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The GOP had an opportunity to emphasis responsibility as the path to budget reduction.

Instead of voting 34 times to repeal Obamacare, they could have passed policy to reward responsibility as the center piece and driving force of their reduction efforts. Instead, they ignored it and choice sacrifice. They abandoned the lip service they give responsibility to reveal their real, funded goal: resetting efforts to dismantle the model of government consistent with the Declaration of Independence's American Promise, ripping away benefits tied to health and personal security while increasing the consolidation of wealth and power in fewer hands. In health care alone, $60 billion a year can be saved by focusing on diabetes (a condition that consumes 1 out of every 8 health care dollars!), reducing--and eliminating!--its impact through

Walter Rhett

Opportunity and Responsibility

greater responsibility for diet and exercise. $60 billion! Grants for hitting personal metrics are far cheaper than care; these grants would immediately reset care as an individual function-and reward those who take consistent responsibility. Instead, we get vouchers. Cuts. Suggestions for changing the age of eligibility. If responsibility works, fund it! Health can be improved by greater responsibility. If they are willing to pay for institutional cost reductions, pay individuals (no vouchers!) who can have the greater impact through responsibility on costs. To do otherwise is irresponsible!

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