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December 9, 2012

Volume 12, Number 50

Grow Up in All Things

but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him - Ephesians 4:15 Some people grow up, but never grow up. Maturity is a difficult characteristic to define. It is a little bit like humor. Its just a matter of knowing it when you see or hear it. Maturity may have some good definitions, but it is best known when it is seen in action. Maturity is an ambition and a goal. When we are children, we look at our parents as the goal of what we want to be. We see that they have a kind of power and control over the events in their lives. We depend on them for all the things that seem to be beyond our grasp. They feed us, clothe us, give us a place to live, comfort us when we hurt, correct us when we are wrong, discipline us, teach us, and generally embrace us. We see their love. Still, it is that decisive power that gets our attention the most. Children see maturity as being in control. Children know that they want to be the boss. They just dont see what it takes to be the boss. A child might say, I cant wait until I grow-up and can do what I want to do. Unfortunately, there are children who grow-up, but never mature. Continuing immaturity in an adult is a bad mix. Maturity is always tied to a goal, an example, or an ideal. While maturity is achievable, it is also an ongoing effort. It is a developing pursuit. Maturity always has room for growth. One of the great signs of maturity is that hunger for more understanding and wisdom. Mature Christianity is a great need in the church. Paul ties it to learning from our teachers and directing our growth toward or under the example of Jesus. Anyone can be the boss. What we need are those who lovingly speak the truth in the likeness of the Lord. Russ

The Sentinel December 9, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

Stephen Hopkins has been having tests at OU Medical Center for possible surgery. Pam Webbers mother is in Jim Thorpe for rehabilitation soon. Riley Baldwin continues to have throat surgeries about every six weeks. Don Fleming - is having serous difficulties and hospice has been called in.

Brothers Keeper Groups Groups 1 & 2 will meet at the church building on Saturday, December 15, at 6:00 PM. The menu will be pot luck. Check the bulletin board for the menu and sign-up. Group 4 will meet at Horace and Betty Phillips home on Saturday, December 15. Sign the list if you plan to attend, so that ample food will be prepared. Its Time to Plan Your Giving The end of the year is one of the best times to consider your giving. Extra giving now can be deducted from your income taxes, and help with the amount and lessen your tax burden. Planning now for your giving in 2013 can help you with your personal budget, and be a benefit to the whole church. Plan and Give!

Homebound or Limited:
Jean Christian Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel Don & Jo Hutton Our Sincerest Sympathy toTami Burwell. Her grandmother, Ruby Austin passed away last week. Funeral services were held in Del City on Wednesday. Please keep Tami and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Also Sue McGalliard, wife of Les McGalliard passed away on Thursday and funeral services will be on Monday, 1:00 PM, at Moore Central Church of Christ. Congratulations to Kevin and Joan Keenan on the birth of their first grandson, oah Adam Miller. He was born to Charley & David Miller on Thursday. He is 8 pounds and 7 ounces. He was also born a few weeks early and in the NICU to deal with some breathing problems.

Happy Anniversary
Chuck & Marilyn Cox Don & Jo Hutton - Bill & LeAnn - - 12/13 12/20 12/21 12/9 12/9 12/12 12/14 12/15 12/15 12/19 12/19

Happy Birthday to ...

Randy Vance Courtney Adams Dan Jolliff - Walter McFadden Joe Downs - Linda Vance Stacy Glidewell Hazel Ruminer -

Announcements to otice
Annual Cookie ExchangeThis

God Is Good Always!

years annual cookie exchange will be this afternoon at 2 PM. It will be in the Bergamo (neighborhood) Club House. For more information or directions, see LeAnn Sherman. Cookies!!!
Mens Breakfast: There will be no

Mens Breakfast in December, because of the holidays.

Wednesday Bible Classes Our present adult classes will continue

through December 19. Any of the men who are presently teaching in our childrens classes, and would like to cease at the end of the quarter, please see Walter McFadden as soon as possible.
Brothers Keeper Groups2013 Darrell is in the process of de-

veloping our groups for next year. If you desire to be a part of one of these fellowship groups, but did not get your name on the list, just see Darrel. He will make sure you are added. Groups will developed from dividing the names (families) on the list.

Visitation Update Group # 3 will be in charge of making visits

this week. The new visitation groups are posted on the bulletin board. We are still open to more participants. See Randy Vance.

Holiday Gift Bags: The Christian Service Center is asking for help

with the holiday gift bags. Today is the final day to donate. Gifts should be valued from $10$15, and be appropriately aged for children from infants to eighteen years. If you prefer, you can donate money and gifts will be purchased for you. See Kim or Ruth Veitenheimer. You may also consider volunteering to package and prepare the gifts, once they are purchased.
Winter: As the winter months approach,

the weather can be difficult at times. We are asking all members to be cautious if it becomes dangerous to travel from home. Use good sense. We rarely cancel services, but will try to notify everyone in the event that services are cancelled due to weather.

The Sentinel December 9, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (12/16/12) Announcements Horace Phillips Greeters Sam & Donna Greenroyd Blue & Linda Suarez Randy & Linda Vance Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Blue Suarez Bill Fleming Bryan Ausmus Brian Jaworski Chris Scott Dwight Andrews J.C. Glidewell Max McDougal Don Worden Lord's Table (pm) Dan Jolliff Chad Bruner Prayers (am) Jerry Doyle Jim Skaggs Prayers (pm) Michael Berry Roger Scott Schedule of Services Sunday Bible Study 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Order of Service
Announcements & Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3 Song 9 A Wonderful Savior Song 417 My God and I Prayer Song 291 I Know Not Why Gods Wondrous Grace Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 138 Farther Along Sermon: Through the Veil Song 255 I Am Resolved Song 888 Thank You Lord Prayer

Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

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