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Shanghai Daily Saturday 7 February 2009 LIVE IN SHANGHAI C7

here’s nothing as
traditional for Chinese
festivals as dumplings,
especially the round
ones with the pleasing shape that To find descriptions,
symbolize unity, harmony and pictures and comments
togetherness. They are especially from other customers, visit
important for family get-togethers,
notably in the upcoming Lantern
Festival, and are often filled with
sweets. Tips for tangyuan
Different festivals feature differ- 1. No matter what color, the
ent dumpings in different parts of cooked dough should looks
the country, but they all represent shiny, and if the stuffing is
family reunion and harmony. sweet, it should be smooth.
Many Chinese families, Lard and sesame oils are
especially in northern China, commonly used in making
traditionally make dumplings the tangyuan that should
together as a group, and then savor have the flavor of the oil.
the results together. Butter-flavored tangyuan are
There are countless kinds of in supermarkets in yellow
dumplings, flour (wheat, rice, packages, under the brand
etc), stuffings (meats to nuts and Wanzaimatou.
sweets) and ways of rolling the 2. The dough should not stick
dough, cutting it, shaping and to your teeth when you eat it.
pinching it, and cooking it (steam- 3. Careful with the boiling
ing, frying, boiling). Dumplings water. Too high a boil will
with meat stuffing are usually buffet the dumplings and they
juicy, and cooks try to capture as will look plump, which means
much soup in the dumplings as they are overcooked.
possible before sealing them. 4. Don’t overeat. The oily and
There are many legends about sweet filling can be difficult to
dumplings. One story goes that digest — if you eat too much.
1,800 years ago, Zhuge Liang,
one of China’s greatest strategists,
made the first dumpling. He used
human head-sized dumplings as Where to find
sacrifices to comfort the spirits of
soldiers who were to be slain in
good tangyuan
battle. • Mei Xin Snack Shop
The big dough balls symbolized The sesame stuffing has won
the deceased soldiers’ heads and top honors for stuffing and the
were dropped into a river before dough is very tasty. The shop
a battle — to ask the gods for preserves its 1980s style of a
victory. typical Shanghai snack shop.
Dumplings are a must-eat in Jiaozi All the staff are experienced
different festivals, but vary. and middle aged. The kitchen
is glassed-in and guests can
Tangyuan watch the process of hand-
The Lantern Festival next Legend has it that the first Chinese dumplings making the tangyuan in the old
Monday is famous for its dazzling traditional style.
lantern gala and sometimes the fun Address: 105 Shaanxi Rd N.
riddles posted on lanterns. It marks were big dough balls symbolizing human heads — Tel: 6247-0030
the end of the 15-day Chinese • Cheng Chang Yuanzi Store
Lunar New Year celebrations, and
family members are supposed to
they were thrown into a river as an offering to the The shop is managed by top
snack brand Shen Da Cheng
eat tangyuan together during the group. The sesame stuffing is
Lantern Festival. With a sticky gods for victory in battle. Tan Xian tells us more delicious but not too sweet.
round surface and sweet stuffing, Address: 87 Yunnan Rd S.
tangyuan represents family unity,
completeness and happiness.
Traditional tangyuan are made Whoever gets the sweet jiaozi or dough was colored green with plants
with sweet fillings, such as sweet- coin is believed to be in luck for to deceive the inspection of govern-
ened sesame or peanuts. the coming year. ment, and then sent to those uprising
Actually, the sticky rice Stuffing varies from pork and farmers, according to one story.
dumpling was originally called yu- other meat to many vegetables. The dumpling is sweet and usu-
anxiao, and people in the northern Jiaozi are sometimes served as ally stuffed with red bean paste.
China now still call it yuanxiao. a main course. Northern Chinese
The story goes that the name was often offer the dumplings to an Zongzi
ordered to change by Yuan Shikai, important guest or family member These dumplings are eaten
an important general and po- who has returned after a long during the Dragon Boat Festival
litical figure in late Qing Dynasty absence, to show happiness. to commemorate the death of
(1644-1911) who tried to create an Jiaozi and wonton are usually Qu Yuan, an honorable poet but
imperial dynasty. As yuanxiao can cooked in boiling water. They also disgraced poet who ended his life Wonton Zongzi
also be translated as “the vanishing can be fried or steamed. Wonton, by jumping into a river.
of the Yuan era,” Yuan banned the typical of the south, is usually The story goes that people tossed
name. Then the rice dumplings served with soup, while jiaozi is zongzi into the river so that fish
were called tangyuan. served with dipping sauces. would eat the dumplings, and spare
the honorable man.
Jiaozi and wonton Qingtuan Zongzi are made of glutinous or
Jiaozi are the crescent-shaped Qingtuan, green sticky rice sticky rice stuffed with fillings and
dumplings popular in northern dumpling which is named after its wrapped in bamboo leaves, then
China, round, thin-skinned wonton color and shape, is a special food in steamed or boiled. Stuffings can be
are the dumplings in the south. the Qingming Festival, or Tomb- sweet or salty, savory.
They share a 1,400-year history. sweeping Festival, a time to visit the The dumplings have two shapes
Jiaozi were described as crescent- graves of departed relatives and also — xiaojiaozong and zhentouzong.
shaped wonton when they were to enjoy the greenery of spring. Zhentouzong is shaped like a
recorded in the Three Kingdoms Qingming Festival is around pillow. The triangle-shaped xiaoji-
period (220-280 AD). The original April 5. aozong literally means the tiny foot
meaning is “the shift from the old The history of qingtuan is said of women with bound feet.
year to the new year.” to go back 2,000 years ago when The leaves are filled will raw
For the Lunar New Year, a fam- ordinary people were forbidden by sticky rice and raw stuffing, then
ily would make jiaozi together as a law to cook on a certain day. So tightened with straws, boiling in
group. Sometimes a sweet or a coin they made rice dough two days in water for at least five hours that Qingtuan
would be hidden in a dumpling. advance. In the Qing Dynasty, the made a tasty zongzi.

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