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Hernan Cortes

Maria Almendares Natalya Hines Carlise Crimbley

Process Paper

Junior Division Website

My group and I chose Hernan Cortes as our topic because we feel that it is exiting to learn geographic and historical facts about different cultures. We got a chance to do this in this long, yet motivational project. We learned a little about Spain and Mexico. We also got to experience some facts about Honduras and California. Ultimately, I must admit, the experience was very exciting. Moreover, the main reason I was intrigued by the subject was because I am a fellow Hispanic. Being Hispanic, I get amused by learning things about my culture and so does my
group. My group and I spent a lot of time on our research. We found 3 primary sources and 2 secondary sources. My group found a letter by Hernan Cortes to King Charles V. We also found some quotes by Cortes. For our secondary sources we found a picture, and two biographies about Hernan Cortes. We used this information on both our research paper and website. We used the biographies to include facts to make the paper and website more interesting. The picture was to be used to help us with the Childhood page. The letter and quote was used to help us use include more facts for both the website and research and paper. The basic information stated in the website and paper is that Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador, explorer, and soldier who became greedy and caused African American slavery. Being thankful for Spanish being my first language, I was able to read and fluently translate some of the words to my group. Some words however, were difficult because the Spanish in Spain is different and more difficult than the Spanish from my country. The impact Hernan Cortes made on is widely stated not only on the research paper, but on the website as well. My group also included some media on the website like music, and videos to create visuals.

My group decided to make a website not only for the challenge, but for the fun and experience. The most challenging part about making this website would have to be time. There was a specific time when certain things were due and it stressed not only me, but the other members of my group out. We used the colors on the flag of Spain a lot reflect the subject. We included tons of multimedia to give the viewers visuals and to grab their attention. The multimedia was flashy and had to do with our topic-Hernan Cortes. The fun part about this project would have been the multimedia. It was fun to mess around with music and videos. Hernan Cortes has a huge role in history controversy and revolution which is the reason it ties in with this years theme- Revolution and Reform in History. Hernan Cortes decided to conquer the Aztec empire which led to slavery. I think we all know slavery made a gigantic impact on history. When he retired from his position as Military General, he decided to become an explorer. This led to Cortes discovering Honduras and Californias peninsula. Before becoming an explorer, Cortes was

a soldier. Had he never become a soldier he would have never conquered the Aztec empire and or started slavery. I becoming a conquistador Cortss heart became cold and greedy. He wanted everything. After retiring from being an explorer, Cortes spent his years trying to earn recognition and never accomplished anything else.

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