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Mga Kwento Ng Kalayaan
GUIDELINES FOR MONOLOGUE WRITERS General Length of monologue (when performed): 4 minutes Approximate page length: 2-3 double-spaced pages; font size 11, Calibri Performance: Writers of the monologues may or may not perform their own pieces. If you feel uncomfortable about performing, you may look for (or LeAP can look for) a suitable actor to perform your monologue. Language: English or Filipino Submissions should be sent to Due to limited slots, not all monologues will be featured. All submitted monologues will have to undergo a selection process. Schedule Submission of monologues is open from December 8, 2012 to January 6, 2013. Communication with authors of selected monologues will be done the following week. Schedule of actual performance/s will be announced. Tips for Writing Your Monologue Possible topics and questions to think about: - coming out to yourself - coming out to your parents and friends - coming out in the workplace - first relationship - misconceptions and stereotypes youve encountered - what was the hardest part in coming out? the easiest? - if you could go back to the time you came out, what would you have wanted to do it differently? - what is your message to people who are afraid to come out? - are there moments when you find yourself going in and out of the closet?

Try to focus on one key experience or set of related experiences. Think about what that experience means to you and how you want other people to relate to that. Consider your audience. Since the performance venues are schools, bars and other public spaces, you are guaranteed to get a mixed audiencesome may be more open-minded or knowledgeable of LGBT issues than others. Write in a way that everyone can understand and appreciate. Read your writing out loud. It helps in figuring out how to fine-tune your monologue.

Hubad: Mga Kwento Ng Kalayaan is based on UC Riversides (UCR) Coming Out Monologues in 2007. Forms and guidelines used are based on templates provided by UCR and Texas A&M University.

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