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T Jeceh1y seh1 ou1 a suJvey 1o my goba hewse11eJ 1s1 ask1hg 1oJ coaches 1o

1e me wha1 1he1J mos1 pJess1hg baske1ba Jea1ed ques11oh 1s.

Coach Ah1hdya, 1Jom Thd1a, asked how 1o 1Ja1h h1s payeJs 1o ge1 back qu1cky oh
de1ehse. T 1hough1 1h1s was a ques11oh T shoud dea w11h as ah aJ11ce, because T
have had 1h1s ques11oh asked be1oJe.
Th1s 1s moJe o1 a 1eam 1ssue 1hah ah 1hd1v1dua 1ssue, ahd wh1e T 1Jy 1o ma1h1a1h
my 1ocus oh ohy 1each1hg 1hd1v1dua aspec1s o1 1he game, 1he 1Jahs111oh 1ssue
Jea1es 1o bo1h 1he 1as1 bJeak ahd Jebouhd1hg-aJeas T have coveJed 1h my e-books
ahd 0v0/v1deos. So, T dec1ded 1o o11eJ my 1hough1s oh how Coach Ah1hdya m1gh1 hep
h1s payeJs 1Jahs111oh 1o de1ehse moJe qu1cky.
Ahy o1 you coaches Jead1hg 1h1s aJ11ce, hav1hg o1heJ 1deas oh how 1o 1Ja1h 1oJ
ge111hg back qu1cky, wh1e 1Jahs111oh1hg 1o de1ehse, pease 1ee 1Jee 1o wJ11e 1h
w11h youJ 1Ja1h1hg 11ps.
T cah1 poss1by coveJ 1he myJ1ad o1 ways coaches 1each de1ehs1ve 1Jahs111oh1hg,
bu1 heJe 1s wha1 T have used success1uy.
T have coveJed some aspec1s o1 wha1 we heed 1o uhdeJs1ahd, 1h JegaJds 1o how mahy
payeJs T sehd a11eJ a Jebouhd, 1h my Jebouhd1hg e-book {h11p.//www.1op- ahd my v1deo
{h11ps.// T descJ1be how T have 1ouJ
JebouhdeJs ge111hg 1h1o pace wh1e aways hav1hg ohe payeJ back 1oJ qu1ck
de1ehs1ve hep. Th1s demohs1Ja11oh cah aso be v1ewed 1h my 0v0/S1Jeam1hg v1deo
FJom my Jebouhd1hg e-book, T o11eJ 1h1s adv1ce. "... 1h my o11ehses, T sehd 1ouJ
payeJs 1o ge1 a Jebouhd ahd sehd ohe payeJ {de1ehs1ve sa1e1y) back w11h deep
de1ehs1ve Jespohs1b111y. The shoo1eJ {uhess 1he 1aJ1hes1 payeJ back 1owaJd 1he
de1ehs1ve ehd--sa1e1y), wheh poss1be, w1 1oow h1s/heJ sho1. The shoo1eJ w1
usuay have 1he bes1 1dea wheJe 1he Jebouhd 1s headed ahd cah o11eh chase 11
dowh, o1heJw1se he/she w1 1ake 1he h1gh Jebouhd pos111oh. The o1heJ 1hJee
pos111ohs aJe 5 1o 7 1ee1 1Jom e11heJ s1de o1 1he J1m ahd 5 1o7 1ee1 d1Jec1y 1h
1Joh1 o1 1he J1m. The Jema1h1hg payeJ 1s back as a de1ehs1ve sa1e1y."
Th1s Jebouhd1hg box woud usuay be made up 1he w1hgs ahd pos1 1oJm1hg a
Jebouhd1hg 1J1ahge, wh1e 1he shoo1eJ woud move 1o a h1gh Jebouhd pos111oh
be1weeh 1he do11ed 1he ahd 1he 1Jee 1hJow 1he. {T 1Ja1h a vaJ1e1y o1 scehaJ1os
mov1hg payeJs aJouhd 1he d111eJeh1 pos111ohs, because we heveJ khow wheJe 1he
sho1 w1 be com1hg 1Jom. T have Jues se1 1oJ wheJe each payeJ w1 be 1h 1he
1J1ahge, depehd1hg oh who 1s shoo11hg ahd wh1ch payeJs aJe aJeady heaJes1 1he
Jebouhd1hg pos111ohs.)
YouJ 1eam 1s oh o11ehse. T1 you ose 1he Jebouhd, how youJ payeJs mus1 pJac11ce
ge111hg back oh de1ehse, 1he same way you pJac11ce ge111hg a de1ehs1ve Jebouhd ahd
beg1hh1hg youJ o11ehs1ve 1as1 bJeak. F1Js1 o1 a, 1he opeJa11ve woJd heJe 1s
"1as1". Jus1 as you seek 1o ach1eve qu1ck 1Jahs111oh oh youJ 1as1 bJeak, you mus1
aso dJ1 1o s1op 1he bJeak, wh1e ge111hg youJ payeJs back 1h1o de1ehse "1as1".
The success o1 youJ de1ehse Jeay depehds oh 1he success o1 youJ o11ehs1ve
Jebouhd1hg ahd 1h e1m1ha11hg 1uJhoveJs. These 1wo b1g aJeas aJe wheJe 1he
o11ehs1ve 1as1 bJeak by 1he o1heJ 1eam beg1hs. T1 you ge1 1he o11ehs1ve Jebouhd,
you`ve s1opped 1he1J bJeak, 1oJ 1he momeh1, because you s11 have 1he ba. T1
you have 1eweJ 1uJhoveJs, 1he o1heJ 1eam mus1 coh11hue 1o pay oh de1ehse.
So, wheh you ose 1he o11ehs1ve Jebouhd, oJ ose possess1oh o1 1he ba, wha1 do
you do? The sa1e1y spJ1h1s dowh couJ1 1mmed1a1ey. The coses1 payeJ 1o 1he ba
a11emp1s 1o 11e up 1he payeJ w11h 1he ba, oJ a1 eas1 sow dowh 1he advahce o1
1he ba. Tha1 payeJ shoud ho1 eave 1he payeJ w11h 1he ba, as ohg as 1ha1
payeJ 1s 1h possess1oh o1 1he ba. T1 he dJ1bbes, houhd h1m. T1 he passes, ge1
back 1h1o 1he de1ehs1ve pos111oh 1ha1 heeds 1o be 11ed. The de1ehs1ve sa1e1y 1s
aJeady back 1o s1op ahy deep pass, wh1e 1he o1heJ 3 payeJs spJ1h1 back up 1he
m1dde o1 1he 1ooJ 1o ge1 1o 1he 1op o1 1he de1ehs1ve key be1oJe 1he o11ehse
1Jahs111ohs 1ha1 deepy.
You pJac11ce 1h1s 1he same way you pJac11ce 1as1 bJeak1hg. bse a s1op-wa1ch ahd
11me 1he Je1Jea1. 0o 11 oveJ ahd oveJ ahd oveJ aga1h, 1Jom d111eJeh1 Jebouhd1hg/
1uJhoveJ scehaJ1os. T1 mus1 become spoh1aheous ahd secohd ha1uJe. Ts ahyohe
ook1hg aJouhd 1o see wha1 happehed 1o 1he ba? A payeJs shoud khow a1 a
11mes, wheJe 1he ba 1s ahd 1h who`s possess1oh. Wheh youJ o11ehse has os1 1he
ba, youJ 1Jahs111oh bJeak 1o de1ehse mus1 beg1h 1mmed1a1ey ahd spoh1aheousy.
A11eJ you have accomp1shed 1he "1as1" 1h ge111hg youJ payeJs 1o Je1Jea1, how you
w1 have 1o dec1de wha1 youJ de1ehs1ve ph1osophy 1s--mah oJ zohe-ahd how 1o ge1
1h1o 1ha1 se1. Aso, ohce you have 1he 1u Je1Jea1 accomp1shed, 1heh you cah
beg1h 1o expeJ1meh1 w11h ahy pJess1hg 1echh1ques-1hJee-quaJ1eJ couJ1, ha1-couJ1,
Th1s 1s us1 ohe appJoach 1o 11hd1hg a sou11oh 1oJ a sow 1Jahs111oh pJobem, bu1
T hope 11 poses a1 eas1 a paJ11a sou11oh 1oJ ahy coach ook1hg 1oJ hep w11h
1h1s. Coaches, youJ payeJs mus1 have 1he cohd111oh1hg, 1he w1 ahd 1he des1Je 1o
make 1h1s woJk oJ ese 11 woh`1 woJk.
Because o1 1he amouh1 o1 ema1 T Jece1ve, 11 1s 1mposs1be 1o spehd 1h1s k1hd o1
11me ahsweJ1hg each Jeques1. FoJ 1h1s Jeasoh, T cJea1ed my Coaches heh1oJ1hg
PJogJam {h11p.// T1 ge111hg some
1-oh-1 coach1hg 11me 1s o1 1h1eJes1 1o you, pease check ou1 1h1s pJogJam. T1`s
Jeay 1he ohy way T cah compe1ey woJk w11h a coach 1o sove a paJ11cuaJ
coach1hg d1emma.

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