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As American as apple pie

by Beryl Hales

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as American As Apple pie

By Beryl Hales

Apple pie is a dish that is popular world-wide, especially where the apples grow and this time of year they are plentiful

he first written mention of the apple pie in America was in 1697 when Samuel Sewall wrote in his diary that he had been on a picnic and had eaten Applepy. And many of us know the name Johnny Appleseed from singing or saying the grace: The Lord is good to me, And so I thank the Lord For giving me the things I need, The sun, the rain and the apple seed. The Lord is good to me. For every seed that grows Will soon become a tree. And then there will be apple there For everyone in the world to share. The Lord is good to me Even if we are not quite sure who he was*. Apple pie has been a favourite dish in America for as long as apples were there to put into pies. The saying As American as apple pie is more modern but stands for something typically American. An American friend sent me a copy of a picture of Johnny Appleseed and this was the starting point for my box.

it with a pattern. The border was another box on top of this, with the outline changed using the border option. Finally the apples to go in the border were also made using shapes - a circle for the apple, a trapezoid thinned for the stalk, an oval for the leaf and the detail added using the curved line. I used these apple shapes for the table mats and clock and the border for the labels for the canisters and decoration for the mugs.

long enough to fit the spaces between the spindles. 5. Glue in place. 6. Paint or varnish as needed.

To get this to fit and hang down evenly, I used some school maths to help with the pattern.

n For the pattern, plain paper, pencil, protractor n For the tablecloth, fabric (I used a mans hankie as it is soft cotton that hangs well) n Fray check n Embroidery thread - red, green, brown

I made a table so that I could make it the size I wanted for this box. I used mount board as it is easy to cut and would be covered by a tablecloth and so left it unpainted. This was a quick make, about 20 minutes excluding glue drying time.

n n n n n Thick cardboard Photo mount board 4 square based wooden spindles PVA glue Paint or varnish (optional)

Paper pattern
1. Draw round the tabletop in the centre of a piece of plain paper. 2. Measure and mark an angle of 45 and draw a line from the corner as shown. Diagram 1 3. Repeat for the other corner and join the lines. Diagram 2 4. Repeat for the other corners.

I decided to make my own wallpaper using a Word document on the PC. Firstly I made a large box from shapes and filled
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1. Cut a rectangle the size needed. 2. Draw lines on the cardboard in from each long edge and in from each short edge. 3. Glue the spindles into the corners of the lines you marked. 4. Cut 4 pieces of card in wide and

1. Either draw round paper pattern onto cloth or pull threads round the edge of the pattern.



1 2









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2. Either draw pencil lines as shown (this is now the reverse of the work) or pull threads at the distances shown. Diagram 3 3. Use a running stitch to follow each line in red, using one strand of embroidery thread. 4. Use one strand of thread for the apple motifs in each corner. Diagram 4 & 5

Apples Youwillneed
n n n n Tropical green Fimo (53) Yellow Fimo (70) Paper covered wire Soft red pastel
7. Bake following instructions on the pack. 8. Varnish when cold. 3. Place the pieces as shown so that the centre is the required size. Diagram 6 4. Draw a line either side of where the pieces cross on the top of the long pieces and underneath the short pieces as shown. Diagram 7 5. Cut away the piece between the lines, half way down the wood, as shown. I used a scalpel to do this. Sand and check the pieces for fit. The pieces should lie flat with no part sticking up. Do not glue yet. Diagram 8 6. Cut the ends of each piece as shown and sand smooth. Diagram 9 - long pieces & 10 - short pieces 7. Hold the pairs of pieces together and file the central upper edges to soften the shapes. 8. Glue parts together. 9. When the glue is dry, drill where they overlap. 10. Cut the headpins so they fit without sticking out. 11. Glue in place. 12. Varnish or paint frame if desired. 13. Glue picture in place and back with a scrap of cardboard.

Lattice pie
1. Roll thin sausages of pastry colour and place over the pie in a criss cross pattern. 2. Trim excess from the edge of the tin. 3. Place another sausage round the rim to neaten the edge and decorate using a needle of the edge of a scalpel. 4. Complete as for the covered pie.

1. Roll apple shapes in yellow and green. 2. Cut in lengths of wire and push one into each apple. 3. Use a soft paintbrush to add red pastel colour to the apples. 4. Bake. Trim the wires and glue in place using PVA glue if they are loose.

Apple pies Youwillneed

n n n n n n Pie tin or plate Pastry colour Fimo (70) Yellow Fimo (1) Transparent yellow Fimo (104) Soft pastels ochre and brown Matt varnish

Piece of pie on a plate

To avoid having to cut the pie, make a part of a pie in another tin or plate and cut to shape before baking. The cream is Crilla paste for acrylic paint but this is expensive and Polyfilla can also be used instead.

Cut out (see cut-out pages) and fold. Cut a piece of fine wire or thin wood about in long. Place glue on one half with a little extra in the fold. Place wire / stick in fold and glue both halves of flag together. Drill a hole in the pie to hold the flag.

1. Make the apple filling. Mix equal quantities of yellow and transparent yellow Fimo. 2. Roll into a cylinder that has the diameter of an apple. 3. Cut in half lengthways and cut slices to make the apple pieces. 4. Roll out pastry coloured Fimo and line each tin. 5. Fill with apple pieces.

Rolling pin Picture frame Youwillneed

n 1/12th x 1/12th inch wood n PVA glue n 4 jewellery headpins n Varnish (optional) n Scrap of cardboard
1. Measure the size you want the oblong part of the frame to be and add inch to the length and width measurements. 2. Cut 2 pieces this new length and 2 pieces the new width, This was a cheap rolling pin bought at a dolls house fair. To paint this you will need: red, white, brown, yellow, green acrylic paint. Sand the rolling pin before painting. You may need 2 coats of some colours. 1. Draw the design onto rolling pin using pencil. Diagram 11 2. Paint the centres of the flowers and the stem brown. Diagram 12 3. Paint the leaves green and the buds white. Diagram 13 4. Paint half of each leaf a lighter green. Highlight each bud with light pink. Diagram 14

Covered pie
1. Cover with more pastry coloured Fimo 2. Trim any excess from the edges and use a needle to decorate the edge of the pie. 3. Cut 3 leaf shapes and mark the veins with a needle. 4. Gently push onto the top. 5. Make cuts in the top to let the steam escape. 6. Dust with ochre then brown pastel to get a baked look.


5. Paint white 5 petals for each flower. Diagram 15 6. Highlight the base of each leaf with light pink. Diagram 16 7. Add yellow lines for stamen in the centre of the flowers. Diagram 17

ers, pieces of paper or draw using a fine pen.

Try decoration strip for size and trim to fit. Glue in place using PVA glue. I fixed the items to the tablecloth using glue dots. These keep things in place without marking the fabric and are easy to peel off. DHW

Cut out of paper apple mats fixed to adhesive cork pads and covered with clear sticky backed plastic.

Suppliers: n Square based wooden spindles Dolls House Emporium ( n Cutlery - Dolls House Emporium Tile floor paper Maple Street ( n Pie tins The Miniature Scene, York ( n Basket Maple Street n Paper plate for clock Iklebits ( n Cork pads Wilkinson n Clear sticky backed plastic Wilkinson n Canisters - Hobbycraft n Plate for pie - Hobbycraft n Glue dots - Hobbycraft

Chopping board
Cut out of half an apple stuck to mount board. Mount board cut to shape and covered both sides with clear sticky backed plastic. Hole made in handle using a small drill. Hanger made using embroidery thread.

Remove clear plastic decoration. Try label for size and trim to fit. Fix paper labels in place using PVA glue.

Glue clock face onto a paper plate using a glue stick. Add hands using clock stick38 D O L L S H O U S E W O R L D

John Chapman was born in Leominster, Massachusetts in 1774. He became known as Johnny Appleseed during his lifetime, through his planting and cultivation of apple orchards. He owned orchards and was a skilled nurseryman but spent time travelling and planting further trees and orchards which he continued to tend. He was said to be a kind, gentle and religious man with simple ways. He slept out of doors and sold seeds and saplings, swapped them for things he needed, such as clothes, or gave them away to the very poor. He was not concerned about his appearance and would give clothes to the needy, which is perhaps why he is known for walking round poorly clothed and bare footed. He worked in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois and it has been estimated that he planted enough during his lifetime to cover an area over 100,000 square miles. He died at the age of 70 in 1845.

Johnny Appleseed

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