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Growingup onthe black oflava

<<< the end BEFORE is the start HERE Mischief that boys get to
Rogi agreed for our model town the offside right corner in the rough vegetation, where the white grit driveway ended. Me, with a town planner determination, I laid-out streets, and choose districts to develop and landscape properties. The white grit apron opened-up with blurry curbs to merge with a black street surfaced, thick on a bed of sand across the ancient lave flow. Pitch black as the wings of the crows flying against the sky, over seeing our every move. Rogi stood by the corner with sight on the expending front yard, with his suckling thumb in his mouth, until we crawled, hands and knees up the heap of a sandy sharp bricklaying sand. The next day when we returned to the spot, where grandfather Sremos, in business with a Studebaker dumper truck that unloaded the sand. We stood by stunned by the fragility of our road construction. Gazing at the previous evening rains that had washed with revenge the heap of sand smooth and flooded the flat land. In a land slide we found a Dinky Toy. The car forgotten in rush against sunset, for our bath time.

The writer expresses an esoteric detailed chronology of psychic experiences, through the thread of a down to earth story on how the mind functions. He is committed to improving readability and understanding of such a controversial subject that is a lifetime thesis to show the interactive shadow of the living against a background of immaterial with the aim to reach the 7 to 77 old.

Nature provided me with a psychic gift images, which I struggle against a dyslexic handicap invisible to society, and like painting with the mouth, I too got to write, without reading. You can help by sharing, edit, translate, query, and critics are welcome.

My brother and me, we didn't spare much time to our sorrows watching the damages of the tropical
Proportion of a child's Perception: The native operator of the excavator, Grandfather's dumper truck, The moving boom from afar, In situ lava hillside

downpour. the silt that poured and wipes our town of the previous day clean to a terrace of sediments. Realizing this was a part of playing. before crouching we picked from our arms the Dinky Toys. These cars and trucks that we placed on our construction site, from where to drive off, for the reconstructing of the town streets, We were at an age when the surroundings of our playground had a tendency to vanish into nonexistence. The task in reconstruction was restraint to a few blocks in the immediate vicinity of home. I was determined to replicate with exactitude the suburb. Realized we were given a second chance, at rectifying a previous mismatched, while the heel of our hands were scraping a street block in the vicinity of home. Heading east we traced the parallel arteries toward school and coming round around at realizing the traffic circle. While behind at the other end, in mind I mapped, the intercepting angle width of the street from downtown to the harbor. Feeling inefficient against the giant tires of the Caterpillar grader that passes by in the streets like a street-sweeper. We mimicked these massive machines, and there, at the school circle we dug with fingers and nails our excavator buckets the road rising left with a hairpin bend. We came to stand bridging over our creation, feet spread wide apart on the suburban plots. Our hands, one resting on the side of the heap of sand, the other continues cutting the embankment and leveling the surface for our vehicles. We proceeded right, and away from the face of the suburb. Spider crawled while tracing a great around about circle to the north face, without regard at that time of our youth, for the existence of a quarry entrance .

From a glass ball spatial view into the future, reflecting a display window's depth, the furniture of a reality. Time will tell apart Sundays without a diesel black smoke billowing into the atmosphere. From nearby bushes metallic screeches ankle shackles a chains driven monster machine, which rose our curiosity. Our fright came from the background. There where the bushy hillside slope gently leveling out a savanna spread toward distant blue-gum trees. There, the flat landscape of a horse race course, which white circuit picket fence ran away at length with a straight of jacaranda trees. Trees planted in the midst of a flourishing, the blues jingle bells, of a purpled tropical division to a pair of white grit lanes. In the far distance across the way, reflected the bright white strip building with its silver T-shaped saddle roof. Our elementary school, where disciple reigned, teachers as stone faced as our father, who

instilled more fear than the wild animals of the jungle. Rogi and me, hid and watched from behind bushes the ghosts of shifting booms against the open pastel blue sky. The many arms that dug the bucket in situ lava. A boom that hoisted, swiveled around, lowered, and opening a bucket trap dumping its sand. On that day, we had spotted the out-of-the-way rusted tubular frame with wire mesh. A farm gate hinged through a pair of rusty eyes, and pushed back against the wayside wild bushy vegetation. We took as an open invitation from the luring black road, where a blade of grass didn't survive, which slipped its black shadow down and turned away out of sight. We checked the opposite planted and lopsided girder that supported a few flimsy posts. Chain wrapped, and newish, locked like slave on a stake. That didn't wrap up the haunting sensation, which grew form the low and warped wire mesh fence on our way earlier up to the spot, with wayside bushes and tall grass meddled in a fence-less silent re-claim. My brother short on my heels, and bend low that which quadruplet creatures were given by nature to crawl under bush. We contoured the gate, and low on bend knees, from bush to bush, prowled in diagonal for the monster of a machine in activity. Came up to the sheer drop, with a view of the charcoal terrace of a hillside quarry. Feeling exposed by the native operator facing us from the cabin of a rusty mechanical monster, puffing smoke and squealing a grind. We escaped as fast and in stealth, haunted by the idea of being discovered. Red as fire, our grandfather's familiar red dumper truck, which rocked and rolled with our coming, by the sudden dump from a hippo's jaws with a grunt, and roaring at us. With that last load of sand and at sight of the truck pulling off, we ran like chickens wild through the bush, meeting the growling engine coming after us. Short of the gate, feeling the red truck sought us out through the wayside bushes. We came to a standstill, and lowered ourselves. on our hunkers behind a bush, we watched in fright father's shadow through the obscurity of the driver's window. His stone face, thoughtless gaze straight ahead. The laden truck passed us be, without that our father flinching a squint in our direction. We waited though, for the tailgate to turn away at the gateway. Once cleared, in a slow move, to the sound of an engine purring, riding the downhill by which we had come earlier. The purlieu return a silence, bringing us out of hiding. We headed up the middle of the wide quarry road, having in sight the ridge at the gate of the passing hillside scenic road. A mere right glance from the bubble of my soul. I'm taken on another scene. Further around to the rear of the volcano, where the sun seems to rise from the wide expanse of the lake in the morning. Short of the top, hustled by a horde of teasing crows, claiming a territorial right with a ritual protective dance. There where the savanna slope slips to the rear of an industrial hideout of shelters ending a street in the harbor. By then we moved up, to stand in a cycloramic theater of our youth. the spiraling road tightening to a close, at an indentation on the mountain ridge no greater than a car's turning point of the leveled-out crater to a view of the cuneiform suburb.

the lip of the crater was the place of a flashback with a native foot path in hiding behind the eyelashes of tall tuft grass. There, with a sheer downhill trail through the bushes waiting to be found for a child's mischief. One stood over the school traffic circle, to the swell of in leaf canopies in the line of sight that casted in bright daylight. The meager shade of the young tree, given the few years the white grit pair of lanes on either side were laid-out. The section of a main artery that zigzags with circles breaks from the downtown main street. a flashback through the course of my life, to that day's mischief that I was up to with my brother. We came huffing and puffing climbing the steep hillside straight through the bushes to find a skulking place. on a ledge we seated behind bushes, believing in Indian smoke messages. facing home's parallel arteries, the one black the other white, which slipped away into a far distant blurry northern circle. There, moments earlier we were in the vicinity of the Danani's Indian store. at the first occasion in a crowded native market, waiting for a thief's occasion, we bought our brand packet of Belga Rouge cigarettes. Then, at the other end of town, we struck match after match. drew hard on cigarettes going out of fashion. Pulled one after the other from the flimsy cigarette pack, fire red, over our knees on the ground, our faces in a cloud of smoke, feeling nauseous rising and grabbing our body to disgust.

With a "Wroom, vroom" here, and a "Wroom, vroom" there. A "Wroom, vroom from my brother, and a "Wroom, vroom" mimicking engines roars over my lips. Trucks and cars driving after the heel of our hands which, graded suburban street with Caterpillar efficiency. Such moments triggered a play of reality, to a flashback of a daring schoolmate, emotions on fire after riding our bikes up to the crater. He found at the lip outlook post, in the tall grass the hidden foot trail. I came to a halt and lined-up behind with my bicycle. When my schoolmate pulled away to disappear, without the wings of a paraglider, and in front of me. I didn't see, and didn't want to know, jumping with my bike after him. No sooner I had sight of him down the straight, that the bushes came up, crowding with an onlooker's curiosity the path into obscurity. My worst dare till then, was a flight of half a dozen stairs at the main street strip mall. I had that sensation of the bike bolting away, accelerating through shoulder leaf brushing thickets. the flimsy breaks ceased to respond in the silent dive. Then, in a glimpse, I watched my friend disappear to the right through bushes. in the nick of time, I leaned left for the barrel vault and cleared my way. Stopping on the hillside road I began wondering; 'How did I get there and safe?' I waited for my schoolmate, until fright oozed through my skin, by sight picking up the crawling dusk coming from afar. as a shadow settled deeper into the natives market, a sprawling black monster fast approaching bearing father's rising anger. While waiting, I became nervous and impatient on the hillside road. I couldn't see my way climbing the steep slopes in search for my friend in the bushes. With shifting eyes from father's menace to the top of the naked

embankment that broke the foot trail. lined bushes were seeking me, ready to jump down, at hearing of my thoughts, to slip off on the quiet toward the dark luring hairpin bend a short distance in front of me. The following Monday on the school playground, after being haunted over the weekend with the heavyweight for leaving a friend in the lurch. My confusion persisted, as I had when wheeling off by gravity. I arrived home a split moment before father. The coincidence of laying sight on the boy walking up the playground. Crisscrossing ways, him an arm in plaster up to the crotch, while I was filled with guilt. as quick he had entered my life, without a squint he exits.

Rogi and me, with a cupped hand mimicking the blade of the Caterpillar that scraps the streets. Our imagination didn't reach into the history of an ancient lava flow that existed all about us. as we were in the routines of growing-up the bushes. We were contented to rebuilding our town from the point of our street corner by the thrive of a mechanical reality that was our genetic fantasy. Through tall hairy grass that blurred the ankles and legs up to the hip of native crews. These manual lawn mower, were handy at getting into the interstices of the sidewalk curbs with whitewashed boulders. They moved down either side of the street, and coming from the speed break hump, of a ridge under which lies a lava flow between tow terraces. The men with a prosthetic hoop iron blades extending an arm to a crow foot. Who with a golfer's dexterity of a one arm through swing, in the crew's passage clouded with flying long grass stalks. Alongside who, a slow moving Caterpillar purring a diesel engine the first pass with a scraper blade, at an acute angled, shifting a traffic wayside spills. And, with a mikado pickup of grass stalks spread, the blade pushed the sand and all back toward the middle. The caterpillar before the men, gradually disappeared being the mulberry hedge on the far property in the opposite corner of the T-junction. The caterpillar returns. And, again with another last pass, the blade smoothing a curious phenomenon of traffic forming a corrugation in the middle of the streets, and with the crew on the last pass disappeared in the distance. We were alerted of oncoming cars, by the dull thumping chock absorbers. with mischief circulating in our veins, these flashback moments of running out the driveway. Standing to catch from a meager passage of traffic, the license numbers that we noted on a block-note pad. after each vehicle, and with a sense of culpability, we walked back with shifty eyes seeking out across the giant parade of thick knitted and in-leaf swell of the mulberry hedge that wrapped the corner. As no signs of life came from next door, we felt to have come off unscathed, and started off running for the next rumbling wheels. This was a premonitory sign in the first dimension, and instance of an accusation. in the second dimension when Father walked up to me that day, his stone face melting by the tropical heat with anxiety. And, rather bothered, saying to himself; 'As I don't have enough problems?' then diplomatic as he seldom was. he asked me, "Did you slit the boy'' wrist with a razor blade?" "No," I replied stupefied. "I trust you," father said and sudden he had appeared in the street, where we were in the habit of gathering the neighborhood children and play Hopscotch with my brother and sisters. Astounded after a reflection, I glanced over my shoulder in the direction of father walking away. He disappearing around the mulberry hedge; and left me with the notion of an appearing vision, of father walking through the first of double in-and-out driveway gap through the billowing greens. There, where no man dare to enter. Since the incident corresponded, when Rogi and me, we had a mere glance under the in-leaf low hanging skirt where beyond the thick leg of a tree trunk in the dark. In the daylight of the property, the chief of police's boys and us had set eyes on each other.

Our father was known to have the longest in time building site under-construction, under-construction, Sorry I'm his son, the next episode is up and coming.... soon!

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