them back to the wedge for me to cook up and eat. So at least we had food here until I ran out of ammo. Flying along the floors and floors of shattered windows we realized that if there was anything left of value it would probably be below the thin canopy, down there with the monsters. So clasping my rifle into its urban mode we entered the building and began our descent on foot. Higher up the halls were dusty with shattered concrete and glass strewn everywhere, but each floor we went down it got darker, warmer, and more humid. Eventually we were slashing through more vines than doors. It reminded me of those old vietnam videos, trudging through the swamps, but in closer quarters, and the mud wasnt as deep yet. As we approached the front lobby we heard heavy breathing and scratching. I cut a small path for me to peer around just in time to see a massive black panther sink the fangs of one of its pseudopoded tentacles into a giant king cobras neck just behind its metallic cowl. The cobra thrashed uselessly with its almost human arms trying to release the fangs from its body, but the panther lifted it into the air and smashed it to the ground before they both vanished into a puff of purple smoke. It had never occurred to me that animals could develop psionics too. I waited a while to make sure it wasnt coming back before I expanded the passage for us to move on and out of the building. Once outside our ears were assaulted by a mild cacophonous din, the sounds of so many animals emanating from every direction, interfering with each other, reinforcing one another. It took a few minutes to adjust our ears. During this time I was startled when a furry snake slithered up the knocked over street light I was sitting on. It simply disappeared into the tangle of vines that held the light post in place while Arry calmed me down. Even as amazing as the adventure had been so far I was beginning to wonder if we could pull it off at all. I wasnt a hero, I was just a currier. Other than food Id never fired my gun to kill, but Arrietty assured me that we could do it, if we worked together. She had been bred from several of the finest predators the old word had created, I could draw on her heart, her instincts, just as she drew on my intellect and compassion. Together we pressed forward. Sometimes there was room to ride on her back, and on some of the larger roads we could fly for a stretch, but all over the building entrances were impossible to discern. We couldnt tell what would make good targets and what would be complete duds.

Coming up on a McDonald's I remembered a scent that Arry was smelling, it was the black panther. It appeared above us, but Arry managed to jump and pull me out from under the great beast as it landed. Arry reared up and roared at, clawing at the air in front of its massive eyes. Seeing that it wasnt backing away I readied my rifle but lost focus as we both cried out in pain as we felt her own talons ripping out of her front legs, then her back and neck. The bloody golden bird legs sported razor sharp blades arrayed all over her body as her fight or flight instincts kicked into full battle mode. I could feel her rage, her desire to kill it, to protect me. As her transformation finished I took aim again and shot the recoiling beast between the eyes, but it teleported before the bullet could hit its mark. She took off following its scent down the road headless of my warnings. As I resigned myself to follow her I tripped with my first step. The vines on the road began to ripple and bulge carrying my rifle out of reach as they pulled back on my leg. I knew some intelligence must have been behind this, possibly the same one responsible for the valleys camo canopy. I cried out for whoever it was to show themselves as I attempted to rip free of the fines, but I was only greeted by a blue sunflower head spraying some kind of knock out spores in my face. When I woke I could feel Arry searching for me, but she was so far away I couldnt even tell if she was on the right trail. Nothing I could send at that range would be of any help to her either, all I could see was a hollow shell of green vines lit from below. I was dangling with wrists held where all the vines came together at the top. I flailed around a bit trying to get loose, my feet a few inches off the bottom, but with every motion the vines grasped tighter. He wont need those anymore, a young sounding voice whispered through the chamber. Vines parted just enough to allow others in which began to slither up the insides of my pant legs and shirt sleeves. I had seen enough hentai to know what was coming next so I braced myself for a jolt. Much to my surprise my jacket and pants were carefully unbuckled, my shirt unbuttoned, and each smoothly slid off of my body without issue. A similar procedure was followed for my boots, socks, gloves, and briefs. Only my computer collar remained, but I was so far outside of civilization its signal would never reach anyone, and even if someone did come to the rescue I would have significant criminal charges to face. Curious at what it was recording I mentally tapped into it and found I wasnt the only one doing so. Someone else was downloading all of my private information, all of my journals, my curier records, my movies, and even my porn collections. Realizing that, combined with my peculiar predicament, I suddenly blushed as great quantities of blood were channeled to my nether regions. I suddenly had a new appreciation for the idiom of instaboner. Only one thing could have made this situation hotter save for sex itself.

A young girls green face emerged from the lighted bundle at the base of the chamber as I was lowed toward it, vines grabbing onto my legs. That wasnt it. As my rock hard member approached the young face, her smile widening as I squirmed, I started to scream, NO NO NO, DONT MAKE ME A PEDO!!!! Instantly her mischievous glee turned to contempt. Hey, Kev, Im probably older than YOU! Following her comment she vanished back into the vines. While I was said to look young for my age no one would have accused me of being younger than her. It wasnt long before her voice echoed angrily, Yes, I know, well still get it. After that her murmurs were too soft to make out with my own ears, but if Arry had been there I could have heard it with hers. The face appeared again in its uncomfortable place between my legs. Listen Kev, I know its hard to accept, I look considerably different than what youve likely read, but Im Dr. Aria TSoni, sent here to research the Thorian plants in this valley and I kinda need something from you. I had to snicker at her blatant lie as I went completely flaccid. Of all the names to choose. Ok, Doctor, but... if youre studying the Thorian isnt this the wrong planet? Seriously, of all the files on my computer you picked Mass Effect 5: The Shepherds Legacy? Dont get me wrong, I would so do Dr. TSoni, but shes only the ships VI. In frustration the face vanished again. Idiot, how could you mix up his journals with his game files? Youre not as sorry as youre gunna be you stupid ox moron. Youre exactly why we need him to give up he semen willingly. If it doesnt have his full psionic imprint the children will turn out like YOU! Fine! See if I care! The vines gave a sharp jerk on my wrists as the entire cage shuttered before lowering me to the floor. The hole in the middle opened once more and a pair of yellow feline ears emerged followed by the human face of a woman around my own age with thin black hair. As her eyes came over the ridge she was looking directly at my exposed penis and blushed with a small giggle. Strange as it is, the giggle reminded me to check up on Arrietty. Long ago we had promised each other that when we had sex we would make sure the other was in a place they could deal with the influx of emotions, this usually meant arranging so we could have sex at the same time as each other, which produced a pleasant emotional feedback loop. Given how far apart we were I wasnt sure how clearly she was thinking, let alone what she thought of my earlier hornyness. I was surprised to find how much closer she was, but not as surprised as I was at the power of the musk she was smelling. To me it was disgusting, but to her it triggered her need to mate. I couldnt tell what her surroundings were, but I felt she was waiting on me. Her need was intense, and the teeth on her neck were insistent, but she was refusing until I could join her. My lust had gotten her into that situation, and only my lust could get her out again.

The girl started to speak in a nervous, halting manner, I know its odd to ask, but..., so I interrupted her, Yes, take my semen, whatever way you need to. She looked up at me with a confused expression that contained both inquiry and hurt. I replied with my own frustration, Ok, now I know its odd, but if I dont start getting off soon my bond-mate will have her throat ripped out and currently my hands are occupied by vines, so if you dont mind.... Oh was all she said before she extended her long forked tongue and wrapped it around my manhood, pulling it into her mouth. Between the suckeling and her tongue contractions it wasnt long before I had grown hard again. I attempted to imagine what the rest of her body looked like below me and sent the emotions to Arry, hopping I had acted soon enough. I had my answer as the painful pleasure of a barbed feline cock rammed through her was sent in response. As I joined my voice with her own from miles apart was only vaguely aware of the suckelings cesation on my own member. Before I had finished crying out in pain over her situation I started up again for my own as the neckomimi head I had just been receiving was replaced with a vine slithering down my urethra while others continued to massage the shaft. I was haltingly hauled back up into the middle of the chamber, my legs held apart, as my cock was being milked from the inside. A vine forced its way into my anus and quickly found my prostate to massage from the other end. It was the most exquisite pain I had ever felt in my life, finally my internet dreams were a reality. I began to think on the couple of things that would make the scene complete as my first few loads of cum could be seen traveling down the translucent vines tube. Due to the backdoor massage I kept letting out massive load after load until my balls started to ache, refusing to release any more. Apparently sensing this lack of production the vine extracted itself from my balls. In its passage I was unable to tell if the burning pain this time was my own or Arrys. During my ordeal she had been mounted by at least five different cats of differing sizes, each with their own harsh tactics for mating. While I was sure they wouldnt kill her she would need quite some time to heal from the injuries they were inflicting before I would be able to ride her again, to say nothing of what they had probably done to my brand new riding harness. The vine returned to the tip of my cock once more and wriggled its way in. It started pushing and flexing within me like it was trying to expand the passage. Looking down I saw the cat girls smiling face. The vine from my penis ran right down between her breasts, and there I could see a white orb slowly working it way up the tube, followed by another, and another, each pushing their way past her lovely bosom on its way to me. They were too big, and the anticipation was killing me. Just before one reach my head I felt a similar orb arrive at my backdoor. It pushed its way in as the vine carried it deep into my rectum. Soon it was joined by others, along with the pressure of the one trying to enter my

penis. With a cry of pain the tube forced open my cock to accept the orb and it continued its pleasurable trip up into my bladder, and others joined it on their trips to my balls.

As they arrived I felt my balls shrink and pull up inside my body. Another vine forced its way into my mouth and down my throat, its payload on its way to my stomach.The vine in my butt kept pushing further and further until it started to spill its orbs throughout my intestins. With each orb the warping sensation spread, my body fat burned off quickly in a flash of heat, and once it reached my fingers and toes everything began to change. My entire skeletal structure seemed to be trying to burst out of my flesh as my bones stretched, separated, reformed, and completely rearranged. My bound hands grew more muscular as the digits began to shrink. My fingernails pulled into their fingers, grew, hardened, and extended as large claws. My nose extended with my jaw, the skin pulling away as my teeth fused together. My yell of pain turned to a screech as my vocal cords rearranged giving a more fitting voice to my new beak. This I heard with my reformed feline ears now neatly in the midst of my brown hair atop my head. Perhaps most painful was having my newly grown skeleton force its way out of my back, pushing skin and muscle along with it, to form my enormous featherless wings. I must have looked a monstrosity hanging there, a skinny gryphon with no fur nor feathers, held up by vines as others continued to pump orbs into every orifice. The orbs seemed to pass through my body without much care for the normal biological pathways as they gathered just under the skin everywhere. For a while I looked considerably fat in places that shouldnt be possible, but then it all began to melt away as fur and feathers painfully grew in at an alarming rate. Once I was the perfect specimen of a male gryphon the orbs stopped coming and I was let back down. The entire chamber released, its walls of vines falling past the floor level. Eventually the vine floor descended and opened up to set me on the concrete upon which the cat girl stood wearing only a skirt, her tail swishing back and forth giving away more excitement at the results than her face. I knew it would work. For you anyway. Anyone else and that would have killed them. I looked at her in shock, but given my new facial structure I wasnt sure it that translated very well. I reached out to try and send her an impression of what I was feeling. As I opened up to send it I felt an increased connection with Arrietty. Now that I had most of the same parts she did I could feel her much more precisely. I could see through her eyes as she lay in the panthers den, several of the massive cats sleeping around her, but none so large as their gargantuan

mother we had encountered earlier. The mostly eaten carcase of the metal cobra lay in another corner. The girl spoke again bringing my attention back to her, You see, I read your journals and saw the porn on your collar, which btw, got moved to your wrist since your neck is too big now, and I knew that instead of overloading your body and mind your desires would keep it in check and allow you to complete the transformation. Normally it takes a couple weeks to do what you just did in only an hour. So, this is proof of concept, now I just need to find a safer way to introduce the mass elixir for people without your... proclivities. Oh, and be careful what you imagine yourself as, the virus is still working. Id say you probably have about a month before your form is set, but the more you change the more you will need to eat, and the quicker you change the more it will hurt, but I dont think that will be a problem for you. And be careful of random transformation ideas, think of how you want the biology arranged for it or you might have some unpleasant results. Like those talons hidden across your body, thats going to hurt when they come out, every time they come out, and I dont see how you could remain healthy keeping them extended either, ew, just, ew. I tried to interrupt her prattling several times, but she wouldnt stop to my squawks and growls. We really need to figure out the details of this new virus before it hits the general populous. This thing is going to have some far reaching consequences. Older adults like myself cant control the transformation, just becoming what we imagine as our ideal self, while the younger generation, like you and Matty, can become literally anything you can imagine yourselves as, either instinctively or via biology training. I took what she said to heart and tried to imagine having the vocal chords needed to speak once more. And of course with some people becoming more like the other animals of the world the typical taboos will begin to slip and human crossbreeds will be inevitable, so we need to understand those as well. Thats why we needed your seed with a positive psionic imprint. We have so many experiments we need to run and needed to be able to run a comparison from preinfection to post-infection. Make no mistake, this virus will be going global. Not as fast as last time, because this one is fighting with the old version humans already carry, but this one is stronger, it will win out. My co-workers and I at the WHO knew it was only a matter of time before this mutation happened, or something like it. Im Dr. Sanderson, Jonathan Sanderson, but you can call me Sandy. Weve been working on this for decades.

Between her rapid speech I finally managed to make a few attempts at talking. Whaold ara. I managed to stammer through my beak as my throat was still rearranging. The hardest part was getting my tongue to form the proper sounds without teeth. If you were asking how old I am Im 54, but I always felt I was a young woman trapped in an old mans body, so the virus made me the young woman. If that was who are you, well, I just answered that, so thats probably not what you were asking. Keep practicing, youll get it eventually. Just keep in mind your time limit and your transformations fuel requirments. If you change too much youll get ravenously hungry and either start eating away your own body or drive yourself insane with hunger. Thats another one of our worries. What will happen if people do change too much, will they start turning and eating each other? And what about the social norms when the virus, in its attempt to spread, hyper-activates our desires to breed? As it is just standing here Im having trouble keeping myself from seducing you into using that new cock of yours on me, but I need you to recharge so we can take a proper post-infection sample for comparison. So in the name of science and improving humanity I am restraining my desires. Now, you said something about your bond-mate getting her throat torn out. Yes, that thought will keep the desires down. Did she survive? Where is she? Is she safe? Are you still in contact with her? Is she human or gryphon? Did her mental imprint affect how you transformed? If shes a gryphon it probably did, which could have some interesting results on our postinfection tests. I will need to be sure to check for a second psionic imprint to be sure. After a couple more tries, during which she looked at me as if she was just bursting with more to say, I finally managed to inform her, Ye, shsh wif panferf. Oh, shes with the panthers? And shes a gryphon? Ok, so, I take it theyve been mating with her. Probably easiest if we knock them all out and carry her out with the vines. They respond to psionic impulses by the way, they cant think on their own. A lot of what they were doing to you in there was your own doing. I certainly wouldnt have thought of most of that. And yes, once the virus takes hold in humans and smarter animals we all get psionics, though I havent seen much of an increase in the psionic powers of humans who already had them before being infected. I could feel Arrys mind grow distant as she drifted off to sleep. Ive been suspecting the matriarch of the panthers was actually a human because Ive never seen any of the other animals manifest as powerfully as she does. Not to mention the uncanny resemblance to a specific RPG creature that she shares. Thats one reason I am making sure to use the knock out spores on her extra heavy. Wouldnt want her to interfere with my control of the vines.

I wonder what types of hybrid creation your Arrietty will give birth to. Ive always wanted to study the panthers children but Matty and OxyMouse dont like that idea. But now that your bond-mate is safe in my care her next litter might be the first human/non-human crossbreeds we didnt create that we can study, and the first second generation cross-breeds at that. Understandably I will need to keep you in lock down, and we will be accelerating her pregnancy. So many tests to run, so little time. Now, while the vines take you off to your new room I really need to get myself off. Maybe Mouse will be in the mood for some asphyxiation play. I tried to protest and ask questions but she spoke so quickly it took me awhile to register anything she said. Before I could react the vines held me fast and dragged me off to another room. I think it had once been a luxury suit in a fine hotel, but even with the attempted renovations it still showed signs of the deterioration of the years of exposure to nature. The familiar surroundings and the quantities of food reminded me that my new form was ill suited to life among humans. I remembered the difficulties Arry had with our technology even borrowing my reasoning skills. To that end I made a list of changes I would need to undergo. First I took my knowledge of biology and reworked my stomach to be more efficient with digesting foods. Then I eat and eat as I extended my torso, neck, and spine. Once my neck was long enough I forced myself to grow arms and hands. It was during this transformation that my pain was joined by Arrys as I felt her pregnancy move from stage to stage in a matter of hours. Her womb filled with those little orbs of mass elixir Dr. Sandy had used on me. I finished up my transformation list by making my beak more flexible and restoring my teeth and tongue for easier speech. Then the lot of you little cubs were brought in here by the vines and I started telling you the story of how you came to be. But, since your mother is still being treated for her injuries Ive had to grow these rows of breasts you all are drinking from. But dont expect me to keep them, even as nice as this feels I intent to be raising you as a father, not your mother. I just hope my Arrietty gets back before this becomes permanent.

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