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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 75


Dcembre 2012
Marginalia est publi 4 fois par an par NORBERT SPEHNER 565, rue de Provence, Longueuil, J4H 3R3 (Qubec/Canada)

Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gnralits prsente des ouvrages dans lesquels on mlange les genres, les inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le film daventures, lhumour et le comique, la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que certaines curiosits ditoriales...

zwischen Produzenten und Nutzern immer flieender werden. So ergibt sich ein facettenreicher Blick auf einen wesensbestimmenden Erzhltypus der Populrkultur. LAPPRAND, Marc, Trois pour un. Une lecture volutionniste de loeuvre de Martin Wickler, Qubec, Presses de lUniversit du Qubec, 2012, 192 pages. Prface dAnne Roche. Cet essai couvre les quelque quarante livres publis par lauteur entre 1989 et 2011, dans toute leur diversit. Aux lecteurs fidles de loeuvre de Martin Winckler, le livre suscitera de nouvelles interprtations ou ouvrira dautres portes dentre ; ceux qui ne la connaissent pas encore, il incite la dcouvrir et lapprcier. Il espre enfin dmontrer quune nouvelle discipline prometteuse est en train de fconder la critique littraire. LAWTOO, Nidesh (ed.), Conrads Heart of Darkness and Contemporary Thought : Revisiting the Horror with LacoueLabarthe, London, Bloomsbury, 2012, ,xi, 284 pages. LEANE, Elizabeth, Antartica in Fiction : Imaginative Narratives of the Far South, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2012, xi, 250 pages LEE, Jamie Shinhee (ed.), English in Asian Popular Culture, Hong Kong University Press, 2012, xii, 275 pages. RISS (direction ditoriale), Charlie Hebdo : les 20 ans, 1992-2012, Paris, Les chapps, 2012, 319 pages. Prface de Bernard Maris, Textes de Charb, dessins de Cabu, Wolinski, Willem, et al. MINI-DOSSIER : LLE

AHLS, Nils & Benjamin FAU, Les 101 meilleures sries tlvise, Paris, Pierre Rey, 2012, 293 pages. [La DVDthque idale] A SIGNALER ARNAUD, Nol, Francis LACASSIN, Jean TORTEL (dir.), La Paralittrature, Paris, Hermann, (Cerisy Archives) : littrature), 2012, 466 pages. Reproduction en fac-simil dun ouvrage paru en 1967 : Entretiens sur la paralittrature, Paris, Plon, 1967. Actes dun fameux colloque de Cerisy. BEIERL, Barbara Hardy, An Empathic Literary Analysis of Jack Londons Call of the Wild : Understanding Life from an Animals Point of View, Lewiston (NY), Edwin Mellen Press, 2012, 240 pages. BORDONO, Carlo (dir.), La Paura e limmaginaro sociale nella letteratura. 3 : il romanzo industriale, Napoli, Liguri, 2012, 312 pages. BERKOVE, Lawrence Ivan (ed.), Jack London, Pasadena (CA), Salem Press, 2012, xiii, 392 pages. KELLETER, Frank (dir.), Populre Serialitt : Narration Evolution Distinktion : zum seriellent Erzhlen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2012, 406 pages. Wie lsst sich die starke Verbreitung von seriellen Erzhlungen seit dem 19. Jahrhundert erklren? Welche neuen Erzhlformate werden durch Serialisierung geschaffen? Wie beeinflussen populre Serien unsere Wahrnehmung und Strukturierung sozialer Realitt? Die Beitrge in diesem Band gehen diesen Fragen nach und zeigen u.a., welche Wandlungen Serienfiguren durchlaufen, wenn sie in neue Medien bertragen werden, oder wie bei lang laufenden Serien die bergnge

ACQUISTO, Joseph, Crusoes and Other Castways in Modern French Literature : Solitary Adventures, Newark, University of

Delaware Press & Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield, 2012, ix, 271 pages. CAVAGNA, Mattia (dir.), Lle dans la littrature, Tornhout, Brepols, (Les Lettres romanes), 2012, 345 pages. COOPER-RICHET, Diana & Carlota VINCENSPUJOL (dir.), De lle relle lle fantasme. Voyages, littrature(s) et insularit (XIIe XXe sicles), Paris, Nouveau Monde ditions, 2012, 281 pages. L'le, source dimaginaires multiples, a donn naissance des produits culturels de toutes sortes : relations de voyages des XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles, uvres romanesques des XIXe et XXe sicles, littrature pour la jeunesse, guides touristiques et missions de tlvision. Elle est lorigine de bien des fantasmes collectifs. Paradis ou territoire maudit, vritable espace des possibles, lle invite aussi bien laventure qu la mise lpreuve, linitiation, comme la robinsonnade , dans le merveilleux dcor de la nature.


BARNETT, Barbara, La Chasse aux zbres : le guide non autoris du Dr House, Varennes, ditions Ada, 2012, 568 pages. DUMAS, Chris, Un-American Psycho : Brian de Palma and the Political , Bristol, Chicago, Intellect, 2012, xiii, 240 pages. EPSTEIN, Jerry, Charlie Chaplin : portrait indit dun pote vagabond, Rome, Gremese, 2012, 219 pages. ELIOT, Marc, Michael Douglas : A Biography, New York, Random House, 2012, 352 pages. ELIOT, Marc, Steve McQueen : A Biography, New York, Random House, 2012, 368 pages. GARCIA, Tristan, Six Feet Under : nos vies sans destin, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, 164 pages. GAUTHIER, Brigitte (dir.), Kubrick, les films, Montpellier, LEntretemps, 2012, 148 pages. GAUTHIER, Brigitte (dir.), Kubrick, les musiques, Montpellier, LEntretemps. 2012, 144 pages. GHERIG, Wes D., Robert Wise : Shadowlands, Indianapolis, Indiana Historical Society Press, 2012, 345 pages GENGARO, Christine Lee, Listening to Stanley Kubrick : The Music in his Films, 2012, 316 pages. GOTTLIEB, Carl, The Jaws Log, New York, Newmarket, (Newmarket Insider Filmbooks), 2012, 224 pages. GROSS, Aaron (ed.), Animals and the Human Imagination : A Companion to Animal Studies, New York, Chichester, Columbia University Press, 2012, xiv, 371 pages. HISSNAUER, Christian & Thomas KLEIN (dir.), Klassiker der Fernsehserie, Stuttgart, Reclam Verlag, 2012, 400 pages. Wer mit Flipper Kind war, in Person von Ekel Alfred und seiner dussligen Kuh auch ber die eigenen Eltern lachte, wer schon ein bisschen mit schlechtem Gewissen keine Folge Dallas versumte, der teilt die Generationenerfahrung der Baby Boomer. Wer hingegen die Lindenstrae zur Nachbarschaft zhlt, mit den Twin Peaks die Eltern verprellte und ganz ohne Skrupel die Sopranos goutiert, der ist eine halbe Menschengeneration und mehrere Fernsehalter jnger. Fernsehserien prgen Mediengenerationen und bleiben manchmal unvergesslich. Der Band versammelt die groen Klassiker des Genres und stellt sie in einlsslichen Artikeln dar, die Serien mit Kultstatus, die Serien mit gesell-

DES NOUVELLES DE JACQUES STERNBERG (Source : Bernard French Keogh) 2013 devrait tre l'anne de la biographie conue par Jean-Pol Sternberg. Elle sera galement l'anne de la publication d'une introduction gnrale l'uvre de l'auteur de La gomtrie dans l'impossible sous le titre "un absent trs prsent" et dont nous proposons ici une premire srie de rubriques . Faisant suite aux dernires rditions dans l'actualit ditoriale belge francophone (Mijade) ainsi qu'aux approches savantes de Sandrine Leturcq sur le concept de terreur chez J.S., ces ouvrages devraient enfin permettre de valoriser un crivain encore ingalement connu. C'est un beau cadeau que nous fait Eric Dejaeger en nous proposant cette dition rare du "petit prcis de l'histoire du futur" en autodition comme l'est celle des contes et gags ou aphorismes publis par nous sous le titre "trafic de cadavres". On pourra comparer l'dition originale de cette conjecture avec celles dites par Fiction ou dans la collection Prsence du futur ou avec la dernire mouture dans le recueil 188 contes rgler. A lire sur le site, au chapitre Itinraires /un absent trs prsent A lire sur le site, au chapitre Documentation/ reproduction

schaftsgeschichtlicher Aussagekraft, die Serien, die wir nicht vergessen, von Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone bis zu Sex and the City und 24. HORTON, Andrew & Joanna E. RAPF (ed.), A Companion to Film Comedy, Malden (Mass.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 571 pages. IMRE, Aniko, Timothy HAVENS & Katalin LUSTYIK (eds.), Popular Television in Eastern Europe during and since Socialism, London, Routledge, 2013, 285 pages. This collection of essays responds to the recent surge of interest in popular television in Eastern Europe. This is a region where television's transformation has been especially spectacular, shifting from a state-controlled broadcast system delivering national, regional, and heavily filtered Western programming to a deregulated, multi-platform, transnational system delivering predominantly American and Western European entertainment programming. JULLIER, Laurent & Barbara Laborde, Greys Anatomy : du coeur au care, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, 150 pages. LOCKE, Brian, Racial Stigma on the Hollywood Screen : The Orientalist Buddy Film, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 222 pages. Introduction: Threes a Crowd: Crash (2004) *Strange Fruit: Bataan (1943) *White and Black to the Brink: China Gate (1957), Pork Chop Hill (1959), All the Young Men (1960) *The Blaxploitation Buddy Film *The Orientalist Buddy Film in the 1980s and 1990s: Flash Gordon (1980), Lethal Weapon (1987-1998), Rising Sun (1993) * The Orientalist Buddy Film and "The New Niggers": Blade Runner (1982, 1992, and 2007)*"Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto": The Matrix (1999) and the Virtual Asian * Pearl Harbor Eclipsed?: The Last Samurai (2003) McGILLIGAN, Patrick, Nicholas Ray : The Glorious Failure of an American Director, New York, It Books, 2012, 552 pages. Nicholas Ray spent the glory years of his career creating films that were dark, emotionally charged, and haunted by social misfits and bruised young people consumed by private anguishfrom his career-defining debut, They Live by Night (1948), to his enduring masterwork, Rebel Without a Cause (1955); from the noir thriller In a Lonely Place (1950), pairing his second wife, the blond bombshell Gloria Grahame, with

Humphrey Bogart, to cult pictures like Johnny Guitar (1954) and Bigger Than Life (1956). Yet his work on-screen is more than matched by the passions and struggles of his personal storyone of the most dramatic lives of any major Hollywood filmmaker. McGOWAN, Todd, The Fictional Christopher Nolan, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2012, 242 pages. From Memento and Insomnia to the Batman films, The Prestige, and Inception, lies play a central role in every Christopher Nolan film. Characters in the films constantly find themselves deceived by others and are often caught up in a vast web of deceit that transcends any individual lies. The formal structure of a typical Nolan film deceives spectators about the events that occur and the motivations of the characters. While Nolan's films do not abandon the idea of truth altogether, they show us how truth must emerge out of the lie if it is not to lead us entirely astray. McKINNEY, Devin, The Man who Saw a Ghost : The Life and Work of Henry Fonda, New York, St. Martins Press, 2012, 448 page. MOULLET, Luc, Cecil B. deMille : lempereur du mauve, Nantes, Capricci, 2012, 213 pages. NEIBAUR, James L., The Silent Films of Harry Langdon, 1923-1928, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2012, 233 pages. NESSEL, Sabine (dir.), Der Film und das Tier : Klassifizierungen, Cinephilien, Philosophien, Berlin, Bertz + Fischer, 2012, 160 pages. NCHTERN, Klaus, Buster Keaton ode die Liebe zur Geometrie : Komik in Zeiten der S a c h l i c h k e i t , Wien, Zsolnay, 2012, 318 pages.

OKUDA, Ted & James L. NEIBAUR, Stan Without Laurel : The Stan Laurel Solo Films, 1917-1927, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, viii, 240 pages.

OFNER, Astrid Johanna, Fritz Lang : eine Retrospektive der Viennale und des sterreichischen Filmmuseums, Wien, Schren Verlag, 2012, 206 pages. PFEIFFER, Susanne, et al. (dir.), You Killed me First : The Cinema of Transgression, Kln, Knig Verlag, 2012, 175 pages. PRINZLER, Hans H., Licht and Schatten : die grossen Stumm-und Tonfilme der Weimarer Republik. 335 Filmbilder von Mutter Krause bis Dr. Mabuse, Mnchen, Schrimer Mosel, 2012, 307 pages. RITTAUD-HUTINET, Jacques, Les Frres Lumire : laventure du cinma, Bire, ditions Cabdita, 2012, 334 pages. SCHICKEL, Richard, Steven Spielberg : une Rtrospective, Paris, La Martinire, 2012, 278 pages. STROBEL, Beate, Gert Frbe : vom Stehgeiger zum Goldfinger, Wien, Braumller, 2012, 191 pages. [Biographie de celui qui immortalisa le mchant Goldfinger] TAYLOR, Matt, Jaws : Memories from Marthas Vineyard, London, Titan Books, 2012, 312 pages. Packed with previously unseen photographs, and complete with a Foreword by Steven Spielberg, Jaws: Memories from Marthas Vineyard is one of the most impressive behind the scenes books ever produced, and is a must-have for the worldwide legions of Jaws fans who just cant get enough of the greatest action-adventure picture of all time. TREBUIL, Christophe, Un cinma aux mille visages : le film pisodes en France, Paris, Association franaise de recherche sur lhistoire du cinma, 2012, 320 pages. En France, le film pisodes constitue durant prs de deux dcennies (1915-1932) un type de production apprci du public ; il mobilise des ralisateurs majeurs tels Germaine Dulac, Jean Epstein, ou encore Louis Feuillade, lun des grands matres du genre. Rpondant au roman-feuilleton littraire, le film pisodes propose un rcit dcoup en parties distinctes. Chaque semaine, en salles, les spectateurs fidles peuvent suivre les aventures de leurs hros. Souvent en qute de trsors disparus ou de malfaiteurs en fuite, le personnage type de ces productions dfie tous les dangers. Lanc par le srial amricain, le film pisodes franais devient un phnomne de masse trs pris par le public, soulevant rgulirement des dbats virulents travers la presse gnraliste et spcialise.

TUETH, Michael, Reeling with Laughter : American Film Comedies, from Anarchy to Mockumentary, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2012, 228 pages. VAUX, Sara Anson, The Ethical Vision of Clint Eastwood, Grand Rapids (Mich.), William B. Eerdmans, 2012, xvii, 259 pages. Machine generated contents note: I.The Angel of Death (The Avenging Angel) -- High Plains Drifter -- The Outlaw Josey Wales -- Pale Rider -- Unforgiven -- II.The Mysteries of Life -Mystic River -- Million Dollar Baby -Changeling -- Bird -- III.Eternal War or the Dawn of Peace? -- Flags of Our Fathers -Letters from Iwo Jima -- Gran Torino -Invictus -- IV.Hereafter: Eastwood and the Reconciling Community -- Hereafter: Beyond a Perfect World? -- The Gathering, the Meal, and the Reconciling Community -- Another Clint.

VOGEL, Michelle, Lupe Vlez : The Life and Career of Hollywoods Mexican Spitfire , Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, vii, 238 pages. WINCKLER, Martin, Petit loge des sries tlvises, Paris, Gallimard, (Folio), 2012, 116 pages. YU, Sabrina Qiong, Jet Li : Chinese Masculinity and Transnational Film Stardom, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2012, viii, 216 pages. Christophe Triolet nous informe de la parution imminente du no 13 de Darkness Fanzine consacr la politique, la religion et la censure au cinma en France.


from 20 countries have created a guide that will be indispensable for generations of readers and writers. From Agatha Christie to Lee Child, from Edgar Allan Poe to P. D. James, from Sherlock Holmes to Hannibal Lecter and Philip Marlowe to Lord Peter Wimsey, Books to Die For brings together the cream of the mystery world for a feast of reading pleasure, a treasure trove for those new to the genre and for those who believe that there is nothing new left to discover. A SIGNALER CASTA, Isabelle-Rachel, Pleins feux sur le polar, Paris, Klincksieck, (50 questions), 2012, 205 pages. Et cest l lide forte de ce livre : en un sicle et demi, mesure que sloignait lancien canon des frontires du littraire, le dire policier est devenu la mre de tous les rcits. Il leur a transmis son esthtique, ses propres registres dattente et de rception, et il imprime son rythme (nigme-leurres-indicesrsolution partielle-dnouement) la posture mentale de gnrations entires. COLLECTIF, LEspion O espiao, in SIGILA, Association Gris-France, no 30, automne-hiver 2012, 190 pages. Du chevalier d'on aux camras de surveillance, en passant par Vermeer, le baron de Batz, Goudar et le tremblement de terre de Lisbonne Les articles composant ce numro 30 portent sur des poques et des pays varis. Quelques questions sont rcurrentes : y a-t-il un lien entre l'espionnage et lcriture, entre lespionnage et la fiction ? Quest-ce qui distingue lespion du dtective, du policier ? Des notions courent dune contribution une autre : la surveillance, la vue, lcoute, la dissimulation et le dguisement, lombre. A SIGNALER DUPERRAY, Max, La Lame et la Plume Une littrature de Jack lventreur, Paris, LHarmattan, (Sang maudit), 2012, 258 pages. La fiction de Jack l'Eventreur, si abondante depuis l'origine, n'avait pas encore t recense, sauf un niveau bibliographique peut-tre. La lecture raisonne de ce corpus mritait d'tre entreprise. L'auteur propose, travers des textes anglophonnes et francophonnes, publis depuis plus d'un sicle, un parcours dans les genres voires les coles raliste, fantastique merveilleux ou socail, policier, historique no-victorien, potique ou mtaphysique... qui traduisent la fascination

BAKER, Peter & Deborah SHALLER (eds.), Detecting Detection ; International Perspectives on the Uses of a Plot, New York, Continuum, 2012, 184 pages. Contributors Editors' Introduction 1. The Detection Plot as a Means of Testimony in Ann-Marie MacDonald's The Way the Crow Flies : Heta Pyrhnen 2. Is The Savage Detectives A Detective Story? Peter Baker 3. Detectivism as a Means of Resistance in Juan Marse's El embrujo de Shanghai : AnnaMaria Medina 4. Two Men Walk into a Bar : Michelle Robinson 5. Espionage and the War on Secrecy and Terror in Graham Greene and Beyond : Sofia Ahlberg 6. The Stories We All Tell: The Function of Language and Knowledge in Julia Kristeva's Novel Possessions : Rossitsa Terzieva-Artemis 7. Zen Keytsch: Mystery Handymen with Dragon Tattoos : Sheng-Mai Ma 8. Knowing the Unknowable: Detecting Metaphysics and Religion in Crime Fiction : Kim Toft Hansen 9. African Initiation Narratives and the Modern Detective Novel : Amadou Kon CONNOLLY, John & Declan BURKE (eds.), Books to Die For : The Worlds Greatest Mystery Writers on the Worlds Greatest Mystery Novels, New York, Atria/Emily Bestler Books, 20120, 560 pages. In the most ambitious anthology of its kind yet attempted, the worlds leading mystery writers have come together to champion the greatest mystery novels ever written. In a series of personal essays that often reveal as much about the authors and their own work as they do about the books that they love, 119 authors

prenne pour une affaire toujours la lisire de l'histoire et du mythe. Je me permets de rappeler ici ma bibliographie des fictions de Jack lventreur disponible sur le site de la revue Alibis, ladresse suivante :

HCKER, Arne, Epistemologie des Extremen : Lustmord in Kriminologie und Literatur um 1900, Mnchen, Padenborn, Fink, 2012, 222 pages. JAMES, Bill, Popular Crime : Reflections on the Celebration of Violence, New York, Scribners, 2012, 512 pages. JOHNSON, Tom, et al., The Phantom Detective Companion, Boston, Altus Press, 2012, 416 pages. The longest-running hero of the pulp era! For the first time, the history of the Phantom Detective is bought under one volume, completely updated! Includes an index to nearly 175 stories, 100s of pages of articles, two unused Phantom story plots from the mid1930s and nearly all of the Phantom's comic book appearances. It's 400 pages of must-own information for any pulp fan to enjoy. KABATCHNIK, Amnon, Blood on the Stage, 1975-2000 : Milestones Plays of Crime, Mystery and Detection, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2012, 646 pages. In Blood on the Stage, 1975-2000: Milestone Plays of Crime, Mystery, and Detection: An Annotated Repertoire, Amnon Kabatchnik provides an overview of the most important and memorable theatrical works of crime and detection of this period. Continuing the work of his previous volumes (1900-1925, 1925-1950, and 1950-1975), Kabatchnik describes more than 80 full-length plays produced in the last quarter of the 20th century, with an emphasis on New York and London performances. LEGROS CHAPUIS, Elizabeth, Des femmes dans le noir, Paris, le Coin du Canal, (Dveloppons), 2012, 178 pages. Aujourd'hui, cest un fait, de nombreux auteurs de romans policiers sont des femmes. Dans la priode 1975-2000, sur laquelle porte cette tude (focalise sur les auteurs de langue anglaise), leur nombre sest fortement accru : cest cette poque que sont apparus, ou se sont confirms, des noms comme P.D. James et Ruth Rendell, Frances Fyfield, Val McDermid, Minette Walters, au Royaume-Uni et aux USA

Sue Grafton, Sara Paretsky, Elizabeth George, Patricia Cornwell, Donna Leon, et bien dautres._Pendant ce quart de sicle, le contenu de leurs rcits, leurs personnages, leur style dcriture ont beaucoup volu. Lobjectif de ce livre : cerner leur spcificit, analyser comment les nouvelles venues conservent, dtruisent ou subvertissent les strotypes du genre, ses langages et ses structures narratives. tudier comment elles rendent compte de lvolution sociale de la priode concerne. En somme, tenter de dcrire ce quest ou nest pas une criture fminine du roman policier la fin du XXe sicle. MELLEY, Timothy, The Covert Sphere : Secrecy, Fiction, and the National Security State, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2013, 304 pages. The Covert Sphere traces these consequences from the Korean War through the War on Terror, examining how a regime of psychological operations and covert action has made the conflation of reality and fiction a central feature of both U.S. foreign policy and American culture. Melley interweaves Cold War history with political theory and original readings of films, television dramas, and popular entertainments-from The Manchurian Candidate through 24-as well as influential writing by Margaret Atwood, Robert Coover, Don DeLillo, Joan Didion, E. L. Doctorow, Michael Herr, Denis Johnson, Norman Mailer, Tim O'Brien, and many others. MICHAELIS, Bob Tao, Verdens bedste krimier, Copenhagen, Forlaget Rosenkilde & Bahnhof, 2012, 199 pages. [Les meilleurs romans policiers au monde / the worlds best mystery fiction] Verdens 40 bedste kriminalromaner er en forrygende gennemgang af de helt store vrker indenfor en genre, der i de seneste r har indtaget Europa med storm, nemlig kriminalromanen. I en velafbalanceret blanding af ekspertise, personlig smag og genremssig lidenskab gennemgr krimiekspert Bo Tao Michalis sin selvformulerede hitliste over verdenslitteraturens strste krimiskatte. Essaysamlingen er bde en appetitvkker til den der endnu ikke har vovet sig helt ind krimiens intrigante baggrd men kan samtidig give den mere krimikyndige et gldeligt gensyn med gamle venner og fjender, hvad end det drejer sig om piberygende gentlemen, hrdkogte amerikanere eller charmerende psykopater.

NICOL, Bran, Eugene McNULTY & Patricia PULHAM (eds.), Crime Culture : Figuring Criminality in Fiction and Film, New York, Continuum, 2012, 256 pages. Acknowledgements \ Contributors \ Introduction: Crime Culture and Modernity Bran Nicol, Patricia Pulham, Eugene McNulty \ Part 1 Breaking Boundaries: Games, Art & the Image \ Playing Dead: Crime as a Social System Mark Seltzer \ Psychopathology as a Game: J.G. Ballard and Conceptual Crime Benjamin Noys \ Crime, Abjection, Transgression and the Image John Lechte \ Part 2: Revisiting Noir \ The Female Side of Crime:Film Noir's Femme Fatale and The Dark Side of Modernity Elisabeth Bronfen \ Post-war American Noir: Confronting Fordism Andrew Pepper \ Part 3: Vixens and Victims: Criminal Femininities \ Dead Dolls and Deadly Dames: The Cover Girls of American True Crime Publishing Lee Horsley \ Contemporary African American Women's Crime and Mystery Novels Linden Peach \ Part 4 : Angels of Death: Criminal Masculinities \ Killer Boys: Male Friendship and Criminality in The Butcher Boy, Elephant and Boy A Praic Finnerty \ The Angel of Death: Targetting the Hitman Andrew Spicer \ Part 5: Reading the Criminal Other \ Risk Management: Frank Abagnale, Jr. and the Shadowing of Pleasure Christopher Wilson \Police Thy Neighbour: Crime Culture and the Rear Window Paradigm Bran Nicol \ Index POWELL, Steven (ed.), 100 American Crime W r i t e r s , New York, Palgrave Macmillan, (Crime File), 2012, 392 pages. From Edgar Allan Poe to James Ellroy, crime writers have provided some of the most popular, controversial, acclaimed and disturbing works in American literature. 100 American Crime Writers provides critical biographies of some of the greatest and most important crime writers in American history. Both an important scholarly work and an enjoyable read accessible to a wider audience, this addition in Palgrave's Crime Files series includes discussion of the lives of key crime writers, as well as analysis of the full breadth and scope of the genre - from John Dickson Carr's Golden Age detective stories to Raymond Chandler's hardboiled Philip Marlowe novels, Ed McBain's 87th Precinct police procedurals to Megan Abbott's modern day reimagining of the femme fatale. Drawing on some of the best and most recent scholarship in the field, all of the key writers and themes of the genre are discussed in this comprehensive study of one of the most fascinating and popular of literary genres.

SETTON, Roman, Los origines de la narrativa policial en la Argentina : reception y transformacion de modelos gnerico alemanes franceses e ingleses, Madrid, Iberoamericana & Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2012, 285 pages. Este libro analiza los inicios de la narrativa policial argentina (Ral Waleis, Paul Groussac, Eduardo L. Holmberg, Horacio Quiroga, Vicente Rossi, los casos de Mr. Le Blond) desde dos perspectivas complementarias: en relacin con las tradiciones anteriores y contemporneas de la literatura policial y criminal (mile Gaboriau, E. T. A. Hoffmann, Heinrich von Kleist, Poe, Collins, Dickens, Doyle), a partir de la serie de la literatura nacional con especial atencin al policial y el contexto sociopoltico en que se inscribe. SIMON, David, Baltimore, une anne dans les rues meurtrires, Paris, Sonatine, 2012, 936 pages. Ed. or. : Homicide : A Year on the Killing Streets. adapt par la suite en srie tlvise sous le titre The Wire. Baltimore, fin du sicle dernier. Une des villes au taux de criminalit le plus lev des tatsUnis. Journaliste au Baltimore Sun, David Simon a suivi pendant un an, jour aprs jour, les inspecteurs de lunit des homicides de la ville. Depuis le premier coup de fil annonant un meurtre jusqu au classement du dossier, David Simon tait l, inlassablement, derrire l paule des enquteurs, sur les scnes de crime, dans les salles dinterrogatoire, au service des urgences... De ce document exceptionnel natra, quelques annes plus tard, la srie Sur coute, aujourdhui lgendaire, que David Simon a crite en collaboration avec George Pelecanos, Richard Price et Dennis Lehane. TOLAN, Fiona (ed.), Literature, Migration and the War on Terror , London, Routledge, 2012, xii, 163 pages. Foreword Part 1: Migration and Terrorism 1. Introduction 2. Salman Rushdie and the war on terror 3. Migrating from terror: The postcolonial novel after September 11 4. Eterror: Computer viruses, class and transnationalism in Transmission and One Night @ the Call Center 5. Anarchism, antiimperialism and The Doctrine of Dynamite 6. Towards a critique of colonial violence: Fanon, Gandhi and the restoration of agency Part 2: Literary Responses to the War on Terror 7. Introduction 8. Moving through America: Race, place and resistance in Mohsin Hamids The Reluctant Fundamentalist 9. Another Black September? Palestinian writing after 9/11 10.

Why I am writing from where you are not: Absence and presence in Jonathan Safran Foers Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close 11. 9/11, image control, and the graphic narrative: Spiegelman, Rehr, Torres 12. Ghosts of Gotham: 9/11 mourning in Patrick McGraths Ghost Town and Michael Cunninghams Specimen Days13. Jihad as rite of passage: Tahar Djaouts The Last Summer of Reason and Slimane Benassas The Last Night of a Damned Soul14. Paranoia in Spook Country: William Gibson and the technological sublime of the war on terror TRAYLOR, James L., et al., Dime Detective Companion, Boston, Altus Press, 2011, vii 226 pages. Dime Detective Magazine was second only to Black Mask as the dean of detective/P.I./hardboiled pulp magazines, and was the home of Carroll John Daly, Frederick Nebel, John D. MacDonald, Cornell Woolrich, Erle Stanley Gardner, and many other top-notch scribes. This book indexes all 274 issues of D i m e Detective, contains several articles on the series and its writers, and as a bonus, the fifth anniversary round-robin story from the November 1936 issue, "The Tongueless Men," by William E. Barrett, Carroll John Daly, Frederick C. Davis, T.T. Flynn, and John Lawrence. Note : consultez en ligne le fabuleux catalogue de Altus Press : des pulps, des pulps et encore des pulps

her works, this companion to Braddons mystery fiction is the definitive reference on this provocative but overlooked writer. COLLURA, Matteo, Leonardo Sciascia : la diifficult dtre sicilien, Paris, LHarmattan, 2012, 354 pages. "En prsentant de faon chronologique les vnements les plus significatifs de la vie de l'crivain, en retraant et en clairant les passages fondamentaux de ses apprentissages et de sa formation humaine, culturelle et politique, j'ai t naturellement conduit donner mon travail une allure de rcit. Ce qui a peut-tre donn naissance un roman, le roman de la vie de Leonardo Sciascia." (Matteo Collura) COME, Philippe de, Arsne Lupin de A Z, Saint-Malo, Pascal Galod ditions, 2012, 225 pages. Pour le 70e anniversaire de la mort de Maurice Leblanc, Philippe De Cme rend hommage ce hros si singulier et si captivant de la littrature, qui est aussi clbre que Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot ou Rouletabille. L'ouvrage est divis en trois grandes parties. La premire, intitule Le monde d'Arsne Lupin, brosse le portrait du gentleman cambrioleur la lumire des informations mailles dans les romans de Maurice Leblanc : une vritable enqute policire ponctue de nombreux rebondissements. La deuxime partie, Le carnet de voyage d'Arsne Lupin, nous conduit, tape aprs tape, sur les lieux d'enqute d'Arsne Lupin, de l'lgante ville d'Enghien-les-Bains, dans la rgion parisienne, aux mystrieuses abbayes normandes, comme celle de Jumiges. La troisime partie, enfin, revient sous forme de rsum et d'anecdotes diverses sur les romans et les nouvelles dont Arsne Lupin est le hros. La plupart de ces intrigues ont t portes l'cran. Un voyage au coeur du mystre, o les investigations policires se mlent au fantastique et la ralit de la France de la IIIe Rpublique. DRAYTON, Joanne, The Search for Anne Perry : The Hidden Life of a Bestseller Crime Writer, New York, HarperCollins, 2012, 250 pages. Acclaimed biographer Joanne Drayton takes on the challenge of exploring Anne Perry s writing to uncover her world view and her compulsion to write. The famously private Perry agreed to be comprehensively interviewed for the book and has allowed Joanne unparalleled access to her friends, relatives, colleagues and archives. The result is a compelling read with revelations


BELLER, Anne-Marie, Mary Elizabeth Braddon : A Companion to The Mystery Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 196 pages. An important figure in the development of crime fiction, Mary Elizabeth Braddon (18351915) wrote more than 80 novels, numerous plays, poems, essays and short stories, and edited two magazines during her 55-year literary career. Her bestselling Lady Audleys Secret secured her reputation as a leading "sensation novelist." Though critics called her work immoral, Braddons novels influenced the detective fiction of the late Victorian period. With entries on all her published writing, characters, relationships and influences, and themes and contexts, as well as numerous illustrations, a career chronology, and a chronological and alphabetical listing of all of

that will resonate with the reader long after the final page. GOETZ-SOTA, Germaine, Manic-Depressive Dynamics and Dramaturgy in the Life of Graham Greene : an Authors Battle with the Devil Within, Lewiston (NY), Edwin Mellen Press, 2012, 193 pages. KESSLER-HARRIS, Alice, A Difficult Woman : The Challanging Life and Times of Lillian Hellman, London & New York, Bloomsbury Press, 2012, 448 pages. MEIER, Thomas Markus, Drrenmatt und der Zufall, Ostfildern, Matthias-Grnewald Verlag, 2012, 225 pages. MILSI, Raymond, Les Figures de San Antonio : figures de style et autres procds littraires, dtournements, a l t r a t i o n s , Gardanne, Les Amis de San Antonio, 2010, 77 pages. MOUSSE, Sbastien, Do viens-tu Bru ?, Gardanne, Les Amis de San Antonio, 2012, 119 pages. PENZLER, Otto (ed.), In Pursuit of Spenser ; Mystery Writers on Robert B. Parker and the Creation of an American Hero, Dallas, BenBella Books (Smart Pop), 2012, 272 pages.

serialized policeman Inspector Salvo Montalbano, Camilleris most famous character. It also equips the reader with background information on Camilleris life and career and provides a guide to the writings of reviewers and critics. RIVIRE, Franois, Agatha Christie : la romance du crime, Paris, La Martinire Beaux Livres, 2012, 216 pages. Franois Rivire dresse le portrait de cette femme secrte, ptrie de morale mais expert s poison (elle connat tous les secrets mortels des poisons) dont l'oeuvre est lue et relue par les petits et les grands. MINI-DOSSIER : SHERLOCK HOLMES ADAMS, Guy, Sherlock : The Casebook, London, BBC Book, 2012, 160 pages. The ultimate - and official - guide to the BBC hit series Sherlock ALVAREZ, Marino. C, A Professor Reflects on Sherlock Holmes, London, MX Publishing, 2012, 182 pages. The uniqueness of this book is the essays and activities that include both serious and farcical writings about Arthu Conan Doyle's, Sherlock Holmes. A travelogue that compares Reichenbach Falls and Trummelbach Falls for Professor Moriarty's demise; and notes from a visit to Trinity College at Oxford to view Monsignor Knox's writings and entries in the Gryphon Club Book provide the reader with engaging insights into Sherlock Holmes' world of scholarship. CARR, Molly, A Sherlock Holmes Whos Who, London, MX Publishing, 2012, 256 pages.

Avec la participation de Otto Penzler, Ace Atkins, Lawrence Block, Reed F. Coleman, Max A. Collins, Matthew Clemens, Brendan DuBois, Loren D. Estleman, Lyndsay Faye, Ed Gorman, Parnell Hall, Jeremiah Healy, Dennis Lehane, Gary Phillips, and S.J. Rozan RINALDI, Lucia, Andrea Camilleri : A Companion to The Mystery Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, vi, 179 pages. This is the first comprehensive reference work in English dedicated to the writing of worldfamous Italian mystery writer Andrea Camilleri. It includes entries on plots, characters, dates, literary motifs, and themes from the bestselling authors detective stories and television crime dramas, with special attention given to the

CARR, molly, Sherlock Holmes in the Springtime, London, MX Publishing, 2012, 140 pages. The 'thoughts' in this book are the fruit of nearly ten years spent studying the canon and the life of Sir Arthur (Ignatius) Conan Doyle, writing two pastiches (The Sign of Fear and A Study in Crimson), a Biography of Doctor Watson and A Sherlock Holmes Who's Who. In it readers will find much to entertain, along with enough out of the way information to interest even the most knowledgeable Sherlockian. For those new to the iconic pair I have tried, as far as possible, to present material which will make them want to read more about the man and his doings and perhaps become fervent Sherlockians themselves.


DAVIES, Davud Stuart, Bending the Willow : Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, Ashcroft (B.C.), Calabash Press, 2012, 248 pages. KASIUS, Jennifer, Sherlock Holmes : The Essential Mysteries in One Sitting, Running Press Miniature Editions, 2013, 248 pages. With countless clubs, films, and books celebrating Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary Sherlock Holmes, the popularity of literary history's favorite sleuth has never dimmed. Can you solve the case of the "Red-Headed League"? How about the "Empty House"? Sherlock Holmes can! All of the essential Holmes mysteries are efficiently organized in this tiny tome, which can either be enjoyed in small bites or devoured in one sitting. Featuring synopses, character profiles, and illustrations, this miniature edition brings to life the suspense and mystery of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic tales. LIBEY, Don (ed.), The Autobiography of Sherlock Holmes, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, 132 pages. McNAMARA, Patrick M., Conan Doyles Wallet : The Creator of Sherlock Holmes, Ghostcircle Publishing, 2012, 282 pages PORTER, Lynette (ed.), Sherlock Holmes for the 21st Century : Essays on New Adaptations, Jefferson (NC),m McFarland, 2012, 211 pages. Table of Contents__Introduction: In Search of the Real Sherlock Holmes 1_1. The Noble Bachelor and the Crooked Man: Subtext and Sexuality in the BBCs Sherlock_CARLEN LAVIGNE 13_2. Sex and the Single Sleuth_ANISSA M. GRAHAM and JENNIFER C. GARLEN 24_3. "Bromance is so Bromance is so passe": Robert Downey, Jr.s

Queer Paratexts_KAYLEY THOMAS 35_4. The Watson Effect: Civilizing the Sociopath_APRIL TOADVINE 48_5. "Dont Make People into Heroes, John": (Re/De) Constructing the Detective as Hero_FRANCESCA M. MARINARO and KAYLEY THOMAS 65_6. Making the Transition: The Modern Adaptation and Recreation of the Scientist Detective Hero_ANA E. LA PAZ 81_7. A Singular Case of Identity: Holmesian Shapeshifting_RHONDA HARRIS TAYLOR 93_8. The Process of Elimination: The Americanization of Sherlock Holmes_LYNNETTE PORTER 113_9. The "Great Game" of Information: The BBCs Digital Native_RHONDA HARRIS TAYLOR 128 _10. Detecting the Technocratic Detective _SVETLANA BOCHMAN 144 _11. Investigating Victorian Propriety in Money Matters _SVETLANA BOCHMAN 155_12. Welcome to London: The Role of the Cinematic Tourist _LYNNETTE PORTER 164_13. True to Their Victorian Roots: The House of Silk_LYNNETTE PORTER 181_14. Bookends of the Great Detectives Life: Neil Gaimans Award-Winning Pastiches_LYNNETTE PORTER 192 VANACKER, Sabine & Catherine WYNNE (eds.), Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle : MultiMedia Afterlives, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 240 pages. Introduction; C.Wynne _The Case of the Multiplying Millions: Sherlock Holmes in Advertising; A.J.Field_Sherlock Holmes and the Politics of Adaptation; N.McCaw_'Open the window, then!': Filmic Interpretation of Gothic Conventions in Brian Mills's The Hound of the Baskervilles; T.Scarborough_The Curious Case of the Kingdom of Shadows: The Transmogrification of Sherlock Holmes in the Cinematic Imagination; H.O'Brien_Sherlock Holmes, Italian Anarchists and Torpedoes: The Case of a Manuscript Recovered in Italy; C.Capancioni_Sherlock's Progress Through History: Feminist Revisions of Holmes; S.Vanacker_Sherlock Holmes Reloaded: Holmes: Videogames and Multiplicity; S . M u k h e r j e e _ Sherlock Holmes Version 2.0: Adapting Doyle in the Twenty-First Century; B.Nicol_T h e Strange Case of the Scientist Who Believed in Spiritualism; A.Lycett_Channelling the Past: Arthur & George in Neo-Victorian Biography; P.Pulham _Arthur Conan Doyle's Appearances as a Detective in Historical Crime Fiction; J.S.Palmer_Sherlock Holmes in Fairyland: The Afterlife of Arthur Conan Doyle; C.Bloom WALTERS, Charlotte, 56 Sherlock Holmes Stories in 56 Days, London, MX Publishing,


2012, 200 pages. To celebrate the release of her novel Barefoot on Baker Street, Charlotte Anne Walters undertook the task of reading and reviewing one of the original Sherlock Holmes short stories every day until she had completed all 56. The reviews were posted daily on her blog and attracted viewers from all over the world. The reviews are full of humour and Holmesian insight, ending in a score out of ten for each story. This book contains all 56 blogs plus additional material including reviews of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's four Holmes novels.

Tennison: transformation or gender trap? -Appendix: Prime suspect episode overview. GERMAIN, Stphane, Le Coffret flingueur des tontons, Paris, Hugo & Cie, 2012. Une boite qui contient un pistolet factice, des balles, des dollars, 10 cartes postales et le Dico flingueur des tontons, un livre de 87 pages. JEANGNE VILMER, Jean-Baptiste, 24 heures chrono : le choix du mal, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, 168 pages. Du temps rel l'hrosme, de l'urgence l'tat d exception, du modle christique aux questions thiques, de la reprsentation de la justice la dialectique de l'Empire et des barbares, du bon usage de la torture la politique trangre amricaine, du marquis de Sade Carl Schmitt, de la propagande au divertissement, ce livre montre que, loin d tre la caricature qu'on en fait souvent, cette srie est une oeuvre riche qui renferme un message important sur le choix du mal. KROHN, Bill, Alfred Hitchcock, Paris, Cahiers du Cinma, 2012, 103 pages. LEMONIER, Michel, Michel Audiard : lintgrale, Paris, Hors Collection, 2012, 288 pages. [Tous ses films de A Z]


ASSOULY, Julie, LAmrique des frres Coen, Paris, CNRS, 2012, 412 pages. Julie Assouly nous invite un voyage passionnant au coeur de cet univers, cernant au plus prs la vision coenienne dune Amrique conue comme un territoire o se confondent toujours lhistoire, le folklore et la fable. Loosers magnifiques, voyous djants, hystriques au grand coeur, tueurs psychopathes, profs dpressifs : dans cette comdie humaine o la satire sociale le dispute labsurde et au tragique, les deux cinastes racontent, film aprs film, les laisss pour compte du rve amricain et la perte dinnocence de la socit contemporaine. BARR, Charles, Vertigo, London, BFI, ( BFI Classics), 2012, 104 pages. [nvle dition] Vertigo (1958) is widely regarded as not only one of Hitchcock's best films, but one of the greatest films of world cinema. Made at the time when the old studio system was breaking up, it functions both as an embodiment of the supremely seductive visual pleasures that 'classical Hollywood' could offer and with the help of an elaborate plot twist as a laying bare of their dangerous dark side. The film's core is a study in romantic obsession, as James Stewart's Scottie pursues Madeleine/Judy (Kim Novak) to her death in a remote Californian mission. Novak is ice cool but vulnerable, Stewart in the darkest role of his career genial on the surface but damaged within. CAVENDER, Gray & Nancy C. JURIK, Justice Provocateur : Jane Tennison and Policing in Prime Suspect, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 2012, 166 pages. Analytic framework -- Prime suspect and women in policing -- Investigating and challenging -- Doing justice -- Private troubles and public issues -- Prime suspect and Jane

LEMONIER, Marc, Le Monde des tontons flingueurs et lunivers dAudiard, Paris, City, 2012, 220 pages. Les Tontons Flingueurs trne au palmars des films cultes du cinma franais. Un chef d'oeuvre qui, cinquante ans aprs, fait toujours partie des films prfrs du public. Dans ce dictionnaire "faon puzzle", l'auteur rend hommage un monument d'humour dcal, de personnages loufoques et de situations abracadabrantesques. Sans oublier les plus grandes rpliques devenues des classiques ("Touche pas au grisbi salope !", "Les cons, a ose tout, c'est mme a qu'on les reconnat",


etc). De A comme Audiard Z comme Srie Z, de G comme Grisbi V comme Volfoni, de B comme Blier L comme Lautner : entrez dans l'univers et les coulisses d'un film de lgende. MAYER, Historical Dictionary of Crime Films, Lanham (MD), Scarecrow Press, 2012, 514 pages. PARISSE, Frdric, Les Cinq dernires minutes de Bourrel, Dupy et leur planton Coulomb : Souvenirs et enqutes indites de la clbre srie, Paris, LHarmattan (Graveurs de mmoire), 2012, 578 pages. Cre par Claude Loursais, avec des rles principaux magistralement interprts par Raymond Souplex, Jean Daurand et Pierre Collet, la clbre srie Les Cinq Dernires Minutes a passionn plusieurs gnrations de tlspectateurs. Cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire de la srie, ponctue des souvenirs de l'auteur et de son ami Jean Daurand, mais aussi d'autres artistes, de ralisateurs et de scnaristes qui tous firent des Cinq Dernires Minutes une des missions les plus fameuses de la tlvision franaise. PERETTI, Burton, The Leading Man : Hollywood and The Presidential Image, New Brunswick (N.J.), Rutgers University Press, 2012, 345 pages. "The torments of desire" : presidents and performance before 1929 -- The studios golden age and the white house, 1929-1945 -Truman, eisenhower, and the televised presidency -- Charismas hour, 1960-1969 -Enter stage right, 1969-1989 -- Hollywood wags the dog, 1990-2000 -- The twin towers, 2001-2009. SANDERSON, Mark, Dont Look Now, London, BFI, (BFI Classics), 2012, 88 pages. [Nvle dition] Don't Look Now, released in 1973, confirmed director Nicolas Roeg as one of the most stylish and innovative British directors of the postwar period. Adapted from a short story by Daphne du Maurier, it is both a complex study of how people come to terms with grief and a chilling tale of murder set among the canals and churches of Venice. TAUBIN, Amy, Taxi Driver, London, BFI, (BFI Classics), 2012, 88 pages. [ Nvle dition] Scorsese transformed the script into what is now considered one of the two or three definitive films of the 1970s. De Niro is mesmerising as Travis Bickle pent-up, bigoted, steadily slipping into psychosis, the

personification of American masculinity postVietnam. Cybill Shepherd and Jodie Foster give fine support and Scorsese brought in Bernard Herrmann, the greatest of film composers, to write what turned out to be his last score. Crucially, Scorsese rooted Taxi Driver in its New York locations, tuning the film's violence into the hard reality of the city. Technically thrilling though it is, Taxi Driver is profoundly disturbing finding, as Amy Taubin shows, racism, misogyny and gun fetishism at the heart of American culture. VENNEMAN, Kevin, Sunset Boulevard : von Filmen, Bauen und Sterben in Los Angeles, Berlin, Surkampf, 2012, 185 pages, Entlang des Sunset Boulevard hat sich Kevin Vennemann auf die Suche begeben nach dem, was von dieser egalitren Moderne briggeblieben ist. So entstand ein Essay ber die groen Films Noirs, ber das Ende der modernen Architektur und ber die Bemhungen so unterschiedlicher Figuren wie Sophokles, Roman Vishniac, Billy Wilder und Raphael Soriano, nicht nur ein Wir ins Bild zu setzen, sondern auch die anderen, die Opfer der Geschichte, ein Sie. WAGSTAFF, Christopher, Il Conformista, London, BFI, (BFI Film Classics), 2012, 96 pages. Bernardo Bertolucci's Il conformista (T h e Conformist) (1970), a political drama set in Mussolini's Fascist Italy, is widely recognised as a masterpiece of post-war cinema, a classic of Italian and European cinema and an inspiration for many other film-makers, particularly those of the American New Wave. WELKE, Tina, Tatort Deutsche Einheit : Ostdeutsche Idendittsinszenierung im Tatort des MDR, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2012, 393 pages. DOSSIER : JAMES BOND

CHENILLE, Vincent, Variations sur le James Bond Theme, Paris, LHarmattan, 2012, 188 pages. On reconnat James Bond 007 son thme musical aussi bien qu sa voiture Aston Martin DB5. Cet effet de reconnaissance est-il d la rptition de ce thme au gr des vingt-deux


films officiels de ce personnage ? A travers l tude historique du James Bond Theme, l auteur essaie de dterminer s il existe un son propre James Bond. Il rassemble les articles existants, les extraits de biographies et des interviews indites de compositeurs, de musiciens et chanteurs. COLLECTIF, James Bond : 50 Jahre im Geheimdienst ihrer Majestt (Plakate und Fotographien), Gttingen, Steidl Verlag, 2012, 268 pages. Ausstellung und Katalog beleuchten die Figur des Gentleman, seine Gegenspieler, das Bild der Frau, die Themen Gewalt, Technik und Architektur sowie Bond-Ableger und -Parodien und verfolgen ihre Entwicklungen und Vernderungen im Film und im Filmplakat. Die aus privaten Sammlungen stammenden Plakate und Fotografien werden teilweise zum ersten Mal ausgestellt.Mit Texten von Joachim Frenk, Robert Ganz, Ren Grohnert, Vinzenz Hediger, Nanna Heidenreich, Rembert Hser, Petra Kissling-Koch, Petra Lffler, Walter Moser, Thomas Nixdorf, Anette Pankratz, Claus-Ulrich Viol. DUPRAT, Jean-Antoine, James Bond : 101 voitures de lgende, Paris, ditions de lOpportun, 2012, 224 pages. Un livre tout en couleurs, dcoup aux formes de la mythique Aston Martin DB5. EVIN, Guillaume, James Bond est ternel, Paris, ditions du Moment, 2012, 200 pages. Prface de Sir Roger Moore. FCKING, Marc (dir.), James Bond : Anatomy eines Mythos, Heidelberg, Winter, 2012, 304 pages. Die Beitrge aus Literatur-, Musik- und Medienwissenschaft, Linguistik, Ethnologie und Experimentalphysik erffnen vielfltige kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf ein Epochen und Generationen berschreitendes Langzeitphnomen der Pop-Kultur. GREVE, Werner, James Bond 007 : Agent des Zeitgeistes, Gttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012, 191 pages. SPARKS, Mike L., James Bond is Real : The Untold Story of Political & Military Technological Threats Ian Fleming Warned us About, Walterville (OR), Trine Day, 2012, 480 pages. SULLIVAN, Robert (ed.), Life James Bond, New York, Time Home Entertainment, 2012, 176 pages. [Sorte dhommage de Life, avec surtout des photos]

TATA, Najda, Product Placement in JamesBond Filmen, AV Akademikverlag, 2012, 164 pages. VALMONT, Frdric, Les Interprtes de James Bond, agent secret de sa Majest, Paris, D. Carpentier, (Stars de lcran), 2012, 143 pages. WILLIAMS, Greg, Bond on Set : Filming Skyfall, New York, DK Adult, 2012, 208 pages.




AUDGUY, Stphane (dir.), Des Fantmes, in La Nouvelle Revue franaise, no 202, Gallimard, 2012, 226 pages. Faut-il croire aux fantmes ? Non, rpondent les gens qui se croient raisonnables. Mais les fantmes ne cessent pas de revenir; c'est mme cela qu'on les reconnat. Dans ce numro de la NRF, des historiens, des psychanalystes, des spcialistes de la littrature prennent les spectres au srieux ; Arthur Conan Doyle lui-mme, le pre de Sherlock Holmes, nous explique comment il a pu photographier des esprits, dfaut de les voir. Quant aux potes et aux crivains runis ici, les voil dans leur lment : le fantme est l'enfance de leur art. Et chacun peut redire avec eux le mot clbre : je ne crois pas aux fantmes, mais j'en ai peur. BROWN, Jennifer, Cannibalism in Literature and Film, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 272 pages. From images of stewed missionaries to Hannibal Lecter's hiss, cannibals have intrigued


while evoking horror and repulsion. The label of cannibal has been used throughout history to denigrate a given individual or group. By examining who is labelled cannibal at any given time, we can understand the fears, prejudices, accepted norms and taboos of society at that time. From the cannibal in colonial literature, to the idea of regional Gothic and the hillbilly cannibal, to serial killers, this book examines works by writers and directors including Joseph Conrad, H. Rider Haggard, Thomas Harris, Bret Easton Ellis, Cormac McCarthy, Wes Craven, and Tim Burton. BAGCHI, Barnita (ed.), The Politics of the (im)possible : Utopia and Dystopia Reconsidered, Los Angeles, SAGE, 2012, 241 pages. Acknowledgements -- Introduction / Barnita Bagchi -- Utopia and dystopia : debates and resonances -- Utopia: future and/or alterity? / Miguel Abensour -- Echo of an impossible return : an essay concerning Fredric Jamesons utopian thought and gathering and hunting social relations / Peter Kulchyski -- Radicalism in early modern England : innovation or reformation? / Rachel Foxley -- Dystopia, utopia, and Akhtaruzzaman Eliass novel Khowabnama / Subhoranjan Dasgupta -Palestine : land of utopias / Sonia DayanHerzbrun -- Engendering utopia and dystopia -"One darling though terrific theme" : Anna Wheeler and the rights of women / Theresa Moriarty -- A parliament of women : dystopia in nineteenth-century Bengali imagination / Samita Sen -- "Empire builder" : a utopian alternative to citizenship for early-twentieth century British "ladies" / Martine Spensky -Ladylands and sacrificial holes : utopias and dystopias in Rokeya Sakhawat Hossains writings / Barnita Bagchi -- Utopia in the subjunctive mood : Bessie Heads When rain clouds gather / Modhumita Roy -- Coda : resistance -- Globalization, development, and resistance of utopian dreams to the praxis of dystopian utopia / Marie-Claire Caloz-Tschopp - About the editor and contributors Index. BELLAGAMBA, Ugo, ric PICHOLLE & Daniel TRON (dir.), Imaginaires scientifiques et hard science-fiction, Villefranche sur mer, ditions du Somnium, (Sciences et Fictions de Peyresq), 2012, 276 pages. Quelle est la place de la science, de la technique et de leur impact social dans limaginaire collectif ? Dans la littrature et en particulier dans la science-fiction? Du Somnium de Johannes Kepler aux fictions quantiques de Greg Egan, la hard science fiction est tout

la fois un tendard, qui rsume le genre et son ge dor, et une nigme pour les thoriciens des genres littraires. BELLAGAMBA, Ugo, ric PICHOLLE & Daniel TRON (dir.), Les Subjectivits collectives, Villefranche sur Mer, ditions du Somnium, (Sciences & Fictions Peyresq), 2012, 198 pages. son insu, lauteur individuel en dirait-il plus sur la situation de son groupe social quil nen sait consciemment ? Pour la premire fois, lUniversit se saisit des_subjectivits collectives introduites en 1986 par Grard Klein, crivain et thoricien de la science-fiction. En sept sessions_et autant darticles, de son application la littrature_ la transmission des intuitions scientifiques, en passant_par la psychanalyse et lart contemporain, le concept est pass_au crible dune approche authentiquement transdisciplinaire. BERNAT, Sarah, Wissenschaft in literarischen Bildern : eine Untersuchung von Science Fiction-Frhwerken des 19, Jahrhunderts, Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag, 2012, 84 pages. Die vorliegende Studie ergrndet die Langlebigkeit dieser Stereotype am Beispiel von Science-Fiction-Frhwerken des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Klassiker Frankenstein von Mary Shelley, Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde von Jules Verne, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde von Robert Louis Stevenson und The Island of Doctor Moreau von George Wells werden detailliert bezglich der literarischen Darstellung des Wissenschaftlers und der Wissenschaft analysiert. Theoretischer Bezugsrahmen dieser qualitativen Untersuchung ist das Feld der Wissenschaftskommunikation. BOOKER, Keith (ed.), Dystopia, Ipswich (Mass.), Salem Press, (Critical Insights), 2012, 292 pages. Edited by M. Keith Booker, Professor of English at the University of Arkansas, this volume in the Critical Insights series presents a variety of new essays on the perennial theme. For readers who are studying it for the first time, a four essays survey the critical conversation regarding the theme, explore its cultural and historical contexts, and offer close and comparative readings of key texts in the genre. Readers seeking a deeper understanding of the theme can then move on to other essays that explore it in depth through a variety of critical approaches to both literature and film. Works discussed include Utopia; Looking Backward; We;


Brave New World; Anthem; A Clockwork Orange; Make Room! Make Room!; Fahrenheit 451; Nineteen EightyFour; The Handmaid's Tale; and Little Brother. A SIGNALER BRAN, Simon, La Science-Fiction en France. Thorie et histoire dune littrature, Paris, Presses de luniversit ParisSorbonne, (Lettres franaises), 2012, 502 pages. Prface de Grard Klein. Ce livre retrace lhistoire de la lutte pour laffirmation du genre en France et pour la lgitimit dune science-fiction franaise, unissant limagination scientifique la Jules Verne aux inventions des matres amricains. travers une histoire ditoriale complexe et de longue haleine, il propose une initiation originale aux thmes de la science-fiction, qui vivent, mrissent et voluent avec le temps, pour former un riche patrimoine littraire. Sous la plume des crivains franais, Grard Klein, Stefan Wul, Philippe Curval, Pierre Pelot, et bien dautres, le lecteur verra natre des mondes possibles et extraordinaires, dont ltude pourrait apporter un sang neuf aux thories contemporaines de la fiction. BUTLER, Andrew M., Solar Flares : Science Fiction in the 1970s, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, (Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies), 2012, 288 pages. Beginning with chapters on the First sf and New Wave authors who published during the 1970s, Solar Flares examines the ways in which the genre confronted a new epoch and its own history, including the rise of fantasy, the sf blockbuster, children's sf, pseudoscience and postmodernism. It explores significant figures such as Joanna Russ, Samuel R. Delany and Octavia Butler. From Larry Niven's Ringworld to Thomas M. Disch's On Wings of Song, from The Andromeda Strain to Flash Gordon and from Doctor Who to Buck Rogers, this book reclaims seventies sf writing, film and television - alongside music and architecture as a crucial period in the history of science fiction. BRAUN, Heather, The Rise and Fall of the Femme Fatale in British Literature, 17901910 :From Gothic Novel to Vampire Tale, Madison (N.J.), Fairleigh Dickinson University Press & Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield, 2012, 172 pages. The Rise and Fall of the Femme Fatale: From Gothic Ghosts to Victorian Vamps explores the femme fatale's career in nineteenth-century British literature. It traces her evolution-and

devolution-formally, historically, and ideologically through a selection of plays, poems, novels, and personal correspondence. Considering well-known fatal women alongside more obscure ones, The Rise and Fall of the Femme Fatale sheds new light on emerging notions of gender, sexuality, and power throughout the long nineteenth century. By placing the fatal woman in a still developing literary and cultural narrative, this study examines how the femme fatale adapts over time, reflecting popular tastes and socioeconomic landscapes. COGBURN, Jon & Mark Silcox (eds.), Dungeons and Dragons and Philosophy : Raiding the Temple of Wisdom, Chicago, Open Court, (Popular Culture and Philosophy), 2012, 318 pages. In Dungeons & Dragons and Philosophy, for the first time, professional thinkers who are also role-playing veterans answer some of the deeper questions about D&D: why its morally okay to play evil characters, what separates science from magic, and how it can be that the explosion of D&D is the most exciting event in modern mass culture since the invention of the motion picture. COLLECTIF, LAtlas des utopies, Paris, Le Monde Hors Srie, 2012, 188 pages. C'est avec un risque assum que L'Atlas des utopies a t ralis. Au travers de plus de 200 cartes originales entirement penses et ralises pour ce projet et de l'expertise de 80 spcialistes, nous vous invitons parcourir : les utopies historiques qui ont fait avancer ou bouger le monde (Utopia de Thomas More, le chemin de fer, le fminisme, l'cole pour tous, le communisme, etc.), en passant par les utopies modernes (Internet, zro dchets, la dcroissance, radiquer la faim, les cellules souches, l'olympisme, le panafricanisme, etc.), sans oublier celles venir (l'homme sur Mars, la paix perptuelle, matriser le rchauffement climatique, le transhumanisme, etc.) Analyse de plus de 100 utopies critiquant les socits dans lesquelles elles naissent et saffirment, toutes porteuses d'un projet de socit idale. Avec pour objectif le bonheur individuel et collectif. Un raccourci de la destine humaine en ce quelle peut avoir de merveilleux ou de tragique. DESBLACHE, Lucie (dir.), Hybrides et monstres : transgressions et promesses des cultures contemporaines, Dijon, ditions Universitaires de Dijon, 2012, 283 pages.


A travers de multiples exemples de posie, de fiction, de thtre et de cinma qui nous emmnent de Jean Giono Margaret Atwood, ce livre nous permet de mieux comprendre pourquoi, en dpit des peurs qu'ils suscitent, "nous aimons les monstres", selon les mots de Dominique Lestel, et comment les textes d'aujourd'hui rappellent ce qu'Ovide avait dj nonc : le changement est une condition ternelle de la vie. Note : une dition anglaise de ce mme livre, Hybrids and Monsters a t publie par Edinburgh University Press. DUNCAN, Hal, The A to Z of the Fantastic City, Easthampton (MA), Small Beer Press, 2012, 57 pages. Intro. by Henry V. Duncan. GINWAY, Elizabeth M. & Andrew BROWN (eds.), Latin American Science Fiction : Theory and Practice, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 256 pages. Introduction: 'Critical Latin American SF.'; M. Elizabeth Ginway and J. Andrew Brown_PART I: SPECULATING A CANON: LATIN AMERICA'S SF TRADITIONS_1. Ending the World with Words: Bernardo Fernndez (BEF) and the Institutionalization of Science Fiction in Mexico; Ignacio Snchez Prado_2. 'A Young Man, Gleaming, White,' and the Protocol of the Question; Braulio Tavares_3. Bolao and Science Fiction: Deformities; lvaro Bisama_4. Time Travel and History in Carmen Boullosa's Llanto, novelas imposibles; Claire Taylor_PART II: ON THE PERIPHERY OF THE PERIPHERY: CYBERPUNKS AND ZOMBIES IN LATIN AMERICA_5. Islands in the Slipstream: Diasporic Allegories in Cuban Science Fiction of the Special Period; Emily Maguire_6. Sexilia and the Perverse World of the Future: An Argentine Version of Barbarella and Sade; Fernando Reati_7. Teenage Zombie Wasteland: Suburbia after the Apocalypse in Mike Wilson's Zombie and Edmundo Paz Soldn's Los vivos y los muertos; David Laraway _PART III: COMICS AND FILM: LATIN AMERICAN SF ACROSS GENRE_8. SF and the Cinema of Jorge Furtado; M. Elizabeth Ginway and Alfredo Suppia_9. Oesterheld's Iconic and Ironic Eternautas; Rachel Haywood Ferreira_10. SF in Brazilian Cartoons and Comics; Octvio Arago GARCIA RAMOS, Arturo, El cuento fantastico en el Rio de la Plata, Madrid, Edicion Mirada Malva, (Mirada Ensayo, 2), 2011, 425 pages. GROOM, Nick, The Gothic : A Very Short Introduction, New York & Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, 152 pages

GINN, Sherry & Michael G. CORNELIUS (eds.), The Sex is Out of This World : Essays on the Carnal Side of Science Fiction, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 259 pages. Introduction: Sexing Science Fiction_MICHAEL G. CORNELIUS 1_PART O N E : ALIEN SEX_The Future, in Bed with the Past: Miscegenation in Science Fiction Film and Television_CYNTHIA J. MILLER and A. BOWDOIN VAN RIPER 17_Alienating Sex: The Discourse of Sexuality in the Works of Octavia Butler_ANCA ROSU 34_"We pair off ! One man, one woman": The Heterosexual Imperative in Octavia Butlers Xenogenesis Trilogy_ECHO E. SAVAGE 50_Love at First Contact: Sex, Race and Colonial Fantasy in Star Trek: First Contact_ALLISON WHITNEY 62_"They teach you that in Whore Academy?" A Quantitative Examination of Sex and Sex Workers in Joss Whedons F i r e f l y and Dollhouse_HEATHER M. PORTER 86_The Evil Wet Nurse: Preoedipal Development and Primo Levis Science Fiction_ROBERT C. PIRRO 102_PART TWO : TECHNO SEX_Patriarchy, Paternity and Papas: Reproductive Technologies and Parenthood in Science Fiction_ERIN GRAYSON SAPP 117_"I have worked hard at her head and brain": Dr. Moreau and the New Woman_THOMAS G. COLE II 134_"Are we not men?" Degeneration, Future-Sex and The Time Machine_LARRY T. SHILLOCK 152_Space Apes Want Our Women! Primate Lust in American Science Fiction_MATTHEW H. HERSCH 170_Technology as a Nexus for Homoerotic Desire in Boys Series Books_MICHAEL G. CORNELIUS 187_(Inter)Mediated Sexuality in the Science Fiction of J. G. Ballard_CLARE PARODY 204_Human, Alien, Techno--What Next? Evolutionary Psychology, Science Fiction and Sex_SHERRY GINN 221_Conclusion: Sexing Science Fiction, Take Two_SHERRY GINN. GOODEN, Brett, Spacesuit : A History through Fact and Fiction, Pulbourough (West Sussex, UK), Tattered Flag Press, 2012, 128 pages. HELLMAN, Roxane & Derek HALL, Vampire Legends and Myths, New York, Rosen Pub., 2012, 253 pages. HINTZ, Carrie, Balaba, BASU & Ketherine R. BROAD (eds.), Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults : Brave new Teenagers, New York, Routledge, (Childrens Literature and Culture), 2012, 228 pages. IntroductionBalaka Basu, Katherine R. Broad, and Carrie Hintz Part I: Freedom and Constraint: Adolescent Liberty and Self Determination 1. What


Faction Are You In?: The Pleasure of Being Sorted in Veronica Roths Divergent Balaka Basu 2. Coming of Age in Dystopia: Reading Genre in Holly Blacks Curse Workers Series Emily Lauer 3. Embodying the Postmetropolis in Catherine Fishers Incarceron and Sapphique Carissa Turner Smith Part II: Society and Environment: Building a Better World 4. Hope in Dark Times: Climate Change and the World Risk Society in Saci Lloyds The Carbon Diaries 2015 and 2017 Alexa Weik von Mossner 5. Educating Desire, Choosing Justice? Susan Beth Pfeffers Last Survivors Series and Julie Bertagnas Exodus Claire P. Curtis 6. On the Brink: The Role of Young Adult Culture in Environmental Degradation Elaine Ostry Part III: Radical or Conservative? Polemics of the Future 7 . "The Dandelion in the Spring": Utopia as Romance in Suzanne Collinss The Hunger Games Trilogy Katherine R. Broad 8. The Future is Pale: Race in Contemporary Young Adult Dystopian Novels Mary J. Couzelis 9. Technology and Models of Literacy in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction Kristi McDuffie Part IV: Biotechnologies of the Self: Humanity in a Posthuman Age 10. Dystopian Sacrifice, Scapegoats, and Neal Shustermans Unwind Susan Louise Stewart 11. The Soul of the Clone: Coming of Age as a Posthuman in Nancy Farmers The House of the Scorpion Erin T. Newcomb 12. Parables for the Postmodern, Post-9.11, and Posthuman World: Carrie Ryan's Forest of Hands and Teeth Books, M. T. Anderson's Feed, and Mary E. Pearson's The Adoration of Jenna Fox Thomas J. Morrissey. HOFFSTADT, Christian & Sabine MLLER (dir.) Doppelgnger, Polygnger, Alter Egos, Bochum, Projekt Verlag, (Komik und Gewalt, vol. 3), 2012, 91 pages. Das Phnomen des "Doppelgngers" ist in vielen Kulturen und in unterschiedlichen Epochen literarisch und spter auch filmisch aufgegriffen worden.Dieser Band der Reihe "Komik und Gewalt" versammelt Beitrge aus den Disziplinen Anglistik, Germanistik, Afrikanistik, Filmwissenschaft und Geschichte. Anhand unterschiedlicher Fallbeispiele werden die Aspekte Komik und Gewalt analysiert, insbesondere in der Beziehung des Ichs und seines Doppelgngers untereinander. Dsirez-vous tre (gratuitement) sur ma liste denvoi ? Do yo wish to be (free of charge) on my mailing list ?

A SIGNALER HUGHES, William, PUNTER, David & Andrew SMITH (eds.), The Encyclopedia of the Gothic, Chichester (West Sussex, UK), WileyBlackwell, 2012, 2 volumes, 1152 pages. The Encylopedia of the Gothic features a series of newlycommissioned essays from experts in Gothic studies that cover all aspects of the Gothic as it is currently taught and researched, along with the development of the genre and its impact on contemporary culture. Comprises over 200 newly commissioned entries written by a stellar cast of over 130 experts in the field Arranged in AZ format across two fully crossreferenced volumes Represents the definitive reference guide to all aspects of the Gothic Provides comprehensive coverage of relevant authors, national traditions, critical developments, and notable texts that define, shape, and inform the genre Extends beyond a purely literary analysis to explore Gothic elements of film, music, drama, art, and architecture. Explores the development of the genre and its impact on contemporary culture

KAPLAN, Matt, Medusas Gaze and Vampires Bite : The Science of Monsters, New York, Scribners, 2012, 256 pages. We all know theres no such thing as monsters, but our imaginations tell us otherwise. From the mythical beasts of ancient Greece to the hormonal vampires of the Twilight saga, monsters have captivated us for millennia. Matt Kaplan, a noted science journalist and monster-myth enthusiast, employs an entertaining mix of cutting-edge research and a love of lore to explore the history behind these fantastical fictions and our hardwired obsession with things that go bump in the night. KHAIR, Tabish & Johan HGLUNG (eds.), Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires : Dark Blood, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 232 pages. Foreword: Empire's Vampires; E . B o e h m e r _Introduction: Transnational and Postcolonial Vampires; J.Hglund& T.Khair_Postcolonial Dread and the Gothic: Refashioning Identity in Sheridan LeFanu's 'Carmilla' and Bram Stoker's Dracula; R.A.Smart_Celebrating Difference: The Vampire in African-American and Caribbean Women's Writing; G.Wisker_Canada, Quebec and David Cronenberg's Terrorist-Vampires; J.D.Edwards_Citational Vampires: Transnational Techniques of Circulation in Irma Vep, Blood: The


Last Vampire and Thirst; K.Gelder_The Man-Eating Tiger and the Vampire in South Asia; T.Khair_Postcolonial Vampires in the Indigenous Imagination: Philip McLaren and Drew Hayden Taylor; M.Clark_Bilqis the Vampire Slayer: Sarwat Chadda's British Muslim Vampire Fiction; C.Chambers & S.Chaplin_Gothic Politics and the Mythology of the Vampire: Brendan Kennelly's Postcolonial Inversions in Cromwell: A P o e m ; M . B e v i l l e _ Militarizing the Vampire: U n d e r w o r l d and the Desire of The Military Entertainment Complex; J . H g l u n d _ N e o imperialism and the Apocalyptic Vampire Narrative: Justin Cronin's The Passage; G.Byron & A . S t e p h a n o u _ Afterword: Meditation on the Vampire; D.Punter. MAINIL, Jean (dir.), Le Merveilleux franais travers les sicles, les langues, les continents, in Fries, no 8, 2012. McAVAN, Emily, The Postmodern Sacred : Popular Spirituality in the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Urban Fantasy Genres, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 194 pages. From The Matrix and Harry Potter to Stargate SG:1 and The X-Files, recent science fiction and fantasy offerings both reflect and produce a sense of the religious. This work examines this pop-culture spirituality, or "postmodern sacred," showing how consumers use the symbols contained in explicitly "unreal" texts to gain a secondhand experience of transcendence and belief. Topics include how media technologies like CGI have blurred the lines between real and unreal, the polytheisms of Buffy and Xena, the New Age Gnosticism of The DaVinci Code, the Islamic "Other" and science fictions response to 9/11, and the Christian Right and popular culture. MILLER, Gerard Alva, Exploring the Limits of the Human through Science Fiction, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 240 pages. Exploring the Limits of the Human through Science Fiction examines the genre of science fiction as its own form of critical theory and argues that it proves crucial to understanding the human in the postmodern era. Featuring chapters on novels, films, and anime, Gerald Alva Miller, Jr.'s scholarship intervenes in a diverse array of theoretical schools, including gender theory, psychoanalysis, political theory, and posthumanism. MORRIS, Matthew & Jean-Jacques VINCENSINI (dir.), criture et rcriture du merveilleux frique. Autour de Mlusine, Paris, Classiques Garnier (Rencontres), 2012, 273

pages. OMGBA, Richard & Dsir Atangana KOUNA (dir.), Utopies littraires et cration d,un monde nouveau, Paris, LHarmattan, (Critiques littraires), 2012, 443 pages. RABADI, Wal (dir.), et al., La Rception mondiale et transdisciplinaire des Mille et une nuit, Amiens, Presses du Centre dtudes mdivales, (Mdivales), 2012, 512 pages. RAMOS-IZQUIERDO, Eduardo (dir.), Espaces imaginaires, Mexico, Rilma & Paris, ADEHL, 2011, 112 pages. RAMIRO AVILES, Miguel A. & J. C. DAVIS (eds.), Utopian Moments : Reading Utopian Texts, London, New York, Bloombury Academic, 2012, xviii, 174 pages. Juxtaposing historical views on utopian diagnoses, prescriptions and on the character and value of utopian thought with more modern interpretations, this volume explores how our ideal utopia has transformed over time. Challenging long-held interpretations, the contributors turn a fresh eye to canonical texts, and open them up to a twenty-first century audience. From Moore's Utopia to Le Guin's The Dispossessed, Utopian Moments puts forward a lively and accessible debate on the nature and significance of utopian thought and tradition. ROBB, Brian J., Steampunk : An Illustrated History of Fantastical Fiction, Fanciful Films and Other Victorian Visions, Minneapolis, Voyageur Press, 2012, 192 pages. Steampunk is the hottest science fiction counterculture, alive in fantasy novels, films, arts and crafts, fashion, comic books, music, computer games, even architecture. Enter a world of Victorian technology, where steam power meets space travel. From Jules Verne and H. G. Wells to Alan Moore, Hayao Miyazaki, and Philip Pullman, the genre has captured imaginations around the globe. Heres the first grand, illustrated history of the counterculture movement in a book fittingly stylish in its design, package, and artwork. From the fastest dirigible and steam-powered ray guns to fashionistas Lady Gaga and Alexander McQueen, the whole story of the gaslight romance is here. SALER, Michael T., As If : Modern Enchantment and the Literary Pre-History of Virtual Reality, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, x, 283 pages. Many people throughout the world "inhabit" imaginary worlds communally and persistently,


parsing Harry Potter and exploring online universes. These activities might seem irresponsibly escapist, but history tells another story. Beginning in the late nineteenth century, when Sherlock Holmes became the world's first "virtual reality" character, readers began to colonize imaginary worlds, debating serious issues and viewing reality in provisional, "as if" terms rather than through essentialist, "just so" perspectives. From Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and Tolkien's Middle-earth to the World of Warcraft and Second Life, As If provides a cultural history that reveals how we can remain enchanted but not deluded in an age where fantasy and reality increasingly intertwine. SEED, David (ed.), Future Wars : The Anticipations and the Fears, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, (Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies), 2012, 302 pages. This timely book investigates fiction that speculates about wars likely to break out in the near or distant future. Ranging widely across periods and conflicts real and imagined, Future Wars explores the interplay between politics, literature, science fiction, and war in a range of classic texts. Individual essays look at Reagans infamous Star Wars project, nuclear fiction, Martian invasion, and the Pax Americana. The use of future war scenarios in military planning dates back to the nineteenth century, and Future Wars concludes with a US Army officers assessment of the continuing usefulness of future. SIKORSKI, Liliana & Agniesza RZEPA (eds.), Eyes Deep with Unfathomable Histories : The Poetics and Politics of Magic Realism Today and in the Past, Frankfurt am Main, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, 162 pages. TICHELAAR, Tyler R., The Gothic Wanderer : from Transgression to Redemption. Gothic Literature from 1794 to Present, Ann Arbor (MI), Modern History Press, 2012, 318 pages. Foreword : Marie Mulvey-Roberts.


Vol. 39, no 3, no. 118 november 2012

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T ichelaar

examines the figure of the Gothic wanderer in such well-known Gothic novels as The Mysteries of Udolpho, Frankenstein, and Dracula, as well as lesser known works like Fanny Burneys The Wanderer, Mary Shelleys The Last Man, and Edward Bulwer-Lyttons Zanoni. He also finds surprising Gothic elements in classics like Dickens A Tale of Two Cities and Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan of the Apes. From Matthew Lewis The Monk to Stephenie Meyers Twilight, Tichelaar explores

a literary tradition whose characters refl ect our greatest fears and deepest hopes. Readers will find here the revelation that not only are we all Gothic wanderers--but we are so only by our own choosing. A noter : Patricia Garcia nous informe de la publication dune nouvelle revue catalane sur le fantastique. Il sagit dun journal acadmique qui paratre deux fois lan, interdisciplinaire, multilingue, coordonn par luniversit


Autonome de Barcelone et attach au groupe de recherche GEF (Grupo de estudios sobre lo fantastico). La publication en question sappelle Brumal : revista de investigacion sobre lo fantastico / Research Journal on the Fantastic. Dtails, et bien plus a cete adresse: Une trouvaille rcente : un site consacr la recherche sur la science-fiction : Res futurae Bernard Goorden ma envoy une liste darticles crits par Jean-Jacques Bridenne et tlchargeables depuis son site de autres : Articles de Jean-Jacques BRIDENNE disponibles sur . BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Deux aventuriers sotriques du XVIIIe sicle : Saint-Germain et Cagliostro , in FICTION N3, fvrier 1954, pages 110-115. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Jules Verne, pre de la science-fiction ? / I. L'imagination scientifique chez Jules Verne , in FICTION N6, mai 1954, pages 112-115. (CDE) (Le titre de larticle et le nom de son auteur ne figurent pas au sommaire de la revue en page 1.) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Jules Verne, pre de la science-fiction ? / II. De Jules Verne Wells , in FICTION N7, juin 1954, pages 108-112. (CDE) (Le titre de larticle et le nom de son auteur ne figurent pas au sommaire de la revue en page 1.) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Jules Verne, pre de la science-fiction ? / III. Edgar Poe et Jules Verne , in FICTION N8, juillet 1954, pages 113-117. (CDE) (Le titre de larticle et le nom de son auteur ne figurent pas au sommaire de la revue en page 1.) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Les -cts de lanticipation : Robida, le Jules Verne du crayon , in FICTION N10, septembre 1954, pages 114-117. (CDE) (Au sommaire de la revue en page 1, figure cette fois, aprs Dessin de couverture : Voir article sur A. Robida de J.-J. Bridenne dans ce numro , toujours sans mention de pages.) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Un prcurseur de la science-fiction : le Visage inconnu de Cyrano de Bergerac , in FICTION N11, octobre 1954, pages 110-112. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Deux disciples oublis dEdgar POE : Eugne Mouton (Mrinos)

et Jules Lermina , in FICTION N14, janvier 1955, pages 116-117+ 119+121. (CDE) (Le titre de larticle et le nom de son auteur ne figurent pas au sommaire de la revue en page 1.) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Le Joueur d'checs et sa littrature , in FICTION N16, mars 1955, pages 113-115. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Andr Laurie et la science-fiction dhier , in FICTION N18, mai 1955, pages 121-123. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Les thmes scientifiques chez Jules Verne (1), in FICTION N20, juillet 1955, pages 106-112. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Les thmes scientifiques chez Jules Verne (2, suite et fin), in FICTION N21, aot 1955, pages 110-116. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Hommage Marcel SCHWOB , in FICTION N22, septembre 1955, pages 114-116. (CDE) (Le titre de larticle et le nom de son auteur ne figurent pas au sommaire de la revue en page 1.) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Le Capitaine Danrit. L'utopiste de la guerre , in FICTION N25, dcembre 1955, pages 119-121. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : A propos d'un centenaire : J.H. Rosny an, romancier des "possibles" cosmiques , in FICTION N27,fvrier 1956, pages 108-110. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Le Grand-Guignol, royaume dpouvante, et Andr de Lorde, son matre , in FICTION N31, juin 1956, pages 121 + 123-124. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Actualit de Villiers , in FICTION N34, septembre 1956, pages 122-123. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Un auteur oubli de S.F. : Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , in FICTION N35, octobre 1956, pages 115 + 117 + 119. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Les Cent ans de Lavarde (de Paul dIvoi), in FICTION N36, novembre 1956, pages 119 + 121 + 123. (CDE). BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Camille Flammarion et la littrature des fins du monde , in FICTION N42, mai 1957, pages 121-124. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Le Merveilleux scientifique chez Edmond About , in FICTION N47, octobre 1957, pages 131133. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Hommage Rgis Messac , in FICTION N48, novembre 1957, pages 133-135. (CDE)


BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Tho Varlet, prophte cosmique , in FICTION N60, novembre 1958, pages 123-127. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Nadar ou la science-fiction vcue d'hier , in FICTION N68, juillet 1959, pages 121-124. (CDE) BRIDENNE, Jean-Jacques : Le (double) mystre dEdwin Drood de Charles DICKENS in MYSTERE MAGAZINE N111, avril 1957, pages 103+105+107. (CDE)

analyzed through the themes of innocence and experience. The journeys Pullman sets his characters on teach them that one must embrace change, loss and suffering to grow in wisdom and grace. BOYER, Rgis, Snorri Sturluson : le plus grand crivain islandais du Moyen ge, Bayeux, OREP, 2012, 159 pages. BRIGGS, Stephen & Terry PRATCHETT, Turtle Recall : The Discworld Companion...So Far, London, Gollancz, 2012,752 pages. BURGER, Alissa, The Wizard of Oz as Amercan Myth : A Critical Study of Six Versions of the Story, 1900-1007, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, x, 230 pages. Since the publication of L. Frank Baums The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 1900, authors, filmmakers, and theatrical producers have been retelling and reinventing this uniquely American fairy tale. This volume examines six especially significant incarnations of the story: Baums original novel, the MGM classic T h e Wizard of Oz (1939), Sidney Lumets African American film musical The Wiz (1978), Gregory Maguires novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (1995), Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzmans Broadway hit Wicked: A New Musical (2003), and the SyFy Channel miniseries Tin Man (2007). A close consideration of these works demonstrates how versions of Baums tale are influenced by and help shape notions of American myth, including issues of gender, race, home, and magic, and makes clear that the Wizard of Oz narrative remains compelling and relevant today. BELL, Christopher E. (ed.), Hermione Granger Saves the World : Essays on the Feminine Heroine of Hogwarts, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 223 pages. CHRISTOPHER E. BELL with JULIE ALEXANDER 1 _Hermione: An Introduction _The Filmic Heroine_JULIE ALEXANDER 16_"Im Hoping to Do Some Good in the World": Hermione Granger and Feminist Ethics_ ATJE GERCAMA 34 _ The Muggle Hunt_ ELIZABETH DE LA TORRE 52_ Hermione as Woman_Unstoppable Force: Maternal Power and Feminism _ ALEXANDRA HIDALGO 66_ A l o h o m o r a ! Unlocking Hermiones Feminism_ SARAH MARGARET KNIESLER 87_Hermione as Scholar_"Books! And Cleverness!": Hermiones Wits_TARA FOSTER 105_How to Do Things with Magic Words: The Scandal of the Spell-Casting Body_LI CORNFELD 125_Hermione as Warrior_Hermione Granger Goes to War: A


ARROW, V., The Panem Companion : An Unofficial Guide to Suzanne Collins Hunger Games : From Mellark Bakery to Mockinjays, Dallas, Benbella Books, (Smart Pop), 2012, 224 pages. From the creator of the most well-known fan map of Panem comes an unofficial guide to Suzanne Collins bestselling Hunger Games series. Writing with an engaging blend of literary insight and true fan passion, Hunger G a m e s fan academic and seasoned media writer V. Arrow brings Panem to life, from how Panem could have evolved from the America we know today to textual clues as to socioeconomics, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, and more in the districts and the Capitol. Her companion is the perfect way for fans to go deeper into the Hunger Games while they wait for the release of the second film in 2013. BEALER, Tracy L., Rachel LURIA & Wayne YUEN (eds.), Neil Gaiman and Philosophy : Gods Gone Wild, Chicago, Open Court, (Popular Culture and Philosophy), 2012, 288 pages. Neil Gaiman and Philosophy shows us that fantasy can be more than entertainment. Neil Gaimans fantastic fiction is also a door into a strange yet real world, a world of endless questions, startling apparitions, unnerving ambushes, smoothed-tongued seducers, and magical objectsthe world of philosophy. BOBBY, Susan Redingon, Beyond His Dark Materials : Innocence and Experience in The Fiction of Philip Pullman, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 207 pages. Beyond the His Dark Materials series lies a vast fictional realm populated by the many diverse character creations of Philip Pullman. During a more than 30-year career, Pullman has created worlds filled with quests, trials, tragedies and triumphs, and this book explores those worlds. The picture books, novellas and novels written for children, adolescents and adults are


Feminist Reflection on Girls in Conflict_HELEN BERENTS 142_ Hermione Granger: Insufferable Know-It-All or Superhero? _ CHRISTINE KLINGBIEL 163_Hermione as Activist_From Teenage Witch to Social Activist: Hermione Granger as Female Locus_WILLIAM V. THOMPSON 181_Is Hermione Granger the Real Chosen One?_TODD S. WATERS. CADDEN, Mike, Ursula K. le Guins Fiction for All Ages, New York & London, Routledge, 2012, 224 pages. This book critically examines Le Guin's fiction for all ages, and it will be of great interest to her many admirers and to all students and scholars of children's literature. CHARBONNIAUD-DOUSSAUD, Valrie, Harry Potter, la magie dune criture, Paris, Michel Houdiard, 2012, 220 pages. Si les qualits thmatique de la saga potterienne sont rarement contestes, le style de Rowling est bien plus souvent critiqu. Valrie Charbonniaud-Doussaud sest penche pour son doctorat sur le langage dans les cinq premiers tomes de Harry Potter et le rsultat parat sous forme de livre (disponible lachat ICI). Intertextualit, polysmie, nologismes, force smantique des patronymes, prpondrance du dialogue, utilisation des dialectes et accents (en anglais), registres de langue varis, criture kintique... tant de cls pour la dcouverte du Potterspeak. COLLECTIF, Singer (Isaac Bashevis), in Les Cahiers de LHerne, no 101, octobre 2012, 224 pages. [cahier dirig par Florence Noiville, avec la collaboration de Pascale Langautier] Ce que propose de montrer ce Cahier de LHerne, cest une image dIsaac Bashevis Singer et de son oeuvre qui se situe trs loin des strotypes habituels laimable fabuliste de lme juive, le lutin talmudique chapp dune toile de Chagall ou encore le conteur nostalgique ressuscitant inlassablement le folklore pittoresque dun yiddishland enfoui. DE BOURCIER, Simon, Pynchon and Relativity : Narrative Time in Thomas Pynchons Later Novels, London & New York, Continuum. 2012, 231 pages. DEKISS, Jean-Paul, Conversations sous influences Jean-Paul Dekiss/Rgis D e b r a y , in Revue Jules Verne, no 35, ditions du Centre International Jules Verne, 2012. DIAZ, Hernan, Borges, Between History and Eternity, London & New York, Continuum, 2012, 208 pages.

DUPOUY, Christine, Andr Dhtel, entre archasme et modernit, Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, (Faux Titres), 2012, 308 pages. FURTH, Robin, Stephen Kings The Dark T o w e r : The Complete Concordance, [Revised and upadated], New York, Scribners, 2012, 720 pages. GALASSO, Norberto, Jorge Luis Borges : un intellectual en el labotario semicolonial, Buenoas Aires, Colihue, 2012, 301 pages. GARCIN, Christian, Borges de loin, Paris, Gallimard, (Lun et lautre), 2012, 177 pages. GRANT, Kenneth B., August Derleth, Wisconsin Writer : A Biography, Eugenia (Ont.), Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2012. HEIDMANN, Ute, Le Dialogisme intertextuel des contes de Grimm, in Feries, no 9, ELLUG, 2012. HENTHORNE, Tom, Approaching The Hunger Games Trilogy : A Literary and Cultural Analysis, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 206 pages. This book addresses Suzanne Collinss work from a number of literary and cultural perspectives in an effort to better understand both its significance and its appeal. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the Hunger Games trilogy, drawing from literary studies, psychology, gender studies, media studies, philosophy, and cultural studies. An analytical rather than evaluative work, it dispenses with extended theoretical discussions, academic jargon, and even footnotes. HUTCHISON, Hazel, Henri James, London, Hesperus, 2012, 133 pages. IBRAHIM, Magda, La Nvrose de Jean Lorrain dans Histoires de Masques, Paris, LHarmattan, 2012, 102 pages. LONG, Ruperto, No dejares memorias : el enigma del Conde de Lautreamont, Montevideo, Aguilar, 2012, 303 pages. MURPHET, Julian & Mark STEVENS (eds.), Styles of Extinction : Cormac McCarthys The Road, London & New York, Continuum, 2012, 160 pages. Introduction : "The charred ruins of a library" / Mark Steven and Julian Murphet -- The cold illucid world : the poetics of gray in Cormac McCarthys The road / Chris Danta -McCarthys rhythm / Sean Pryor -- Spring has lost its scent : allegory, ruination, and suicidal melancholia in The road / Grace Hellyer -- The late world of Cormac McCarthy / Mark Steven - Road, fire, trees : Cormac McCarthys postAmerica / Paul Sheehan -- The cave and the road : styles of forgotten dreams / Julian


Murphet -- McCarthys fire / Paul Patton -Afterword : Acts of kindness -- reflections on a different kind of road movie / Mary Zournazi. ORWELL, George, George Orwell : Diaries, New York, Liveright, 2012, 624 pages. PRATCHETT, Terry, The Complete AnkhMorpork : City Guide, New York, Doubleday, 2012, 128 pages. PRIDA, Jonas (ed.), Conan Meets the Academy, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 224 pages. Robert E. Howard penned a series of fantasy stories in 1932 featuring Conan, a hulking warrior from "Cimmeria" who roamed the mythical Hyborian Age landscape engaging in heroic adventures. More than the quirky manifestation of Depression-era magazines, Conan the Barbarian has endured as a cultural mainstay for over 70 years. This multidisciplinary collection offers the first scholarly investigation of Conan, from Howards early stories, through midcentury novels and Arnold Schwarzeneggers iconic films, to the 2011 cinematic remake of Conan the Barbarian. RODDEN, John & John ROSSI, The Cambridge Introduction to George Orwell, Cambridge, Cambridge university Press, 2012, xiv, 130 pages. RUCKER, Rudy, Nested Scrolls : The Autobiography of Rudolf von Bitter R u c k e r , New York, Tor Books, 2012, 336 pages. SANAHUJAS, Simon & Gwenn DUBOURTHOUMIEU, A la poursuite de Dracula, Lyon, Les Moutons lectriques (La Bibliothque rouge), 2012, 80 pages. A la poursuite de Dracula est le rcit, illustr de nombreuses photographies, du priple insolite de deux voyageurs partis sur la piste du plus clbre des vampires. Du mystrieux col de Borgo lcole de magie noire de Scholomance en passant par les lieux des exploits de Vlad lEmpaleur, du port de Whitby aux hauteurs de Londres, ce livre suit leurs errances entre la Roumanie et lAngleterre. Malgr les cueils et ltrange maldiction qui semble les poursuivre, ils remontent les pistes, recoupent les informations et font dintrigantes dcouvertes tandis quune drangeante question simpose eux : et si Bram Stoker navait pas invent lhistoire de Dracula ? SCOTT, Donald M., The Life and Truth of George Stewart : a Literary Biography of the Author of Earth Abides, Jefferson (NC),

McFarland, 2012, 264 pages. Best known for his 1949 post-apocalyptic thriller Earth Abides, George R. Stewart (18951980) spent a lifetime wandering the American landscape and writing books about its geography and history. An English professor at the University of California at Berkeley, the exceptional scholar-author penned some of the most remarkable literary works of the 20th century, inventing several types of books along the way--including the road-geography book, micro-history, place-name history, ecological history, and the ecological novel. SHECKELS, Theodore F., The Political in Margaret Atwoods Fiction : the Writing on the Wall of the Tent, Farnham, Ashgate, 2012, 198 pages. SHELLEY, Mary, The Annotated Frankenstein, Cambridge (Mass.), Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012, 387 pages. [Edited by Susan J. Wolfson & Ronald Levao] SHIELDS, Charles J., So it Goes : Kurt Vonnegut, A Life, New York, St. Martins Griffin, 2012, 544 pages. SMITH, Silver, A Comprehensive Dual Bibliography of James P. Blaylock & Tim Powers, Dallas (TX), Argent Leaf Press, 2012, 276 pages. TELLIER, Virginie, Sbastien VACELET & Georges ZARAGOZA (dir.), Espace rel, espace imaginaire dans loeuvre de Charles Nodier, in Cahiers dtudes Nodiristes, no 1, 2012, 224 pages. TOUPONCE, William F.(dir.), The New Ray Bradbury Review, no 3, Kent State University Press, 2012, 112 pages. WERDER, Sophie Dorothee von, Latinoamericanos nomades : Cortazar y Bryce Echenique, Frankfurt am Main, New York, et al, Peter Lang, 2012, 156 pages.


Ctait invitable : la sortie du film de Peter Jackson racontant les aventures de votre Hobbit favori a videmment dclench une avalanche de publications allant du meilleur au pire, du gadget ltude acadmique (devinez o est le pire :-)...En voici un chantillonnage multinlingue qui ne recense pas les e-books de plus en plus envahissants, ces trucs publis le plus souvent sans aucun contrle de qualit.

!T!o!l!k!i!e!n!,! !D!e!a!t!h! !a!n!d! !T!i!m!e!:! !t!h!e! !F!a!i!r!y! !S!t!o!r!y! !w!i!t!h!i!n! !t!h!e! !P!i!c!t!u!r!e (!R!o!b!e!r!t!o! !A!r!d!u!i!n!i! !O!n! !t!h!e! !E!d!g!e! !o!f! !t!h!e! !P!e!r!i!l!o!u!s! !R!e!a!l!m (!L!o!r!e!n!z!o! !G!a!m!m!a!r!e!l!l!i! !T!h!e! !W!r!o!n!g! !P!a!t!h! !o!f! !t!h!e! !S!u!b!-!c!r!e!a!t!o!r!: (!f!r!o!m! !t!h!e! !F!a!l!l! !t!o! !t!h!e! !M!a!c!h!i!n!e! !a!n!d! !t!h!e! !E!s!c!a!p!e! !f!r!o!m! !M!o!r!t!a!l!i!t!y (!A!l!b!e!r!t!o! !L!a!d!a!v!a!s! !"!I!n! !t!h!e! !M!o!u!n!d!s! !o!f! !M!u!n!d!b!u!r!g!"!: (!D!e!a!t!h!,! !W!a!r! !a!n!d! !M!e!m!o!r!y! !i!n! !M!i!d!d!l!e!-!e!a!r!t!h (!S!i!m!o!n!e! !B!o!n!e!c!h!i! !D!e!a!t!h!,! !I!m!m!o!r!t!a!l!i!t!y! !a!n!d! !t!h!e!i!r! !E!s!c!a!p!e!s!: (!M!e!m!o!r!y! !a!n!d! !L!o!n!g!e!v!i!t!y (!A!n!d!r!e!a! !M!o!n!d!a! !L!o!g!i!c! !a!n!d! !T!h!e!o!l!o!g!y! !i!n! !T!o!l!k!i!e!n!'!s! !T!h!a!n!a!t!o!l!o!g!y (!C!l!a!u!d!i!o! !A!.! !T!e!s!t!i! !A! !M!i!s!p!l!a!c!e!d! !E!n!v!y!: (!A!n!a!l!o!g!i!e!s! !a!n!d! !D!i!f!f!e!r!e!n!c!e!s! !b!e!t!w!e!e!n! !E!l!v!e!s! !a!n!d! !M!e!n! !o!n! !t!h!e! !I!d!e!a! !o!f! !P!a!i!n (!G!i!a!m!p!a!o!l!o! !C!a!n!z!o!n!i!e!r!i) BROWN, Devin, The Christian World of the H o b b i t , Nashville (TEN), Abingdon Press, 2012, 208 pages. In his beloved story, The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien takes readers into a world unlike any other, yet so much seems familiar. As Bilbo journeys there and back again, glimpses of the spiritual are seen. Previous guides to Tolkiens fiction have often made one of two wrong turnings: either they have entirely overlooked the Christian elements or they have claimed to find Christian elements everywhere, going far beyond the fundamental aspects that have been absorbed into the story. DICKERSON, Matthew T., A Hobbit Journey : Discovering the Enchantment of J.R.R. Tolkiens Middle Earth, Ada (MI), Brazos Press, 2012, 272 pages. In this engaging and thought-provoking book, Tolkien expert Matthew Dickerson shows how a Christian worldview and Christian themes undergird Tolkien's Middle-earth writings and how they are fundamentally important to understanding his vision. This revised and expanded edition of Following Gandalf includes new material on torture, social justice, and the importance of the body. FALCONER, Daniel, Lart de The Hobbit : un voyage inattendu, Paris, Fetjaine, 2012,, version franaise de The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey : Art & Design, New York, Harper Collins, 2012, 208 pages. FISHER, Judith, The Hobbit : un voyage inattendu, Paris, Fetjaine, 2012, 80 pages. V. O. : The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey Visual Companion, New York, Houghton Mifflin, Harcourt, 2012, 72 pages. GILLARD, Shan C., The Hobbit Novel Guide, Createspace, 2012, 200 pages.

ARCHER, Peter, Francis SCOTT & Jeff GERKE, The Unofficial Hobbit Handbook : Everything I Need to Know about Life I Learned from Tolkien, Philadelphia, Writers Digest Books, (Shire Collective), 2012, 232 pages. ATHERTON, Mark, There and Back Again : J.R.R.Tolkien and the Origins of the Hobbit, London, I.B. Tauris, 2012, 288 pages. Mark Atherton here explores the chief influences on Tolkiens work: his boyhood in the West Midlands; the landscapes and seascapes which shaped his mythologies; his experiences in World War I; his interest in Scandinavian myth; his friendships, especially with the other Oxford-based Inklings; and the relevance of his themes, especially ecological themes, to the present-day. ARDUINI, Roberto & Claudio A, TESTI (eds.), The Broken Scythe : Death and Immortality in the Works of J.R. R. Tolkien, Zillikofen (Suisse), Walking Tree Publishers, 2012, 286 pages. !P!r!e!f!a!c!e (!V!e!r!l!y!n! !F!l!i!e!g!e!r! !I!n!t!r!o!d!u!c!t!i!o!n (!R!o!b!e!r!t!o! !A!r!d!u!i!n!i! !&! !C!l!a!u!d!i!o! !A!.! !T!e!s!t!i! !A! !E!u!l!o!g!y! !o!f! !F!i!n!i!t!u!d!e!: (!A!n!t!h!r!o!p!o!l!o!g!y!,! !E!s!c!h!a!t!o!l!o!g!y! !a!n!d! !P!h!i!l!o!s!o!p!h!y! !o!f! !H!i!s!t!o!r!y! !i!n! !T!o!l!k!i!e!n (!F!r!a!n!c!o! !M!a!n!n!i! !T!o!l!k!i!e!n!'!s! !L!e!g!e!n!d!a!r!i!u!m! !a!s! !a! !m!e!d!i!t!a!t!i!o! !m!o!r!t!i!s (!C!l!a!u!d!i!o! !A!.! !T!e!s!t!i!



Brittany and Wales in Middle-earth -- The Green Knight, the Green Man, and Treebeard : scholarship and invention in Tolkiens fiction -Missing person -- Part 3. Tolkien and his century. A cautionary tale : Tolkiens mythology for England -- The mind, the tongue, and the tale -- A post-modern medievalist -- Taking the part of trees : ecoconflict in Middle-earth -- Gilson, Smith, and Baggins -- The body in question : the unhealed wounds of Frodo Baggins -- A distant mirror : Tolkien and Jackson in the looking-glass. GIULIANO, Stefna, Le Radici profonde non gelano. Il conflitto fra tradizione e modernita nelloepra di J.R.R.Tolkien, Milano, Bietti, 2012, 400 pages.

FERR, Vincent (dir.), Dictionnaire Tolkien, Paris, CNRS ditions, 2012, 669 pages. Voici le premier dictionnaire exhaustif sur le gnial inventeur de la Terre du Milieu, JRR Tolkien. Personnages, sources d'inspiration, lieux, psychanalyse, religion, politique, posie, postrit, adaptations cinmatographiques, jeux vido... Un ouvrage monumental la mesure de l'oeuvre tolkienienne, vnre par des gnrations de lecteurs qui feront leur miel de cette encyclopdie accessible et admirablement documente. Vincent Ferr est matre de confrences habilit luniversit Paris 13- Paris Nord. Il mne des recherches sur J.R.R. Tolkien depuis une quinzaine dannes. Il est aussi en charge de ldition des oeuvres de Tolkien en franais, publies chez Christian Bourgois.

HAMMOND, Wayne G. & Christina Scull, The Art of the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 2012, 144 pages. Written and edited by leading Tolkien experts Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull, The Art of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien showcases the complete artwork created by the author for his storyincluding related pictures, more than one hundred sketches, drawings, paintings, maps, and plans. Some of these images are published here for the first time, others for the first time in color, allowing Tolkiens Hobbit pictures to be seen completely and more vividly than ever before. HENNEN, Bernhard, Karl-heinz WITZKO, et al., Tolkiens grsste Helden Wie die Hobbits die Welt Eroberten : Anthologie, Mnchen, Heyne Verlag, 2012, 400 pages. Wann haben Sie zum ersten Mal J. R. R. Tolkiens Meisterwerk Der Hobbit gelesen? Was haben dieses berhmteste aller FantasyAbenteuer und diese einzigartige Welt Mittelerde in Ihnen ausgelst? Diesen Fragen und noch vielen mehr widmen sich Bernhard Hennen und eine hochkartige Auswahl der besten Fantastik-Autoren. Dabei erzhlen sie nicht nur von ihren persnlichen Begegnungen mit Tolkiens Welt, sondern bieten eine Flle an interessanten und aufregenden Hintergrundinformationen rund um die grten kleinen Helden der Weltliteratur. HURWITCH, Nick, The Unofficial Hobbit Trivia Challenge, Cincinnati (OH), Adams Media, 2012, 256 pages. [Gadget livre jeu] KEMPSHALL, Paddy, Le Hobbit, un voyage inattendu : le monde des Hobbits, Paris, De la Martinire jeunesse, 2012, 48 pages. V. O. : The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey : The World of Hobbits, NY, Mariner Books, 2012.

FLIEGER, Verlyn, Green Suns and Faeries : Essays on Tolkien, Kent State University Press, 2012, 331 pages. Part 1. Tolkien sub-creator. Fantasy and reality : J.R.R. Tolkiens world and the fairy-story essay --The music and the task : fate and free will in Middle-earth --Tolkien and the idea of the book -- Tolkien on Tolkien : "On fairystories," The hobbit, and The lord of the rings - When is a fairy story a faerie story? Smith of Wootton Major -- The footsteps of lfwine - The curious incident of the dream at the barrow : memory and reincarnation in Middleearth -- Whose myth is it? -- Part 2. Tolkien in tradition. Tolkiens Wild Men from medieval to modern -- Tolkien and the matter of Britain -Frodo and Aragorn : the concept of the hero -Bilbos neck riddle -- Allegory vs. bounce : Tolkiens Smith of Wootton Major, Flieger, Shippey -- A mythology for Finland : Tolkien and Lonnrot as mythmakers -- Tolkien, Kalevala, and "The story of Kullervo" --


KEMPSHALL, Paddy, Le Hobbit, un voyage inattendu : le livre du film, Paris, De la Martinire jeunesse, 2012, 48 pages. V. O. : The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey : The Movie Storybook, New York, Mariner Books, 2012, 48 pages. KEMPSHALL, Paddy, Le Hobbit, un voyage inattendu : le livre dactivits, Paris, De la Martinire jeunesse, 2012, 62 pages. V. O. : The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey Activity Book, New York, Mariner Books, 2012, 64 pages. KLOCZKO, Edouard, Le Haut-elfique pour les dbutants, Paris, Fetjaine, 2012, 348 pages. [contenant tout ce qui est ncessaire pour comprendre la langue quenya de J.R.R. Tolkien] KRAUSE, Arnulf, Die Wirkliche Mittelerde : Tolkiens Mythologie und ihre Wurzeln im Mittelalter, Stuttgart, Theiss, 2012, 229 pages. MARKOS, Louis, On the Shoulder of Hobbits : The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis, Chicago, Moody Publishers, 2012, 240 pages. Prface de Peter Kreeft. Courage, valor, trust, pride, greed, and jealousy--these are not fictional virtues. This is the stuff of real life, the Christian life. Professor and author Louis Markos takes us on the road with Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, with looks at selected classic works of literature as well, to show how great stories bring us so much more than entertainment. They inspire and convict, imparting truth in unforgettable ways. MATHISON, Phil, Tolkien in East Yorkshire, 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 1 8 , Newport (UK), Dead Good Publications, 2012, 120 pages. McKINSTRY, Peter & Gareth HANRAHAN, Tolkiens World : A Guide to the Places and People of Middle-Earth, Carlton Books, London, 2012, 80 pages. NAGEL, Rainer, Hobbit Place-Names, Zillikofen (Suisse), Walking Tree Publishers, 2012, 302 pages. NEIMARK, Anne E., Mythmaker : The Life of J.R.R.Tolkien, Creator of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, New York, Harcourt Childrens Books, 2012, 144 pages. OLSEN, Corey, Exploring J. R. R. Tolkiens The Hobbit, New York, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012, 336 pages. Professor Corey Olsen takes readers on an indepth journey through The Hobbit chapter by chapter, revealing the stories within the story: the dark desires of dwarves and the sublime laughter of elves, the nature of evil and its

hopelessness, the mystery of divine providence and human choice, and, most of all, the transformation within the life of Bilbo Baggins. Exploring J.R.R. Tolkiens The Hobbit is a book that will make The Hobbit come alive for readers as never before. OLIVER, Sarah, An A Z of J. R. R. Tolkiens The Hobbit : An Unendorsed, Colourful and Critical Guide Celebrating The Movies, London, John Blake, 2012, 250 pages. PEARCE, Joseph, Bilbos Journey : Discovering the Hidden Meaning in T h e Hobbit, Charlotte (NC), Saint Benedict Press, 2012, 120 pages. PORTER, Lynette, The Hobbits : The Many Lives of Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin, London, I.B. Tauris, 2012, 240 pages. The beloved characters of Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin have been much-adapted for radio, television, film, and stage. Lynette Porter follows the hobbits through these many other lives, from Tolkien's on-page revisions and John Boorman's unmade screenplays, through to Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film trilogy and its musical counterpart. She also reviews over 50 years of "Hobbit Art", including the work of Alan Lee, John Howe, and Ted Nasmith. Journeying through fanzines, videogames, fanfiction, and more, Porter demonstrates how the hobbits, their characters, and their stories continue to introduce new audiences to Tolkien's work, in new and adapted forms. SERVOS, Stefan, Guide du monde de Bilbo : dans les coulisses du film de Peter Jackson, Paris, Archipel [jeunesse], 2012, 80 pages. SIBLEY, Brian, Le Hobbit, un voyage inattendu : le guide officiel du film, Paris, Fetjaine, 2012, 168 pages. V. O. : T h e Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey Official Movie Guide, New York, Mariner Books, 2012, 192 pages. SIMON, Erik, Tolkiens Geschpfen : von Hobbits, Zwergen, Drachen und anderen phantastischen Wesen, Mnchen, Piper Taschenbuch, 2012, 672 pages. SMITH, Noble, The Wisdon of the Shire : A Short Guide to a Long and Happy Life, New York, Thomas Dunne Books, 2012, 224 pages. STEPHEN, Elizabeth, Hobbit to Hero ; The Making of Tolkiens King, ADC Publications Ltd.(UK) , 2012, 375 pages.


STRAUSS, Ed, A Hobbit Devotional : Bilbo Baggins and the Bible, Uhrichsville (OH), Barbour Books, 2012, 320 pages. TURLIN, Jean-Rodolphe, Promenades au pays des Hobbits : itinraires travers la Comt de J.R.R. Tolkien, Rennes, Terre de Brume, 2012, 200 pages. En passant par les agrables sentiers de la gographie, de la toponymie, de l'onomastique, la rencontre de mots exprims dans des langues historiques ou imaginaires. les Promenades au Pays des Hobbits offrent au lecteur sept itinraires travers la Comt, dans ses villages, ses collines, ses forts, le long de ses rivires et de ses tangs cerns de joncheraies. Autant de motifs qui se ctoient et se rpondent d'un texte l'autre, de romans en pomes, en formant les somptueux tableaux campagnards d'un univers secondaire qui voque fortement une Angleterre rurale chre aux souvenirs de J.R.R. Tolkien, dont on clbre cette anne les 120 ans de sa naissance. TYLER, J. E. A. & Kevin REILLY The Complete Tolkien Companion, New York, St. Martin,s Griffin, 2012, 736 pages. [nouvelle dition] For all those who journey to Middle Earth, here is the complete guide to its lands, legends, histories, languages, and people. The Complete Tolkien Companion explains, translates, and links every single referencenames, dates, places, facts, famous weapons, even food and drinkto be found in J. R. R. Tolkien's world, which includes not only The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings but also The Simarillion and many other posthumously published works. A detailed explanation of the various Elvish writing systems, together with maps, charts, and genealogical tables, bring the remarkable genius of Tolkien and the unforgettable world and wonder of Middle Earth to life with focus and accuracy. First published in 1976, this is an indispensable accompaniment for anyone who embarks on the reading journey of a lifetime. VASSALO, Luisa & Cinzia GREGORUTTI, A Tavola con gli Hobbit : ricette e menu della Terra di Mezzo, Milano, Ancore, 2012, 244 pages. WALKER, Steve, The Power of Tolkiens Prose : Middle-Earths Magical Style, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 208 pages. A noter : la parution simultane chez Christian Bourgois des nouvelles ditions traduites par Daniel Lauzon du Hobbit et du Hobbit illustr.


COGMAN, Bryan, Inside HBOs Game of Thrones, San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 2012, 192 pages. Prface de george R.R. Martin. Intro. de David Benioff & D. B. Weiss. This official companion book gives fans new ways to enter this fictional world and discover more about the beloved (and reviled) characters and the electrifying plotlines. Hundreds of set photos, production and costume designs, storyboards, and insider stories reveal how the shows creators translated George R. R. Martins best-selling fantasy series into the world of Westeros. Featuring interviews with key actors and crew members that capture the best scripted and unscripted moments from the first two sea_sons, as well as a preface by George R. R. Martin, this special volume, bound in a lavishly debossed padded cover, offers exclusive access to this unprecedented television series. COULOMBE, Maxime, Petite philosophie du zombie, ou comment penser par lhorreur, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, 160 pages. Les zombies sont partout, au cinma, la tlvision, dans nos rues, chez notre libraire. Grotesques et terrifiants, ils pourraient n'tre qu'une tendance kitsch, un divertissement la mode. Derrire sa dmarche tranante et ridicule se cache pourtant une figure symptomatique de notre poque. Peur de l'pidmie ou fantasme de la catastrophe, alination moderne ou fascination pour la violence : le zombie et le monde apocalyptique qu il cre nous parlent d'abord, intimement, de nous-mmes. Par l'obscne exhibition de la mort, l'ultime tabou de la socit occidentale, il brise les limites de la condition humaine : celles de la conscience, de la vie, de la civilisation. Mais surtout, il trahit un fantasme mergeant dans notre culture, celui d'en finir. DATH, Dietmar, L o s t , Zrich & Berlin, Diaphanes, (Diaphanes Booklet), 2012, 95 pages. DEVIDTS, Pierre, Andre Tarkovski : spatialit et habitation, Paris, LHarmattan, 2012, 128 pages. GOODMAN, David A., Star Trek Federation : The First 150 Years, 47North Publishing, 2012, 176 pages. GRABINER, Ellen, I See You : The Shifting Paradigms of James Camerons Avatar, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, viii, 246 pages


GREENBERG, Robert, Star Trek : The Complete Unauthorized History, Minneapolis, Voyageur Press, 2012, 256 pages. HODIN, Claude, Murnau ou les aventures de la puret, Paris, LHarmattan, (Champs visuels), 2012, 212 pages. HFER, Laura, Sehnsucht Vampire ? Zur neuen Attraktivitt zeitgenssischer Vampirfilme auf Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, diplme, Postdam-Babelsberg, Master of Arts, 2012, 118 pages. HOLDER, Nancy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer : The Making of a Slayer, London, Titan Books, 2012, 176 pages. Celebrating the 15th anniversary of Joss Whedons Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series, this lavishly produced book is the first authorized, fully illustrated retrospective of the hit show. Offering in-depth commentary on the making of the series, the book explores the characters and mythology of the Buffy universe and follows the evolution of all seven seasons. Die-hard Whedon fans will also find insider information on his involvement in other projects, including Angel, Firefly, and more. KONOW, David, Reel Terror : The Scary, Bloody, Gory, Hundred-Year History of Classic Horror Films, New York, St. Martins Griffin, 2012, 608 pages. MALLORY, Michael, LUnivers de la au-del, Paris Rizzoli, 2012, 255 pages. Le livre reprend la progression chronologique de la science-fiction travers les dcennies, pour mieux analyser les fantasmes mis en oeuvre dans la production du genre. L'ouvrage comprend des rfrences aux sries les plus populaires et aux grands classiques du cinma de science-fiction, tels que Docteur Who, 2001 : Odysse de l'espace, Orange Mcanique, Alien, E.T. L'extra-terrestre, Star Trek, Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, parmi de nombreux autres. MILLER, Cynthia J. & A. Bowdoin VAN RIPER (eds.), 1950s Rocketman TV Series and their Fans : Cadets, Rangers, and Junior Spacemen, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 294 pages. Foreword; H.Jenkins _Introduction; A. Bowdoin Van Riper & C. J. Miller _PROLOGUE: WHEN OUR STORY BEGINS _Where It All Began: The Flash Gordon Serials; R. Kinnard _PART I: LEARNING TO BE ROCKETMEN _'A Commotion in the Firmament': Tom Corbett and the Lost Boys; J. C. Tibbetts _Boys Wonder: Male

Teenage Assistants in 1950s Sci-Fi Movie Serials and Cold War Masculinity; R. Jacobs _Girls and 'Space Fever'; A. Foster _PART II: REACHING FOR TOMORROW _Space Fever: From Fantasy to Reality; H. E. McCurdy _Shooting for the Stars: Captain Video, the Rocket Rangers, and America's Conquest of Space; P. Luciano & G. Coville_Space Opera TV: Seeing the World of Tomorrow; J. P. Telotte _PART III: AS SEEN ON TV _The Sky is the Limit: Advertising and Consumer Culture in Rocketman Television Shows of the 1950s; L. R. Samuel_Creating a Sense of Wonder: The Glorious Legacy of Space Opera Toys of the 1950's; S. M. Young _Space Patrol: Missions of Daring in the Name of Early Television; J . Bassior _PART IV: LOOKING AT THE EARTH _Making the Universe Safe for Democracy: Rocky Jones, Space Ranger; W. W. Dixon _"Justice through Strength and Courage": Captain Midnight and the Military-Industrial Complex; M. Broderick _"To Learn from the Past. . .": Becoming Cold War Citizens with Captain Z-Ro; C. J. Miller & A. Bowdoin Van R i p e r _ EPILOGUE: THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY AND BEYOND_ Confessions of A Commando Cody Addict (Or, How The Flying Suit Changed My Life); G. Hughes NDALIANIS, Angela, The Horror Sensorium : Media and The Senses, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 223 pages. Through analyses of various mediums, this volume explores how the horror genre affects the mind and body of the spectator. Works explored include the films 28 Days Later and Death Proof, the video games Resident Evil 4 and Doom 3, the theme park ride The Revenge of the Mummy, transmedia experiences associated with The Dark Knight and True B l o o d , and paranormal romance novels featuring Anita Blake and Sookie Stackhouse. OSTERIED, Peter, Die Filme von Jack Arnold : Knig des phantastichen Films, Hille, MPW Verlag, 2012, 402 pages. PARKIN, Lance & Lars PEARSON, AHistory : An Unauthorized History of the Doctor Who Universe, Des Moines (IO), Mad Norwegian Press, 2012, 784 pages. PELOSATO, Alain, Fantastique SF Sciences, Create space, 2012, 242 pages. RUSHDIE, Salman, The Wizard of Oz, London, BFI, (BFI Film Classics), 2012, 80 pages. SALISBURY, Mark, Entretiens avec Tim Burton, Paris, Points, 2012, 394 pages.


SHELLEY, Peter, Australian Horror Films, 1973-2010, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 320 pages. Titles covered were released between 1973 and 2010, a period coinciding with the revival of the long-dormant Australian film industry in the early 1970s, and continuing into the second wave of genre production spurred by the international success of the 2005 chiller Wolf Creek. The Cars That Ate Paris, The Last Wave, Roadgames, Razorback, Outback Vampires, Queen of the Damned, Black Water, and The Reef are among the titles represented. SKRODZKA, Aga, Magic Realist Cinema in East Central Europe, Edinburgh, Edingburgh University Press, 2012, 190 pages. STANISH, Deborah & L. M. MYLES, Chicks Unravel Time : Women Journey Through Every Season of Doctor Who, Des Moines (IO), Mad Norvegian Press, 2012, 272 pages. WHEDON, Joss, Firefly : A Celebration, London, Titan Books, 2012, 544 pages. WINDHAM, Ryder, Star Wars : lencyclopdie absolue, Paris, Nathan, 2012, 194 pages.

particularly influential in the development of the manga tradition. BEATY, Bart, Comic versus Art, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2012, x, 274 pages. Introduction: Out of the historical dustbin : comics and the hierarchy of genres -- What if comics were art? Defining a comics art world -Roy Lichtenstein's tears : Ressentiment and exclusion in the world of pop art -- Searching for artists in the entertainment empire -Cartoons as masterpieces: an essay on illustrated classics -- Highbrow comics and lowbrow art? The shifting contexts of the comics art object -- On junk, investments, and junk investments: the evolution of comic book collectables -- Crumbs from the table: the place of comics in art museums -- By way of conclusion : Chris Ware's Comics about art. GOSCINNY, Anne, Le Bruit des clefs, Paris, NIL, (Les Affranchis), 2012, 87 pages. GROENSTEEN, Thierry, Comic and N a r r a t i o n , Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, 192 pages. Ne au beau milieu des "vnements" de Mai 68, Anne Goscinny a appris trs jeune essuyer bourrasques et temptes. Passionne de chanson franaise, elle crit des textes pour Serge Reggiani, puis devient journaliste pour Le Magazine littraire, L'Express, Paris Match, le Figaro littraire. Aprs le dcs de sa mre, elle se charge de veiller sur le patrimoine artistique de Ren Goscinny ; elle cre les ditions IMAV avec Aymar du Chatenet, publie trois volumes d'histoires indites du Petit Nicolas et ressuscite le personnage d'Iznogoud. Son propre imaginaire apparat dans toute sa force ds son premier roman, Le Bureau des solitudes, que suivront Le Voleur de mre, Le Pre ternel et Le Banc des soupirs. HALLORAN, Fiona Deans, Thomas Nast : the Father of Modern Political Cartoons, Chapel Hill (NC), the University of North Carolina Press, 2012, 352 pages. HAUDOT, Jonathan, Shoah et bande d e s s i n e , Paris. LHarmattan, 2012, 300 pages. S'appuyant sur plus de 170 albums de BD parus en France entre 1944 et 2009, cette tude indite mobilise les sciences de l'information et de la communication, la smiotique, la sociologie et l'histoire pour radiographier de manire critique les reprsentations du gnocide juif labores par


BEATY, Bart H. & Stephen WEINER (eds.), Critical Survey of Graphic Novels : Manga, Maynard (Mass.), Salem Press, 2012, 382 pages. The third set in this series, Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: Manga, provides in-depth insight for over 55 of the most popular and studied manga graphic novels, ranging from metaseries to stand-alone books. A recent influx of translated Japanese manga into the American market has sparked a greater interest in foreign-language traditions and long-form comics storytelling. This single-volume subset focuses on translated works that have been


la bande dessine, tout en prsentant et discutant les grands rgimes reprsentationnels propres cette mmoire. MERLE, Simon, Super-Hros & philo, Paris, ditions Bral, 2012, 111 pages. Le monde des Super-hros est brutal, color, fantaisiste... Nous sommes tous, quelque soit notre ge, fascins et pris dans la toile de ces rcits imaginaires. Mais pourquoi y voir matire rflexions philosophiques ? Les Super-hros, malgr leurs super-pouvoirs, sont vulnrables et sont le reflet peine dform de l espce humaine. travers leur double identit, ils incarnent la fois lhumain, avec toutes ses faiblesses, et une perfection physique et morale, qui tend vers le surhumain. Ils sont un miroir grossissant dans lequel nous pouvons contempler notre condition et nous interroger : qui sommes-nous ? Quel est notre devoir ? Que peut-on esprer ? Le dtour par la fiction est parfois ncessaire pour faire tomber le masque et affronter les problmes qui nous proccupent dans la ralit. Ainsi, travers l exemplarit du super-hros, cest finalement notre humanit que nous essayons de comprendre et notre monde que nous survolons. PRATT, Hugo, De lautre ct de Corto : entretiens avec Dominique Petifaux, Paris, Casterman, 2012, 263 pages. [nouvelle dition entirement revue et actualise] REVERCHON-BILLOT, Morgane (dir.), Le Droit dans les bandes dessines, Poitiers, Presses universitaires juridiques, Universit de Poitiers, 2012, 195 pages. SALKOWITZ, Rob, Comic-Con and the Business of Pop Culture : What the Worlds Wildest Trade Show can Tell us About the Future of Entertainment, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2012, viii, 292 pages. SCHMITZ-EMANS, Monika (ed.), Comic und Literatur Konstellationen, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2012, 250 pages. WANDTKE, Terrence R., The Meaning of Superhero Comic Books, Jefferson, (NC), McFarland, 2012, vii, 262 pages. By revealing how contemporary superhero comics, like Geoff Johns Green Lantern and Warren Elliss The Authority, connect traditional aesthetics and postmodern theories, this work explains why the superhero comic book flourishes in the "new traditional" shape of our acutely self-conscious digital age.

BROCKSCH, Franziska, The Sound of Disney : Filmmusik in ausgewhlten Walt Disney Zeichenstrickfilmen, Marburg, Tectum Verlag, 2012, 113 pages. DEJEAN, Thierry & Marcelle PONTI-ROUXEL, Les Shadoks, Jacques Rouxel : une vie de cration, Paris, Chne, 2012, 317 pages. MANNING, Matthew K., Art of Marvel Studios, New York, Marvel Comics, 2012, 912 pages. From comic-book legends to silver-screen super heroes! Marvel presents an insider's look into the making of its cinematic universe assembling three Avengers in one stylish slipcase. Featuring exclusive production artwork, behind-the-scenes photography, and in-depth cast-and-crew interviews, this fourbook collection is a must-have for any fan of Mighty Marvel movies! PFEFFER, Melina, Anthropomorphisierung im Animationsfilm, Mnchen, UTZ, 2012, 347pages. PILLING, Jayne (ed.), Animating the Unconscious : Desire, Sexuality and Animation, London, Wallflower, 2012, 220 pages. PIZZI, Katia (ed.), Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity : The Mechanical Body, New York, Routledge, 2012, xvii, 228 pages. PONTIERI, Laura, Soviet Animation and the Thaw of the 1960s : Not Only for Children, Eastleigh, John Libbey Publ., 2012, 248 pages. REINER, Rob, The Princess Bride : A Celebration, New York, iUniverse, 2012, 192 pages. SMOODIN, Eric, Snow White and the Seven D w a r f s , London, BFI, (BFI Film Classics), 2012, 112 pages. SNIDER, Brandon T., Batman, The Dark Knight : gadgets, armes, vhicules et documents secrets de la Batcave, Paris, Fetjaine, 2012, 110 pages. TARTAKOVSKY, Genndy, The Art and Making of Htel Transylvania, London, Titan Books, 2012, 160 pages. WAGNER, Birgitt, Waltraud GRAUSGRUBER (eds.), Trick Women : Animationsfilm Kunst von Frauen, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2011, 176 pages.



this version of the popular West would not exist; and it considers the costs of the frontierclub formula, in terms of its impact on Indigenous peoples and its marginalization of other popular voices, including western writings by African Americans, women, and workingclass white men. CREMEAN, David N. (ed.), Cormac McCarthy, Ipswich (Mass.), Salem Press, (Critical Insights), 2013, 329 pages. Career, life, and influence. On Cormac McCarthy / David N. Cremean; Biography of Cormac McCarthy / Carole Juge -- Critical contexts. Cormac McCarthys critical reception / Ronja Vieth; Through a trauma theory lens: McCarthys violence reconsidered / Christine Shearer-Cremean; Cormac McCarthys cultural and historical contexts / Ciaran Dowd; Fact and fiction: perspectives on the Borderlands from Cormac McCarthy and Charles Bowden / Robert Headley -- Critical Readings. Cormac McCarthys Southern novels / Will Brannon; All the pretty Westerns: McCarthy lights out (for) the territories / David N. Cremean; "The ugly fact": authorial intent, textual criticism, and the McCarthy papers / Andrew Husband; Cormac McCarthys dramas and screenplays / Stacey Peebles; Adapting McCarthy to film / Cynthia J. Miller; Gender in McCarthys fiction / Nell Sullivan; Cormac McCarthy: a scientific bent / Rick Wallach; "I wont tell you you can save yourself because you cant": the western formula and the removal of the hero in No country for old men and Blood meridian / Nicholas Lawrence; "The day is made of what has come before": determinism and ineffective choice in Cormac McCarthys Border trilogy / John Ferer; Morels and morals: hope in the postapocalyptic The road / Anne Coyle; Still at the center: McCarthian mysticism / David N. Cremean -- Resources: Chronology of Cormac McCarthys life; Works by Cormac McCarthy DOMSCH, Sebastian, Cormac McCarthy, Mnchen, edition Text + Kritik, 2012, 215 pages. FRANKEL, Glenn, The Searchers : T h e Making of An American Legend, New York, Bloomsbury, 2013, 416 pages. In 1836 in East Texas, nine-year-old Cynthia Ann Parker was kidnapped by Comanches. She was raised by the tribe and eventually became the wife of a warrior. Twenty-four years after her capture, she was reclaimed by the U.S. cavalry and Texas Rangers and restored to her white family, to die in misery and obscurity. Cynthia Ann's story has been told and re-told

BLISS, Michael (ed.), Peckinpah Today : New Essays on the Films of Sam P e c k i n p a h , Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press, 2012, xi, 196 pages. Introduction: times maybe, not them, the enduring value of Sam Peckinpah's films / Michael Bliss -- The deadly companions revisited / Garner Simmons -- Martyred slaves of time: age, regret, and transcendence in The wild bunch / Michael Bliss -- The ballad of divine retribution / Steven Lloyd -- From The siege of Trencher's farm to Straw dogs: the narrative brilliance of Sam Peckinpah / Michael Sragow -- The recutting of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid: ethical problems in film restoration / Stephen Prince -- The authentic death and contentious afterlife of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid: the several versions of Peckinpah's last western / Paul Seydor -- Human striving, human strife: Sam Peckinpah and the journey of the soul / Cordell Strug -- Peckinpah's last testament: The Osterman weekend / Tony Williams -- Dawn and dusk / Grard Camy ; translated by Jean-Paul Gabert. BOLD, Christine, The Frontier Club : Popular Westerns and Cultural Power, 1 8 8 0 - 1 9 2 4 , New York, Oxford University Press, 2012, 320 pages. Mining institutional archives, personal papers, novels, and films, The Frontier Club excavates the hidden social, political, and financial interests behind the making of the modern western. It re-reads frontier-club fiction, most notably Owen Wister's bestseller The Virginian, in relation to federal policies and cultural spaces (from exclusive gentlemen's clubs to national parks to zoos); it casts new light on key clubmen, both the famous and the forgotten-figures such as Roosevelt, George Bird Grinnell, Silas Weir Mitchell, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Frederic Remington-while recovering the women on whom these men depended and without whom


over generations to become a foundational American tale. The myth gave rise to operas and one-act plays, and in the 1950s to a novel by Alan LeMay, which would be adapted into one of Hollywood's most legendary films, The Searchers, "The Biggest, Roughest, Toughest... and Most Beautiful Picture Ever Made!" directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne. HERMANSSON, Casie, How to Analyze the Films of Clint Eastwood, Minneapolis (MN), ABDO Pub., (Essential Critiques), 2013, 112 pages. JACOBS, Jason, Deadwood, London, BFI, (BFI TV Classics), 2012, 194 pages. Jason Jacobs' study of Deadwood explores an in-depth history of the groundbreaking HBO American Western drama from acclaimed writer David Milch. From the show's production to its universally positive critical reception,this richly illustrated study includes Jacobs' astute analysis of the series' key themes and aesthetic strategies, arguing that the show not only marked a radical revision of the Western genre, but an outstanding work of television art. WORTHINGTON, Leslie Harper, Cormac McCarthy and The Ghost of Huck Finn, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, v, 206 pages.

Rcits de guerre

A SIGNALER PATAR, Benot, crits sur le cinma, Longueuil, Les Presses philosophiques, 2012, 195 pages. Passionn de cinma (il est, entre autres, le fondateur de la revue 24 images), Benot Patar est aussi un amateur de westerns, une espce en voie de disparition, du moins au Qubec, o elle na jamais vraiment prolifr...Dans ce livre, parmi divers crits sur le cinma dont cinq en annexe de lami Franois Lebeau on trouve trois de ses confrences sur le western: Vengeance et rdemption dans lOuest Agression des Blancs et rsistance Sauvages Esprance et libert dans lOuest des

ATACK, Margaret (ed.), Framing Narratives of the Seond World War and Occupation in France, 1939-2009, Manchester, machester University Press, 2012, xi, 251 pages. BERLATSKY, Noah (ed.), War in Erich Maria Remarques All Quiet on the Western F r o n t , Detroit, Geenhaven Press, (Social Issues in Literature), 2013, 224 pages. BEN-MOSHE, Yael, Hitler konstruiren : die Darstellung Adolf Hitlers in deutschen und amerikanischen Spielfilm, Leipzig, Universittsverlag, 2012, 292 pages. BRONFEN, Elisabeth, Specters of War : Hollywoods Engagement with Military C o n f l i c t , New brunswick (NJ), Rutgers University Press, 2012, viii, 288 pages. CAPOLEA GIL, Isabel, Plots of War : Modern Narratives of Conflict, Berlin, De Gruyter, (Culture & Conflict, 2), 2012, 219 pages. ERICKSON, Hal, Military Comedy Films : A Critical Survey and Filmography of Hollywood Releases since 1918, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2012, 418 pages. Beginning with Charlie Chaplins Shoulder Arms, released in America near the end of World War I, the military comedy film has been one of Hollywoods most durable genres. This generously illustrated history examines over 225 Army, Navy and Marine-related comedies produced between 1918 and 2009, including the abundance of laughspinners released during World War II in the wake of Abbott and Costellos phenomenally successful B u c k Privates (1941), and the many lighthearted service films of the immediate postwar era, among them Mister Roberts (1955) and N o Time for Sergeants (1958). FAUTH, Soren R., (dir.), Reprsentationen des Krieges : Emotionalisierungsstrategie in der Literatur und in den audiovisuellen Medien von 18 bis 21 Jarhhundert, Gttingen, Walstein-Verlag, 2012, 375 pages.

Avec des listes (surprenantes) de westerns : ses prfrs (bien daccord...) et ceux quil a le moins aims et avec lesquels je ne suis pas toujours daccord !


strotypes et esprances de dpassement dans quelques oeuvres traitant de la premire guerre mondiale - Bernd Zielinski : L'image de l'ennemi : enjeu central de la concurrence des systmes entre RFA et RDA - Laurence Guillon : Les figures multiples de l' ennemi dans les discours juifs de RFA et de RDA - Anna Louyest : L'image de l'ennemi dans la Russie au XXIe sicle (littrature et cinma). SARANTAKES, Nicholas Evan, Making Patton : A Classic War Films Epic Journey to the Silver Screen, Lawrence, University Press of Kansas, xii, 2012, 258 pages. VITULLO, Julieta, Islas imaginadas : la guerra de Malvinas en la literatura y el cine argentinos, Buenos Aires, Corregidor, 2012, 204 pages.

KAZECKI, Jakub, Laughter in the Trenches : Humour and Front Experience in german First World War Narratives, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2012, 199 pages. KOSMIDOU, Eleftheria Rania, European Civil war Films : Memory, Conflict, and Nostalgia, New York, Routledge, (Routledge Advances in Film Studies), 2013, 196 pages. KRULIC, BRIGITTE, LEnnemi en regard(s) : images, usages et interprtations dans lhistoire et la littrature, Frankfurt am Main, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, vii, 293 pages. Contenu : Brigitte Krulic : L' ennemi , concept ncessaire et construit - Sergue Sakhno : L'image de l'ennemi travers les termes de diffrentes langues (donnes de smantique historique) - Vladislav Rjoutski : Le Prcepteur franais comme ennemi : la construction de son image en Russie (deuxime moiti du XVIIIe - premire moiti du XIXe sicle) - Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle : De l ' A l l e m a g n e de Germaine de Stal : de l'hostilit l'hospitalit ou l'art d' impatroniser l'ennemi en France - Pascale Cohen-Avenel : Ecraser l'Ennemi pour sauver l'Humanit. La Querelle des Romains et des Germains la veille des guerres de libration - Marie-Pierre Rey : L'image de l'ennemi dans la campagne de Russie, tude croise France-Russie Alexandre Tchoudinov : L'archtype de l'ennemi tranger dans l'imaginaire folklorique de la Russie au dbut du XIXe sicle - Vra Milchina : L'image de l'ennemi comme moyen de parvenir : le cas de l'espion Baqui - Brigitte Krulic : Nos anctres les Ennemis : Gaulois, Romains, Francs et Germains - Anne Kwaschik : (Des)apprendre de l'ennemi ? Les rfrences trangres des universitaires en Allemagne et en France au XIXe sicle - Marie-France David de Palacio : Les Reptiles : le fantasme de l'espion allemand dans le roman franais la fin du XIXe sicle - Alain Montandon : La fabrique de l'ennemi chez Barrs et Vercors Charles Brion : L'inimiti franco-allemande :

BERTOLOTTI, Alessandro, Curiosa : la bibliothque rotique, Paris, la Martinire, 2012, 254 pages. Collectionner des livres rotiques, telle est l'une des passions du clbre bibliophile italien Alessandro Bertolotti. Ce livre est le fruit de son travail de collectionneur. Les plus importants et les plus rares de ces erotica y sont prsents, avec leur couverture et quelques pages intrieures. Ils ne sont pas prsents dans un ordre chronologique, mais suivent un classement thmatique : amour en plein air, la Belle et la bte (zoophilie), fellation, godemichs, langue au chat ou sadomasochisme sont quelques-unes des catgories tablies par l'auteur pour prsenter environ 130 livres, du XVIIe sicle nos jours, illustrs de gravures, peintures, dessins, photographies ou bandes dessines. BIER, Christopher (dir.), Dictionnaire des films franais pornographiques & rotiques de longs mtrages en 16 et 35 m m , Paris, Serious Publishing, 2011, xviii, 1194 pages. Rsums et notules rdigs par Grgory Alexandre, Edgar Baltzer, et al., avec la participation de Franois Angelier, Pierre Bourdy, Frdrick Durand, et al. En appendice (of course !) , listes des corproductions francotrangres et des films trangers. CAWTHORNE, Nigel, Sex Lives of the Hollywood Goddesses, London, Prion Books,


(Sex lives of the...), 2012, 256 pages. DAKHLIA, jamil & Graldine POELS (dir.), Amour toujours... dossier publi dans Temps des mdias (revue dhistoire), no 19, automne 2012, 296 pages. Jamil Dakhlia et Graldine Poels Prsentation_Hlne Duccini - Watteau et Marivaux: deux tmoins dune mutation du sentiment amoureux au XVIIe sicle_Frdric Herv - Un couple patant : lauteur de la Nouvelle Vague et le censeur du cinma_Verushka Lieutenant-Duval - Le continuum des reprsentations sexuelles dans le film 10 (1979) de Blake Edwards : du baiser amoureux au sexe explicite pour le plaisir_Christophe Deleu - Dix heures et demie du soir la radio : lamour sur les ondes_Olivier Zerbib - cris-moi et tu te diras qui tu es : les sites de rencontre comme lieux de renchantement de soi_Magali Bigey Romances en sries, amour toujours et marketing_Franoise Hache-Bissette - La Chick lit : romance du XXIe sicle ?_Anne-Sophie Bliard, Nelly Quemener - L exotisme de la proximit : lamour lpreuve du monde agricole et du couple_Batrice Damian-Gaillard - Le courrier des lecteurs et des lectrices dUnion : scripts culturels de lamour sexuel_ Virginie Sassoon - La reprsentation du couple dans le magazine fminin Amina : une vision androcentrique_Cline Morin - Du romantisme la relation pure ? Les amours des hrones de sries amricaines depuis 1950_Virginie Sauzon - Histoire(s) de la mdiatisation de lamour chez les crivaines franaises contemporaines DOUIN, Jean-Luc, Le Cinma du dsir : dictionnaire, Paris, Jolle Losfeld, 2012, 358 pages. Comment se manifeste le dsir dans la comdie musicale, dans le film noir, le burlesque, le film d'horreur ? Comment sont ns les mythes de telle ou telle diva l'rotisme universel ? Quelques rponses avec des entres aussi allchantes que : Blonde, David Lynch, Vampire, Comtesse aux pieds nus, Eric Rohmer, Gilda, Baiser, Ernst Lubitsch, Jambes, Wong Kar Wa, Amour fou... Un parcours forcment subjectif, qui vite de rester historique et mlancolique en faisant apparatre des films rcents des actrices qui font notre actualit. HINES, Claire & Darren KERR (eds.), Hard to Swallow : Hard-Core Pornography on Screen, London, New York, Wallflower Press, 2012, xi, 249 pages.

Is hard-core hard to swallow? / Claire Hines and Darren Kerr -- Part I Turned on : hard-core screen cultures -- Pornography in the multiplex / Brian McNair -- The dark side of hard-core : critical documentaries on the sex industry / Karen Boyle -- Art school sluts : authenticity and the aesthetics of altporn / Feona Attwood - Pornogogy : teaching the titillating / Mark Jones and Gerry Carlin -- Part II Come again? Hard-core in history -- "White slavery", or the ethnography of "sexworkers" : women in stag films at the Kinsey Archive / Linda Williams -Lost in damnation : the progressive potential of Behind the green door / Darren Kerr -- The limits of pleasure? Max Hardcore and extreme porn / Stephen Maddison -- Playmates of the Caribbean : taking Hollywood, making hardcore / Claire Hine -- Part III Fluid exchanges : hard-core forms and aesthetics -- Fashionably laid : the styling of hard-core / Pamela Church Gibson and Neil Kirkham -- Shortbus : highbrow hard-core / Beth Johnson -Homespun : Finnporn and the meanings of the local / Susanna Paasonen -- Reel intercourse : doing sex on camera / Clarissa Smith -- Power bottom : performativity in commercial gay pornographic video / John Mercer -Interrogating lesbian pornography : gender, sexual iconography and spectatorship / Rebecca Beirne. KEESEY, Douglas, Contemporary Erotic Cinema, Harpenden, Kamera Books, 2012, 224 pages. The first book to look at truly contemporary erotic cinema, this publication gives in-depth analyses of sex scenes from more than 100 films, more than half of them released in the 21st century. Beginning with an overview of how depictions of sex on screen have changed over the last 40 years, with particular attention to censorship controversies, the book is divided into three main partserotic genres, themes, and actsand covers sex comedies, body horror, alien sex, and erotic animation; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans films, movies about youth, marriage, and infidelity; films dealing with incest, blasphemy, and death; on-screen nudity and voyeurism, masturbation, oral and anal sex, the mnage trois, and the orgy; and bestiality, rape and sadomasochism. The films discussed include 9 Songs, Bad Education, Black Swan, Intimacy, Last Tango in Paris, The Reader, The Wayward Cloud, Y Tu Mam Tambin and many more. LAWRENCE, Nol, J. X. Williams : les dossiers interdits, Rosire-en-Haye, Camion blanc, 2010, 299 pages


Published something lately about SF, Fantasy, Gothic, Mystery fiction, Westerns, or War films ? Send me the info ... Noubliez pas de me faire part de vos nouvelles publications. Envoyez la rfrence complte, y compris le sommaire des recueils :

littrature -cinma
BAROUD, Mahmoud, The Shipwrecked Sailor in Arabic and Western Literature : Ibn Tufayl and his Influence on European Writers, London, I.B. Tauris, 2012, 280 pages. From the ancient Egyptian tale of a Shipwrecked Sailor through to Sinbad and Robinson Crusoe, the stranded castaway living and philosophizing alone on a strange, desert island is a theme which has captured the imaginations of writers spanning cultures and millennia. Most familiar to Western literary historians is Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe, which inspired generations of writers from Jonathan Wyss and William Golding to Michel Tournier and J.M.Coetzee. However, little attention has been paid to Defoes antecedents, such as the remarkable HayyIbn Yaqzan by twelfth-century Arab physician and philosopher, Muhammad Ibn Tufayl. Mahmoud Baroud here conducts a detailed comparative textual analysis of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan and Robinson Crusoe, and concludes that Daniel Defoe was likely to have been deeply influenced by Ibn Tufayls Arabic text. CROUSE, Richard, Raising Hell : Ken Russel and the Unmaking of The Devils, Toronto, ECW Press, 2012, 198 pages. FROHOCK, Richard, Buccaneers and Privateers : The Story of the English Sea Rover, 1675-1725, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 2012, xii, 189 pages. The word and the grand pirate, George Cusack -- "The usual atrocities": narrating Henry Morgan's raid on Panama City -- Exquemelin in England: the literary transformation of Henry Morgan -- Captain Bartholomew Sharp and the "sacred hunger for gold" -- Reconsidering William Dampier's vision -- Consummate privateers: Edward Cooke and Woodes Rogers -- the return of the buccaneer in the voyage narratives of Shelvocke and Betagh. INNES, Paul, Epic, New York, Routledge, (The New Critical Idiom), 2012, 192 pages. [Lpope dHomre Tolkien] KASMER, Lisa, Novel Histories : British Women Writing History, 1760-1830, Madison (NJ), Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2012, x, 187 pages.
NAGAIKE, Kazumi, Fantasies of CrossDressing : Japanese Women Write MaleMale Erotica, Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2012, viii, 227 pages. This book represents the first extensive critical attempt to examine Japanese women's narratives of male homosexuality/ homoeroticism, addressing not only popular culture genres, but also the considerable body of critically acclaimed literary works (with English translations of the original works). PFEIFFER, Lee & Dave WORALL, Cinema Sex Sirens, London, Omnibus Press 2012, 160 pages. Cinema Sex Sirens centers around a select number of actresses who capitalized on their natural beauty during the 60s and 70s. They range from cinematic legends to some whose names are barely known by the general public. WEAVER-ZERCHER, Valerie, Thrill of the Chaste : The Allure of Amish Romance Novels, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013, 336 pages. Romance novels with Amish protagonists, such as the best-selling trailblazer The Shunning by Beverly Lewis, are becoming increasingly popular with a largely evangelical female audience. Thrill of the Chaste is the first book to analyze this growing trend in romance fiction and to place it into the context of contemporary literature, religion, and popular culture. Valerie Weaver-Zercher combines research and interviews with devoted readers, publishers, and authors to produce a lively and provocative examination of the Amish romance novel. She discusses strategies that literary agents and booksellers use to drive the genres popularity. By asking questions about authenticity, cultural appropriation, and commodification, Thrill of the Chaste also considers Amish fictions effects on Amish and non-Amish audiences alike.


RAAKOV, Cornelia, Nach Scott : Textanalysen zum historischen Roman in Frankreich : Vigny, Mrime, Hugo, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, 2012, 164 pages. ROBERTSON, Fiona (ed.), The Edinburgh Companion to Sir Walter Scott, Edinburgh University Press, 2012, xi, 195 pages. ROSENSTONE, Robert A. & Constantin PARVULESU (eds.), A Companion to the Historical Film, Malden (MA), Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 592 pages. Introduction_Robert A. Rosenstone and Constantin Parvulescu Part 1: History and the Medium of Film 1. Politics and the Historical Film: Hotel Rwanda and the Form of Engagement_Alison Landsberg 2. History as Palimpsest: Stanley Kubricks Barry Lyndon (1975)_Maria Pramaggiore 3. Flagging up History: The Past as a DVD Bonus Feature_Debra Ramsay 4. The History Film as a Mode of Historical Thought_Robert A. Rosenstone Part 2: Filmmakers as Historians 5. Julias Resistant History: Womens Historical Films in Hollywood and the Legacy of Citizen Kane_J. E. Smyth 6. Mark Donskois Gorky Trilogy and the Stalinist Biopic_Denise J. Youngblood 7. The Subjects of History: Italian Filmmakers as Historians_Marcia Landy 8. Andrzej Wajda as Historian_Piotr Witek Part 3: Telling Lives: The Biopic 9. Oliver Stones Nixon: The Rise and Fall of a Political Gangster_Willem Hesling 10. Authorial Histories: The Historical Film and the Literary Biopic_Hila Shachar 11. The Biopic in Hindi Cinema_Rachel Dwyer 12. The Lives and Times of the Biopic_Dennis Bingham Part 4: Cinema and the Nation 13. Gang Wars: Warner Brothers The Roaring Twenties Stars, News, and the New Deal_Paula Rabinowitz 14. State Terrorism on Film: Argentine Cinema during the First Years of Democracy (19831990)_Mario Ranalletti 15. Fossil Frontiers: American Petroleum History on Film_Georgiana Banita 16. Sounding the Depths of History: Opera and National Identity in Italian Film_Roger Hillman Part 5: Wars and Revolutions 17. Generational Memory and Affect in Letters from Iwo Jima_Robert Burgoyne 18. Post-Heroic Revolution: Depicting the 1989 Events in the Romanian Historical Film of the Twenty-First Century_Constantin Parvulescu 19. In Country: Narrating the Iraq War in

Contemporary US Cinema_Guy Westwell Part 6: Premodern Times 20. Heart and Clock: Time and History in The Immortal Heart and Other Films about the Middle Ages_Bettina Bildhauer 21. The Anti-Samurai Film_Thomas Keirstead Part 7: Slavery and the Postcolonial World 22. The Politics of Cine-Memory: Signifying Slavery in the History Film_Michael T. Martin and David C. Wall 23. The African Past on Screen: Moving beyond Dualism_Vivian Bickford-Smith 24. Colonial Legacies in Contemporary French Cinema: Jews and Muslims on Screen_Catherine Portuges 25. Whats Love Got to Do with It?: Sympathy, Antipathy, and the Unsettling of Colonial American History in Film_Louis Kirk McAuley STREHLE, Susan & Mary Paniccia CARDEN (eds.), Doubled Plots : Romance and H i s t o r y , Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2013, 232 pages. Introduction : reading romance, reading history / Susan Strehle and Mary Paniccia Carden -Making love, making history : (anti) romance in Alice McDermotts At weddings and wakes and Charming Billy / Mary Paniccia Carden -History and the end of romance : Danticats The farming of bones / Susan Strehle -Stopping traffic : spectacles of romance and race in The last of the Mohicans / Janet Dean -What "race" is the sheik? rereading a desert romance / Susan L. Blake -- Behind the mask of coquetry : the trickster narrative in Miss Nume of Japan : a Japanese-American romance / Huining Ouyang -- Romancing the borderlands : Josephina Nigglis Mexican village / Rita Keresztesi -- Whats a nice girl like you doing in a book like this? Homoerotic reading and popular romance / Stephanie Burley -Desire and the marketplace : a reading of Kathleen Woodiwisss The flame and the flower / Charles H. Hinnant -- A story of her weaving : the self-authoring heroines of Georgette Heyers regency romance / Karin E. Westman - The race, gender, romance connection : a Black feminist reading of African American womens historical romances / Rita B. Dandridge. STUBBS, Jonathan, Historical Film : A Critical Introduction, New York, Bloomsbury Academic, (Film Genres), 2013, 224 pages.


BITTNER, Christian, Literarizitt und Komplexitt der Jugendliteratur zur Jahrtausendwende, Frankfurt am Main, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, 390 pages. DI MASCIO, Tony, Je cherche un livre pour un enfant : le guide des livres pour les 816 ans, Paris, ditions de Facto /Gallimard jeunesse, 2011, 140 pages. EXNER, Christian & Bettina KMMERLINGMEIBAUER (dir.), Von Wilden Kerlen und wilden Hhner : Perspektiven des modernen Kinderfilms, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2012, 299 pages. GOSWAMI, Supriya, Colonial indian in Childrens Literature, New York, Routledge, 2012, 214 pages. HINTZ, Carrie & Eric TRIBUNELLA, Reading Childrens Literature : A Critical Introduction, Boston, Bedford/St Martins, 2012, 496 pages. HUGON, Claire, Lire les sans-papiers : littrature jeunesse et engagement, Paris, CNT-RP, (Nautre cole), 2012, 190 pages. OLSON, Marilynn, Childrens Culture and the Avant-Garde : Painting in Paris, 18901915, New York & London, Routledge, 2012, 240 pages. This volume explores the mutual influences between childrens literature and the avantgarde. Olson places particular focus on fin-desicle Paris, where the Avant-garde was not unified in thought and there was room for modernism to overlap with childrens literature and culture in the Golden Age. OSSIETZKY, Carl von, et al., (dir.) Poetikvorlesung zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, 2009-2011, Oldenburg, BIS-Verlag, 2012, 209 pages. PARKES, Christopher, Childrens Literature and Capitalism : Fictions of Mobility in Britain, 1850-1914, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 232 pages. PATTE, Genevive, Laissez-les lire : mission lecture, Paris, Gallimard jeunesse, 2012, 347 pages. RAYNARD, Sophie (ed.) The Tellers Tale : Lives of the Classic Fairy Tales Writers, Albany, State University of New York Press, 2012, 160 pages.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were cast as exemplars of national virtues; Hans Christian Andersens life becamewith his participationa fairy tale in itself. Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, the prim governess who wrote moral tales for girls, had a more colorful past than her readers would have imagined, and few people knew that nineteen-year-old Marie-Catherine dAulnoy conspired to kill her much-older husband. Important figures about whom little is known, such as Giovan Francesco Straparola and Giambattista Basile, are rendered more completely than ever before. RUSSEL, David L., Literature for Children : A Short Introduction, Boston, Pearson, 2012, xxiv, 329 pages. SANDS-OCONNOR, Karen, Soon Come Home to this Island : West Indians in British Childrens Literature, New York, Routledge, 2012, 256 pages SALISBURY, Martin & Morag STYLES, Childrens Books : The Art of Visual S t o r y t e l l i n g , London, Laurence King Publishers, 2012, 192 pages. SCHFFER, Christina, The Brownies Book : Inspiring Racial Pride in African-American Children, Frankfurt, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2012, 536 pages. STEPHENS, John (ed.), Subjectivity in Asian Childrens Literature and Film : Global Theories and Implications, New York, Routledge, 2012, 248 pages. TERRUSI, Marcella, Albi illustrati : leggere, guardare, nominare il mondo nel libri per l i n f a n z i a , Roma, Carocci, 2012, 279 pages.Prefazione di Antonio Faeti. TUNNELL, Michael O., et al., Childrens Literature, Briefly, Boston, Pearson, 2012, xx, 316 pages. VAN DER LINDEN, Sophie, Je cherche un livre pour enfant : le guide des livres pour enfants de la naissance sept ans, Paris, ditions de Facto/Gallimard, 2011, 142 pages.


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