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Clash of Titans presents.... 3++con! A Foreword & Introduction PLEASE READ THE PLAYER PACK. It will solve many issues you may have! Welcome back to 3++con presented to you by to Clash of the Titans! A new edition heralds the beginnings of 2013 and 3++con is one of the first major tournaments in the Sydney area for such an edition, thus a brief forward on what the tournament is about and how it will be run. First, and as always, the most important part of any tournament, 3++con is about having fun. 3++con is a competitive environment but that is not meant to, nor should it, eclipse the enjoyment of attendees and we have strived to design a tournament system which fulfils that enjoyment for every participant. Weve made a few changes to our system from last year based on your feedback so we hope you enjoy it more this time around and would appreciate the feedback for 2013 as well. We are always striving for improvement! Second, with 6th edition being so new and the changes it has brought, we have gone for a system as close to rulebook scenarios as possible. We, the organisers, do not feel straight up rulebook missions are the best for tournament play and thus have modified them with what we believe are the SMALLEST CHANGES POSSIBLE whilst working towards a stable tournament environment. We have not looked to change core mechanics of the game. Essentially we added two missions together in a primary/secondary format to generate less draws and thus allow a Win/Loss system to be implemented. We have tested these missions as much as possible and strived to ensure they fit the concepts of 40k as outlined by the 6th edition rulebook. We hope you enjoy these missions and that they become a good foundation for games to be played outside the basic rulebook scenarios in the future. We hope everyone has a blast at 3++con this year and hope to see you back again for 2014. And again, PLEASE READ THE PLAYER PACK. It holds many answers! Below is the table of contents detailing where further information can be found. It is very important to read this packet thoroughly as it explains everything there is to know about 3++con. Any enquires can be sent to the contact e-mail address and will be answered ASAP. Contact: WAU Kirby

Table of Contents
1. Summary 2. Sportsmanship & Conduct 3. Prize Support 4. Tournament System 5. Brackets 6. Tournament Rules & Army Lists 7. The Missions 8. Painting 2 3 4 5 6 6 9 16

1. Summary
Cost: $40 Size: 48-64 players Games: six games at 1850 points Time Limit: 2 hours 30 minutes per game Dates: Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th of February Times: Start 8:30AM to 5:30PM (15 minute breaks between games, 30 minute lunch break) Where: Cherrybrook Technology High School Purchase Rd Cherrybrook, NSW, 2126

Schedule: 8:00-8:30AM Registration and morning briefing (Day 2 will be used to display your armies for Players Choice) 8:30AM 11:00AM Game 1/4 11:00AM 11:30AM Lunch (food can be bought on site) 11:30AM 2:00PM Game 2/5 2:15PM 5:00PM Game 3/6 5:00PM 5:30PM Day 2 pack-up Payment:
Please make cheques or money orders payable to:

Cherrybrook Tech Adepts. Do not send cash through the mail. Entries can also be paid via internet banking. The fees can be deposited into our account listed below, but will NOT be valid if there is not a FIRST AND LAST NAME entered in the description for the payment. Please send completed entry form and fees to: Anthony Felton Cherrybrook Technology High School Purchase Rd, Cherrybrook 2126 Ph: 0427 661689 or email: Internet Bank Details: Bank: Commonwealth Name: Cherrybrook Tech Adepts BSB: 062401 Acc. No: 10140955

2. Sportsmanship & Conduct

Sportsmanship is an important part of 3++con, not because it is part of the scoring system but because its part and parcel of having an enjoyable game whatever the reason you are there. Its simply within the spirit of the game to be a good and genial opponent. 3++con is all about enjoying all aspects of the hobby and our hobby is a social one. This requires a certain amount of human decency and for that reason Sportsmanship will play a part in 3++con. The aim of sportsmanship is to ensure everyone is behaving like mature adults and to rewards those outstanding individuals who are just fantastic to play against.

2.1 Grading Sports

Each round you will be given a sheet of paper to fill out (see page 15 of this pack). On that sheet will be a scale for sportsmanship as follows please fill this out for each opponent. Description 0 This player did not play in the spirit of the game, slow playing, blatantly cheated and was unfriendly in general. THIS BEHAVIOUR SHOULD BE REPORTED TO A JUDGE IMMEDIATELY. Scores of 0 will require an explanation to a judge. This player was okay but didnt make the game enjoyable whilst not making the game unbearable. There wasnt evidence of foul play. Players Score

This player is your average gamer. Youd enjoy having another game with them and you solved all issues maturely and quickly. Most players should score this. This player is simply fantastic and you would go out of your way to have another game with them. Not only did they approach the game in a mature and adult manner but made the social interaction of the game one of the most memorable moments of the weekend. You should only give this score to one or two players.

Its important to note that asking for a rules clarification, either working it out together or asking a judge, is not poor sportsmanship when the requests are genuine. You should be handing out 2s to most of your opponents and any score lower than this will require a conversation with the judge to explain your reasoning. Masses of 3s will require the same explanation.

2.1.1 Best Sports

Each day you will be asked to rate one of your opponents as your Best Opponent.

2.2 Scoring Sports

At the end of the tournament, the total sports scores from all your opponents will be added together with each Best Opponent received counting as an extra point. The players with the highest sports rating will receive recognition. This does not impact your Overall score or your seeding/placement in the Win/Loss Brackets.

2.3 Poor Sportsmanship

The judges reserve the right to remove any individuals behaving in an unfit manner. The most obvious behaviours which would receive such treatment are cheating, using loaded dice or being overly aggressive and behaving in an inappropriate manner. Low sportsmanship marks will be treated very seriously by judges and if individuals are not playing within the spirit of the game, they will be asked to leave. Individuals who receive multiple and appropriate sports scores of 0 or 1 will be asked to leave. Individuals who are removed in this way will not be allowed to return.

3. Prize Support
The more players which attend the more prizes we can give out! We are looking to reward the best three individuals in Sportsmanship, Painting and Overall (Painting + Battle Points) whilst also rewarding the winners of each bracket. Door prizes will also be given out on the second day after pack-up. Any donations in this regard would be greatly appreciated, please contact Kirby or Anthony to discuss this.

3.1 Sponsors
Prizes have been organised through The Combat Company, with gift certificates being given out as the main style of prizes. There also be stalls set-up over the weekend from several vendors, such as Games Empire, where competitors will be able to purchase discounted products.

3.2 Spreading the Prizes around

We want everyone to enjoy the fun of prizes and will make sure prizes are spread around as much as possible. No single individual is going to walk home with the Best General from the Top Bracket, Best Overall and Best Painted prizes! If an individual earns those honours s/he will only receive one of the prizes and the other prizes will fall to the next individual in line who has not yet received a major prize.

4. Tournament System
This tournament is based on 64 attendees. Modifications will be made as necessary if there are fewer players. The tournament will essentially be split into two individual days where the first day seeds you for the opportunity to fight for different generalship prizes on Day 2. Importantly, and this is very different from last year, only the top 24 players will go into specific brackets everyone else will continue playing as per normal in a fourth bracket where players are matched up based on W/L and battle point record. Its important to note that even by not being in a bracket Day 2, there are still many prizes one can achieve and the ranking entered into Rankings HQ will be based on your OVERALL performance (outlined in scoring) instead of placement within brackets. The only exception here is the Top 4 players in Bracket 1 will be the Top 4 finishers entered into Rankings HQ. Heres how the games will be organised: Day 1 a 64 player bracket will be devised based on placing in last years 3++con mediated by placement in Rankings HQ (for those who did not attend last year). This is ONLY for Day 1 and really just for TOs sanity as it allows us to know who matches up with whom and not double up on tables for Day 1 very easily. Day 2 the top 24 players will be organised into three brackets of eight (Top Bracket = eight 3-0 players; 2nd Bracket = best eight 2-1 players; 3rd Bracket = next best eight 2-1 players) with everyone else combined into the 4th bracket which utilises a more traditional tournament format where players with the same W/L record match up against each other based upon Victory Points.

4.1 Bracket Format

Knock-out format akin to what is seen in major sporting tournaments like the NCAA or Tennis Reverse losing bracket to make sure everyone gets six games in and can still improve their OVERALL ranking and the potential for prizes Seeding is based upon your W/L record and Victory Points acquired Day 1; not everyone will be seeded into one of the brackets Winning players within the bracket will move on to play other winning players until there is one player who is undefeated within the bracket left The reverse track does this for losing individuals as well which allows each individual to be sorted from 1st through to 8th within their bracket

4.1.1 Graphical Depiction of Brackets

4.2 Battle Points

Although this is a Win/Loss based tournament, Battle points do come into play and measure how well you successfully control each mission parameter compared to your opponent. These will be used for calculating the OVERALL score of each individual and shall influence seeding within brackets for Day 2 and rank entered into Rankings HQ. For all intents and purposes, Battle Points are the earned Victory Points within a given round. This is explained more in the missions section of this pack.

3++con will strive to ensure terrain is of high quality and equal spread over all 32-40 tables. The terrain layout will follow this rough guideline. Cover 25% of the board Have multiple pieces of terrain which block line of sight (these will tend not to be large and will be able to hide one or two units rather than whole armies) Be a mix of terrain types hills, ruins, area terrain, etc.

5. Tournament Rules & Army Lists

There will be six games over the weekend, three on Saturday and Sunday each. The first three games are seeding games with the players divided up into three ranked brackets of eight players and one general pool for the final three games on Sunday (explained below). Each game is based upon a Win/Loss format (there are no Draws!) and you will only play against individuals with the same W-L. The missions will explain this more.

5.1 Rules
3++ con is about enjoying the game with a bunch of other like-minded people. We are celebrating every aspect of the game here and we expect everyone to behave appropriately. First and foremost you must bring a good attitude to get the most enjoyment out of 3++con! Treat others how you would like to be treated. The organisers reserve the right to remove any individuals behaving inappropriately and not playing within the spirit of the game. Players should make their way to their tables within 10 minutes of the round starting not doing so could result in a forfeit.

5.1.1 Point Limit & Army Lists

Each game will be played with 1850 points from a legal 6th edition codex using ONE Force Organisation Chart. You may NOT go over this limit but are at perfect liberty to take less. Imperial Armour, fan made units, armies, etc. are NOT permitted. White Dwarf approved units such as the Night Spinner and Sisters of Battle codex are allowed. Fortifications, Warlord Traits, Mysterious Objectives and Allies are all allowed and will be used. Mysterious terrain will not be used and terrain shall be placed by tournament organisers. Army Lists are due two weeks prior to the event (Saturday, February 2nd) and are to be sent to with the heading 3++con ARMY LIST, YOUR NAME and AMRY. The army list must include the following.

Your name (and online name if you have one), contact number and e-mail Which army you are using Full wargear purchases and changes (you do not need to list what the units come with standard or the points of these options) Full points for each individual unit (please ensure transports and units are listed separately) It is recommended half points of each individual unit are also included to make calculating total points destroyed easier Please do not send Army Builder formats with all the extraneous information (such as what the unit is armed with normally). These will not be accepted Please rigorously check your list before sending it in!

5.1.2 What you need to bring

Your codex and rulebook measuring devices dice and templates your army three 40mm objectives (they can be blank bases) a copy of your army list for yourself and each of your opponents (thats seven total) a good attitude!

5.1.3 FAQs & Models

Games Workshop FAQs and erratas (available online) will be used for 3++con. Additional material covering issues not addressed by Games Workshop will be released prior to the event. All models must be What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG). Counts-as armies or armies using models not yet supplied by Games Workshop are allowed as long as the model(s) is clearly identifiable and appropriately sized. If you are unsure of this at all I would highly recommend sending pictures of your army to the email address given to ensure there will be no issues on the day. Your army MUST be painted to a three color standard minimum. Armies not painted to this standard will be excluded from the ranked brackets.



Judge rulings are final. If you have a rules dispute ensure you ask a judge ASAP do not wait until after the game and complain; we will NOT go back and fix perceived problems within a game you must tell us as it happens. They are here to help so make sure you use them but listen to what they say not doing so after they have said something will result in the loss of the game (or removal from tournament if the infringement is serious enough).

5.2.1 Slow-playing
Slow-playing is not allowed under any circumstances. 2 hours and 15 minutes can seem like a minimal amount of time for an 1850 point game but its plenty of time to finish games or at least be nearing completion. Slow-playing, unintentional or not, will be treated with severely.

5. The Missions
With 6th edition and based upon feedback we received last year, the missions for 3++con are very different. No longer is there a tier based system of determining a winner but rather a variable amount of Victory Points one can earn within each mission (exactly like the 6th edition rulebook missions). The main changes are to these missions and bringing more variables in (i.e. combining two missions). Each of these missions is explained below with the overarching concept outlined here. Each mission is designed the same way but with very different mission objectives based on the 6 edition rulebook scenarios.

Each mission has a primary and secondary victory condition with Victory determined by process outlined below. Each primary and secondary victory condition is different so remember to read each mission carefully. This process is used to generate unique games which reflect the 6th edition core concepts whilst minimising the possibility of a draw.

5.1 Determine the Winner

Add all of the Victory Points up for each player across all three Victory Conditions (maximum of 14 Victory Points). The player with the most Victory Points wins, regardless of how they got them. If each player has an EQUAL number of Victory Points, the player with the most Victory Points determined by the primary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Primary, the player with most Victory Points from the secondary is the winner. If both players have equal Victory Points determined by the Secondary, contact a judge Total Points Destroyed will likely be used as a tie-breaker. Remember to ONLY do this if the initial Victory Points are EQUAL. Bonus Points: Say flubberwurm to me before the tournament starts to indicate you have read this.

Mission 1: A Most Important Piece of Hardware Deployment: Vanguard Strike Primary Victory Conditions: The Relic is exactly like a normal objective except for two key differences. It can be moved as outlined on pg131 and is worth FIVE victory points. This is a change from the rulebook where one has to hold the Relic to gain the Victory Points - for all intents and purposes it is a more valuable objective which can be moved. Secondary Victory Conditions: Place two more objectives worth three Victory Points each 18 in from the long table edge and 12 in from the short table edge such that both objectives are NOT situated in a deployment zone (see diagram). Objectives are scored as outline on pg123. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122 Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:


Mission 2: Total Domination Deployment: Dawn of War Primary Victory Condition: Four objectives are to be placed so that they form a rectangle with dimensions of 24x16. Each objective is therefore placed 24 in from a short table edge and 16 in from a long table edge. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Objectives are scored as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Condition: Kill Points as outlined on pg127. However, rather than each destroyed unit counting as a Victory Point, whichever player has the highest number of Kill Points earns three Victory Points. If both players have equal Kill Points, no Victory Points are earned. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122 Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:


Mission 3: Rapid Raid Deployment: Hammer & Anvil Primary Victory Conditions: Six objectives valued at 4,3,3,2,2,1 Victory Points will be used. The 4 objective is placed in the centre of the table 36 in from the short table edge, 24 in from the short table edge. The rest of the objectives are divided into two piles. Pile A contains a 3 ,2 and 1 objective, Pile B contains a 3 and 2 objective. The winner of a roll-off chooses which pile they wish to use, their opponent gets the opposite pile. The players then place the objectives as outlined on pg 121. The owner of Pile A places an objective first. Objectives are controlled as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Conditions: For each Fast Attack choice destroyed by games end, the opposing player earns one Victory Point. Fast Attack choices are also scoring options as outlined on pg129. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length, Fast Recon Mission Diagram & Setup:


Mission 4: Red versus Blue Deployment: Dawn of War Primary Victory Condition: Each player places one objective in their deployment zone 6 from the board edge as outlined on pg130. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Secondary Victory Condition: Each player is given two objectives to place worth one Victory Point each. The placement of these objectives is outlined on pg121 with the following change: objectives cannot be placed within 12 of a table edge. All objectives in this mission are scored as outlined on pg123. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:


Mission 5: Seek & Destroy Deployment: Hammer & Anvil Primary Victory Condition: Kill Points as outlined on pg127. Secondary Victory Condition: The table is divided into four equal quarters (each quarter is therefore 36x24). Each Table Quarter is worth two Victory Points. To control a Table Quarter you must have more TOTAL points of WHOLE TROOPS units within the Table Quarter. Calculate the points as follows: for Troops units >50% - full points; for Troops units </= 50% - half points as detailed on the army list. Transports and attached characters do not count. Units can only claim one quarter they must be wholly within a quarter to hold it. If the unit is split across Table Quarters it does not hold any Quarter. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length Mission Diagram & Setup:


Mission 6: Ready! Aim! Fire! Deployment: Vanguard Strike Primary Victory Condition: Three objectives are to be placed running down the centre of the board length-wise. Two objectives are placed 36 in from a short table edge and 6 in from each of the long table edges. The third objective is placed in the centre of the board, 24 from the long table edges, 36 from the short table edges. Each objective is worth three Victory Points. Objectives are scored as outlined on pg 123. Secondary Victory Conditions: For each Heavy Support choice destroyed by games end, the opposing player earns one Victory Point. Heavy Support choices are also scoring options as outlined on pg128. First Blood, Linebreaker, Slay the Warlord as outlined on pg 122. Special Rules: Night Fighting, Reserves, Seize the Initiative, Random Game Length, Heavy Metal Mission Diagram & Setup:


5.1.1 Tabling
Do NOT end the game because your opponent has been tabled! All of the mission parameters are still in effect and how able your army is to meet them is important. Continue playing the game as per normal but without your opponents turn (random game length is still in effect). Fill out the player sheet accordingly. Tabling your opponent with one non-scoring model left on the table is completely different to tabling your opponent with your whole army functional. The only exception to this is the Kill Points mission parameter if you table your opponent, you will automatically win this parameter.

5.2 Recording
Please fill out the player sheet and submit it to the TO ASAP.

6. Painting
Just like some people are very competitive about their playing ability, some people are very competitive about their paint ability and it is certainly a part of the hobby we all participate in! Painting will be judged on the day by multiple painting judges (with their scores averaged).

6.1 Paint Scoring

Paint scoring system TBA ASAP we have enlisted Luke Yates from Sound of the Machine to assist us this year to ensure a more complete appreciation of the painting effort you put into your armies.


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