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Merry Chris. Eats Man! It was Christmas. It was dark and snowing.

The distant wolves were baying for the half moon. Somewhere in the deep, dark forest came a series of weeping and moaning; but within a few minutes, they disappeared. A weary traveler was walking like a corpse on the wide and steep country road. He had not eaten or drank for two days. He was young, perhaps not yet reached thirty. His face was fine-looking. He had a straight and pointed nose, thin, bloodless lips, long eyelashes and a pair of large green eyes which shone like diamonds in night. His forehead was square and part of it was covered by his blood curly hair. The chilly wind pushed him and his heavy suitcase to the ground, causing him tremble violently, and mud spread all over his black cloak. The heavy snow stuck to his cloak and clothes and melted immediately when it touched his feverish skin. The traveler got up slowly like a snail. As he stood, his green dazzling eyes fixed on the small town in front of him. It was evenly divided by rugged mountains that stood quietly like a band of powerful giants, and a long narrow stream irrigated the surrounded thick forests and endless grassland. The travelers feature relaxed, and showed a faint smile. It was like the smile of a ghost. Staid, cold and mysterious. He held the suitcase immediately, using all the energy that was left, he sprinted toward the closest cottage, where a lamp was lit near the window. Wasted as he was, he knocked the door with his enormous hand and shouted: I beg you, open the door! he kicked the door very hard with his right foot, Would you please have the kindness to allow me to stay for a day or so, I promise I wont make any trouble. Who are you? Its Christmas, why are you here? What do you want? replied a soft, bell- like voice. However, the door stood locked and still. I am a physician from the neighboring town. Please, I know I am not supposed to be here on Christmas Day, but I have been starving for days and I really need a shelter. Oh Please! For Gods sake, open the door for me! The traveler yelled, and he paused for a second for an answer. But nobody spoke. The man set his teeth furiously, and his countenance darkened with anxiety and anger. He swore secretly that if the damn door wouldnt open for him, he would burn the cottage, kill the people inside and steal their food and money until

nothing was left. Holding his boiling temper, the traveler spoke very calm to the door for the last time: Listen to me, please have some mercy. There is no other cottage around here, and I am both tired and hungry. I dont care if the food is bad or the room is small. All I want is a place to rest and something to fill my stomach. Ive already promised to do no harm to neither you nor your family. Moreover, I am not a monster but a human being like you. Now would you please open the door? Initially, the door was ajar quietly, and then it was opened fully by a young skinny woman. Shadow played on her face. Her dress was dirty and smelled like rotten food. She stared at the traveler for a moment with astonishment, at last she spoke: Ah! It is you, sir! Mr. Chris! The most intelligent and skillful physician in the neighboring town! Well, sir, it is an honor to have you here in my humble residence. Please forgive me for letting you stay outside for such a long time. You must know, sir, that I am a poor prostitute. I have no money and no food for this years Christmas. My son is ill and I have been starving for a day or so. But if you do not mind, I would like to provide you a comfortable room and some water. Come in, sir, if you please. Ah yes, the traveler thought to himself. It is always my reputation that saves me in difficult times. After all, whats better than being rich and powerful? Thank you, maam, I thank you from my heart. All the flames of anger and revenge extinguished from the travelers heart at that very moment, and a charming smile displayed on his pale square face. As he stepped into the small, gloomy cottage, Mr. Chris examined the details of the room quietly. Through the glimmer of light, he saw only some old, dusty furniture was placed randomly in the room. The floor had holes and paints. There was a nasty smell in the room, the fragrance of mixed perfume. No sooner he heard weeping and moaning from the chamber in the dark corner. The young woman came forward and kneeled before Mr. Chris feet. She asked abruptly, almost desperately: You are a physician, sir, her voice quivered, she bent a little bit lower to the ground, I am penniless, and I cant afford a professional physician. But I can not see my dear son suffer alone, my heart swells whenever I hear he weeps. I have already lost my beloved

husband in the vicious war and I dont want to lose my only son. Please sir, I beg you mostly from my miserable heart: would you help my little boy and see if you can make him feel a little bit better? I promise you, sir, that if you could make him better, I would do anything to pay back the debt. Mr. Chris nodded without saying a word. The woman got up and stood before him with eyes filled with grateful tears. He pitied the woman. At the same time, he saw, as the moon appeared, gleam shone on the womans complexion. What an ugly toad! He whispered to himself, look at her freckle cheeks. I never saw one so tiresome like her. And look at her long brown hair, I bet she hasnt cut or wash her hair for a really long time! Disgraceful countenance! Ah! Her lustful eyes are wooing me! For shame, woman. Mr. Chris hid his disgust and disrespect for her. Her baby blue eyes shone in the dark as she stretched her bony hand and pointed at the door in the corner. He entered the chamber of the boy without turning back, and locked the door instantly. It stopped snowing, and the wind roared fiercely outside. The howling sound called for omens and all the evil spirits. Thunders echoed in the small chamber. He sat down next to a little bed with a shudder, murmuring something unclear in his mouth. A boy with a chubby face emerged from the white mattress, and spoke weakly: Where do you come from? What are you murmuring? Dont be afraid, Mr. Chris answered briefly as he opened his suitcase, I am a physician, and I am going to help you. The boy was silent, in a minute or two he fell to sleep quietly. Mr. Chris sat motionlessly like an elegant statue, his mind was ruffled. Now what will you do? A sweet, smooth voice called from Mr. Chris heart. You are extremely hungry, but that woman has just refused to give you anything to eat. She is nothing but a shrewd, powerful witch, and an excellent liar. You are not a simpleton. Do not save the boy, for he is a wretch just like his mother. Since human beings receive no compassion or support from others, we must not be trapped by our hysterical emotion or our intellectual judgment, but satisfy our needs and appetites directly. Remember, you are a man, and a man must act like a man! Eat this boy! If you disobey me, you will die with grief and regret! Eat him! Devour his flesh, drink his blood! Nevertheless, another voice spoke, it was loud and clear with

determination. What? Are you going to comply with the evil spirit, gratify your own desire and let this innocent boy be a victim? Think twice before you act! That lady already showed you good hospitality, and she did nothing but ask you to save his boy. Think about what youre doing. Youre a respectful man, a young man with talents and dreams. Why do you want to destroy this life who is already struggling with Death? Have mercy and sympathy! Comfort this poor creature! The boy was screaming and kicking unconsciously in his nightmare. Mr. Chris was thinking for a moment. And then he put on his gloves while he spoke to himself in a husky voice: Ill do everything for myself if its the only way Ill survive. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the boys collar as if he was a fiend; the boy woke up and uttered a low cry. But Mr. Chris was quicker. He took out a big, shinning, sharp knife from his black cloak and struck slit the boys throat brutally, and then pulled away the knife as fresh, lukewarm blood flew down along the neck of the boy like a tiny stream. He didnt hesitate; he moved to suck the blood with impatience. Mr. Chris used a rusty spoon from his pocket to pour out the boys eye balls carelessly. Blood sprayed on his black cloak. What the hell. He chuckled and swallowed the bloody eye balls with shaking hands. He made weird sounds as he opened the boys bosom with his knife. Under the moonlight, he looked like a bloodthirsty devil who only brought death and punishment to humankind. Mr. Chris stretched his hand to catch the heart, lungs and other organs and started cutting them with a really tiny penknife. He poked and sliced them carefully. The body on the bed was already a bloody mess, but Mr. Chriss grin only widened as he took eat piece into his greedy mouth. I pity none, he said hoarsely as he cut the fingers and the toes, and none shall pity me. Footsteps approached and he jumped from the bed in surprised. Unsatisfied with his achievement, he licked the blood from his knife and put his tools back into his suitcase. Mr. Chris then took the sheet and packed up the rest of the organs cheerfully and opened the window before the woman entered, and he jumped out of the window and climbed to an apple tree like a monkey. He listened while he unpacked and feasted the rest of the organs.

Where is my son? What did you do to my son? Mr. Chris heard the woman screamed, the sound penetrated his soul and suddenly made him felt guilty. Suddenly he had a better idea I ate him, Mr. Chris came down from the tree and went back into the room, and now I will have you, too. And he did. The next morning, several folks from the village found a womans body with no face, no nose and no tongue lying on the ground. She limbs were covered with bite marks and knife cuts. Next to her, there was a mess of flesh and bone of a young boy. But Mr. Chris was nowhere to be seen.

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