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Mr Ikedi turned to the young man on his right and said: Today, we send you to bring knowledge. Remember that the
fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I have heard of young men from other towns who went to the white mans
country, but instead of facing their studies, they went after the sweet things of the flesh. Some of them even married
white women.
The crowd murmured its strong disapproval of such behavior. A man who does that is lost to his people. He is like
rain wasted in the forest. I would have suggested you a wife before you leave. But the time is too short now. I know
that we have no fear where you are concerned. We are sending you to learn enjoyment can wait. Do not be in a
hurry to rush into the pleasures of the world. The gathering ended with singing of Praise God from whom all
blessings flow. The guests then said their farewells to Obi, many of them repeating all the advice that he had already
been given. They shook hands with him as they did so they pressed their presents into his palm to buy a pencil with, or
an exercise book or a loaf of bread for the journey.
From Chinua ACHEBE, No Longer At Ease.


A. Read the text and tick the appropriate answer. (2 pts)
1. The young mans name is: a. Ikedi
b. Lord
c. God
d. Obi
2. The villagers were sending him: a. to study b. to play c. to get married
3. The villagers didnt want black men to marry white women because they would be:
a. lost
b. happy
c. nice
d. lucky
4. Before the young man left, the guests gave him:
a. pencils
b. exercise books
c. presents
d. books

d. to sing

B. Say whether these sentences are true or false; justify your answers from the text. (4 pts)
5. The villagers didnt want their children to go to school. T


6. The villagers have confidence in the young man. T


7. The villagers are fervently religious. T


8. The young man is married. T


C. Find in the text words which are similar in meaning to the following. (2 pts)

Knowledge one gets from experience and maturity =

Disagreement =
Attitude =
Alarge number of =


D. Put the verbs between brackets in the right tense or form. (2pts)
13. Last year, a young man (send) abroad by the villagers so that he

could (learn) from the books of the white people. Before


(leave), they gave him some advice so that he might not be (lose).

E. Complete these sentences meaningfully choosing the best solution. (2 pts)

14. The young man will have to study many years to get a diploma.
( for / since / ago )

15. The villagers shook hands with him, they? ( did / didnt / wasnt )
16. The chief of the village gave him a present and the villagers.
( so did / neither did / too )

17. This young man will be the educated person in the village.
( more / most / less )

F. Rewrite these sentences using the given prompts. (2 pts)

18. The villagers said: We send you to bring knowledge.
They said to him ..


Do not be in a hurry to rush into the pleasures of the flesh the Chief advised.

The Chief advised ...


2. Some advice had already been given to the young man by the villagers.
The villagers ...

3. Although they trusted him very much, they decided to advise him.
In spite of .........

G. Ask the questions corresponding to the underlined words. (1,5 pt)

4. They shook hands with him.


23. ..?
24. ..?
ESSAY WRITING/ Choose one topic and write around 100 and 150 words about it. (5 pts)
1. Would you like to go abroad for your studies? Why or Why nor?
2. Dialogue: Your grandfather thinks that school is bad for girls, but you dont agree. Write a dialogue in which
you will try to convince him.
3. Letter: One of your friends wants to stop school to get married. Write a letter to give him/her advice.

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